
Ron Gilbert wants to buy Monkey Island and Mansion Mansion back from Disney

Ron Gilbert asked Disney on Twitter to buy his IP's back

gangsta_red2931d ago

Yea, I read in another article that he meany Maniac Mansion. Shame that Disney is probably going to sit on those for the rest of our lives.

BlackIceJoe2931d ago (Edited 2931d ago )

I'm down for this, l just don't think it'll happen. The big reason why is because if Disney was smart they'd turn Monkey Island into an animated tv series and after that comes out they could sell merchandise. So the price to own the IPs wouldn't be cheap, but he might be able to license the IP instead.


XDefiant dev confirms release date for upcoming sniper nerf patch

Following a wave of community complaints, XDefiant executive producer Mark Rubin has confirmed when players can expect the sniper nerf patch to arrive.


"We are the competitors of GTA 6, Forza, The Crew," says TDU: Solar Crown

Amaar writes: "Our recent interview with TDU: Solar Crown's game director reveals their ambitions to compete with titans in the gaming industry."

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Why is Steam Blocked in Vietnam? Government Shares Reason

Finally, the Vietnamese government has officially responded to Steam being blocked in the country.

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blacktiger20h ago

AMAZING! Thank You Gabe, stand for freedom of speech!!!!


VPN to buy games, fuck that if it's allowed or not, or just use a VPN and torrent what you can.

seanpitt238h ago

I just cannot believe we haven't had a game from them this generation nearly 4 years in.. crazy!

Knightofelemia13h ago

If the game is crap then yes there will always be negative feedback it comes with the territory. It's called word of mouth or welcome to the internet. Where the truth about a game comes out really fast whether the game is good or crap. If you can't handle the criticism because of a game then why publish the game. Why should people who never criticized or even played the game be punished? Vietnam has some really screwed up laws block Steam because they don't answer us rule. And going on a witch hunt with Steam please. Where's the proof, where's the evidence of this witch hunt. Somebody is butt hurt and has a Vietnamese Karen leading the witch hunt.