
No PS4 NEO at E3, Sony Waits for Microsoft to Reveal Hand

Katie from Gamerscore Whores writes "Is the Sony camp nervous? Rumours are that Xbox will reveal project Scorpio, an amped up version of the Xbox One with hardware specs greater than that of the PS4 NEO. Are Sony waiting for Microsoft to reveal their hand?."

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ShadowKnight2917d ago (Edited 2917d ago )

Sony is going to wait and see what Microsoft do first lol. I just don't see Sony making big adjustments if they already started to manufacture the Neo. One thing I will say is that Sony is in no rush to reveal the Neo since they're already making profit and sold over 40 million consoles. I guess they can afford to do the wait and see approach.

ShottyatLaw2917d ago

Pretty much. Especially if they are planning to hit a Fall release window. Under the best of circumstances, they have maybe a month or so to make any adjustments prior to full-scale production. As far as E3, MS could announce the Scorpio but stay silent on the actual specs. Then what?

But Sony has 40+ million reasons not to be "nervous" of their competitors. Also, if we are hearing rumored specs of both consoles, you better believe both MS and Sony have heard about these boxes long before us, and their sources are probably better than the few anonymous devs or Twitter "insiders" we get.

Regardless, I think we're about to be reminded of why competition is such a great part of this industry.

ShadowKnight2917d ago (Edited 2917d ago )

Sony is in a great position with over 40 million consoles sold so why rush the Neo? TBH they don't have to release the Neo this year if they don't want. They have nothing to lose right now. They're just in a better position this gen and I don't think they need to release the Neo tbh. After Christmas they should have sold over 50 million consoles.

@Sammarshall102 If I was Sony I wouldn't release the Neo this year or at all since their doing so well in sales. Sony shouldn't even be worried about Microsoft atm. Sony will sell over 50 million consoles after Christmas and make profit off the PSVR. All you're thinking about is a console (Scorpio) with more power lol. And Sony can afford to delay the Neo if they really want to since their in a great position and still making profit off the PS4.

Does Sony really need to release the Neo?? Over 40 million consoles sold

sammarshall1022917d ago (Edited 2917d ago )

The development kits are already out in the wild so there likely won't be any adjustments to the Neo unless Sony delays it

The Scorpio will have the biggest power advantage of 2 tflops if they don't delay the Neo

2917d ago
UnHoly_One2917d ago

I think that whether or not MS even so much as mentions a new upgraded console is going to be 100% dependent on when they plan to release it.

Because like others have said, as soon as you announce the "bigger, better" thing that is coming along, what incentive is there to buy the "current" thing that is about to be outdated?

I don't see them announcing the Scorpio and then saying it comes out next fall.

I think that unless they plan to release it sometime in 2016 we won't hear a word about it.

Kingthrash3602917d ago

Sony ain't worried about Scorpio. ..they worried about the neo and vr. It's ms who are watching sony. As they've done all generation. The Ps4 was announced 4 months before the xbox and ms did nothing to counter that. I think they will give the neo it's own spotlight and keep e3 packed with games, As they should. The ps4 has sold double the xbox....And if Scorpio is a new console then numbers won't count anymore. The neo is a ps4 and isn't a new console so the power will stay the same...As will it's 40mil+ sales numbers.

freshslicepizza2917d ago

sony does not want to confuse consumers right now, they are focused on psvr but they had to get the elephant out there because the conversation has shifted to neo. sony doesn't want that. they want the topics to be about what software is coming and psvr. microsoft should just reveal the new slim model and lower the price and let sony reveal neo first before scorpio.

krypt19832917d ago

@shadowknight and you are right as well but you have it backwards, Microsoft has money and are not concerned about Sony one bit, they are extending there ecosystem to the pc with xbl I don't think you guys realize how hugh that is, it will seem mi-nute at 1st but just wait and see ...

BlackTar1872917d ago

You are tripping if you don't think ms is worried about Sony. They wouldn't be hiding numbers rumors of a new gen console already or buy out tomb raider.

extermin8or2917d ago

They could be aiming to release in fall but if they decide to make changes just launch in new year and it's nothing much to them, it will still sell. Yeah ps4 sales over xmas might suffer a little bit because of some people waiting but ultimately they have 40+million units sold already....

morganfell2917d ago


Persons such as yourself amuse me. You act as if MS has money to just throw around freely. Why didn't they use some of that boundless wealth and hire better engineers that could build a smaller console with an internal power supply? A more powerful console. Why are they shuttering so many studios? You do not realize there are MS investors calling for the Xbox Division to be sold off because it isn't profitable enough.

MS doesn't have money to throw around. They can't just decide to do something willy nilly. If they did then every major 3rd party game that released would be Xbox branded. Titanfall 2 wouldn't be on the PS4. Sony wouldn't have cornered the marketing rights for Destiny, Star Wars, BO3, and several other big sellers. You can sit in your room and dream all you want about MS sleeping on piles of money but the real world facts say something totally different. The money doesn't belong to MS. It belongs to the stockholders.

Sony isn't showing Neo at E3 because they do not want to sabotage current sales of the PS4. When you are the leader, why would you undercut yourself for 5 months of sales when you can bide your time. Especially when E3 hits and Sony announces a fall release date for The Last Guardian, things will explode. Sony wants to focus on games and PSVR - you know, the device that is being hailed as "How VR is done right." There is plenty of time for them to show Neo as late as Paris Games Week and then take preorders for a launch 30 days afterward.

freshslicepizza2917d ago (Edited 2917d ago )

"Persons such as yourself amuse me. You do not realize there are MS investors calling for the Xbox Division to be sold off because it isn't profitable enough."

now that is indeed laughable. that was years ago and that guy no longer works for microsoft. so please show me all these investors? all you are really saying with your cryptic messages is you dont like the xbox division and want it gone. so be honest, put that out there and never utter another word and move on. but you can't because the xbox is still around pestering your enjoy,ment somehow of enjoying your ps4 and ignoring them.

"MS doesn't have money to throw around. They can't just decide to do something willy nilly. If they did then every major 3rd party game that released would be Xbox branded. Titanfall 2 wouldn't be on the PS4. Sony wouldn't have cornered the marketing rights for Destiny, Star Wars, BO3, and several other big sellers. You can sit in your room and dream all you want about MS sleeping on piles of money but the real world facts say something totally different. The money doesn't belong to MS. It belongs to the stockholders."

why did tekken come to the xbox? what about devil may cry? its called expanding your userbase which you should be welcoming instead of making some silly console war bullet point. you would love titanfall 2 and every other game to be exclusive to ther ps4 so stop with your rambling. phil spencer also said he wants to get away from these timed exclusive deals like tomb raider so again you should be supportive instead of combative because you are a diehard sony fan.

your self centered views prevent you from enjoying franchises like forza horizon and halo and that is indeed sad. but go ahead anmd retort you can play them on pc while you still buy games like the witcher 3 on the ps4.

BattleAxe2917d ago

@ Morganfell,

Here we go again with selective memory on your part. It was only a couple of years ago that Sony was in serious financial trouble, including their gaming division which had lost $78 Million for the fiscal year ending in March 2014. They had to restructure their company which required selling their PC division, and even to this day, their TV division and their Mobile Phone division are big money losers.

In fiscal 2015, their mobile division lost $544 Million, and there's rumors that they might sell off the mobile division by the end of 2016. Their TV division is now focusing almost entirely on the high-end TV market, but in a few years time when 4k becomes the norm, Samsung and LG will put Sony right back into the position they were in 2012, when they were ready to get out of TV manufacturing all together, by undercutting the market like they have been with 1080p TVs for many years now.

Lets look at the facts, Sony has a Market Cap of $35.36 Billion, with a cash reserve of around $8 Billion. Microsoft has a Market Cap of $404.66 Billion, with a cash reserve of around $90 Billion. Microsoft does have the money to throw around if they so choose, and rather than selling off the Xbox division, they've done just the opposite by bringing Xbox completely under the umbrella of the Windows ecosystem.

You talk about Microsoft closing game development studios, but have you forgotten about Sony's studio closures in recent times? Lets go through the list shall we.....

- Sony Liverpool (Wipeout)
- Zipper Interactive (Socom & MAG)
- Evolution Studios (Motorstorm & Driveclub)
- Bigbig Studios (PSP & PS Vita games)
- Incognito Entertainment (Twisted Metal & Warhawk)
- Sony Online Entertainment.

I will also predict to you now, that you will see additional game studio closures, with studios such as:

- Sony Bend, who has had only one game since the year 2000, which has sold over 1 million copies (Uncharted: Golden Abyss @ 1.69 Million)

- Sony San Diego, who makes MLB The Show, which I believe has never sold over 1 million copies in it's history

- Media Molecule, who was purchased by Sony for the LittleBigPlanet series, which is a declining series in popularity/sales, and who also made Tearaway, which has not even come close to 1 miliion in sales. Dreams will more than likely not sell over 1 million units in my opinion, and I think this could possible be their final game with Sony, similar to Evolution and Driveclub.

- Guerrilla Cambridge. Formerly Sony Cambridge, they were restructured around the same time as Sony Liverpool was shut down. LittleBigPlanet for PSP sold well with over 2.5 million in sales back in 2009, but Killzone: Mercenary did not manage to sell over 1 million units. These were their two most successful games in their history, and I believe that if Rigs does not do well, then you can expect the studio to disappear.

BattleAxe2917d ago

@ Morganfell continued....

Sony has gone as far as they can go, and they know it. VR will not become as mainstream as the current video game market, and even if it does gain some traction, the PSVR experience is going to be sub-par when compared to Oculus or Vive. The PS4 simply does not have the power to render graphics on the same level as the competition. They know that Microsoft is going to come out hard with their next major hardware upgrade, and so they have decided to pull back because they got cold feet. It's no big deal, it is what it is.

Another area where Sony is shooting themselves in the foot, is their ecosystem, or lack thereof. Microsoft will be so far ahead of the game in a couple of years, that Sony will not be able to catch up, and of course Microsoft has an advantage on a level that Sony cannot possible achieve, which is that they have Windows OS. As a brand and as a service, Microsoft is the company that has the true global reach. If they can make every PC into an Xbox, then frankly, Sony just will not be able to compete on their level.

People who are not savvy with PCs will always purchase a console for ease of use, which is why Microsoft will always sell Xbox consoles, but I also believe that there will be a space for Sony, as there is for Nintendo. The problem with Sony, is that their vision and their ecosystem ends with each piece of hardware that they make, and they've shown no signs of changing that philosophy. On the other hand, Microsoft is investing in cross-platform communication and gaming, as well as backwards compatibility, so that you can carry your game collection over to future generations of hardware like the PC.

By reading this, you have now had your awareness of space and time elevated to a whole new level :)

morganfell2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

You have wasted your breath and this site's webspace because you lack comprehension. This isn't about intelligent expenditure of funds, or even Sony's spending. Instead my remarks focused on the imagined ability for Redmond to spend said monies freely without concern. Remember the issue to which I was replying. The idea that Microsoft is made of money and can do what they want.

That went completely over the heads of both moldy and battle ax and neither addressed the issue.

Sad really. It is such a simple point, but they either intentionally or by lack of even adolescent level reading comprehension skipped the entire point altogether. Or perhaps still it was just simple anger.

I was very clear and succinct in my remarks. And moldy, I never said MS didn't spend money on exclusivities. I said if they had money to do what they want Sony wouldn't have been able to buy any. See how simple that is? See the elemental difference? Here, allow me to assist you with your problem:


And battleax, nothing, no perceived amount of money nor past issues with money management can change the fact that Sony has soundly taken this generation. You can caterwaul all you want OFF TOPIC about Sony but 2:1 sales is a brutal truth. What you did was prove that despite all sorts of past mismanagement, little poor Sony is still showing super rich MS how to build a console and win a sales war. Shouldn't all of that MS money have made a difference? Thanks for helping to invalidate krypt's remarks. Gold star buddy!

Let me repeat my original point for you:


Saying "MS has loads of money" is the modern equivalent of "Oh yeah? Well my dad can beat up your dad!"

Except so far your dad has been getting his butt kicked. Saying "MS has money" is the erred belief they can throw cash at everything when they want and solve the problem. Such a stance only serves to demonstrate how little such believers know concerning the function and mechanisms of a modern corporation.

BattleAxe2916d ago

Ah, Morganfell my boy... the facts escape you once again. You are incapable of being able to see the big picture. Nobody disputes the fact that Don Mattrick botched the launch of Xbox One, and that they made a poor decision going a little bit cheap on the hardware to balance out the cost of bundling the system with Kinect, resulting in the $100.00 price advantage that Sony had for the first 6 months both consoles were out on the market.

If you were smart, you would acknowledge the different direction that Xbox has had under the leadership of Phil Spencer, and you would understand that what Xbox is doing with regards to Xbox One and Windows 10, is much bigger than anything that Sony has going on. Sony has hit a wall, and while 40 million in sales is impressive, they really don't have much vision outside of offering 4K on their next console, and offering PSVR, which will be underpowered compared to Oculus and Vive. Also, nobody wants to stream games over the internet. The graphics are nowhere near as good when you stream, and it eats up huge amounts of bandwidth.

When one looks at issues such as these, you have to consider the information offered in a logical manor. You however, have a tendency to inject your personal emotions into the equation, resulting in your clouded judgement. Now, this goes without saying, that a business must spend their money in ways that are responsible, and so of course, Microsoft will not be spending their money frivolously. However, if it were to come down to a pissing contest between Microsoft and Sony, Sony would get soaked. Sony is still trying to get their house in order, and they're not out of the woods yet.

morganfell2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )


It has become useless attempting any discussion with you. I make a post and you reply at me rather than to me and then wish to continue on as if we can have some sort of discourse when you fail to even address the issue to which you are replying. That issue is MICROSOFT DOESN'T HAVE BUCKETS OF MONEY SITTING AROUND TO BUY UP WHATEVER THEY WANT. That's it. That's my comment. And I discussed historically and in the current timeline their actions are not those of a company that can write a check for anything and everything. My point is so far beyond you that you cannot even address it, isn't it.

Nowhere do I attack the direction the Xbox Division has taken under Phil. In fact I think they are headed in a different direction than you do and I believe that direction is their absolute best move. BUT THAT ISN'T THE POST TO WHICH YOU REPLIED. YOU LACK READING COMPREHENSION AND THE ABILITY TO UNDERSTAND WHAT I WAS DISCUSSING IN THE FIRST PLACE.

How can we possibly have a conversation if you lack such basic understanding?

I am not debating whether MS intelligently spent or is spending the money they do invest in gaming. That isn't an agenda of mine in the least. I AM SAYING THEY DO NOT HAVE A BOTTOMLESS PIT TO SPEND WHAT THEY WANT BUT PEOPLE ALWAYS ACT LIKE MS IS MADE OF MONEY.

Are you incapable of simple comprehension? Can you not grasp such an elementary supposition? Do you not see the difference between debating if MS has made smart moves with money versus the idea that MS has an endless supply of money to make as many smart or dumb moves as they want forever. My point is the latter. Whether they spend intelligently or not doesn't matter. Whether Phil has made strides as a leader isn't part of the debate. The sole subject of the issue is he doesn't have a blank checkbook to buy everything he wants.

You refer to me as a boy when I am likely far older than you. Such persons as yourself take up this habit when they themselves feel insecure in their own maturity. Yet you have failed in 3 posts to even remotely address the issue to which you have pretended to reply. Someone needs to run along to school indeed.

Done. I am done for one cannot have a discussion when a person is talking to thin air with no concept of the very subject of the discussion.

BattleAxe2916d ago

@ Morganfell

You have no idea what their real budget is. You're going on pure speculation. How are you able base an argument on something that you really have no idea about. By the way, no company has "endless" money to spend. And what's the point of your argument anyway? It's not like Sony has endless money to spend either!

morganfell2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )


Where did I say I knew what MS' budget was en toto? All I said is that it isn't unlimited and they cannot spend freely and buy what they want. Do you always read things that are not there? A trip to the optometrist might be in order.

Sony's budget isn't even part of the equation. Where do Sony supporters act like MS supporters and claim Sony has a ton of money and can do what they want? Where is that? MS users constantly remark that Redmond is swimming in cash and can do as they like. They can't. But you ignore those remarks like you have ignored it since you responded to me and completely avoided my main point. You have one of the most broken systems of reading comprehension ever. Did you graduate from any school ever?

What is the point of my comment? You missed it. Your own fellow MS supporters keep acting as if MS has an unlimited budget. I called BS on it. What do you do in reply? You go off on a tirade discussing anything but my remarks. Absurd, pitiful, and laughable all at the same time.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 2916d ago
jessionpc2917d ago

When consumers, "Know", whats going on months before anything official, Sony certainly knows exactly what Microsoft is doing.

It's all fly by the moment shit now. On the dime, it's plausible to believe either company could adjust release price on the fly to compete, "Like the ps4 rumored to during it's release event."


Whatever these consoles are, they are almost certainly now set in stone. Whatever reason why Sony isn't revealing NEO now is in the sky.

I will say this though, the Xbox 3 was prepared to do a refresh during it's reveal before it sold. They were scared shitless then, they are scared shitless now. They've had over 2.5 years to prepare a new console that they cannot allow to fail, even if they take a financial hit to maintain brand respect, which is much more important than short term profit.

Maybe Sony knows this, and while it focused on the good console, microsoft focused on a new console. It's possible they will adjust price and do a private release event soon after E3 PS Experience, "which we all love way more than E3 now anyways, because it's true passion, not just a cock measuring contest."

SmielmaN2917d ago

If MS wants brand respect they need a better variety of games. Halo, forza, gears is stale and sales have been dropping. Games will bring customers.

FPS_D3TH2917d ago

I think they haven't revealed theirs yet because of price point and perhaps features. That's my only guess why too really. That and they can afford to wait and see being in the lead of today's console market.

trooper_2917d ago

Sony's like a shark waiting for fresh blood. They probably have a strong counter strategy.

SmielmaN2917d ago

They can afford to wait. I don't think they are nervous at all really. The writer of the article is just playing to their audience sure, but Sony can wait on Neo until next fall of they wanted. I think confirming its existence but keeping it from E3 is about a couple things: 1) keeping the focus on games/VR, 2) seeing MS reaction. Sony has nothing to be nervous about when it comes to the PS4 and subsequent upgraded versions. All they did was downplay a new hardware model because it's not a big deal for Sony userbase. To MS userbase a new Xbox is its savior.

trooper_2917d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

Apparently I hurt feelings when I said that.

They can wait but at the same time they have a counter strategy.

Budrazor2917d ago

Yeah, their counter strategy is wait and see what MS does it's becoming their MO. That's why they always choose 2nd at E3. If confidence is high they shouldn't have a problem going 1st then.

krypt19832917d ago

Well keep waiting, why would Microsoft show the scorpio and cannibalize the Xbox slim sells? doesn't make sense right! Glad we all use commonsense.

BossBattle2917d ago (Edited 2917d ago )

Only thing about it is that MS is releasing the Scorpio at the end of 2017 way after the Neo releases. The Scorpio will be more powerful. Everyone knows Sony waited for MS to reveal the X1 first. MS knows that tactic now and won't allow the Neo to outperform the Scorpio especially when their company is at stake. Sony is releasing the PSVR this year which is pushing the PS4 to its limits already according to the privileged who've tested it. Basic PSVR games were non responsive or show latency at certain points in the game. So the Neo will be required to advance VR games any further. MS is not rushing the Scorpio because the basic X1 can't play VR games anyway. MS may reveal details about their Xbox Slim soon but will hold off on the Scorpio to much later.

Lennoxb632917d ago

"MS knows that tactic now and won't allow the Neo to outperform the Scorpio especially when their company is at stake."

LMAO. MS' company is not at stake in the least. And nobody knows when either of these consoles will release.

2917d ago
Dark_Knightmare22917d ago (Edited 2917d ago )

People like you irritate me as well as stand in awe of what revisionist history allows some deluded people to truly believe and state as fact. The ps4 was unveiled like 2 or 4 months at its own event before Microsoft held their own and unveiled the x1 so no Sony didn't wait for Microsoft to unveil the x1 first and everybody sure as hell don't believe in that revisionist history you cooked up.

BossBattle2917d ago (Edited 2917d ago )

@3bnzombieskilled @darkknightmare when I said sony waited for MS to reveal the X1 first I wasn't talking about specs necessarily. Sony had planned to be always on and have DRM implemented. But the outrage that MS received made Sony change their minds quickly. Also the Sony team were giving each other high fives when they found out the price of the X1 was $100 more than the PS4.

@lennox I guess you wanted me to specifically say the Xbox division is at stake. MS would take a major loss especially in reputation if Xbox went down. You guys downplay the fact that the Scorpio will be more powerful than the Neo. The Neo will release first because PSVR advancements depend on it. Just the fact that PSVR games look basic so far and have a latency of 18ms, which is more than the Vive or Rift, is a sign that the Neo is needed sooner than the Scorpio.

MainstreamGamer2917d ago

You damn xboners always make up history as you go along. Sony held their their ps4 reveal way before MS mention the Xbox one. MS fanbase always spreading lies. That why Sony gamers are here to put you idiots in your place. And you mention subpar performance for the PSVR when every other journalists says otherwise. You guys are a joke.

2917d ago
2917d ago
BossBattle2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

Somehow you skipped over the part "Now it’s revealed that something very similar happened with the PlayStation 4 used game policies. Microsoft revealed a rather harsh used game DRM on the Xbox One, and Sony had something similar on the PlayStation 4.

But after the outrage and negative feedback from gamers regarding the Xbox One, Sony quietly reversed its policies, finally revealing at E3 that the PS4 will not feature used game DRM. This is according to none other than SCE Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida, who admitted the policy change in a recent interview with Japanese publication Famitsu.

Sony deliberately kept their cards close tot heir chests, and waited for Microsoft to be the first to announced a used game policy and price. Then Sony had the freedom to adjust. When Sony revealed a $399 price point and no DRM at E3, it was met with a minute-long applause from the crowd."

Take your time buddy and read slowly. Sound out the syllables. I•di•ot

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2916d ago
miyamoto2917d ago (Edited 2917d ago )

As usual Sony has the "upper hand". Tee Heeh Hee! :-)
But treading carefully is a wise move.
"Never underestimate Microsoft."
That is the winning formula.

Pogmathoin2917d ago

MS may reveal Scorpio with Tech yet to be fully finalized, leaving Sony in limbo. To me its a startling lack of faith from Sony's end. They gave up on PS4 already? MS had to do something, that was obvious.... Sony do not, but they are worried still......

Ashby_JC2917d ago

Agreed. Sony in my mind dont even need a upgrade in hardware. The system is selling very well.

I think its smart for them to wait. See what MS does...see what there pricing is ....and see what the consumer reaction is going to be.

Tsar4ever012917d ago (Edited 2917d ago )

Wow, didn't these fools at even look at Andrew House statements when asked why Neo wasn't showing up at E3? He said & I quote. “We want to ensure we have a full range of the best experiences on the new system that we can showcase in their entirety,” he said. They got nothing to showcase, that's why no Neo at E3.

If Sony's going to sell the Neo to current Ps4 gamers as well bring in new people, they'll have to demonstrate what the Neo can do compared to the base ps4 as well as promote all of it's 4k attributes.

And here these idiots at Gamersscore whores trying to imply that Sony's suddenly changing their schedules and play "wait and see what our competitor does" game in fear of the Oh mighty powerful Xbox Scorpio coming next year. Psst, Please...

jrshankill2917d ago

Let's face it, Sony are being pussies. Whatever delusional way you want to put it, at the end of the day, their afraid to show their console.

Don't be surprised when a megaton is dropped with Scorpio and Neo gets delayed to meet or exceed the specs.

Apologists in here are ridiculous at the minute. Absolutely deluded. E3 is to showcase your up and coming wares, revealing it to a website a few days beforehand and admitting it won't make an appearance at E3 is a complete dick-move. A move that, unfortunately, fanboys accept.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2916d ago
Nitrowolf22917d ago

I don't think it has anything to do with waiting to see what they have.

Sony, and other consoles manufacturer haven't really used e3 as their event to reveal new hardware. Both the ps4 and ps vr were announced at their own events.

ShadowKnight2917d ago (Edited 2917d ago )

It makes more sense to reveal it at PSX

@Iberius I can't give you a bubble lol

fanboysmackdown2917d ago (Edited 2917d ago )

In response to your earlier comment, yeah they need to release it this year because of the VR so you're out to lunch. Why exactly do you think they're releasing the Neo? PS4 can't handle the VR and people seem to be forgetting this.

extermin8or2917d ago

gamescom with september release (they've done this for multiple pieces of hardware before- ps3 slim 1 and slim 2; psp slim, ps tv etc) or paris games week i don't think TGS is an option as I doubt the japanese market cares about power and graphics.

GrubsterBeater2917d ago


"PS4 can't handle the VR and people seem to be forgetting this."

VR has only been seen running on the vanilla PS4, and it runs perfectly fine.

You're comment comes off as so ignorant and uninformed.

King_Lothric2917d ago

At last, someone with common sense.

Iberius2917d ago (Edited 2917d ago )

I think they aren't showing the Neo for 2 primary reasons.

One they don't want to dilute their conference by focusing too much on hardware at their conference (PS4, PsNeo, and PSVR) at the expense of showing games.

Secondly, I think they want to get the messaging/marketing piece right for Neo, since they know people have their doubts and concerns about how Neo will affect the Playstation ecosystem now and in the future. Saving Neo for another event where they can give it proper attention and explanation is important.

marquisray2917d ago

Or just waiting to see what microsoft have so they can out do them

Chug2917d ago

Oh, like flipping a switch? I don't think it really works that way, they're likely too far in to do anything like that. And second, I don't think they're too worried about Microsoft. The "Scorpio" isn't going to magically fix their problems.

Aloy-Boyfriend2917d ago

Either way it's an advantage for Sony. MS is in a more desperate situation with the Xbox One and its dark aura since the reveal and everything that has happened ever since.

Sony wasn't afraid pf revealing the PS4 first, and it ended up being more powerful than the Xbox One still. Sony has better reasons to not show PS4 newo than just wait for MS to reveal whatever they have

Rude-ro2917d ago

1080p 60fps will be the mark for both consoles... After that, it is games so, unless Microsoft can learn to make some phenomenal games, they will be signing third party deals of which most will be multiplat and we have heard for the last two years the differences do not matter.

Iberius2917d ago (Edited 2917d ago )

Honestly, I liked a couple of the articles I saw on here a couple weeks ago about the Scorpio maybe being the next generation of Xbox.

It would be super clever imo if Microsoft came out and said the Scorpio is their next gen console coming out late next year or early 2018 and will work with Oculus, Steam, and is backwards compatible with all Xbox One games.

This way they can just ride out the Xbox One for one more year and end that generation (wasn't the Gamecube generation only 4-5 years). It would also put them into more direct competition with the NX since the PS4 and Xbox One are so similar.

It might also put a damper on the "console wars" only in the sense that Sony and Microsoft would then be staggering the release of their new generations. Especially if Sony doesn't show the PS5 until 2019-2021.

I should mention I don't actually think this is going to be the case. I just think it's a good idea.

Budrazor2917d ago

That's what Sony been doing.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2917d ago
trooper_2917d ago

That's actually true. They also don't want to give consumers the wrong impression.

2917d ago Replies(1)
Yui_Suzumiya2917d ago

Bwahahaha. I have that gif downloaded xD

sergons2917d ago

"No PS4 NEO at E3, Sony Waits for Microsoft to Reveal Hand" tales from my ass @gamerscorewhores.com

marquisray2917d ago

Remember it was all about power and graphics i hope microsoft keep there specs quite then we will see lol

2917d ago
Dark_Knightmare22917d ago

Don't be that guy because somebody could just as easily say remember when it wasn't about power and graphics but the games. Yeah fan boys will be fan boys and they come from both sides so please don't act like one side isn't flip flopping just as much as the other

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Meta Is Doing With VR What Apple And Sony Have Struggled To Do

Shaz from GL: "Where Sony is ramping down support for PSVR2, and Apple are reconsidering their future with the Vision Pro, Meta and the Quest 3 continue to shine."

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ApocalypseShadow2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I'll admit that Facebook is doing more for VR than others. But they also have blown over 50 billion dollars so far and growing in R&D, building the meta verse, buying up exclusives and underpricing their products below build price, to kill competition in the stand alone space. Sony and Valve aren't willing to go into the red at an unheard level to capture the market. We know Sony could build a stand alone device that beats Quest just by the features in PS VR 2 and the new stand alone headset they built. But the new Sony would rather build a device they can profit from day one.

But, Sony so far has profited on hardware and on software. They just don't seem willing to spend the money on marketing, selling under build price or spending millions on making in-house VR exclusives for PS VR 2. Which sucks big time. They're just letting 3rd parties and indies run the show.

Article also doesn't mention that Apple's headset is more a developers product than a mass market item. To say they are looking into making a cheaper one for the next iteration is speaking the obvious. Duh. That was always the case. Build something the public sees as quality not can't afford, then make another that the masses can afford. TVs, cars, cellphones etc all were once expensive. Now, they're cheap to buy with many options to choose from. And Apple isn't even selling VP as a VR headset. I'm well aware that Apple's true intentions is to build a device that pushes AR with VR as an option. Not build a VR device. Because they know eventually that they want to replace the cellphone with AR glasses or an AR headset. If they cared about games, they would have launched as a gaming device.

Lastly, Facebook launched Quest 3 last year. But has not mentioned how many they sold up to this point. Why is that? Besides Quest 2 selling more by being cheap, the market can't move forward until they start selling more Quest 3 headsets than 2. Maybe the new exclusive Batman and Hitman games will help. But we'll see.

Abnor_Mal1d 3h ago

Not dead, but definitely on life support from the third party devs and PC crowd who may just purchase the headset.

Although I saw someone say that the module adapter will no allow haptics and adaptive triggers to work, but I don’t know if any of that is true.

Babadook71d ago (Edited 1d ago )

Nope. Not yet.

It’s tough to say what its future will bring. There is still decent support. It seems to have sold decently too. Sony seems absent in a direct way though.

Jingsing19h ago

The issues Meta have is they are Meta. I'll never buy a Meta product, Every Quest headset they release is always a case of it's not quite there from a hardware perspective and the game content is mostly from indie devs. Selling what should be a AAA experience with C tier games is a non starter.

helicoptergirl1d 21h ago

Meta is also Billions and billions in the hole in regards to VR. If Sony were to do what Meta has done, they'd be bankrupt

ChasterMies1d 6h ago

Meta is losing billions on a business that theh will probably walk away from like they did the Facebook phone. Temper your expectations of your investments in Meta’s hardware.

franwex1d 5h ago (Edited 1d 5h ago )

I do wish Sony would release more for PSVR. It’s a neat product, but they don’t support it much. It may have the same fate as the Vita.

I know it’s two completely separate products as Vita was stand alone, and PSVR is a companion to PS consoles. More 1st party support would really boost it though.

InUrFoxHole1d 5h ago (Edited 1d 5h ago )

They are done supporting it. They're relying on pc to do it for them. Sony even paused production because it's not selling

Abnor_Mal1d 3h ago

They paused production to get rid of inventory, doesn’t mean the headset isn’t selling, it’s just not selling as fast as Sony thought it would. But with their half assed approach to the headset and lack of first party games, it’s not surprising, saddening, but not surprising.

Meta out here buying up all the exclusives, this is the only part of the gaming market where I feel exclusives should not be a thing since the market is “still in its infancy”.

InUrFoxHole1d 2h ago (Edited 1d 2h ago )

That's exactly what it means... you think people are buying a headset with min support for the price of the console? It's done man. Sadly because like the vita the tech is good and deserved better

Chocoburger1d 2h ago

I own PS VR 1, and it is packed with tons of games to pick from in nearly every genre you could think of. While the technology may be rudimentary compared to newer headsets, it still works, and is fun to play, which is what matters most.

Its a shame that PS VR 2 is having such a slow start, because the tech behind it is brilliant. Its currently on sale for $100 USD off, that needs to be a permanent price drop.

We need more first party games on PS VR 2, the fact that Jim Ryan shut down Sony London Studios right before he left was moronic, they should have been upgrading their hit game Blood & Truth for PS VR 2! What a stupid decision.


Eternal Damnation Interview With Soham Jaiswal, CEO, SD Games

Recently Gareth at Skewed and Reviewed spoke with Soham Jaiswal, CEO, SD Games about the pending Eternal Damnation game. The game is a hybrid of RPG and RTS and cast players as a Spider.


Why Microsoft Putting Black Ops 6 On Game Pass Is The Ultimate Test

By putting Black Ops 6 on Game Pass, Microsoft plans to gauge its growth, pricing, and monetization changes, at the cost of less game sales.

rlow11d 15h ago

If they have follow up games that are bangers, then this strategy will work. But if it’s Call of Duty followed another dead period then it won’t last.

crazyCoconuts1d 12h ago

From MS financial perspective I think it may be the opposite.
A year of GamePass on PC is less than the price of two full price games. For all the people that would have bought COD for $70 but instead started subbing for GP, MS will get an extra $50/year which is good.
However, for each banger that MS puts out, that's lost potential revenue because the GP sub won't need to buy it.
So it only makes sense where the new GP customers would have otherwise not spent more money with MS... Which is the case if MS puts out low quality shovelware.

rlow11d 11h ago

If you’re looking at the short term you are correct. But if Xbox can have multiple bangers then subscriptions should increase. Which is what they want, recurring revenue.

S2Killinit1d 2h ago (Edited 1d 2h ago )

I think this is more about microtransactions. MS wants to see if the upfront losses will be offset by more people login into the “free” game and buying more microtransactions to justify not selling as much COD games.

I honestly not sure. I feel like everyone who likes COD is already playing/buying it so I’m not sure how much more engagement they can get by putting it on gamepass. On the other hand, I also feel a lot of COD players are casual gamers, and they are the type to click on anything that is “free” ex: mobile gaming style

Sonic18811d 12h ago

I don't see it working if Call of Duty makes less money and profits over time from gamepass 🤔

blackblades1d 12h ago

I dont understand why have it on it when we all know it sells with the name alone. Seems stupid to lose so much sales and $ just to have it on game pass. They basically shooting themselves in the foot with a already injured foot from all the other times they shoot themselves in the foot.

CrashMania1d 11h ago

@blackblades, that's my exact point, even on xbox where most software sells poorly CoD still sells millions, but the thing is, if you don't put it on GP you kinda shatter the whole idea they've build GP up to be, they've dug this hole themselves.

I think it might tick up subscribers a bit, but warzone is already free and gets millions of players regardless of GP. But where will those extra subs come from? Xbox sales are dropping like a rock, PC gamers are very firmly rooted in Steam and will just buy it there.

Tacoboto1d 10h ago


If they don't include it on Game Pass, they lose the claim of First-Party Day-One on Game Pass, and thus would begin the slippery slope of what's-ok-to-not-include and the devaluing of the service, and further sinking Microsoft/Xbox's already tarnished reputation.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place and this move buys them time to work out more future-math.

crazyCoconuts1d 10h ago

I still expect a price increase in GP to compensate but who knows. With all the factors in play like COD points there are too many variables for someone on the outside to predict what will happen. I assume they have a forecast model where this all looks peachy.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1d 10h ago
Garethvk1d 14h ago

When the game does not hit 1 Billion in revenue in under two weeks they will wonder why and the next thing you know; Season Updates will no longer be free.

Noskypeno1d 13h ago

Yup, the CEO needs a new yacht and private jet

Abear211d 11h ago

Yeah I expect paid DLC and season pass in your face, now you are buying for a game you are renting

neomahi21h ago

That's where they're relying on PC and PlayStation gamers to pick up the slack. They know their business model isn't lasting so in order to give it away "free" for Xbox, they're banking on PC and PS5 customers to make up for the sales loss on Xbox, otherwise they wouldn't be able to pull this off like they want to. Xbots don't see it but, it's their gaming brethren that'll keep their console manufacturer afloat a little longer because the service they hold so dear isn't viable anymore. So, it's by the good graces of their fellow gamers they live to fight another day.

Consumers don't understand how Xbox Game Pass really works. It's not about the volume, and maybe Xbox doesn't want them to know. It's not about how many games you play. Developers don't make money by how many people play their game, it's HOW LONG you play. How many hours to put in.

Customers like David Jaffe that only like to sample don't help the service succed. Jaffe is a cheapskate stoner who spends all his money on Diet Coke, Jolly Ranchers, and weed to fry his brains (it's medically proven, sorry to disappoint) but Jaffe wants as much as he can get for as little so, he's not much of an advocate. But he also plays games for a little while and then gives up, it's just his personality, maybe A.D.D. or something, but Game Pass is dependent on how long a gamer sinks hours in. Why do you think Phil Spencer wants Helldivers 2? Because gamers don't put it down. Hellblade II, they'll play the campaign and then be done. Games like that sink to the bottom of the pile, they disappear. Xbox LIKES Games as a Service business models because it sells their service, but that model doesn't work for Sony, Helldivers was a stroke a luck, lightning that won't hit twice because PS fans don't want that. But that's how Xbox keeps it's games at the top of the list and on their service. The longer you play a single game, that's how devs make money

purple1011d 13h ago

subscribers go up, execs celebrate win, get bonus, price goes up, subscribers go down,

execs dont care, got their bonus,

MrDead1d 12h ago

If it works CEOs and shareholders get a payday and if it doesn't even more studios get closed by MS so CEOs and shareholders get a payday.

Elda1d 12h ago

It will sell on PC & PS but as long as COD is for rent on Gamepass it will not sell well on the XB platform. Most folks such as myself that like COD just for the campaign would rather rent it for that month instead of paying $70 plus tax for the game.

IAMRealHooman1d 11h ago

Your smart.
its 70 for base plus 10 to 20 for a season pass plus another 30 for there better season pass,

darthv721d 11h ago

...now you are finally getting how to use GP. No commitments, just play what is offered. if you like it so much and want to keep a copy for yourself... you can buy it when you want to. I used to buy games based on if they looked appealing and have been burned many times on things. With this, I can try before I buy. And I have actually bought several games after having rented them in the service. It literally is like the old days of renting only you get the whole store instead of pay per rental.

Elda1d 11h ago

I've been knowing how to use Gamepass. I sub the service yearly & I play games on the service that I don't have to pay the full price for such as Persona 3:Reload. I mostly play & pay for games on my PS5 but if a game lands on GP that I'm interested in playing & I don't have to buy a copy for the PS5 I'll definitely play it on Gamepass.

MrDead18h ago

And there you have it, it's like you actively want to destroy the industry. Just rent the games and then buy them, knowing that doesn't happen and the actual cost of pushing a rental service is studios closures and firings.

So far MS has done nothing with Bethesda and Activision except limit where they sell, close successful studies, fire thousands and mass industry consolidation. No new games are being made that weren't already coming and some like Tangos future titles that they were working on we will never get to see now because of MS and their greed.

Massive industry consultation benefits only the company doing it, consumers and the workforce always lose out because of it. What MS is doing leads to cuts and a lesser end product. If MS had spent the money on making games instead of taking them away we would have a far healthier industry, instead we have the same games but with restrictions and a service that has cannibalised sales.

Garethvk16h ago

PC Games are also on Gamepass.

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