
Top 10 Video Game Movies That Aren't Awful (No, Really!)

Movies that are adapted from video games have a certain justifiable reputation, but there are few that are still worth some laughs!

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Kyosuke_Sanada2903d ago

I really enjoyed the first Mortal Kombat, Silent Hill and Resident Evil movies. As for Street Figher, it's sole saving grace was Raul Julia........God bless his soul. : [

Freedomland2903d ago

Tomb Raider maybe class out all of them. Well, at the end of the day, you enjoy what you like.

XisThatKid2903d ago

Liked it when I first saw hit next day I hated Mortal Kombat.

NukaCola2903d ago

Resident Evil Degeneration was awesome, but it was animated so it had the upper hand.

Fist4achin2903d ago

I thought Silent Hill was great. I also thought the first resident evil was cool too.

BlakHavoc2903d ago

RE was garbage, nothing like the actual game. MK was awesome, the original that is. AC looks like it may actually have a chance to not bomb as a video game movie.

iNcRiMiNaTi2903d ago

I already have low expectations on AC when it was announced that it was 65% present day and only 35% in the past. It's already nothing like the games so I have my doubts but who knows, it might surprise me and actually be decent.

BlakHavoc2903d ago

Really? The whole damn trailer was them in the animus lol. What a let down...

senorfartcushion2903d ago

Why is this article stating opinion as fact?

It is up to the viewer if a film is good or bad. No one else.

2903d ago Replies(1)
CorndogBurglar2903d ago

Most people are taught how to tell the difference between fact and opinion at a very young age. You do not have to say "in my opinion" or "i believe" in order for it to be an opinion.

"Doom is a great game." That is an opinion. See how that works? Most non-idiots don't need to be told in a sentence that its an opinion....

senorfartcushion2903d ago

Yes and where are these non-idiots?

CorndogBurglar2903d ago

Well, considering that you are the only one complaining about opinions being stated as facts......

ocelot072903d ago

Mortal Kombat was actually a decent movie. MK2 was not as good but was ok. Hitman was awful. Resident Evil was not that bad. By no means great but was a ok watch.

My opinions of course. Never seen the rest of them.

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Why Don’t Video Game Movies Work Out So Well?

There’s an ongoing curse that has been in Hollywood for decades now. For some bizarre reason, a movie studio will obtain the rights of a video game franchise to try and turn it into a movie. In most situations, it then takes years and years before the movie even makes it to the script writing stage, where if it’s very lucky, it then gets a director attached to it and things can finally start rolling. But then the movie comes out, the reviews release and it more often than not bombs at the box office. So how is it these multi-million dollar video game franchises fail all too often at the box office? Well there’s actually multiple potential reasons why.

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darthv721698d ago

It can be summed up rather simply as... time constraints. Movies have to come in at a certain length (on average of 2 hours +/-) while games exceed that by a considerable amount. Now if a company wanted to take a game and break it down into multiple movies then I could see that happen in order to maintain the nature and context of the source material.

Fist4achin1697d ago

The movie industry stopped caring about quality a long time ago. I remember movies didn't release weekly and the overall production took longer. Now they are pumped out so quickly that they for the most part stink.

Retroman1697d ago (Edited 1697d ago )

"Why video games movie's fail"

Simple......most average movie goer don't know the game. and second producer do not use source material what made the game the game we like.
it always turn out Garbage.
that's why video game movie's fail.
same principal for action movies and superhero movies. Example : Spiderman Homecoming was Garbage.

Elda1697d ago

Usually the story doesn't match the original in game story along with bad direction & a tired production.


The 10 Best Video Game Movies of All Time

Detective Pikachu is definitely up there in terms of best video games movies, but what about other ones that were actually decent?

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CobraKai1769d ago

I’ve seen all those movies, I think some are there by default. And where is Street Fighter?!? Raul Julia owned what is one of the best movies of all time period.

PhantomS421769d ago

Detective Pikachu one of the best? Well, don't need to read anymore to know this is trash. DP was an absolute nightmare fueled lazy crapfest. Not to mention the plot was predictable from the first trailer and the gaping plot hole ruins the already awful movie. The new Tomb Raider too? Come on guy, the porn parody is a better Tomb Raider than that.

FalconofLucis981768d ago

There arent even 10 cause they literally all suck


Phoenix Down – Intermission #26

We discuss bad video game movies for a change as we wait for Matt to get back.