
What killed Fire Emblem: Fates multiplayer?

From a broken reward system to outright cheating, here's a look at the numerous flaws that have turned the once-promising Fire Emblem: Fates multiplayer scene into a ghost town.

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2927d ago Replies(1)
Nyxus136d ago

I have Fire Emblem Fates LE, the European one. Not sure if it's as valuable as the US version, but it certainly was in high demand.

Chevalier136d ago

Don't think the European one would be as valuable since it's not region free. I got mine box and all and all those Yokai Watch games

Nyxus136d ago

I also have some of the Yokai Watch games, but also the PAL versions which don't seem to be that valuable.

Chocoburger136d ago

Its not often I actually have games on the 'most expensive list' but I do own Rhythm Thief and Layton vs. Ace Attorney. I believe both of them are sealed as well.

Chevalier136d ago

Nice! Hopefully they re-release the Layton games on the Switch. Surprised they haven't already


Why 'Fire Emblem Fates' Use of Multiple Routes Exceeds That of 'Three Houses'

Fire Emblem Fates and Fire Emblem: Three Houses both contain multiple routes that change the outcome of the story, but the 3DS games far outperform the most recent Fire Emblem game in regard to routes. classes, and difficulty levels.

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5 Great In-Universe Video Game Songs

KeenGamer: "What are some in-universe video game songs that your favorite player characters jam to? Here's a list of songs that build up the emotion and energy in their games. A concert, a street performance, a song on the radio… There’s something magical about diegetic music!"

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1105d ago