
Uncharted is a Fraud

Uncharted is a fraud, due to its inability to take its many inspirations and actually create something with its own stamp on it. It has no constant.

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guywazeldatatt2917d ago

Uncharted 4, and probably from the beginning, is a game with a huge identity crisis and the game it was inspired by and the one it helped inspire has far surpassed it.

Germany72917d ago

Is that so? What do you call parasite sites like yours then?

guywazeldatatt2917d ago

Honestly it was an observation, for some time now actually. I have actual reasoning to back it up.

Nitrowolf22917d ago (Edited 2917d ago )

Only you don't have reasons to back it up, you simply toss words around thinking people will know what you are trying to say. You literally go into no details about what was taken from them each other then you repeating throughout the whole thing that it's a fraud because it took inspiration

All what your article shows is tha it isn't your cup of tea. I, and many others, enjoy the story, lengthy gameplay, and character personalities.

fei-hung2917d ago

How do you report troll articles and report trolls on this new N4G set up?

nix2917d ago (Edited 2917d ago )

Go on Darklink. we're listening.

UltraNova2917d ago


Tell us, what did you think of The Last of Us?

nX2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

I hate these wannabe journalists, they're cancer to this industry. Also N4G should be better moderated, the clickbait is getting out of hand lately.

pinkcrocodile752916d ago

@Ratchet8 Don't be so vile!.

Donald Trump is a parasite, George Osborne is a parasite, All the presenters on Fox News are parasites. The author here is NOT.

You may not like what he has to say but have the courage to see that not everyone has your rose tinted view of the world and or gaming.

Even though I'm loving UC4 (I'm only on Chapter 14 as playing Quantum Break and Doom too) I can see some (Not all) of the points Darklink28 is saying.

If you took the plot and performance in UC4 and filmed it, it'd be one of the most boring films to watch, nothing like Indiana Jones (Except maybe the turd that was Crystal Skull).

So I can see that trying to be so many things would leave an identity crisis. Both my eldest son and my Husband seem to agree, while they enjoy UC 1-4 (they've finished them all) they don't show the same amount of love they do for Lara Croft or the Indiana Jones films.

UC4 is NOT a fraud but is more like;

"A Jack of all trades but master of none"

However in UC4's case I'll ammend that to "Jack of all trades but master of quite a few, just not all"

For me story is king, the story here is good, it's just not as good as Indiana Jones (Crystal Skull excluded).

With all that said, I WILL finish this game soon enough and I have loved every minute of it so far... but Quantum Break is the biz and as for Doom, well it's the bollocks! so it may be longer than I originally anticipated. LOL

SolidStoner2916d ago

lol, heavy trolling, this only proves what I say.. gaming journalism is a new born baby with no knowledge about gaming..

how these opinion articles get approved is beyond my understanding.. :)

Liqu1d2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

@fei-hung There's no point. Clickbait trash like this is pefectly acceptable here apparently.

garrettbobbyferguson2916d ago

They call websites like his opinions. It seems you cannot handle them. Gonna cry about it some more?

Kingthrash3602916d ago

Must be bill season for "journalists" .
Tons of click bait.

2916d ago
kitsune4512916d ago

Your articles include:
"The Nintendo Wii U Has the Best Library of Games"
"Xenoblade Chronicles X is the Best JRPG to Come Out in Years"
"Nintendo's E3 Move is Genius"
"The Upcoming Legend of Zelda will be Perfect"
"Ocarina of Time is Still the Greatest Game of All Time"
"Twilight Princess HD Review (Wii U) — An Unappreciated Masterpiece"
"The Wii U Has the Best Exclusives of This Console Generation"
"The Last of Us is Not a Great Video Game"
"Skyward Sword is the Best Zelda Game"
"Why Nintendo will be Successful in 2016"

Yeah, okay buddy.

morganfell2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

The real fraud is the person that wrote the article and his pretense of objective criticism. What flimflam. His cheap site fourberie is true blue chicanery at its most evident.

Then again, Chipley Florida is in the middle of nowhere so perhaps that explains it.

GamingIVfun2916d ago

Uncharted 4 is the best game available this year, so far (unless ofcourse you just don't like the type of game it is in which case your opinion should be I don't like that type of game) No amount of bad journalism is going to change that, sure isn't changing how well it is selling and how many people love and enjoy the game, isn't changing how well the PS4 is selling. Just making a particular community look really dumb, desperate, jealous, un profesional. Not going to work this gen. Get over yourselves.

Rachel_Alucard2916d ago


Seems like a huge nintendo bias rather than a clickbait seeker.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 2916d ago
TwoForce2917d ago

You are seriously want to get people attention, aren't you ? Tell me something, are you out of your mind ? Now your reputation will be marked as a low troll of gaming community.

MyDietEqualsGames2916d ago

Certainly got your attention, huh?

Dark_Knightmare22917d ago

Yeah right lol not one of the rebooted tomb raiders have been able to outscore it when it comes to general consensus. Yes you can like it better than uc but know it's the minority opinion and not the general consensus and quit stating it has such.

2917d ago
Utalkin2me2917d ago


Then by all means grace us with some facts to back up your disagreement.

Notellin2916d ago


Actually yes. Pretty simple to prove this is the opinion of the minority.

DefenderOfDoom22916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

I am going steal a thought from Jeff Gertsmann from 'Giant Bomb' If you do not like action adventure games with a lot of story and then you should not review that type of game . Because i never played a Uncharted game and i gravitate towards FPS campaigns , Hockey and old school type games like 'Resogun and some racing games . I would never comment on heavily story games. To me that would be disrespectful to people who love Uncharted type games .

If your having fun playing a video game of any kind , just ignore the trolls and haters !!!

joab7772916d ago

Scores aside, it's a simple fact that Uncharted is one of the highest quality IPS ever made. It may be, quality speaking, the best game ever made. The visuals, and attention to detail, along with storytelling etc. is unparalleled.

I understand why some may prefer games with rpg elements or anything, bit for what it is, Uncharted is superb in every sense of the word. This doesn't make Tomb Raider bad. The new reboots are great games. But almost nothing reaches the level ND has been able to reach in sheer quality.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2916d ago
2917d ago
Sanquine902917d ago

Read the whole thing and i'm not impressed. Lines like : Nathan Drake is a poor man’s Indiana Jones, nothing more, nothing less. His wisecrack jokes are not funny and the character is completely superficial" are just insulting because i love his humor. You're just some hipster kid who wants to have a share in the uncharted bash fest which generates a lot of clicks. Substance over form could apply on your opinion about Uncharted. Typical :D

joeorc2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

The fact he is claiming poor mans Indiana Jones says and shows he has no real basis for that assessment of Nathan drake as a character..because like many fail to grasp..drake was not based croft or jones..he was based on many like .

[Lemarchand listed comic characters Doc Savage and Tintin, as well as Die Hard protagonist John McClane, as inspirations for the character. Drake's physical prowess was modeled on that of Savage, and his personality inspired by the vibrant color and globetrotting identity of Tintin]

Doc savage the man of bronze
allan quatermain unlike croft jones..Drakes core character traits are that of pulp action character..larger than life in some areas of character Human in others. the bullet sponges for instances.

Have the many people who claim well he is just a rip off of jones or croft even read a doc savage pulp novel? If they had than they would know what I am simply pointing out is true.
Hell even Naughty Dog themselves stated what the character was based on.
The over all tone of Drakes stories in uncharted is of like King Solomons mines, To. Romancing the stone. Jewel of the nile.
The Rundown etc.

Taking a number of an Influence from 1 or 2 when the character and story is not the same thing what defines a certain character

StanleyRoper2916d ago

WHY would you even bother? You give these idiots nothing less that exactly what they want when you do this, and you should already know there's no point reading to begin with.

starrman19852917d ago (Edited 2917d ago )

HA! This article made me smile, I hope it's satire?....

Okay, the very original Tomb Raider almost definitely inspired Naughty Dog to create Uncharted. As you said though, there have also been films and many other contributing factors. However what Naughty Dog did with that inspiration was incredible, they breathed life into the action adventure game genre, which tbh had become a little dull in the years leading up to Uncharted. It is definitely not a fraud, its very hard to have true originality in this day and age, everything is a copy of a copy but ND did a damn good job of making Uncharted it's own.

The irony of your whole article is that Crystal Dynamics actually took inspiration from Uncharted! Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Tomb Raider and I have no issues with devs using other devs ideas when they execute them well (Crystal Dynamics did - both times) but all those massive set pieces, climbing sections, level design etc all took from Uncharted. CD dynamic added their own twists and originality too which is why their games are so great, they aren't just copy & paste clones of UC.

Imalwaysright2916d ago

"original Tomb Raider almost definitely inspired Naughty Dog to create Uncharted"

Can't believe that you got 11 agrees and just 2 disagrees with that opening... I usually get 20 disagrees for saying that!

I have to disagree with some points though. Platforming and climbing in TR reboot are from Tomb Raider Legend (PS2 game) and TR reboot had different level design compared to Uncharted with its hub worlds that allowed for a semi open world feel. I agree that Uncharted inspired TR with the set pieces and I would add cinematic flair to the things that Uncharted inspired Tomb Raider reboots and that btw is proof that Uncharted has its own identity.

dafegamer2916d ago

the strange thing, there arent completely original games anymore. Many games these days have clear inspirations, so why call out Uncharted out of all those games?

riskyhand2917d ago

well since you're here be honest, did you play the game? or you just watch it on youtube? because reading your article suggest that you never play ucharted 4

Whirlwind_Fanfare_082917d ago

Your article is a ******* joke! LOL! who gives a crap if you don't like it? your rant is ridiculous, and you just wanna get attention so you make a garbage article about Uncharted is a fraud! but it's all good though because it's still getting high scores, still selling well and so seriously, who cares? you wasted minutes of your life to do a stupid opinion piece like this that in my opinion, most people won't even care about. Go **** off!

LuckyChamCham2917d ago

What an unfortunate potato you are sir :(

L Ronald Hubbard2917d ago

"Lara Croft is a much more interesting character than Nathan Drake." Yeah, nah.

CKPan2917d ago

I'm really interesting what is the last good/ great game in your opinion?
Let's see what is it, hope with a article like this one.
I mean maybe google chrome is a fraud, firefox is a fraud, they're IE inspired and nothing new, only better.

BossBattle2917d ago (Edited 2917d ago )

I agree to some extent. Uncharted is a little overhyped. It's not the best in the series unless people are considering graphics. But the game doesn't have enough action. I'm enjoying it but it's still lacking something. Tomb Raider had more action, but this one has a better story.

rainslacker2917d ago

Thanks for the comment summing up your article. Now we don't have to read it.

Pretty sure UC knows its identity. It's an action adventure game with a wise cracking main character searching for treasure which leads to numerous ever increasing implausible action set pieces which provide entertainment for the player. In addition it includes a cast of likable characters who accompany him in those adventures until it's ultimate conclusion.

Seems I found it's identity since the first game.

Anyhow, I don't know if the TR series has surpassed it. They both do their own things well. I find UC more entertaining overall mostly because I find it hard to get behind the new Lara who I find to be insufferably whiny and not much of a hero as the developers went to too far of an extreme to try and make her vulnerable, which makes her eventual character development rather shallow and abrupt, thus not very realistic.

ninsigma2916d ago

"Lara who I find to be insufferably whiny"
This, this and this again. I love the reboot TR games but God lara is a terrible character. The others aren't much better.

Imalwaysright2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

And Nate and his friends have realistic character development? The guys that crack jokes while they are shooting countless people in the head as if they were eating an ice cream? As if human life had no value or meaning to them? This new Lara may be whiny but her personality fits what she does and goes through in the games. Nate and his friends are borderline psychopaths that seem to have fun while taking human lives. That is the main reason why I can't enjoy Uncharted games as much as other people do.

rainslacker2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )


That's a personality trait, not character development. Character development is learning something along the way, both the character themselves, and for the player themselves. Over the course of the series, Drake had character development, and his relationships evolved. More so in UC4.

Plus many people use jokes as a coping mechanism. I always hated he's a psychopath line from people looking for critique. There are countless games where killing is a factor, and the characters don't show remorse. We don't call them psychopaths unless we're in the Jack Thompson crowd.

As far as Lara, yes it fits for the most part, doesn't make her less annoying, nor does it make her character development rather shallow and abrupt.

Edit @below

OK, well removing our own thoughts on people that do that kind of stuff, the fact remains, that it's a personality trait. It's part of his character to be like that, but it is not his entire character. There's a marked difference in Drake going through the series in how he handles situations, with UC3 showing him being more serious to the situation at hand. His character development is within his relationships with others. His personality overall stays the same. Just because his personality doesn't change as much as someone in a real situation like that, with things like remorse or PTSD, doesn't mean he doesn't evolve in other areas.

For instance, in this last game, he gave up treasure hunting. However, he wanted to help his brother. While his personality made him enjoy the hunt, when the reveal came out later(avoiding spoilers) his motivations changed from the hunt, to keeping his brother safe....which ultimately was his initial reason for going on the hunt, but the treasure didn't matter anymore. That was more realistic character development, because it happened naturally, and wasn't forced like it is in the TR games where the situation suddenly makes her some kind of bad ass while they still play the whole vulnerability card until she has some sort of testosterone filled wave of kick ass near the end due to the stress. Even in UC3, the build of Drakes seeking out vengence was more natural, and built up over several chapters....always escalating as new story aspects came to light.

That being said, it's a game. The reason I don't find the character repulsive is because of that. One has to kind of let some things go in the interest of game play. If I wanted a game where people aren't killing one another, I'll play games like that. If I want a game where one has to try and avoid killing or run the risk of having remorse, I'll play games like that.

There are also many gamess that have characters that have their characters killing countless other people that do go on to make a snide remark, or crack jokes with their friends. In the case of telling a story, it's supposed to break the tension, and is a common story technique. Some might know it as comedy relief.

Your problem is your over analyzing his personality to try and decide that he's some sort of mass murderer, instead of just taking the game for what it is. If you don't like the personality, that's fine, I'm sure you'd find the same issue with other games. However, that personality trait does not denote that he doesn't doesn't develop as a character, or that the story itself doesn't evolve over time. It's not what I'd consider a masterpiece of modern fiction in this regard, but it's better than most, and built upon over the course of the entire series.

Imalwaysright2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

"That's a personality trait"

No it isn't, it's a desease. How can you talk about "realistic character development" and not take into account Nate's actions or his personality?

Also, it's true. There are many games, movies and books that have characters killing countless other people. The difference is that you won't find many characters laughing it up with their buddies after killing 50 guys as if killing someone was the easiest and most mundane of actions.

"I shot 20 guys in the head. What joke will I make to make me feel better about it?" That's a nutjob coping mechanism.

Imalwaysright2915d ago

It's a personality trait if you're in a bar drinking beer with your buddies. After you kill 20 people it becomes a disease.

"Your problem is your over analyzing his personality"

I know that these are games but you were talking about how Lara's character development is not realistic... I just did the same with the Drake. I understand Naughty Dog's goal but in the end I still find how Nate's personality doesn't fit what he does, detrimental to the whole experience. I love TloU and is easily one of the best games from last gen to me but If


Joel didn't save Ellie I would most likely hate the game but in a good way because as far as I'm concerned ND achieved one of their goals. They made me care. I just don't care for most Uncharted characters.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2915d ago
AznGaara2917d ago

That "stamp" and "constant" you claim they're missing is called Nathan Drake, Elena, Sully, Chloe, Sam etc. etc. Those characters alone have and will transcend any gameplay quirk you may think the game lacks.

fr0sty2917d ago

A fraud, like armchair journalists hating on popular games for flame/click bait?

Pongwater2917d ago

"the game it was inspired by and the one it helped inspire has far surpassed it."

You're welcome to your minority opinion. Uncharted was never much like Tomb Raider and now Tomb Raider is a lot like Uncharted. TR is wannabe UC now, but hasn't come close to UC's success at doing what it does.

UltraNova2917d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

"Uncharted 4, and probably from the beginning, is a game with a huge identity crisis and the game it was inspired by and the one it helped inspire has far surpassed it."

Not only you have failed at getting my click-out hit(and hopefully others here too), but your agenda is so obvious its not even funny!

You know what the say about opinions and a**holes right?

MyDietEqualsGames2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

I'm not a grammar nazi, but I had to reread that a few times to understand his supposed point.

In fact, the way he throws words, had me confused a few times, while reading his article.

With a name like Darklink, I'm sure there was never a bias while writing this article. Right? RIGHT? Lol.

notachance2917d ago

whoa whoa, I won't recognize trash like you who can't respect a well-made game to be a Nintendo fans sorry.

Everyone who play the game should see the love and effort ND pour into the game, even if you don't think the game is GOTY should be able to see and respect that.

But nooo, no respect and downplay is all ND gonna get from you.
this poor excuse of a thing even dared to call itself a Nintendo fan, disgusting.

2917d ago Replies(1)
Bathyj2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

Wow. So you wrote an "article" and then show up first in the comments to reinforce your own opinion?

That's always a turn off.

I won't say much because I'm actually busy right now enjoying Uncharted, the best game I've played all year, but let me guess, you're whining Uncharted rips off definitely Tombraider and perhaps Indiana Jones?

Just FYI, Tombraider ripped more of Uncharted than uncharted ever did Tombraider. The original games had virtually nothing in common but treasure hunting. I guess sea of thieves is going the be an uncharted rip off.

And even Indiana Jones is not completely original. Spielberg took inspiration from the action serials he used to watch as a kid that always ended with a cliff hanger.

You're a fraud, masquerading as a journalist. Naughty Dog actually contribute something to the world. I like them and their work better than you and yours.

I guess I did say a bit. More time than I meant to spend on you thus giving you the attention you crave but don't deserve. Damn. Well played sir.

Dixiedevil2916d ago

Yeah, this guy's a total douche.

antikbaka2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

i DO believe that Uncharted as a series of games is just a copy paste of existing mechanics, but the quality of execution is so great that it doesn't matter actually. And there tons of great games based on the same principle - take something good from other sources and do it better.

At least that's how Blizzard, DOTA 2, all those JRPG and nintendo franchises work.

But I just don't care about it if the game is more than good enough.

URNightmare2916d ago

Here we go, another website I've never heard of taking sht about one of the greatest games in the industry just for the sake of clicks.

This is getting ridiculous now.

2916d ago
uth112916d ago

I haven't played 4, but that's because I lost interest in buying 4 after playing 1-3 in the Nathan Drake collection. I agree they don't quite achieve what they set out to. They are too repetitive and predictable, they get tedious to play after awhil, and not exciting the way an Indiana Jones game should be, and after 3 games, I should care about the he characters, but I really don't!

TwoForce2916d ago

Then you never understand why People love Uncharted series.

2916d ago
TwoForce2916d ago

Let me tell you something. Every characters in Uncharted series are likable and understand for their own motive. Tomb Raider only has Lara Croft and the butler. Indiana Jones series is about Jones and his father.

PSN_ZeroOnyx2916d ago

You sir are a tool, and not a good one. You're that old rusty tool which was bought yet never used. The eyesore tool your wife keeps saying to throw out. The tool that surfaces once in a blue moon, yet easily forgettable. That's you, the old, rusty, useless and forgettable tool.

Imalwaysright2916d ago

Seriously, where are the mods?

Stereotypical_gamer2916d ago

Quick question, what do you consider original content? Did it ever occur to you that link from the legend of Zelda was just a copy of Peter pan? I challenge you to come up with anything in the entertainment world that isn't copying something else.

Majister-Ludi2916d ago

Lol you are in the wrong place. While I agree with a lot of what was written it's just the wrong place for it. Was written a little too heavy handedly honestly with certain things exaggerated but I do agree about tomb raider. Just more enjoyable to play but can't touch uncharted graphically or cinematically.

one2thr2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

Wow, there literally isn't enough bleach on this entire planet of Earth, to wash out the amount of stupidity I just read in that comment...

"Huge Identity Crisis", yeah o.k....

rivaldoo7772916d ago

As a Naughty Dog fan, I appreciate negative reviews like yours cuz It draws attention to people out there that haven't bought the game yet. I wish more people can purchase and remember this fantastic game throughout the whole year.

ThyMasterDebater2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

Oh lord, that headline lol.. Trigger much? Nothing more in gaming news drives site traffic like an article of this caliber. Clearly the vocal minority but still a voice unfortunately.

I believe Picasso said it best "Good artist copy, Great artist steal".

While the game pulls from other influences.. So does every other game. Some games more than others pull from influences but an identity crisis?.. lol. Man when did gaming become such a critical state to the point where you have to rob people of their own leisure. At no time during playing the game did I think, Hey, This game has an identity crisis mostly because I was re-attaching back to the story or the identity of who and what the characters were. Gaming isn't the war in Iraq for the love of pete or your latest kardashian show. The games characters are as fleshed out as you could get for a linear or "Wide Linear" shooter much so more than other games. The game itself has a story which is unique in that it adds to also creating its own identity. What I would call a fraud, is writing clicky bait articles pointing out that game uses other forms of inspiration which is obvious in all video games, movies and music a like and calling it writing. When you are 100% copying and call it your own.. then it's fraud.

"If you imitate someone, you owe them a royalty check. If you emulate them, you don't. There's a big difference. Check your lawyer" - Stephen Colbert


Notellin2916d ago

Yeah that's fine it's your opinion and it differs from 99% of the gaming population. Congratulations on getting people to click your article! I hope it doesn't work because we don't need any more journalists like yourself.

saint_seya2916d ago

Please dont bad mouth journalist calling this joke of a guy who wrote the article one ! Thx.

DarXyde2916d ago

It's your word against....what, just about the entire community?

If one person argues their opinion and the vast majority of others in the same demographic reject your opinion, odds are, your opinion sucks.

Not that I'm saying your opinion sucks, but...your opinion sucks.

Mr-Dude2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

Well, UC4 has apparently hurt a lot of butt-hurt fanboys to the point that the salt is coming out of every hole in their bodies. A lot of dumb articles, "reasons" we never hear or are just plain stupid why UC4 is mediocre or this time fraud...

Wipe your mouth, you still have some white stuff hanging in the corner there, from sucking that d**k. He is a HUGE parasite, and feeding on the clicks.

Just give up dude, everyone here knows you are a HUGE troll, MS fanboy and a big fat liar. Nobody believes your fake pictures of your PS4 and owned games, it's all fake. My 8 year old niece can make the same sh*t you make. Difference is you actually believe your own crap, and the funny thing is you comment on your own comments with other fake accounts. Sad, sad man.

Really, I live in the Netherlands and can taste all that salt from whatever hole and bridge you all come from... I for one can't wait till N4G finally fixes itself, adds that beloved IGNORE button and mute the sh*t out of you.

magiciandude2916d ago


It's a nicely written article. Very good and factual points!

rainslacker2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

N4G rule of article quality #162

If the only people who think you wrote a very good and factual article are the ultra extremist fan boys of an console opposite of the related topic, then you've written a crappy article.

N4G rule of article quality #112

If the only defense to one's article is, "He has a right to his opinion", then you've written a crappy article.

N4G rule of article quality #73

If the less verbose or eloquent of the user base of N4G can pick apart and dismantle the opinions presented in an article with clarity and objectivity, then you've written a crappy article.

maniacmayhem2916d ago

N4G rule of article #165

If the only people who view an article that doesn't speak well of their favorite game, attach the term *clickbait* or *troll review*. Of course this does not apply for the sites that praise the game and receive the same amount of hits, those are exempt.

N4G rule of article quality #126

Warning! If the nature of the attack consists of, "I don't understand why....", "The reviewer failed to see....", "How could anyone....", then more than likely that attacker is sad and you should back away from his uneasiness and anger.

N4G rule of article quality #83

Any opinion that does not align with your own feel free to deem that person unfit for that craft. Do not gather facts, do not even attempt to listen or view others standpoint and definitely do not move on or let it go. Proceed to fly off the handle, if possible blame the other fanbase and gather names for a petition.

Elwenil2916d ago

You know you are a pathetic "journalist" when you comment on your own article after posting it to go for the maximum troll douche impact.

Link2DaFutcha2916d ago

Gotta love when the article's author decides to be the first comment

Mr-Dude2916d ago

It's just sad that everyday a parasite article like this spawn just for clicks. Then they try to justify themselfs in the comments, but still fail. It's okay if you don't like the game, but there are way worse games out there, way worse game developers, but they all get a pass. Make a article of that, you know perfectly fine which games and developers, etc. But still you won't do that, because articles like this is what brings the big money...

Really, really sad and unprofessional

maniacmayhem2916d ago

What about the articles that praise and worship a game. Are they doing it just for hits or are they in it for the free hugs and high fives?

ufo8mycat2916d ago

Looking for hits I see Darklink28.
Why idiots like Darklink are In this business is beyond me. It proves they hire anyone who can dribble shit.

Do humanity a favor and go drink some bleach.

OB1Biker2916d ago

I honestly cant understand your comment and the first two lines describing the article dont make sense either and dont really make me want to click

BLAKHOODe2916d ago

I get it. You see all the commotion the Washington Post is getting for posting a critical review and you think by doing the same you'll make a name for yourself. That's pathetic and it makes you guilty of the very thing you are referring to Uncharted being... a fraud. I will say this about that Washington Post article - while what it had to say was pure rubbish, it was at least well written. Your article looks to have been written by a 13 year old. But hey, as long as you get those hits, right? Who cares about integrity and being taken seriously anymore. Not like your reputation depends on it, right?

Mr_Writer852916d ago

You do sort of repeat yourself several times tho.

And do come across a bit a attention seeking.

It's unfortunate that you don't enjoy the experience like millions of others do. But that doesn't mean your opinions are any more valid then those who do enjoy it.

And the fact you try to play down any achievements this game may get, says to me you think your opinion is more valid.

When in reality, you are in a minority rather than the majority.

And when your opinion is in the minority, then you just have to suck it up I guess.

Realms2916d ago

This is the problem it's an opinion piece not a review you're entitled to have that opinion heck you can hate and dislike U4 all you want but as far as a review you article doesn't mesh with what the game brings to the table. Not only that but you think the Uncharted series has an identity crisis and even mention Tomb Raider as it's inspiration when you can clearly make an argument that both the Uncharted and Tomb Raider have borrowed heavily from the Indiana Jones movies.

dafegamer2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

dude its obvious that you're a bias fanboy. Look I'm a huge Nintendo fan, but your stupid articles like
"WiiU has the best library of games this generation" makes you look like a desperate fanboy. WiiU doesnt have the best library, which is fact. It doesnt have the most important third party games , to even be justified to have that so called status.
As a Wii U owner I had to wait months upon months to finally have other decent WiiU games. Thankfully that I have many consoles, else the drought would've been unbearable. You as a professional, shouldnt let your fanboism take over reasonable thoughts

dafegamer2916d ago

All your articles are mostly Pro-Nintendo and mostly anti other publishers. I think you should re-think your decision of being a Journalist. Your bias towards things is very apparent

yeahokwhatever2916d ago

I don't mean to offend you, but your writing needs some work, maybe an editor? At any rate, your opinions are your own, and like Charles Manson, your opinions are wrong. They're wrong because they're unfounded. They're wrong because there's a mountain of playable evidence that directly contradicts every one of your arguments. You can not like something, that's perfectly valid. You can say it doesn't match your tastes, and that's fine. Just don't make the mistake thinking that having a contrary opinion makes you right, and the overwhelming majority of independent reviewers and fans wrong.

the_mack_attack32916d ago

I don't want to be mean, cause everyone is entitled to their opinion. However, I'm entitled to debate that opinion and I have to say you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about sir!

jb2272916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

I'm sorry but your reasoning for claims is non existent, your entire tone is petty, and an inanimate video game franchise shouldn't be a "Fraud"....that' s just poor wording.

The entire article boils down to "Uncharted is bad because I don't personally enjoy it."

Maybe try again? The click bait is obvious, and it doesn't make you a special snowflake if you don't follow the popular opinion & general consensus. In this instance you seem to just miss the point entirely.

I would say your article is a "fraud" but it already makes me cringe to see that in the title. You can't just call something fraudulent when it doesn't fit the box you yourself created for it. Your taste is far from the gold standard bud, just keep it moving & stop w/ the click baiting.

nub_cakes1012916d ago

Lol what identity crisis? Please

nub_cakes1012916d ago

I think you're just looking for a reason to hate on a very high quality game. I challenge you to name one title better than Uncharted 4 this year. Pro tip, you can't because there are none

jznrpg2916d ago

Almost everything in Life is learned from humans before us, and every game has something in it from a previous game . All that matters is if you enjoy it or not, I would guess you didnt want to going into it, because Uncharted 1-3 were examples of what 4 was going to be and you knew what it would be like already

DigitalRaptor2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

Just so everybody knows, in regards to Darklink28 (and his website)'s submission history:

He downplayed The Last of Us: http://n4g.com/news/1849231...

He tried to downplay the entirety of VR, because he claims it's going to make everybody ill and is a gimmick based on unfounded reasoning: http://n4g.com/news/1902715...

The majority of his submissions are articles gushing about Nintendo/ Wii U: http://n4g.com/user/home/da...

Sounds like a Nintendo fanboy who wants to downplay a certain something.

Terrible article, transparent agenda.

@ Mr-Dude

Everybody knows that if this was Quantum Break, the guy would be searching under every crevice to try and call out the author on such egregious and unjustified claims like this. Now he's just using the article to try and push his "I own a PS4 and Uncharted 4" agenda. And magiciandude's comment - just hilarious trolling work there. These frauds don't make it easy for themselves.

Mr-Dude2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

The good thing is people know they are liars and trolls.

freshslicepizza2916d ago

"Everybody knows that if this was Quantum Break, the guy would be searching under every crevice to try and call out the author on such egregious and unjustified claims like this. Now he's just using the article to try and push his "I own a PS4 and Uncharted 4" agenda. And magiciandude's comment - just hilarious trolling work there. These frauds don't make it easy for themselves."

great job keeping the discussion civil and on-topic. i see you can never resist inserting quantum break into any conversation. what's even more hilarious is how you get so upset over others downplaying ps4 and its games when you do it all the time with the xbox. how mature.

2916d ago
jmac532916d ago

Looks like all the hipsters with their avant-garde opinions are coming out of the woodwork. It's ok for you to have your opinion, just tone down the attention-whoring a little.

2916d ago
kitsune4512916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

Your articles include:
"The Nintendo Wii U Has the Best Library of Games"
"Xenoblade Chronicles X is the Best JRPG to Come Out in Years"
"Nintendo's E3 Move is Genius"
"The Upcoming Legend of Zelda will be Perfect"
"Ocarina of Time is Still the Greatest Game of All Time"
"Twilight Princess HD Review (Wii U) — An Unappreciated Masterpiece"
"The Wii U Has the Best Exclusives of This Console Generation"
"The Last of Us is Not a Great Video Game"
"Skyward Sword is the Best Zelda Game"
"Why Nintendo will be Successful in 2016"

Yeah, okay buddy.

trooper_2916d ago

Woooow, this game's success is really driving you trolls insane.

LuisAlmeida2916d ago

Man, i will be very direct and sincere to you! You are not a true jornalist, because a true jornalist are impartial. You say The Last of Us are not a great game? What the hell? Now you say Uncharted 4 is a fraud and barely a video game? You´re insane! You don´t know what are you talking about.

On the other hand, you say the next The Legend of Zelda will be perfect and the game is not in the market yet. Just garbage, because don´t exist perfect games. You are a Nintendo Fanboy and Sony hater (your articles say all).

Gamers appreciate games and the diversity of genres, not hate them.

By the way, it just my opinion (but seeing the comments, not just my opinion).

CyanocittaCristata2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

Man, if you don't like the game, then that's your opinion and you're entitled to it. HOWEVER, if you're going to flaunt that opinion in such a brash and disrespectful way - by saying Uncharted is a fraud - you're going to have to argue your case in a much more concise way.

First of all, points like - 'I know people who are fans of Uncharted hate to admit it, but the early Tomb Raider games had a huge influence on the premise of the Uncharted series.' - are just throwaway, nobody has to 'admit' that Uncharted is influenced by Tomb Raider? It's there for all to see, I don't think anybody would deny that it is... so the point is moot.

Confused sentences - 'As a video game, the new Tomb Raider is better due to the simple fact that it is a video game and you have so much more freedom.' - As a video game...TR is better due to the fact that it is a video game? What... I know what you're trying to say; that you think Uncharted is trying too hard to be arty and cinematic rather than focusing on gameplay; but again it's a point that's lost.

You say - 'Lara Croft is a real person with real problems.' - so is Nathan Drake? You can't just make throwaway points like that, maybe next time say 'I find Drake's personal problems a little less believable than Croft's' and then go on to give examples of the situations, you can't just make such a BIG point and then not back it up with reason and evidence.

I was expecting a least a half-baked argument, but literally the only points you make are 1. TR is better just because it is and 2. Lara Croft is better also just because she is. If you're going to make points like that, you need to construct a detailed argument and give it a title like, 'Why I enjoy Tomb Raider more than Uncharted' NOT 'Uncharted is a Fraud'.

A hell of a lot of love, dedication and research went into building Uncharted. The people who made it cared about it deeply and, regardless of whether or not it's your cup of tea, they deserve recognition. Saying that its inevitable awards are just a result of a good marketing campaign is absolutely ludicrous. Like it or not, there's no denying that this is a beautifully polished and ground-breaking game so, if this article is actually serious, I feel sorry that you can't understand that it's an exciting moment in gaming history.

It's sad that articles like this somehow get approved on N4G, let alone make it to the top of the site.

Aceman182916d ago

I've no actual response to this joke of an article hahaha

bradleejones2916d ago

I have never actually seen 400 disagrees, and for that we thank you. Not by clicking, but thanks nonetheless.

we4202916d ago

Off topic: Goddamn that's probably the record for most disagrees

Moe-Gunz2916d ago

Did you seriously write a baseless rant article and then proceeded to be the first person to comment under it? This is beyond pathetic.

hirobrotagonist2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

Literally signed in just to disagree with you and I regret clicking on the link to your terribly made copy/paste templated backwater little shithole of a site. Finally, if you're going to write such a contrarian opinion piece, you should at least work on your writing chops.

kenwonobi2916d ago

No reviews back you up. No sales charts back you up. The length of the game, replayability, the graphics. Nothing backs you up. It's already decided in a landslide victory. I'm surprised the negative people still exist. I thought the avalanche of positive reviews would have drowned them out by now.

blakstarz2916d ago

In the words of B-Rad..."Don't be hatin'!"

Paulino302916d ago

Congratulations sir. Never seen 400 dislikes in a comment before. They came out in full force this one..lol

I will kindly disagree with that statement.

Ickythump312916d ago

your site is a piece of shit and you're an idiot

Specter2292916d ago

Could it be a more repetitive article? I think I read the same thing in every paragraph with the sentence structure changed slightly enough to make it a new paragraph.

MattE2916d ago

I agree mate.. stick to your guns

Segata2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

Despite the down votes I will get. My issue with the series is it's afraid to be a video game. It wants to be the hip and new kid on the block trying to be like a film. Ironically it's more video gamey than it wants to be. Like the games opening it the same scenario. Oh no disaster struck. Gotta climb the yellow glowy things. Oh now Nate almost falls scripted. Then the puzzles are half assed. The shooting is average. Shoot,climb and puzzle and escape. A lot of the sequences just feel like padding between the cut scenes. They have a great polish and production value but underneath all that are average games at best. UC2 boat part is absolute BS. The TLOU AI is atrocious. It seems some devs like ND are just given free passes for some reason.

kenwonobi2915d ago

I can do this with any franchise that has multiple games.
Gears of War-Oh no another chainsaw in half, oh no another giant boss battle, let's walk through this segment let a back story be told, roll to cover shoot, roll, throw grenade, repeat.
Halo-Oh my gosh more aliens, I'll jump in this vehicle, throw grenades, shoot, alien ship, alien structure mumbo jumbo story, rinse repeat, everything blows up at the end.

Segata2915d ago

@kenwonobi yeah those are not great series either.

potedude2916d ago

"Just because a game sells well or wins numerous Game of the Year awards does not mean a game is actually great" uhhh, yeah it does!!!

2916d ago
+ Show (71) more repliesLast reply 2915d ago
Majin-vegeta2917d ago

Clicks.....Dont fall for it guys.

guywazeldatatt2917d ago

It's definitely not just for clicks I assure you

Whirlwind_Fanfare_082917d ago (Edited 2917d ago )

Get lost! and you are desperate for clicks stupid *** troll!

Rookie_Monster2917d ago (Edited 2917d ago )


I have already beaten UC4 2 times and I think it is a great game and it is not a Fraud...but, I am open minded so I'll give u a click to see your journalistic work. I'll give u my opinion later after I've read it.

choujij2917d ago

"It's definitely not just for clicks I assure you"

So you're admitting clicks is a part of it then?

Seems to me you're a fraud.

Pongwater2917d ago

"It's definitely not just for clicks I assure you"

The article itself may try valiantly to justify your opinion, but you know that title is simply click bait.

PeaSFor2916d ago

"It's definitely not just for clicks I assure you"

sound like you are trying to convince yourself with your own bullshit, lmao.

nowitzki20042916d ago

The lie detector revealed that was a lie.

asadachi2916d ago

It is nothing more than clickbait. Go back and write more loser articles, get all the clicks you want, doesn't change the fact you come across like a complete idiot.

joeorc2916d ago

"Lemarchand listed comic characters Doc Savage and Tintin, as well as Die Hard protagonist John McClane, as inspirations for the character. Drake's physical prowess was modeled on that of Savage, and his personality inspired by the vibrant color and globetrotting identity of Tintin"

Thus your claim of Uncharted trying to be Indiana Jones & Laura Croft is not only wrong..but maybe you should read some of the works in pulp novel's that Drake was based on..maybe you than could have a better idea of the character drake.

Or if you would rather have the continued misconceptions about Drake and uncharted as a character and series than carry on.

Realms2916d ago

The fact that you have to say it's not about clicks makes it about clicks, the writing should speak for itself unfortunately you Sir have no objectivity thus making you're opinion irrelevant.

GrimmyReaper2916d ago

Ok. I read your article and here is what I have to say

Yes. Not everyone will have the same opinion. That's just impossible and I feel people should be open to discussing, even if something is very well received by general audience. I for one, HATE Shadow of the Colossus, but have my valid points why.

However, after reading your article, it seems you mostly try to wind up fanboys of Uncharted, cause your arguments, including your opening statement, don't make any sense. If you want a detailed break-down of it :

"Uncharted is a fraud and tries to be so many different things it’s not." - So wait. When a game tries to be something and in someone's opinion doesn't succeed very well, it's labeled as a fraud? From the dictionary:
1. A deception practiced in order to induce another to give up possession of property or surrender a right.
2. A piece of trickery; a trick.

Neither of these two can be used on your opening piece, making it indeed a clickbait title because fraud sounds more harsh than "I didn't like Uncharted 4", right?

"Just because a game sells well or wins numerous Game of the Year awards does not mean a game is actually as amazing as people say it is."
If people say that it's amazing in their point of view, it's amazing in their point of view. Amazing how that works.

Also might I add, if you wanna sound credible, first use the right definitions and second, try to make more fluent, cohesive sentences. The article is just not an easy read due to severe lack of vocabulary which not only makes you seem smarter and sophisticated, but might actually get the point better across. Journalism is easy. Good journalism is hard.

GrimmyReaper2916d ago

Throughout the article, you never ONCE set an opinion, except at the very end when you talk about Lara Croft. You state it as facts. "Uncharted IS a fraud, Naughty Dog ARE bad developers, Everyone IS wrong". Not to mention that this opinion piece came AFTER the whole Metacritic debacle, it's no wonder why many would come to the conclusion that this is clickbait. And yes, don't point out the irony of me pointing it out while also clicking to actually see the article.

If Uncharted and the series in general is so not a video game, then why has it inspired so many others, including the new Tomb Raiders series that you are praising? You are contradicting yourself. If Uncharted is a fraud then Tomb Raider is a fraud. Any action adventure game that took any slight inspiration from Uncharted is a fraud and not a real game. At least, that's how you put it at the end.

So according to you, cutscenes should always be kept to a minimum? Once again, you praise Tomb Raider for having way less. But here's a few things why it's a bad comparison.
a - Uncharted 4 has 4 hours of cutscenes, Tomb Raider 3 hours. Not that much different, however that's partly because
b - Uncharted is a linear story focused game, Tomb Raider is more open. No matter how you twist or turn it, making your game open will cause the story to be less flowing than a linear experience. Open games have the player take on the story much slower.
c - If the cutscenes are so bad or intrusive then why did they set a standard in the industry?

Have I gone on too long? Maybe. But I am getting sick of people making claims to be journalists when really, they are not. And when you are called out for it, you hide behind your "It's just my opinion" excuse. I took a quick look at your other articles and unfortunately, almost all of them are clickbait articles.

"VR is not optimal for gaming"
"The upcoming Legend of Zelda will be perfect"
"The Online Gaming community is Toxic"

Titles like these leave no room open for debate. They are not reviews, they are stances on what you think (and yes, that's an opinion), with titles trying to close all debate before it can begin. You aren't trying to start up conversations or debate. You simply want clicks and use titles like this because it sadly works. At least try to be honest and say it's for clicks. Stuff like this is why also the "gaming journalism" is toxic. It takes time and effort, consideration and respect towards others.

This comment is not out of hate towards you, but rather explaining why people are pissed and why this article is indeed clickbait, eventhough you claim otherwise.

DigitalRaptor2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

Majority submissions from your site are gushing about Nintendo / Wii U.

All negative articles submitted are about PlayStation and its affiliations, terribly written and baseless.

Your VR article was embarrassing. Your article downplaying The Last of Us was embarrassing.

So is this article. Your articles are written as clickbait. You have an agenda.

@ Sam Marshall

"I agree with your points"

Well no s*** - a fanboy always downplaying PS4, agrees with the opinion of a guy downplaying a PS4 game.

frostypants2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

Turn off your site ads then. Prove it.

ChiefofLoliPolice2916d ago

It's definitely just for clicks. Like most of the articles on that site.

freshslicepizza2916d ago

"Well no s*** - a fanboy always downplaying PS4, agrees with the opinion of a guy downplaying a PS4 game. "

actually to correct your terminology a fanboy is one who continually downplays the competition (it is not just the ps4 just to let you know) while always trying to upsell his or hers preferred platform. sound familiar?

d4v03332916d ago

hahaha it's so funny you are just trying to defend your click bait article everywhere...seriously man why so much hate? was it your childhood? :)

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 2916d ago
GutZ312917d ago

Opinion piece is very opinion.
The clicks this wants is over 9000.
Good thing the Title(Uncharted is a Fraud) makes no sense to anyone that has played it.

Jon_Targaryen2916d ago

One of, if not the BEST games I've ever played. Period!

Silly Mammo2916d ago

@Jon Snow- But what do you know? Answer: Nothing!

J/k I'm loving this game, but I just had to do it. :-D

rainslacker2917d ago (Edited 2917d ago )

Don't have to, he sums it up in the first comment in the thread. Bad form really. Write an article, then have the first comment which in itself has no substance other than to troll. But I guess we're expected to read the article to become enlightened.

Anyhow, to the author, you have a right to your opinion. Might wish to use less trollish words and comments if you want to seem credible. More people might actually take the time to see what you have to say.

Your first comment says, "and probably from the beginning." Does this mean you haven't played the whole series?


Been an hour since you said you'd give your opinion. Was it so bad it even numbed your mind to give an opinion?

UltraNova2917d ago

Dude please I don't even want to hear it...

freshslicepizza2916d ago

the article also wrote this near the end,

"Uncharted is a fraud. It is barely a video game. A Thief’s End is a film that masquerades as a video game and it doesn’t even do it that well."

sure some can say they don't like sports games so they will not give favorable reviews, or shooters, or racing games, but how could someone not like this game? this really is bad form and sounds like someone who has a beef with the uncharted series and naughty dog getting such praise. somone who has a vendetta, kind of like what we see in the forums due to the console wars.

AdmGenAladeen2916d ago

He never intended to give an opinion, only to fund that troll by clicking. He just used that as an excuse. Never bothered to ever reply to him cause it's pointless but it doesn't take a genius to see he bleeds green aka a wolf in sheep's clothing.

DreadGara2917d ago

Who approved this junk anyway?

MRMagoo1232917d ago

pozzle for 5 votes
mafia_pc for 1
vitaboys for 2
dirtypete for 2

Xavy2916d ago

yeah dont give trolls any clicks or rekognition. They are just low and sad attention whores . The success of PS4 and U4 is killing them inside, and thats a good thing =D

BarneyS2916d ago

Just read this poorly written outcry for clicks article (on this thread, I'm not giving you my click). The irony goes through the roof in this article (who's the fraud here?). I'm not surprised the author choose to call the biggest game at the moment a fraud. Congrats, you'll probably get more clicks today than you get in 5 years.
Your site is a fraud, please do me a favor and shut it down asap.

DivoJones2916d ago

Yea I'm gonna pass on this particular clickbait.. he's entitled to his opinion of this game, but the troll is strong with this one. Red flag: poster is first comment on his own post.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2916d ago
mafia_pc2917d ago

This not stupid at all but i'm not agree with everything it's said.

MrDead2917d ago

You approved this?!?!?!???????............. ....!...?



mafia_pc2917d ago

Because i understand what he's trying to say but i'm not agree with everything

uth112916d ago

Believe it or not people are allowed to have an opinion that Uncharted isn't the greatest thing ever.

Imagine that!

dirkdady2916d ago

Another site trying on jump on the Washington post band wagon I see.

Out of all the games released recently, they decided to say u4 is a fraud eh? This site is a fraud.

guywazeldatatt2917d ago

People may not agree but this was my interpretation when playing the game. I have no agenda but MrDead, don't need to be so angry.

Krangs_Uncle2917d ago (Edited 2917d ago )

"Nintendo is actually really smart staying out of this."

"Nintendo is doing awesome stuff without doing online."

"That's why I love Nintendo."

"Nintendo just has something for everyone."

Sure, no agenda here.. This is just a snippet of your comment history. It seems you Sony haters, or just lovers of other consoles, who are rather annoyed at the state of affairs, have a real identity crisis when trying to explain your neutrality.

This game is doing weird things to people..

MrDead2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )


It doesn't matter if people agree or not with the article as long as you explain why said game is a "Fraud" and you put this statement across in a coherent argument.

You haven't explained any of your points.

"most rudimentary gunplay you can find in any third-person-shooter" please explain why you think this?
"His wisecrack jokes are not funny and the character is completely superficial" please explain?
"You go from chapter to chapter, no way back"... wrong, have you played this game?
"Tomb Raider games had a huge influence on the premise of the Uncharted series" please explain?

........ I could go on.

You also say " Fraud" a lot of times but never tell us why its a fraud.

BarneyS2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )


Basically all you say is: I don't like uncharted. That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. But your article became pure clickbait garbage when you said it was a fraud. Just because you don't like this game doesn't make it a fraud. Me not liking tomb raider doesn't make it a fraud either (just an example so you understand want I'm saying).

Here's the definition of fraud by the way:
fraud (frôd)
1. A deception practiced in order to induce another to give up possession of property or surrender a right.
2. A piece of trickery; a trick.
a. One that defrauds; a cheat.
b. One who assumes a false pose; an impostor.

You see? Saying uncharted is a fraud is total bs and apparently you don't even know what it means.

Just respond to me and admit you made that title for the clicks and nothing more, at least you'll keep some dignity that way.

jb2272916d ago

Mr Dead doesn't come off angry to me, he's just informing all of us on the quality (or lack thereof) of your argument.

Dude saved me a click so I appreciate his read. The fewer people clicking on this article, the better you will be forced to make your writing for the next one.

You have the right to an opinion, but that doesn't include making lofty baseless claims w/o backing them up or explaining them in any way, and you can't expect everyone to silently allow you to do so w/ no reply.

Honestly, read these comments. It may sting, but read every single one. Read Mr Dead's, read Grimmy Reaper's.

Fix your grammar, fix your structure, fix your writing. Your piece came off like a poorly worded free form comment that went on too long to fit in a box, so you published it instead. That was a mistake. For the next one, you should float it by someone else so they can proofread & help you with your logic.

Kemo_Spear2916d ago

MrDead made valid points. IT is you, DarkLink, who have yet to answer any of the questions he asked. Man up and answer his questions, or remain quiet and confirm for all of us your trollness.

DigitalRaptor2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

"No agenda"

1. Majority of your posts are about Nintendo / Wii U and gushing in praise.

2. Your negative articles are on the subject of things affiliated with PlayStation, and are poorly written / justified and pushed out into N4G as inflammatory clickbait.

No agenda, my ass, Nintendo fanboy. Everybody else seems privy to your agenda too.


ILostMyMind2916d ago

His "anger" is an interpretation of your opinion.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2916d ago
Spyroo2916d ago

Says a PC nerd called mafia PC lol

2916d ago
the_mack_attack32916d ago

I feel like this piece is 1/4 hate towards Uncharted 4 and 3/4 trying to get as many views as possible.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2916d ago
MrDead2917d ago (Edited 2917d ago )

This has got to be a joke article.

Here's the drivel from this drunken rant. I clicked so you don't have to.

"Just because a game sells well or wins numerous Game of the Year awards does not mean a game is actually good. While this is not inherently bad thing, Uncharted was inspired by the early Tomb Raider games and the Indiana Jones film series. Ironically it actually inspired the reboot of the Tomb Raider series, which has surpassed Uncharted as a series. The problem is is that Naughty Dog never take advantage of these inspirations. It shows that Uncharted is a fraud. Naughty Dog never gave Uncharted its own identity; it’s just a muddled up version of multiple different inspirations. Again, Uncharted is a fraud.

Uncharted 4, for instance, wants to be a game. But it also wants to be a piece of art, an immersive film (it’s not), and an emotionally engaging story with interesting characters (is not). Uncharted is a fraud. Nathan Drank is a poor man’s Indiana Jones, nothing more, nothing less. His wisecrack jokes are not funny and the character is completely superficial. Uncharted 4 does not even feel like a game. You go from chapter to chapter, no way back, very little room to explore (if any), solve some incredibly simple puzzles, and then on to the next chapter. Oh, and some of the most rudimentary gunplay you can find in any third-person-shooter. All of this in between some rather long cutscenes. So from my point of view — or rather the first thing I asked myself when playing Uncharted 4 was, is this even a video game? It’s been a while since I played Uncharted. They then went with the soap opera card. I had no emotional investment in it whatsoever. It was just — bad. Uncharted is a fraud because while it tries to be so many things at one time, it doesn’t succeed at doing what it sets out to do, at all.

I know people who are fans of Uncharted hate to admit it, but the early Tomb Raider games had a huge influence on the premise of the Uncharted series, moreso than any other game. The ironic thing is, the tables have turned. The Tomb Raider reboots have surpassed the games that inspired the series’ comeback, and that series, in turn, inspired Uncharted to begin with. As a video game, the new Tomb Raider is better due to the simple fact that it is a video game. After exploring areas you encounter you can use fast ravel in to re-visit these areas and explore further. You can find and explore almost countless tombs (my favorite part of the game) or you could strictly adhere to the story’s path. It gives you choice. Uncharted is a film (not a great one) masquerading as a video game. If it were released as a film, it would be panned as being a poor man’s Indiana Jones. It is not engaging and takes the player out of the game because of the plethora of cutscenes and linear progression of the game.

Lara Croft is a much more interesting character than Nathan Drake. Some will pan me for this, but Lara Croft is an incredibly strong female lead and an accomplished young woman as an archaeologist, which lends credence to her intelligence and her resourcefulness. She is a real person with real struggles. That is much more interesting to me than a thief who is a wannabe archaeologist, as knowledgeable as he may be, who is trying to make a wisecrack every minute or so when we all know that only Harrison Ford can pull this off. Nathan Drake is such a superficial character. This is another reason why Uncharted is a fraud; Nathan Drake is a failed attempt to emulate Indiana Jones."

It also seems he was too drunk to use spell check.

lifeistranger2917d ago

Really? I don't even agree with the author here but calling him/her a drunk for a few mistakes is really asinine.

choujij2917d ago

Perhaps he was heavily medicated then.

ravinash2916d ago

That's so poorly written, I had to stop reading half way.
Repeating "It's a fraud"! over and over just runs on the same line as stating your opinion and then stating it's a fact.
If you going to come on here stating that a popular game is a fraud, your basically saying anyone who enjoys the game has been fooled some how.... your kind of asking for the backlash that your getting.

frostypants2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

No, it's warranted. If one is going to pose as a journalist and put their writing out there in order to profit from ad traffic, they are rightfully making themselves open for criticism if they make stupid errors. The writing is a product, and bad products are fair game.

ecchiless2917d ago

Drunk? no the guy is bitter for some reason(maybe cause other ppl can actually write something good and make a living of that), also wanna get some free clicks and the easy way is to crap in uncharted 4, the best game right now for a lot of ppl.

guywazeldatatt2917d ago

definitely not my intent. I was really excited after having it demoed for me privately last year. It just ended up being a major disappointment and so, I wrote an article on it. Not bitter at all. Actually a very happy person. :)

choujij2917d ago

" Actually a very happy person"

Yes, keep telling yourself that. Maybe one day you will be.

DigitalRaptor2916d ago

@ Darklink28

No, you actually don't write articles about other PlayStation games. You only write PlayStation-related articles when they are negative, and their success ticks you off. Otherwise you are writing gushing articles in regards to Nintendo and only Nintendo. You can stop pretending. You knew exactly what kind of clickbait this was when you submitted it to N4G with such an inflammatory atrocity of a title.

extermin8or2917d ago

You know what pisses me off this crap got approved and yet my article I wrote about what I personally thought was wrong with the Washington post review and why.... It was hands down better written than this crap and at least I explained all my points and gave evidence etc.... Wow...then this gets approved. What bullshit double standards much.

ILostMyMind2916d ago

That article is more clickbait than yours. N4G also survives with clicks and bad articles attract more people than good articles. It is scientifically proven.

Aenea2917d ago

Wow, he's repeating 'fraud' over and over without actually telling us why it is. Repetitive piece of drivel, dishing the game because it has a story with chapters and basically that it's not open world ("you can't go back!"), Tomb Raider is a videogame because you can fast travel back, *confused look*, nonsensical article is nonsensical simply because, well it's not an article, just nonsense (see, I can do it too!).

I'm ok if someone doesn't like something I do like, but please give reasonable examples why you think so...

MrDead2916d ago

It just shows that on N4G you can post any old s***, you don't even need a coherent article it will still be approved.

DigitalRaptor2916d ago

Yep. He was doing the same with his downplay of The Last of Us, and downplaying the entirety of VR because he thinks it's going to make everyone sick because he was, and refers to it as a gimmick, despite giving any reasons to prove it.

Watch out for the next article submitted by Darklink28. http://n4g.com/user/home/da...

It's either going to be a gushing "Nintendo is awesome" article, or an inflammatory "this thing Sony is doing sucks" article. Predictable, terrible.

Picnic2915d ago (Edited 2915d ago )

That's amazing that someone can say in all honesty "Just because a game sells well or wins numerous Game of the Year awards does not mean a game is actually good" !

What kind of game would win numerous game of the year awards if it wasn't in some way good? (even if some that do are overrated or aren't necessarily the very best game of that year to everyone).

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2915d ago
crazychris41242917d ago (Edited 2917d ago )

"Just because a game sells well or wins numerous Game of the Year awards does not mean a game is actually good. "

How does winning GOTY awards not make it good?? Its the best of the year. Should have just said Uncharted isnt for me and thats ok, you're not gonna like everything. There are great games that don't interest me too like almost every MMORPGs or JRPGs but Im not going to bash the game.

lifeistranger2917d ago

You could still get GOTY and be a solid game, but it doesn't mean that you're a great game...in my experience at least. My observations. They usually get it right.

BiggerBoss2916d ago

Solid games don't win game of the year. Is the Witcher 3 not a great game?

ILostMyMind2916d ago

The only way that happens is that all media is bribed. Is that what you're saying?

garrettbobbyferguson2916d ago

Doesn't call of duty win awards? I'm sure you think that game is shit.

yeahokwhatever2916d ago

COD is pretty competent when you compare it to.....whatever competition it has? What COD-like games are there even anymore? Real question. I can't think of any anymore. I guess battlefield would be the closest thing? I mean, Battlefield and COD are nothing alike except they have guns. I have no idea.

BlackTar1872916d ago

Does COD win GOTY awards at major publications and outlets?

Big_Game_Hunters2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

Anyon can make a "gaming" website and give out game of the year award. No game can ever be, The best game of the year other than as someone's opinion, With any game.

Antifan2916d ago

You Don't understand, bro. The guy loves the game. He just used negativity to increase his site's click revenue.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2916d ago
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Uncharted Unreal Engine 5 Imagining From MachineGames-Indiana Jones Designer is a Sight to Behold

A stunning Uncharted Unreal Engine 5 imagining has been released, featuring cutscenes, platforming, combat, stealth, and vehicles.

Created by Daniel Arriaga, a level designer at MachineGames on the upcoming Indiana Jones game, this fan concept is a solo developer project.

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RaidenBlack74d ago

to reiterate, this is just a hobby project by a single developer

isarai74d ago

As a one man project this is awesome as hell!

74d ago
lellkay74d ago

Impressive considering its a one man effort!

Nacho_Z74d ago

Nate looks like he's been charting the lost city of Marijuana.

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Uncharted Love: How Nate & Elena Found Their Happily Ever After

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Crows90176d ago (Edited 176d ago )

The best games of their generation too. Its incredible how great most if not all of playstations games are. Whether you like the stories or not you cant deny the quality of each title.

Hated tlou part 2. But im going to buy it when it is cheap enough because i want to play the remastered content for $10 extra dollars. Theyre adding a roguelike mode...thats going to be fun!

176d ago