
Overwatch or Overpriced?

Is Overwatch worth the $60 price tag on PS4 and Xbox One? It's an online-only game with, what seems like, a small amount of content at launch. How has the colorful shooter been able to win over so many players?

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JakeNoseIt2915d ago

Anybody else picking this up day 1? I can't help myself, I have too much fun playing as Hanzo, D.Va, and others. I've been having beta withdrawals!

2915d ago Replies(4)
2915d ago Replies(1)
iDadio2915d ago

Exactly, I've been waiting for this since beta (thank god for uncharted 4 right).

I don't have the problem with the price, I mean if I lay £40 down and get 100+ hours out of it (which I will easily with friends also picking it up) then how is it overpriced against a single player game of the same price but i'' only get 12 hours out of if I'm lucky?

Clown_Syndr0me2915d ago

This is always my answer for arguments like this.
I think games should be priced differently. There shouldn't be a set standard price for games. Why should the majority of games be priced at £45 when the all offer such a different range of content? But that being said, I'm happy to pay £40 for a single player only game, or a multiplayer only game as thats jjust the way it is.

a7madRyan2915d ago

u can play it with a controller on pc if u want too

JakeNoseIt2915d ago

I would have constant anxiety about being at a disadvantage! Like when I play other shooters and I think other players have better guns/loadouts than me haha

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2914d ago
Kalebninja2915d ago

I'm sick of the "it's online only" complaint, being online only isn't a negative unless its something like Hitman where it's not even a multiplayer game.

Hoffmann2915d ago

Every online game is a wasteland sooner or later, that's why online-only is never as good as a game that offers offline modes as well.

Why are there no modes for single players with offline options like bots?

All_Consoles2915d ago (Edited 2915d ago )

Um, no...
Look at every other blizzard game. Wow, Starcraft, hearthstone have had millions of players for years. Counterstrike go gets 10 million unique players per month. Dota, league of legends, team fortress 2, etc are all insanely popular. So no, multiplayer only games are not a wasteland. Well, maybe not on consoles, but that's a different problem

I would argue that the average multiplayer game has a much larger lifespan than the average single player game. You beat the 10 hour campaign or whatever and have little reason to play it again

2915d ago
The 10th Rider2915d ago

Well, even on consoles Splatoon has been seeing an increase in players since it's release. It all depends on the game.

UnHoly_One2915d ago (Edited 2915d ago )

Maybe I'm the exception, choc_twirl, but I go back and replay single player games all the time.

Sometimes when a new game is coming out, say like a new God of War, I will go back and replay the whole series in order in preparation for it.

I used to do that a lot more, but some of these franchises are getting too big. I'm not going to play all 10 Assassin's Creed games every year, for instance. lol


@All_Consoles is right buy he doesn't go back far enough... The online component for the orginal Diablo is still up. Hell, its were the battle.net name comes from. :)

Anyhow, on PC I snagged a Origins copy from Amazon for $37.02 so not even close to 60 bucks so I'm happy.

jmc88882915d ago

Depends on what you like. My backlog is so huge, I'm never going to 're-play' a game. Hell most games I don't even complete. Too many games. Way too many games.

So I sort of don't mind that a game eventually expires. Because... I have and will always have too many games to play.

In the meantime, and that could be 10 years or more for a game like Overwatch with Blizzard support, is that long enough?

I don't need EVERY game that I own to be able to play forever, especially given the fact that with so many games I will never play 99 percent of them again.

People need to be a bit more realistic. Of all the games you've bought in your life and all the ones you are going to, and if it's like me it's in the thousands right now, and thousands more in the future, are you telling me you are going to replay them all? Or you just want the option?

It's like having a gamer packrat mentality.

But one that is excluding you from some great times, all because of some position that really doesn't matter.

_-EDMIX-_2914d ago

"Every online game is a wasteland sooner or later"

Not really, not if its actually good.

"that's why online-only is never as good as a game" nope. I can't agree with that bud, MMOs do just fine, if the game's concept is online only......then the game's concept is online only. Not sure why you are trying to say whats good for another's game...

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2914d ago
s45gr322915d ago

I agree with you on that; in the past online only games did exist like :

Tribes Franchise
Unreal Tournament Franchise
Quake Franchise
Team Fortress franchise
Counter Strike franchise

It is also to know that these franchises had these features;

LAN support
Map editors
Mod Support
Offline splitscreen multiplayer

So, no a game does not need a single player campaign to be successful. It does need offline splitscreen multiplayer, map editor, LAN support, and mod support.

spicelicka2915d ago

THIS exactly.

We have become accustomed to being ripped off, with both single player and multiplayer, but specially this gen with multiplayer-only games. There is NOTHING wrong being multiplayer-only, but not when their content is barebones. If someone can make something like Unreal tournament again I'll gladly pay $60.

_-EDMIX-_2914d ago

Agreed, but "unless its something like Hitman" isn't online only....

Its digital only at the moment, but not online only. I'm not sure where you heard that. I'm playing it right now and I've played it few times with zero internet connection. The online portion of Hitman is for the live events which are optional.

I agree though. A MP online game that is online only, is no different the a SP game that is offline only lol

Different strokes for different folks.

burza19822915d ago (Edited 2915d ago )

Overpriced for me.
That game should be free to play. And that what Blizzard was saying at the beginning.
Sorry but few game modes, no really big things to unlock (just skins and some crap)...nope, no spending money for something what really is worth maybe half of the price.

People going crazy just because is a Blizzard. This game should be Free to play, that is my opinion.

All_Consoles2915d ago

There are no unlocks because this game is designed to be competitive and winning is based on skill rather than what upgrades you have. There is a reason why games like counterstrike have no unlocks. They could have hidden half the characters away at the start, but they give them to you all up front and the rest will be free dlc

ChronikCanuck2915d ago

There are no unlocks as you've already paid for them, hence why this game costs way too much money, 90 freaking dollars here in Canada on console!

Ginpachi-sama2915d ago

Lol blizzard already confirmed it would release more game modes and characters for free. But ur prolly the type that thinks singleplayer games being 60$ is justified. Lol

DragonDDark2915d ago

So Street fighter 5 is okay now?

s45gr322915d ago

I am glad DLC is free, in the meantime how many modes the game has. Is better to wait for game of the year edition

Urbz78702915d ago

If it was free to play it would of been pay to win. Overwatch is just a few games I Dnt mine paying a full 60 bucks cause most games that are made nowadays are made with a DLC barrier.

s45gr322915d ago

So no LAN SUPPORT, Mod Support, or even splitscreen multiplayer. At least it has a map editor right. 😨

_-EDMIX-_2914d ago

"Overpriced for me.
That game should be free to play" ???? LMFAO!

Why would they give it to you for free? Are you out of you're mind? Do you even have a solid reason why you shouldn't have to pay for a product that cost them millions to make?

OH YES, its SOOOO crazy to have to pay for a product....../s

Khaotic2914d ago

That's actually called balanced. People are to used to cod and other games hiding items behind progression systems to artificially lengthen a games life. A truly balanced game gives everyone access to the the same load out's from the start

iJihaD2914d ago

I believe a 60$ price tag should not be related to type of game, but rather the quality and lifespan of the game.

What people are lacking, especially on consoles, is the capability to determine what is quality of game in offline games and multi-games. While it's true the biggest pillars in quality of game in offline games is: the story, graphics and mechanics. In multi-games this is totally not true! The quality is far trickier and difficult! its in the competitive mechanics, the balancing, the diversity.. and lots more.. and if the game was successful in each one of them, this one hell of a high-quality-60$-worth game; because perfecting multi-game quality aspects requires lots and lots of time, testing, smartness and risk.

It's absolutely not fare to judge a multi-game with offline-game checklist to determine how much it's worth. This is absolute nonsense.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2914d ago
jcnba282915d ago

Too expensive for an online only multiplayer game imo.

Hoffmann2915d ago

Yeah. Might buy it if its $20. These online only games should never be sold for the same price as games that also offer offline stuff.

CorndogBurglar2915d ago (Edited 2915d ago )

Should single player only games be full priced then?

Because I can tell you that i get way more play time out of Multiplayer only games then I ever would out of single player offline only games.

UnHoly_One2915d ago

How about we all stop for a second and realize that there are two sides to this argument, and both sides are RIGHT, for themselves.

If you're primarily a solo guy, a multiplayer only game isn't worth it to you.

If you're a big multiplayer guy, a solo game isn't worth it to you.

There is no RIGHT answer. Neither side is WRONG.

Games like this are 60 bucks because the people that love multiplayer think it is worth 60 bucks. Meanwhile those same people might think the solo guy is a fool for paying 60 bucks to play The Order or Quantum Break or whatever.

It's like trying to tell your friend that only plays RTS games that they aren't worth 60 bucks and he should only play RPGs, or vice versa.

I'm just saying we can argue till we are blue in the face but it isn't going to change anything.

_-EDMIX-_2914d ago


Would give you a bubble if the system was still up!

Could not have said it better myself.

Its $60 because it justifies the price, because the team still spent time and money on the game, marketing it, testing it, designing it. Someone not caring for MP only titles, doesn't take away from what the team has just spent creating it.

Khaotic2914d ago

That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard. If it was your millions poured into development I bet you wouldn't be saying that.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2914d ago
Ginpachi-sama2915d ago

I feel like every singleplayer game should be 25$

BiggerBoss2915d ago

Well that's because your brain isn't functioning right

ShaunCameron2914d ago

@ BiggerBoss

Nah. It's because he can't stand his own company.

The 10th Rider2915d ago

Eh, dota 2 is free to play on PC, but is one of the most played PC games. It only has 1 map and mode. If all the skins were unlockable through playing it for $60, I'd probably buy it.

UnHoly_One2914d ago

That game seriously only has 1 map and 1 game mode?

I know people that have been playing it every day for like 5 years. I just assumed there was a ton of variation.


BEASELY2915d ago

Yeah, an endlessly replayable, heavily supported game polished to a sheen in which all future DLC will be free is totally overpriced, man.

But a single player game with literally only 8 hours of gameplay, TOTALLY worth $60!

Man, I'm SO TIRED of these "no campaign, no buy," people. So hypocritical.

If you want a story to be told to you, read a book, watch a movie, or play a game like Uncharted.

This mentality that every game known to man must be this narratively driven novel with deep lore is getting exaughsting.

jcnba282915d ago

Cam down dude, was just my opinion. I'm not into online multiplayer games, relying on servers and other players in order to enjoy a game. At least with a single player game you know what you are getting (once you do your research) and can play it anywhere.

_-EDMIX-_2914d ago

@jcn- "Cam down dude, was just my opinion. I'm not into online multiplayer games, relying on servers and other players in order to enjoy a game."


But buddy, that is you. YOU don't value MP titles, others do. I actually equally value BOTH SP and MP only titles for what they offer. I will be buying BF1 this fall FULL PRICE JUST for its MP, I'm likely not even going to play the SP mode...but don't care. I bought BF series for YEARS when it was JUST MP and it was 100% worth it every time.

That isn't to say I didn't also play titles like God Of War or RE4 or Uncharted etc that were SP only focused.

". At least with a single player game you know what you are getting" ??? O_O? WHAT? Buddy, you KNEW what The Order 1886 was before it released? You have bad SP games just like you have bad MP only games.

"(once you do your research)" ANNNNNND can't you apply this to MP titles too? Just because you don't get it, doesn't mean its value is less to the team. I don't care for MOBAs or dance games either bud, doesn't mean they shouldn't be full price. Someone cares about the, someone cares enough to buy it full price for them to even market it at full price in the first place

If you don't like 'relying on servers and other players in order to enjoy a game" don't buy MP only games then, its seriously that simple, but by default you also offer zero input to tell others what a genre should be worth that you are by default bias against and don't play.

I can't tell a MOBA or Dance game fan, how much THEIR favorite genre should be charged for based on me not liking it.

So I don't like Coco Cola, so it should be free right bro? /s

Self centered much?

BEASELY2914d ago (Edited 2914d ago )

The "how long would the servers stay on?" argument is hella weak as well.

1. You can log in thousands of hours before that ever happens making it worth your money 50 times over.
2. By the time servers could come remotely close to getting shutdown (if that were to even happen), you're most likely done with it anyways.

Just admit what we all know about you single player guys - you get crushed in PVP and complain about MP only games because you just want to explore the universe/world, but refuse to put up with the competition.

_-EDMIX-_2914d ago

"Too expensive for an online only multiplayer game imo"

Yet a single player only game that is less then 20 hours is worth full price though right? I mean....that isn't how this works bud. Just because you don't care for online only MP games ,doesn't mean others don't either.

That is like saying because I don't care for RTS, they should be free.


jcnba282914d ago (Edited 2914d ago )

I disagree bud but it all comes down to preference okay bud?

Everyone has an opinion bud. No need to get upset over someone else's okay bud?

_-EDMIX-_2913d ago

@Jcn- "I disagree bud but it all comes down to preference okay bud?" NOPE!

Comes down to the majority.

I'm not really sure why you think why how you personally, emotionally feel sets the price of an item This isn't some emo auction bud. lol

The majority find it a value, thus will be marked full price.

Thats all you need to know. No on cares how you personally feel about it. You are not MILLIONS of the majority, thus irrelevant to any company's pricing model.

Stay in school, take an economics class. You are using an "opinion bud" to set a price to a game. Not really sure how that works lol

I don't like Burger King, I guess in my "opinion bud" it should be free right? /s

Stay in school...seriously.

iJihaD2914d ago

I believe a 60$ price tag should not be related to type of game, but rather the quality and lifespan of the game.

What people are lacking, especially on consoles, is the capability to determine what is quality of game in offline games and multi-games. While it's true the biggest pillars in quality of game in offline games is: the story, graphics and mechanics. In multi-games this is totally not true! The quality is far trickier and difficult! its in the competitive mechanics, the balancing, the diversity.. and lots more.. and if the game was successful in each one of them, this one hell of a high-quality-60$-worth game; because perfecting multi-game quality aspects requires lots and lots of time, testing, smartness and risk.

It's absolutely not fare to judge a multi-game with offline-game checklist to determine how much it's worth. This is absolute nonsense...!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2913d ago
Clown_Syndr0me2915d ago

I agree. I reckon it will be about £20 pretty quickly.

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10 Overwatch Heroes You Would Want To Hang Out With

The world could always use a few more heroes, or in this case friends. Here are some Overwatch Heroes you would want to hang out with.

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I Miss the Original Overwatch

Blizzard's blending of the FPS and MOBA was a masterpiece of design that met its end too soon.

Tedakin355d ago

I miss 6v6, lootboxes and an actual player level. I used to look forward to Junkenstein's Revenge at Halloween and the Christmas event cause of all the cool cosmetics you could earn. I'd play it every day. Now you play it for an hour, earn some stupid charm, and you're done. No reason to play anymore.

ActualWhiteMan355d ago

RIP OW2 is trash. My friends stopped playing it like we used to the first one every Friday night.

smoothdude355d ago

this. loved overwatch 1. 2 is no fun. there is lots to play… find something you like.

Gardenia355d ago

I'd never thought I would say this but the loot boxes in Overwatch wasn't so bad compared to what it is now.

GoodGuy09355d ago

I remember those epic dreamworks-like CGIs. I wasn't a fan at all but man, I knew it was a rediculously huge game. OW2 I've seen...nothing, died maybe after a week.

moomoo319355d ago

OW2 is a disaster. All these years to make the game 5v5….? And they scrapped PvE? The game just sucks man zero fun.

86d ago

Activision Shows Concerns Over The Call Of Duty And Overwatch League's Longevity

Activision has admitted that its Call of Duty and Overwatch eSport Leagues are facing challenges that the company might fail to address.

just_looken375d ago

Ha ha these have been in trouble fort awhile so now we talk about it/address it?

How about you explain why you make billions but always have layoff's.

S2Killinit374d ago

Woe is me

These guys come off so disingenuous.

ModsDoBetter374d ago

The timing is strange but COD has been on a nosedive for several years & then followed by the backlash of Overwatch 2.

sadraiden374d ago

COD has literally never been more popular. Every single year it sells more and more copies than the previous year. Don't know what you mean by nosedive.

ModsDoBetter374d ago (Edited 374d ago )


It has taken a nosedive in quality.
However, as you based your argument on sales numbers, let's take a dive, shall we?

"COD has literally never been more popular"
COD has literally been more popular.

See: MW2 sales numbers estimate to be at 8million copies sold at the end of 2022 (no official numbers released) yet Black Ops (2010) sits at a staggering 31million copies sold.

"Every single year it sells more and more copies than the previous year"
Again, not true.

(In release order)
Black Ops - 31 million copies
Modern Warfare 3 - 30 million copies
Black Ops 2 - 29 million copies
Ghosts - 28 million copies
Advanced Warfare - 21 million copies
Black Ops 3 - 26 million copies
Infinite Warfare - 13 million copies
WWII - 19 million copies
Black Ops 4 - 14 million copies
MW2019 - 30 million copies
Cold War - 30 million copies
Vanguard - Unreleased sales numbers
MW2022 - No solid numbers yet, though as above - 8 million estimated as of end of 2022

As you can see "every single year it sells more and more copies than the previous year" is an inaccurate statement with the sales numbers fluctuating, though I do feel MW2022 would sell well over the course of the year.

luckytrouble374d ago

This timing isn't that weird. eSports are notorious money sinks, and organizations have been failing one after another the past few months as funds dry up and popularity wavers. Critical who is one of the runners of his own eSports organization has been extremely candid about the fact that there's really no money to be made, and a lot of suits that had their companies throw money at the concept are just starting to give up and move on.

Profchaos374d ago

Just to coincide with the CMA appeal woe is us

smolinsk374d ago

Wow and they have totally done it to them Self with zero innovation.

shinoff2183374d ago

Exactly. Biggest game in gaming and they crying. Stfu acti

ModsDoBetter374d ago

They really dropped the ball with COD ever since WW2 I’d say.

Year after year it’s just disappointment after disappointment and it only got worse with Warzone and MW2019 - seasonal progression, battle pass, goofy skins, not listening to player feedback, you name it.

merlox374d ago

Call of duty was only good when they were WWII. Activision should go back to how they started. Also, they can make the single player stories longer. Not everyone plays the multiplayer.

porkChop374d ago

A lot of people here couldn't even read the headline. This isn't about the games themselves, it's about the esports leagues.

shinoff2183374d ago

Put the money into it. You have the biggest game in gaming.

porkChop374d ago

Agreed. They can obviously afford it.

ChasterMies374d ago

If people don’t like playing the games as much, then why would they want to watch other people play it?

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