
Kick & Fennick Review - Xbox Enthusiast

Xbox Enthusiast puts together a review for Kick & Fennick, the new downloadable platforming title.

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Kick & Fennick - Review (Portugal Gamers)

"Via Nintendo eShop, both Wii U and Nintendo 3DS have received several offers quite unique, from small teams spread across the world.

On the back of many of these proposals meet people who, inspired by their favorite series, but also looking for something new, try above all to be creative and bring new ways to play to the market. The result of these initiatives could not fail to be one that is now the catalog of digital Store Nintendo: a set of small games, but very varied and imaginative."

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Kick & Fennick Review - A Surprisingly Creative Platformer | COG

COG writes: What appears to be a gimmick, turns out to be a well thought out side-scrolling adventure in Jaywalkers Interactive's, Kick & Fennick.

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Kick & Fennick Review | The Video Games

Pete from TVG writes "A little boy with a big gun! Interesting sales pitch this one must have been for the Dutch development team. You play as a small boy called Kick. For reasons unknown, Kick wakes up in a futurist world, alone and in a shattered buildings. Shortly after waking, Kick come’s across a robot named Fennick, who saves him from a menacing huge robot. Fennick has a broken energy core however, which Kick then sets off to pay his dues and find Fennick another one."

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