
DOOM Review - LittleBigCritics

Sarah Okita writes: I’ve been playing video games since the late ’80s, so I have some history with them. I played the original DOOM and DOOM2 when they came out in the mid ’90s. I feel like I’m back in the glory Doom days, with upgraded graphics, awesome weapons, and crazy as hell monsters. That is what DOOM is all about. The announcement that there would be a new DOOM title coming to next-gen consoles was welcomed with open arms.  Why not?  Bethesda’s recent backing of a new Wolfenstein game yielded a fantastic return of a different type of shooter.  Wolfenstein, although it had been passed on to a new developer, was a hit with old school shooter fans.   Unfortunately, DOOM was a game that Bethesda and id were mostly radio silent on.  Aside from a couple of trailers and a poorly received multiplayer beta, we didn’t know much about the game at all. In fact, all we really had to go on was a multiplayer beta that felt really uninspired.

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lobocob2916d ago

hold up, im writing a letter to my congressman demanding this review be sent to prison so it does not affect metacritic. you ever spend time up river in review prison? of course not you're a person not a review. but let me be the first to tell you it's rough

CrimsonGuardVII2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

so your saying that reviewers should not ever get criticism and they should be given immunity to the world of opinions unless it fits there own, or that people over react, or both?

lobocob2916d ago

orange you glad I didn't say banana?

senorfartcushion2915d ago

No, they can't be criticised because a review is an opinion and opinions can't be wrong or right.

nowitzki20042915d ago (Edited 2915d ago )


"opinions can't be wrong or right"

LMFAO what a quote, so no one is ever right or wrong?

Bimkoblerutso2915d ago

Feel free to disagree with a review all you want. That's not the issue. The issue is that most gamers still seem to operate under the assumption that reviews are anything other than subjective, which has lead to some pretty ridiculous "book burning" situations over the years.

Reviews are COMPLETELY subjective, whether you all want to admit it or not. So you can either choose to civilly disagree with them, or you can throw in with the likes of the SJW's and bitch and moan to get stuff banned that you don't particularly like.

Sketchy_Galore2915d ago

In response to Bimkosomethingsomething.

I'm not calling for the banning of anything (and to be honest don't even care what score Doom gets from anyone) but I have to say reviews really shouldn't be completely subjective.

I hate driving games, I hate resource management games. I've tried to get into both genres but neither do anything for me. Any game in either genre gets an automatic 1/10 from me purely subjectively speaking. Still, let's say I'm trusted to write a review of one of them for a big name website that will end up on metacritic. Would it be fine to put my review of the next Forza Motorsport up there with a big 1/10 and the summary "meh, driving games stress me out" or would that objectively be a shitty review?

Wouldn't I be expected, as a professional reviewer, to try and see past my personal biases and judge the game for how objectively well made it is and how likely it is to please fans of the genre? Maybe I can throw in my subjective opinions if I think they should be accepted as objective fact, if I think all fans of the genre are wrong and driving games objectively DO suck, but if I know my personal subjective feelings are just that, should I really let them effect what is in essence a guide for people considering purchasing the game to let them know, barring any extreme personal biases of their own, whether they're likely to enjoy the product?

Which is the better review?

"Tropico 5 is an interesting lighthearted take on the sim genre with tons of heart and soul and while, as a person who's never been a big fan of intense resource management in gaming, some of the more in depth elements were a little too overwhelming for me, I'm sure they will please any fan of virtual dictatorship" - 8/10


"I like to drink while playing games and hate having to learn how to manage resources when I'm drunk. Also my so called friend stole my copy of Sim City when I was a kid and these kinds of games always bring up those bad memories. So yeah, I hated Tropico" - 1/10

ZaWarudo2915d ago

Pretty sure he's mocking the Uncharted 4 petition thing, which is hilarious. People should stop paying so much mind to Metacritic, Because at the end of the day it's your own opinion that matters the most.

Bimkoblerutso2915d ago


The only way to "objectively" critique a game would be with concrete or quantifiable statements. So an "objective" review could inherently only read something like: "Uncharted 4 was developed by Naughty Dog. It was released in the United States on May 10, 2016. 20 bazillion polygons make up Nathan Drake's pants."

Just for the record, there's plenty of "objective" articles and coverage out there, but lo and behold, we don't call them reviews...because they are not reviews. Gamers want opinions, but they don't want opinions that are contrary to their own expectations. And so, when one comes out like this one, everyone whines and complains that journalists should strive for objectivity...when that is COMPLETELY impossible given the nature of reviewing art. Go watch some gameplay videos or read a couple of preview articles if you're looking for objectivity. Reviews consist specifically of subjective perspective.

And this is not me trying to defend game journalism, in all honesty. They fail in so many other areas that it seems almost unethical to come to their defense in this situation. But the takeaway here should really be (and this is obviously beating a dead horse) that we all give review scores WAY more gumption than we ought to. A review from a games journalist should be no more legitimate or valuable than one from a friend of yours because it is all just that specific persons perspective. It is just more evidence that the media has WAY more power in the industry than they ever should have.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2915d ago
PaleMoonDeath2915d ago

Bugger that, hold on I'll grab me shotgun!

Yui_Suzumiya2915d ago

I'm with this guy.. 4/10 means nearly broken and I finished it last weekend and it was a technical marvel on PS4.

hardcorehenry2915d ago

We need to band together to ensure that this review is raped in review prison. How dare it sully doom's meta critic score. What is this, a free country?

bsquwhere2915d ago

I see you're mocking the uproar for the Uncharted review. The difference is that there was no number attached to the review for Uncharted, Metacritic just gave it a 4. Nice try though,

UnHoly_One2915d ago

Learn your facts. The reviewer gave it a 4.

Wash Po just doesn't post the scores.


lobocob2915d ago

the fact that I have more disagrees than agrees just reinforces that the community here is complete shit

gangsta_red2915d ago

This reviewer is obviously biased against doom marines trying to stop hell demons from ruining Christmas.

Forget the congressmen, someone get the president of the world on the phone, this unjustice will not stand.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2915d ago
DLConspiracy2916d ago

The review is confusing. It mostly says all positive things but gives a 4 out 10? Weird... I don't get it.

sdcard4gb2916d ago

Same here... I just... I am pretty sure somebody fucked up the score...

nowitzki20042915d ago (Edited 2915d ago )

Maybe the reviewer thought it was out of 5 and said its a 4 and they published it like that lol.

2915d ago Replies(1)
PlayTheGameBro2915d ago

Maybe its just me, but i believe since the whole uncharted 4 metacritic fiasco, writers/reviewers/journalists are going to purposely start giving games that has mostly gotten great reception from everyone low scores just for the notoriety and clicks. It's getting ridiculous.

game4funz2915d ago

Yes.. The uncharted review fiasco will definitely cause ripples

Rivitur2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

"The game is frustrating, unfair ordeal to the rest of the normally outfitted players. Similar annoyances work their way into the experience as well, creating for what is in the fullness of time, a subpar addition to a promising piece of single-player content."

So doom is the dark souls of FPS's apparently 0.o

TheColbertinator2916d ago

Doom is far from broken,controls respond well,graphics are refined,runs in HD on consoles and isn't bogged down with glitches like many other releases this gen.

I call foul on the review

CrimsonGuardVII2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

this review doesn't make much sense, so now doom gets graded because of its mp?, as opposed to its primary which is campaign. is this why cod gets a free pass in reviews with its mp every year, because of the campaign getting reviewed only, even though that's not its primary component. oh look at what he/she gave uncharted 4, a 2 out of 10, i think this meets the definition of click bait.

fatsodubmo2915d ago

And Far Cry Primal gets 10/10 from them. Oh well lets let them have their 15 minutes fof fame before they are all out of a job ready to kts's.

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