
Video game reviews need to keep up with the times

LBG - The art of the video game review is an ancient one. Here's why video game review sites need to keep up with the times and modernize their review system.

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2935d ago Replies(1)
NickAwesome2935d ago

game reviews are not that bad, you read 3-4 from trusted sites and you get the general idea

gamingden2935d ago

Game reviews are basically just an extension of the film review system. It works for movies. They're static experiences. Meanwhile, video games are some of the most subjective media ever created. While reviews are also subjective, reviewers try to hide that subjectivity instead of embracing it, which is quite dangerous. Instead, a more anecdotal and embedded system of journalism, that evolves with the games would be a lot more intuitive and would even stay relevant for as long as a video game remains on the shelf.

TheBeguiler2935d ago (Edited 2935d ago )

I think this is a bit of a stretch. While I agree that reviews should consider future possibilities for what the game can be fix, I'm not going to review what could have been. Dark Souls III absolutely awful framerate dips got patched, but that's not the product they shipped out to reviewers. If they send out a buggy game with server issues, then we should review the product they initially sent out. I'm not reviewing a game based on the companies good will to maybe fix it lol. It took years for BF4 to work correctly. Though I fully agree that reviews should either be amended or wait for full tests of multiplayer/servers on launch.


Most Iconic Armored Suits in Games

GF365: "These are our picks for the most iconic armored suits in games. This article only includes suits from games set in modern times or the future."

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porkChop385d ago

Samus is on the list. Personally I'd swap the Space Marines with either Grey Fox from MGS or the COG armor from Gears of War.

NecrumOddBoy384d ago

You’re right. Hiding at the bottom so I missed it

REDGUM384d ago

There's no Dead Space listed in here, WTF!

Sciurus_vulgaris384d ago (Edited 384d ago )

I’d take the Space Marine power armour off the list due to it not originating in a video game.


10 Video Game Sequels That Saved Their Franchise

Video game sequels like Assassin's Creed Origins, Doom (2016), and Fire Emblem Awakening were just what these franchises needed to be revitalized.

Immagaiden392d ago

Lmao what’s Halo Infinite doing on this list?

Who would ever say Halo Infinite saved the Halo franchise

SullysCigar391d ago

Thought the same - very bizarre!

RE7 though... my God, what a shift over RE6! That franchise was definitely going in the wrong direction, so RE7 was a welcome return to form.

ModsDoBetter391d ago

Resi 6 was and still is the worst entry in the series.
7 was a great turnaround, despite people’s concerned about the switch to FP perspective.

DMC5 definitely helped the franchise after the whole DmC debacle. Whilst it was a decent action game, it was a far cry from the series and the characters we knew.

AC Origins is my favourite in the entire AC series. Despite the switch to a more RPG style of gameplay - the setting, soundtrack, length, etc were all amazing. sadly followed up by the ridiculously long and “more of the same” Odsyssey.

I don’t feel it’s fair to say the franchise slipped with Doom 3, Doom 3 was incredibly atmospheric and took the game in a different direction but there’s no denying Doom (2016) was sensational.

Halo 4 & 5 were disappointing but Halo Infinite definitely didn’t save the franchise? What?

TheEnigma313391d ago (Edited 391d ago )

I'm going to have to go with SMB 3. I was around when SMB 2 first came out and people hated it. 3 is still arguably the best mario game created.

HellspawnPR1981391d ago

"Halo Infinite"? Worse Halo ever. Whoever made this list just lost all credibility.

Hofstaderman391d ago

In future lists of a similar nature I have a suspicion Final Fantasy XVI will feature.


DOOM Games Ranked - What is the best DOOM game?

BLG writes, "Plug in your electric guitars and start shredding; we’re making a list of the DOOM games ranked.

Trying to decide the best DOOM game is like deciding who your favorite child is. You love every one of them, imperfections and all."

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bloop660d ago

I don't understand the hate Doom 3 got, but the original has to be tops for me too.