
How Microsoft Can Fix the Xbox One in 2016

The Xbox One is a paradox of sorts. It has sold at a far faster clip than previous Xbox consoles, which should be celebrated. But it's also been outsold by as much as 2-to-1 by the PlayStation 4. So "fixing" the Xbox One in 2016 is tricky: Microsoft will need to continue with what's working while making the platform more appealing to a wider audience.

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dreadz742935d ago

This E3 is one of the most exciting yet lets see what transpires. I am down for new consoles with PC like HW performance.

Kingthrash3602934d ago

I'm excited for every E3 and plan to come to this one. While I do want to see new console I'm thinking we'll only see a slim xbox. Nintendo already said no nx and neo is now rumored to come at Paris game show....neo is still a rumor so it's a rumor of a rumor wrapped in wrapping paper with the word rumor on it to gamers from a rumor . As for xbox I'm hopine gears isn't their main event...I hope they surprise gamers with a totally new game like Sony did horizon.

Docknoss2934d ago

Yes I agree, Theirs a few minut things that can be fixed but other than that it's almost perfect.

freshslicepizza2934d ago

1. microsoft could make a bold move and come out with an xbox one slim design with no disk drive for $199.

2. buy capcom or some high profile publisher

3. team up with steam

4. show new ip's and a real commitment to the future of their games division.

5. prove the cloud works with crackdown 3 and other games.

6. push windows 10 and cross play/save features and one purchase requirement to unlock the xbox one and windows 10 version

jb2272934d ago


All of your suggestions are rock solid aside from "Buy Capcom". I just can't see a world in which that is a sound investment, or good for gamers overall in any way.

First off, the amount of money it would take to buy Capcom & all of it's fairly huge licenses would be staggering, and what would it net the MS gamer at the end of the day? You'd still have the same devs creating the same games that we would all receive w/ or w/o an MS purchase. All of that money could be spent towards making the next Mega Man or Resident Evil, all in house as first party Microsoft IP's. Beyond that, those new ip's could essentially create a future cash cow, whereas Capcom's IPs have had their day in the sun, and they will never be any bigger or better than they once were.

Just look at what happened with Rare, MS paid no doubt a huge sum, then MS gamers ended up with what, 2 or 3 decent games since then, amongst a handful of less than well received stuff? Meanwhile, most of the key talent that made Rare what it was left, and MS gamers are only now seeing the true potential of what the studio could possibly do with Sea of Thieves, over a decade later.

With that amount of time & money spent, MS could've went straight to the source head hunted up & coming developers and created their own studio with Rare sensibilities, and an astronomical budget to play with. End of the day, it's guys & studios like those that are going to create the next Goldeneye or Banjo or Resident Evil or Mega Man, not the old studio that has seen it's day in the sun.

Buying Capcom would ultimately amount to buying a bunch of names, and gamers can't play names. You may think it'd be a smart mega long term business proposition, but it would ultimately set MS & gaming in general back for companies to keep chasing old dragons instead of creating the future.

ShadowKnight2934d ago

@Moldy that's a lot of things lol

noksucow732934d ago

Well said. It seems like a lot of the times, when these companies like Microsoft buy a developer, the talent has already left. At least the key talent. Then people say Microsoft i holding Rare back. I'd do what you said if I was Microsoft . Spend the $ on a big, popular ip, and make it exclusive. They should have forked out the $ and kept TR a exclusive. People usually don't mind timed exclusives, or I don't really think timed exclusives are system sellers. I remember when Mass Effect went to the ps3 back in the day and I thought , wow , that was a huge 360, console exclusive that they should've kept. I Know It would cost , But they need to go big If they want to try and compete against the likes Of Sonys first party teams.

XanderZane2934d ago


They how would games be able to play their B/C Xbox 360 games or Blu-Ray movies? Yeah, they do need to acquire a couple of big publisher/developers. They should have bought SEGA a long time ago. Not sure who they will grab next. They also need to stop cancelling games. Show more games that utilize Cloud tech & DX12. I'll be interested to see what the XBox Next looks like.

freshslicepizza2933d ago

"All of your suggestions are rock solid aside from "Buy Capcom". I just can't see a world in which that is a sound investment, or good for gamers overall in any way."

never said it was feasible but it would give them some leverage at building up their portfolio and more importantly they would then have something to help sell the xbox to japan gamers. i also think capcom has gone downhill a lot and maybe microsoft could do something with all those ip's they own because right now capcom is in a big mess. do i think this will ever happen microsoft buying them? no but i do think it could help them be more marketable around the globe.

"First off, the amount of money it would take to buy Capcom & all of it's fairly huge licenses would be staggering, and what would it net the MS gamer at the end of the day? You'd still have the same devs creating the same games that we would all receive w/ or w/o an MS purchase. All of that money could be spent towards making the next Mega Man or Resident Evil, all in house as first party Microsoft IP's. Beyond that, those new ip's could essentially create a future cash cow, whereas Capcom's IPs have had their day in the sun, and they will never be any bigger or better than they once were."

not sure what it would cost but i dont see the company as valuable as before but they do have a lot of valuable ip's just sitting there or have been used poorly. konami could be another option since they don't seem too keen on console gaming or pc gaming. japan isn't exactly open and warm about stateside takeovers though.

"Just look at what happened with Rare, MS paid no doubt a huge sum, then MS gamers ended up with what, 2 or 3 decent games since then, amongst a handful of less than well received stuff? Meanwhile, most of the key talent that made Rare what it was left, and MS gamers are only now seeing the true potential of what the studio could possibly do with Sea of Thieves, over a decade later."

i agree although i did really enjoy kameo and viva pinata but you're right, they are not the same rare as before but sea of thieves looks very interesting. a lot of the original talent left rare so its hard to keep that magic and microsoft screwed the pooch with rare for too long. let's hope phil has more trust ans allows them more freedom.

"Buying Capcom would ultimately amount to buying a bunch of names, and gamers can't play names. You may think it'd be a smart mega long term business proposition, but it would ultimately set MS & gaming in general back for companies to keep chasing old dragons instead of creating the future."

maybe but i just don't see the xbox brand ever being as marketable around the globe unless they did something drastic like that. it takes many years to build in house studios and get big games out the door. what i do think to be more rational is them continuing to partner themselves with other studios like insomniac and remedy. studios that are already in place and microaodt working directly with them. just like sony did with bloodborne and nintendo with bayonetta 2. to me that is a lot more feasible than building studios from scracth but microsoft needs to do that too but that will take years. this way they already have the teams in place. the problem is those teams also have to justify if its beneficial to them knowing the ps4 is double the potential software sales.

freshslicepizza2933d ago

"Moldy that's a lot of things lol"

let's be honest, microsoft has a lot of work they need to do. they cannot keep relying on their few known ip's like halo, forza and gears of war. they need to buold their portfolio but this business is all about profits so when games like viva pinta fail to sell well or kameo then they get scared and go back to what's familiar and try to remake old classics that may not have the same impact now. what nintendo does well is use familiar assets but give gamers a totally new experience because they tailor them to the hardware. if all sony and microsoft do is provide better graphics to old ip's then you have a stagnant market. at least sony is willing to invest in new ideas like detroit and horizon and if they are not huge sucess stories they have many other games to keep them going.

microsoft does have quite a few ip's they don't use much but could revitalize if they choose. on consoles and pc's,


personally i think cancelling black tusk's new project in favor of a new gears of war game shows how much pressure there is in the industry for aaa gaming. to me it's far too commercial and when you start doing things like that it blocks creativity and you are essentially just building assembly lines, not game studios.

Ashlen2933d ago (Edited 2933d ago )

1. microsoft could make a bold move and come out with an xbox one slim design with no disk drive for $199.

You can buy a USB external Blu-ray for 35$. In bulk I doubt MS is paying more than 10$ it's not going to drop the price by much. Why would you ask to give consumers less options this type of decision only benefits Microsoft by forcing people to buy digital. This has basically no benefit for the consumer.

2. buy capcom or some high profile publisher

This seems unlikely considering they just closed 9 studios because they didn't want to invest in them.

3. team up with steam

Why would they team up with Steam when their big push is UWD and and the Windows Store?

4. show new ip's and a real commitment to the future of their games division.

This is something they could actually do.

5. prove the cloud works with crackdown 3 and other games.

I'm sure it works. But the question no one asks, is it cost effective? This tech will require tons of globally positioned dedicated servers with specific software that can provide ultra low latency connections. What they are proposing is basically the most expensive game server architecture to date. If it was cheap and easy you'd see other comapnies like EA and Activision etc jumping on the bandwagon, which they are not.

6. push windows 10 and cross play/save features and one purchase requirement to unlock the xbox one and windows 10 version

This is likely to happen.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2933d ago
littletad2935d ago

In my opinion it's Microsoft's best console ever, only after it was changed to what it was now. The bc has proved gamers love going back to their favorite hits. The xbox one elite controller is perhaps the best console controller ever produced, I have 2. They've done a lot of things right, only after they did so many things wrong. And while I still don't think the 720p/1080p is as big a dichotomy as fanboys claim, it's still surprising that microsoft is the slightly less powerful console this generation. They simply need to keep producing games, make better guidelines and partnerships with indie developers, and stop closing down studios

Kingthrash3602934d ago (Edited 2934d ago )

The Xbox 360 is the best MS console very easily.
Like you said look at BC...consoles like the wii, wiiu, ps3, and even ps4 has some sort bc with psnow...even though it's streaming and the worst way to play last Gen games this gen. But out of all these consoles xbo need it most to even compete. The 360 and it's huge amout of games early on complete with better performance and resolution than its direcr competitor clearly makes it a better console...in both content and quality. Where xbo is the opposite of that. It's the lower end of games performance and quality and when compared to ps4 it's games line up is very small...the recycling of games pioneered on the 360 and the og xbox. The xboxone has done nothing but ride the success of the Xbox 360. It still hasn't made a flagship game or made a name for itself. Sadly fanboys ignore the problems of the xbo when ms is listening most! To say it's the best console ms has ever made is an insult to ms and the 360....period. lose me with the fanboy talk...I'm no fanboy I'm a real gamer who wants to see real new games from the people who made halo gears and forza. Frankly I'm not seeing any innovation or anything from ms....I see them giving up. It's sad to see.
Also the elite controller needs batteries lose me with that overpriced controller...if it cost half of the console I shouldn't need to buy batteries or a battery pack for it.
While features and updates are nice gamers want games....and still having to wait 30 minutes for a game to install from a disc when it takes the ps4 less than a minute is just ....shameful....for the love of god fix this ms....all these features and update, update that! Dear god I get upset to come home with a new game thinking I can just pop it in and be playing in less than 2 Minutes like all other console....and I see the install time of a Simpsons episode is just so deflating.

Michel...first, do you know what I mean when I say new games right....NEW...LIKE NEW NOT A SEQUEL. Ms isn't Giving a xbox one it's flagship game. The Xbox would sale more if it had more reasons to buy it....with more if it's exclusives going to pc it's just less of a reason to buy one... so far this year...get this....it has no games that came out only for xboxone. Every single game one xbox one was on another platform...it's not a good way to sell console to get more devs a reason to make exclusive games. Every single game on your list isn't a exclusive. Just last year...literally a year ago ms and it's fanboys were saying the Xbox one has the most exclusives. ..now it's like none and you shove a list of games...most of which were indies (which are awsome to me...but on launch day xbox gamers were calling the ps4 the 'indie station'...'member that?) Also windows intergration??? Dx12??? Really? You don't feel it odd that your list of exclusive features are longer than your list of exclusive games? Really. Then you call me bias. How am I bias? Wanting games? Really? Actually looking at what the Xbox really is and what it's really missing?...fuck man why do YOU want the Xbox not to have the games it deserves? Almost every game on your list I'd on pc...are you being bias for pc? Man the struggle is real bro...wake. up.
Oh and killer instinct is a 2 year old launch game...just because the dlc is coming don't make it new or upcoming.
Tropico5 is free on psn and I haven't even downloaded that shit. Man you kill me with that funny list of games......is that the games xbox represents? Old pc games? Old 360 games?

RosweeSon2934d ago

Your first line says it all Xbox 360 the best look at BC... Yes let's look at BC Xbox one is so amazing and the best Xbox console ever but it's games are pretty dire and dried up currently so we'll play all the last gen games? So it must have been pretty good last gen ;) Xbox 360 is Microsofts best console they'll have to do something special to ever beat the 85 million ish consoles they sold.

Automatic792934d ago (Edited 2934d ago )


"I'm no fanboy I'm a real gamer who wants to see real new games from the people who made halo gears and forza. Frankly I'm not seeing any innovation or anything from ms....I see them giving up. It's sad to see. "

I want to add to this discussion in a civil manner, First and foremost your comment stating you want to see new games from the people who made halo gears and forza. Halo 5 says hi, Gears of War 4 says hi and Forza 5 and 6 plus Forza Horizon all say hi. Further, to your second comment "Frankly I'm not seeing any innovation or anything from ms....I see them giving up. It's sad to see." Okay so you claim no innovation here are a few since you forgot

New Windows 10 OS intergration
Xbox One to PC streaming
Game Sharing
16 Person Party Chat
Early access
External Harddrive support
Elite Controller
Crackdown 3 cloud compute/destruction
Forza avatar
Xbox 360 BC
Cortana coming to Xbox One
DVR coming to Xbox One

Why are you bias towards Xbox One is beyond me. Additionally, your comment gamers want games

What do you call

Ark Survival Evolve
Layers of Fear
Solus Project
Flood and the Flame
Blues and Bullets
Quantum Break
DC Universe Online
Rocket league
Raiden V
Killer Instinct Season 3
Dungeon of the Endless
Stranger in Sword City
Tropico 5 Penultimate Edition
Elite Dangerous Horizons launches in June
We Happy few releases in June
Below releases this summer

Its amazing how you claim Xbox One has no games and all I been seeing since the New Year is continuous games coming out every week. Now if you don't prefer them that is another issue but stop spreading fudge for the sake of getting people to agree with you because it is not working.

2v12934d ago

You just ok been treated like a second class gamer MS need to gtfo

2934d ago
RosweeSon2934d ago

In 2-3 years Xbox one won't be seen in the same nostalgic light that the Xbox 360 will be it was a truly fantastic console not many keep me hooked in for 8-9 years (ex gamerscore whore) and multiple consoles what with elite upgrades and faulty disc drives being repaired to come back with RROD and then to just get swapped by me (lost the faith a little) grabbed the Star Wars edition faith restored console still working but been packed back up in the box for a year or so now probably getting on for 2 but it was a truly great console even have Sony a run for its money, no one has ever done this. Sure Wii did great selling 100 million but they were after a whole different market kids again mums sisters, nans Wii fit just dance many more dribble including games. However Xbox 360 because it was easier for Devs ended up being the lead platform and PS3 was technically a better console just tricker to master sure the great games came in the end and Sony levelled things off towards the end of the generation but Xbox did push Sony hard and did a great job after the truly horrendous first couple of years with their repair bills, however people kept with it because... It was a great system, Xbox one has no where near these levels of support and despite how it may be getting spun it's not selling more than Xbox 360 did totalled 80-90 million over 9-10 years that's 8-9 million a year Xbox one has sold 21 million Max! So far that's barely 7 million million a year as we've got 5 months left and 2-3 of those are the summer when hardly any consoles are sold. Microsoft don't release facts so it's all guess work but the Xbox is not selling more than Xbox 360 and certainly won't continue to do so the way it's going. 50 million max lifetime sales for Xbox one. Much more reliable than Xbox 360 it seems... They got soemthing right.

Rookie_Monster2934d ago

Agreed. It has everything MS fans wanted. What is there to change?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2934d ago
2934d ago Replies(2)
lelo2play2934d ago (Edited 2934d ago )

"How Microsoft Can Fix the Xbox One in 2016"

More AAA exclusives... more AAA exclusives.... more exclusives.

Until now (we are almost at the middle of the year), Microsoft only launched 1 AAA exclusive for the X1, Quantum Break, and it's not even a full exclusive since it's also on the PC. That's way too little for a company that wants to compete with the PS4.
Sony has already launched 4 AAA PS4 exclusives so far this year: Street Fighter (also on PC), Uncharted, Ratchet, MLB... not even counting indie games like Witness, Alienation, Shadow of the Beast, among others.
Microsoft has to work much harder and do way better job then they have been doing until now.

Positive notes for the X1: BC and XBL Gold offerings (better then PS+)... but that's not enough.

CaptainObvious8782934d ago

MS was apparently going to be spending 1 billion dollars on games, but where did it all go?

Does that include all there outrageous marketing campaigns?

Destiny10802934d ago

the xbone has not a single exclusive game over 90% on metacritic while the ps4 has 5 games over 90%

RosweeSon2934d ago (Edited 2934d ago )

Sure it's not all about reviews but yeah that's a pretty good indicator hate it or love it there's many people averaging out scores and they all saying the same Wii u/ps4 plenty of high 85-90+ Xbox one just hasn't got em.... Yet! Sure they could start flashing the cash ala Tomb raider again and I'll be seriously considering and Xbox one but I guess we'll just have to wait and see for E3

Movefasta19932933d ago (Edited 2933d ago )

If a game for example Forza Horizon 2 is a 9 or a 10 to a gamer,does it matter?

Khaotic2934d ago

Metacritic is how sheep choose games. I mean seriously with twitch and you tube why do I need metacritic for a game I'm indecisive on. But if people need numbers to validate their existence or choices by all means have a party

hiawa232934d ago

I agree , never have I bought or even looked at metacritic when buying so it is irrelevant to me to based that on anything.

GrubsterBeater2934d ago (Edited 2934d ago )

I would never use Metacritic as a gauge to wether or not I would purchase a game..

What Metacritic DOES do is compile an average score based off critics and users to forma score that shows how many people gave it a high score.

Surely nobody is using Metacritic to decide to buy a game, but I'm sure you already knew that, and that wasn't the reason you commented that... You commented that in an attempt to downplay the validity of Metacritic's scores because you know very well that they don't have anything 90+ for your system...

Aside from that, I have played games I loved that didn't have a 90+ Metacritic average. I have also played many, many games that I loved that DID happen to have high Metacritic scores...

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