
Why Mighty No. 9 Is A Cautionary Kickstarter Tale

Jason writes, "Kickstarter has been and is quite the platform for crowdfunding. It’s practically the hope that some entrepreneurial-spirited individuals need to take a leap into the wonderful world of risk-taking. However, Kickstarter is also a risk for one other very important party: the backers. We’ll get to why that is, but first we need to start with the differences between a commercial product and an independently crowdfunded product."

Bismarn2932d ago

"Why Germany is a Cautionary Fascist Tale"

By "Cautionary" do you mean everything that is wrong with gaming and crowdfunding, shrunk down into one singularity? Then yes it is "cautionary".

Dunban672932d ago

nice article- people need to understand that backing a Kickstarter is not the same as investing- not even close- it is more like an unconditional gift to someone telling you what you want to hear


Pokemon fans stunned by official shiny hunting guide for Scarlet and Violet

The Pokemon Company has dropped the first-ever official Shiny hunting guide for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, leaving fans in awe.

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IGN Entertainment acquires Eurogamer, GI, VG247, Rock Paper Shotgun and more

IGN Entertainment has acquired the Gamer Network family of digital brands for an undisclosed sum. As a result of the acquisition, some redundancies have been made across the UK-based organisation.

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darthv7217d ago

Well this can only mean one thing... more job layoffs even in the publication industry.

Jin_Sakai16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

“Layoffs occuring“

Yep. IGN now has a monopoly in the gaming media.

“As a result of the acquisition, some redundancies have been made across the UK-based organisation.”

“Gamer Network's publications are GamesIndustry.biz, Eurogamer (including six local language editions), Rock Paper Shotgun, VG247 and Dicebreaker. The business also holds shares in Outside Xbox, Digital Foundry and Hookshot (which operates Nintendolife, PushSquare, PureXbox and Time Extension).”

“IGN Entertainment is the division of Ziff Davis that includes IGN, MapGenie, HowLongToBeat, and Humble Bundle. It has acquired the websites from PAX and New York Comic-Con organiser ReedPop, which initially bought the Gamer Network business in 2018.“

Jingsing16d ago

When say IGN you mean Microsoft's chief propagandist.

VenomUK16d ago

Surprising news, also a little sad as the magazine era is over and the website era is slowly coming to an end. But it must be said that many of the bastards who work at these places have operated as a mafia to control opinion on not only what can be said about games, but who can be allowed to talk about them, and what can be allowed to feature in them or not. As said above, redundancies are coming, Eurogamer pays the highest salaries for a team of staff who for some their output is minimal. Eurogamer also campaigned against Hogwarts Legacy and refused to review it -, the site took a hit. PAX has probably thought to cut its losses. Some job layoffs? I know of some of these people and they took pride in excluding - I will shed no tears.

S2Killinit16d ago

This is good news for Microsoft. IGN is like their advertisement arm.

Abear2116d ago

This is exactly what Microsoft needs to better their image, control over the narrative by having the same message come from different colors umbrellas that are all really made by the same company.

Simon_the_sorcerer16d ago

You're right about every single thing that you said...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 16d ago
-Foxtrot16d ago

All this means is a collective hive mind when reporting the news

They’ll discuss with each other how to handle topics and what kind of headlines to go with so they can fire round after round of whatever point they want to make

And the sad thing is over the many years even to the old GameGate days they love making gamers look bad as a collective. Anything for a hit piece.

victorMaje16d ago

Narrative control. I don’t like this at all.
Independent reviewers will be more important than ever.

JEECE16d ago

"They’ll discuss with each other how to handle topics and what kind of headlines to go with so they can fire round after round of whatever point they want to make."

You say this like it will be a new thing that they didn't already do.

OtterX16d ago

Yea, I had actually just seen today on Linkedin that a GamesIndustry.biz guy was talking about being laid off. I didn't read all of his post, but I bet it's because of this. That's a shame to hear. :\

MestreRothN4G16d ago

All praise the late stage capitalism God, the only real One

Babadook715d ago

Hopefully the IGNorant journalists get the boot and not EG.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 15d ago
Petebloodyonion16d ago

Probably Microsoft's fault!
They surely gave IGN the idea.
What's next IGN Pass?

But joke aside let's hope that this makes the news better compared to some of IGN branches

Jingsing16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

Microsoft and IGN work quite closely so it isn't a stretch to say this is a move to control the gaming press to get everyone singing from the Microsoft hymn sheet. Not a good look at all. It is transparent stuff like this which is backfiring in Microsoft's face. First they want control of all the games now the media.

crazyCoconuts16d ago

While there's obviously a desire to preserve add revenue and early access to review copies, I doubt there's the level of conspiracy here that you imply. I mean there's no direct link between MS and IGN right?

Petebloodyonion16d ago

You're probably right!!!!
Here's MS evil plan
1) Make sure that Hellblade 2 receives inflated reviews.
2) Fire all the ppl across UK who gave Starfield the justified 6/10 reviews
3) Make sure that Game industry.biz stops giving Sony's president a tribute to spew their lies and have them talk to Sarah Bonds and Todd Howard only.
4) Control the majority of players for the GOTY award so MS wins from now on.

PPL needs to know about this!

Jingsing16d ago

@crazyCoconuts The world has moved on from "direct links" as companies were easily caught doing that. These days corporations can merely operate as a cartel through shared mutual interest which is not strictly kosher either but is also more difficult to prove. It's the fundamental flaw with big corporations in the US economy today and no one in power is addressing it.

Lightning7716d ago

Is there proof to anything you're saying?

I've never heard of anything like this or is this N4G once again make believing stuff outta thin air again?

crazyCoconuts16d ago

@jing if you have proof then I stand corrected.
Otherwise it seems like more conspiratorial thinking to explain what could otherwise be explained by natural forces of market economies.
Don't get me wrong, I believe there is bias all over and unsavory influences. I just don't think it's all centrally planned by evil villains in a smoke-filled room

S2Killinit16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

I don't think anyone has proof but my personal experience corroborates what he is saying about IGN being in MS’s corner for whatever reason.

Granted, Last time I visited IGN regularly was years ago, I literally stopped once I realized the huge bias they showed in favor of xbox. Their pages for the two consoles were fundamentally different. When they would invite xbox president he was treated completely different than when Shuhei Yoshida was invited. The xbox pres was treated as one of their own. There was just too many examples, it wasn’t even much of a secret.

Jingsing16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

@Lighting77 The proof is in the pudding, "Partnerships for Events: Microsoft and IGN partner for specific events or showcases." "Sponsored Segments: Microsoft has sponsored segments within IGN's showcases." "Industry Relationships: Microsoft and IGN, as major players in the gaming industry, simply have good working relationships. This leads to collaborations on shows & joint announcements without any ownership involved." They just had an event together recently. The crux of it is money is being exchanged for favors, when that happens editorial independence goes out the window.

There was controversy about Microsoft having involvement with Polygon in the past and it proved to be real and effected their editorial bias. "Investment in Web3 Startup: Microsoft's venture capital arm, M12, participated in a $20 million funding round for Space and Time, a Web3 data warehousing platform, alongside Polygon (amongst other investors) "

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 16d ago
shinoff218316d ago (Edited 16d ago )

I mean news did come out the same day hellblade did.


Petebloodyonion16d ago

The embargo was to make sure IGN had time to finalize the deal and make sure Eurogamer gave this game a 5 stars instead of a 3.

Man, how devious and low can Microsoft go just to promote Gamepass
I heard that it costs a ton of money to MS and they will raise the price of Gamepass by a lot of money just to compensate
true story

Christopher16d ago

Oh boy! If we've learned one thing about recent news, corporate shrinkage of an industry via buyouts from those at top only leads to good things for employees and consumers!

Aloymetal16d ago

IGN and Eurogamer...A match made in heaven!!

thesoftware73016d ago

Yes, good credible websites, I agree, it is a good match.

IGN is one of the most trusted gaming sites, weather you like it or not, but I know because they don't fit the N4G goofiness bubble, they can't be good.

shinoff218316d ago

I left ign years ago. Used to be on the ign forums all the time. I left there and found here. Not sure if you remember but this place used to be pretty bad for Sony fans. 360 was king for a few years. Anyone I don't quite remember but ign changed. Whatever the fk it was it seemed for the worse.

VenomUK16d ago

You’re right Christopher, just look at how N4G has improved since the buyout. .

Huey_My_D_Long16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

I think the consolidation is an issue. the whole conspiracy angle n4g guys are playing at by saying MS gave IGN money for this is annoying, but overall the Consolidation is not a good move.

Christopher16d ago

I'm not on the bribing for reviews thing. Scores themselves should be ignored entirely as far as I'm concerned. But, consolidation is not helping anyone but to solidify IGN even more than ever before. Less competition at the top.

Lexreborn216d ago

Ummmm not sure that’s a good thing that all these review sites are under the same umbrella. There’s no guarantee that they will maintain a non-bias opinion not paid for by the highest bidder.

MrNinosan16d ago

They haven't been non-bias since GamePass was crowned "best service in gaming".

Amplitude16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

You can go much farther back than that. Never forget the Kane and Lynch 2 review drama

Edit: wait that was GameSpot. Still though - don't trust these websites for anything. Find YouTubers like who's opinions you agree with and watch them instead. GaminylGames, Minimme, Digital Foundry, GMan, whatever. All better than these ad-filled "reviews" from people who are forced to play games and score with an arbitrary number

MrNinosan16d ago

Digital Foundry has lost my trust ever since they got that MS money, but other than that, I'm with you.

If I'm on the fence of a game, I wait till the reviewers that share my taste has given their opinion.

Cockney16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

I didn't blame Microsoft for inviting digital foundry to expressly launch their new hardware, I mean good move by them getting a non bias technology focused influencer to gush about the series x, my issue is they took them up on their offer, taking a blatant sweetener like that really irks me, ever since I view their content with a pinch of salt

Charal16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

Ouch, that does not sounds good for Eurogamer.
With so much of the industry media that will more or less follow the same editorial line, it will be harder and harder to distinguish PR from actual journalism in a couple of years.

Thinking about it, may it explain their review score for Hellblade 2?

Christopher16d ago

***harder and harder to distinguish PR from actual journalism in a couple of years. ***

The age of gaming advertorials.

Petebloodyonion16d ago

You're right all of this is just to promote Hellblade 2 and inflate the score.
Also the why cuts are indeed coming to Eurogamer and other UK branches because they only gave Starfield an average score.

Jingsing16d ago

Shed the non US assets that are not favorable to Xbox keep the US assets that are. Microsoft are going to deliver crap and they are going to tell you their crap is good and you are going to buy it. That seems to be the strategy. At this point I just want them out of gaming as they are operating like cancer.

VenomUK16d ago

YouTubers ursurped the games media years ago.

victorMaje16d ago

Exactly right. No more journalists. Just 1 take regurgitated & paraphrased down the chain. Smh.

Abear2116d ago

Their marketing budget is nonexistent. Instead they will publish articles for you to click on this site to get information (biased propaganda) about their games and ad dollars from you here and on their website too.

This is the new marketing strategy

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Two JRPGs inspired by the classics are doing great on Kickstarter right now

Runa and Alzara's crowdfunding campaigns are booming

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shinoff218319d ago

Even though I think runa looks great I'm more inclined to back the second Kickstart they show. One because they are actually doing a console version. Two because they have physical pledge.

gold_drake17d ago

god. this gamesradar is riddled with ads and popups