
Insider Says BioShock Collection Is 'Happening', Talks New BioShock At E3

Mafia III is one of the most anticipated games of the year, but many still can't shake the feeling that a BioShock Collection and new BioShock are on their way out too.

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Relientk772918d ago

Omg yes, finally a new BioShock

Shubhendu_Singh2918d ago

I am a little uninformed in this situation.

Wasn't Irrational Games shut down or something, and the creator (ken?) left. Who we think is helming the new Bioshock if true ?

_-EDMIX-_2918d ago

Who knows. The Publisher still owns the IP so its not as if its not happening. It wouldn't be the first time a company released a new game without the team that actually created it.

Bioshock 2 wasn't made by Irrational......

JamesBroski2918d ago

Yea you're right. I think 2K owns the rights for Bioshock so if a new one is being developed is probably by one of their studios. Kinda like with Bioshock 2, which I really liked even though it didn't have that special feel to it.

SimonSmith2918d ago

It is possible that it would be 2K Marin, they developed Bioshock 2 so they have past experience with the franchise. I could be wrong but this seems like the most likely solution given just how incredible Bioshock 2 was, If this rumour turns out to be true we will likely find out what 2K has decided during E3.

Livecustoms2918d ago

Ken Levine has started a new independent studio and is creating a new game similar to Bioshock but less shooting and even more story telling,

KesMonkey2918d ago

The answer to your question is in the article.

"Take-Two has said that 2K Marin is on the task of creating a new BioShock,"

Yui_Suzumiya2918d ago

2K Marin (BioShock 2 developer) will be continuing the franchise.

NukaCola2917d ago

2K Marin can do this. I liked Bioshock 2 more than Infinite. I loved Infinite's setting, but the game was so linear and FPS like, it killed it for me. No mystery, no horror at all. It was freaky at times, but mostly underwhelming. Rapture just worked so much more and what made the original so great was the exploration, backtracking, and sheer uncertainty of what was around the corner.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2917d ago
Garethvk2918d ago

I can tell you that while they may announce it, they are not booking meetings for it unless they say ok we have this as you check in. Usually they will say we have an unannounced title or tell you what it is but that is under embargo.

shinoff21832918d ago

As long as it is a complete collection no funny download vouchers I'm buying it

opinionated2918d ago

If there is a new bioshock I would be hyped. Andrew Ryan is one of the greatest characters in gaming history. Without Levine I feel it would be a shell of its former self. I'm hoping I'm wrong.

garrettbobbyferguson2918d ago

This generation of games has been the most mediocre so far. Remaster after collection after remaster after collection. I guess publishers realized they don't have to try any longer and can just give people the same thing just with some "updated' textures.

DanteVFenris6662918d ago (Edited 2918d ago )

Maybe do more research then as there has been tons of great games for the current gen consoles. There is a market for this so they are allowed to do this. It's not like there main team does this its ussually a little side team or third party.

I for one might be interested in this because I've only beaten bioshock 2, lost bioshock 1 and only got half way through infinite. There is a lot of gems from Gaming for the last 30 years. It's not a negative to go back to them and what better way then your modern console

kevnb2918d ago

you mean port after port, although there are still a lot of great games.

CanadianTurtle2918d ago

They're never going to stop making new games. They just take a bit longer. Last gen, a lot of games had 2-3 year development cycles. Nowadays, we're seeing games have 3-4 year development cycles. We just have to be a bit more patient. It's not like gaming companies are going to "stop" new games development all together.
Plus, how many of this generation's games did you beat? You sound as if you're running out of games to play. I can assure you there's many options out on the market as of now

Brugal2918d ago

To each your own. Although there have been a lot of remasters this generation there's also been plenty of other great games.

WellyUK2918d ago

the sad thing is, is that some of those remasters/remakes are the best games out at the moment. still.

LoveSpuds2918d ago (Edited 2918d ago )

Well you must be looking in the wrong place. I have recently played the likes of Bloodborne, Life is Strange, Until Dawn, Dark Souls 3, Xenoblade Chronicles, Mario Maker, Hitman Go, Uncharted 4, The Division, The Witch 3 and Ori and the Blind Forest. These are games I have played in the last 3 months that I can think of off the top of my head.

These new games mean that I see remasters as a way to enjoy my old faves like Valkyria Chronicles, GTA5 or The Uncharted Collection.

Yui_Suzumiya2918d ago (Edited 2918d ago )

Wowser. Takes me 3 months to beat a couple of linear, single player games.

KesMonkey2918d ago

You seem to be a bit out of touch with modern gaming. Yes, we do get some remasters, but these are vastly outnumbered by new games. And, some of those new games are among the greatest games of all time. Mediocre? Not even close to mediocre.

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joab7772339d ago

Kinda cool! Now make a new Bioshock! I NEED it!

NecrumOddBoy2339d ago

BioShock needs to continue but it needs to not lose the heart of the original.

Infinite turned into an extremely linear shoot em up and it took away from the spirit of this universe

rainslacker2339d ago

I thought Infinite had a very good story, and was well thought out. However, I do feel that it was less personal than the first two. The first two set it up so the player had to consider what was going on, whereas infinite was much more narrative and told you what you should think. I like how they had the perspective change between one and two. Going from a regular person thrown into the unkown, to playing the other side which was the threat from the first game was a nice change of pace IMO. I actually felt the 2nd game had a lot more emotion to the story.

mandingo2338d ago

The first two weren’t linear? Infinite was my favorite after the first bioshock of course

ghaleon19802338d ago

I was a big fan of Bioshock infinite and the Bioshock series until...Ken Levine decide to create such a ridiculous ending to Burial at Sea 2 that was so implausible and nonsensicial that I will never recommend that entire series to anyone. It's like Levine's ego got in the way and he wanted to torpedo the Lore with that absurd "plot twist."

2338d ago
moegooner882338d ago

Thank you. Prey is criminally underrated, the perfect mash up between Bioshock, and Dead Space.

Yui_Suzumiya2338d ago

2K Marin has been working on a new one for many years now.

madpuppy2338d ago

Bioshock devs...Would you kindly make a new Bioshock....

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2339d ago
2339d ago
Evolve2339d ago

Hopefully 2K’s announced game is a new Bioshock game. Plus, Ken Levine is still working on his new game at his new studio, Ghost Story.

RedSoakedSponge2339d ago

if theres a new bioshock i wish it to go back to the bioshock 1 style of survival horror ish gameplay. Infinite wasnt scary in the slightest and that was a huge part of the original.

Yui_Suzumiya2338d ago

Well they announced back in 2013 that 2K Marin would be taking over the franchise and developing a new game.


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Hardiman2367d ago

I really enjoyed Witcher 3 The Wild Hunt! I really felt the choices I made mattered and after putting in over a hundred hours in the main game I'm now going through Hearts of Stone. I also went with Triss!

Cursediixxxii2367d ago

Bioshock, playing with such care to murder little sisters followed by saving the little brats on the 2nd play......haven’t revisited infinite a second time