
PlayStation Store Global Update (US, HK, JP & South East Asia) May 31, 2016

Each week Sony brings PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita and PlayStation Portable owners new content, add-ons, games and more with our PlayStation Store Update.

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2924d ago

Study Finds Games 'Can be Good for the Mind'

A new study by Skillprint has found that video games can be 'good for the mind', amongst many other benefits.

gold_drake170d ago

eeey its been a while since ive seen that pic haha

franwex170d ago (Edited 170d ago )

Like many people, I work with crappy computers at work. I have noticed that gamers are capable of working around tech issues and get stuff done.
They need less guidance with software updates or new software that gets implemented.
Decades of buggy, incomplete games really help with problem solving.

gold_drake170d ago

yeh, work pcs are shiiit

where i work, all pcs are still windows 7 haha.

all of the programs are so old and outdated it hurts.
but that issue will stay that way as not everyone is familiar with pcs and the older generation is ... more or less helpless with them haha. not all of them of course but most of them


Hitman celebrates 25 years with new content, events, and more in October

The month of October is going to be filled with excitement as the Hitman franchise is commemorating its 25 years of being in the business.

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-Foxtrot243d ago

It’s the 25th anniversary this year?

I’d have assumed it would have gotten something like a remastered trilogy of the original games or a remake of the first game. Something for a 25th celebration.

Super lacklustre