
Petition Appears to Remove Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End’s Washington Post “Review” From Metacritic

After the hubbub created by a divisive review to Uncharted 4: A Thief's End scored 4 out of 10 on Metacritic, fans have taken the matter in their hands, submitting a petition to have that score removed.

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ArchangelMike2919d ago

I don't even understand how it got there in the first place, specifically the bogus score that they gave to it. I'm sure by now the Metacritic editors are aware of the issue. I hope this will be a catalyst to raise awarenss of the disproportionate amount of sway Metacritic has over the industry.

Abash2919d ago

The way this is taking so long is just making Metacritic look unprofessional

DiscoKid2919d ago

Let it go. It's a good game regardless of some stupid review.

2919d ago
hulk_bash19872919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

It's not about the Washington Post review, because they are entitled to their opinion of the game, it's a matter of principal. Metacritic editors sought to put a low score on a negative review of the game (which did not include a numerical score) in an attempt to lower the games metascore. Their intention isn't clear but their shady practice is.

Hold_It2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )


Metacritic isn't professional. The game looks great though. It's kinda of funny, there's bigger problems in the world than someone not agreeing with your opinion of a videogame, but apparently this is bigger than that.

Blastoise2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )


You do know Metacritic just takes all reviews from around the web don't you? They don't review the games themselves, how can they be biased?

hulk_bash19872919d ago

They aren't reviewers, so why are they assigning scores to 1.) Reviews that don't have a numerical score and 2.) A review they did not write?

remixx1162919d ago

Isn't that Washington post review satire?

hulk_bash19872919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

Nope, its was falsely reported as a satire review by the author of that article. The review is legitimate and comes from the Washington Posts Comic Riff. Confirmed to be legit by a Washington Post editor on the comments section of that review.
This is the quoted text from Gene Park, an editor from the Washington Post: "Posting again to drop some knowledge for y'all:

First of all, I'm with most of you in that I disagree with this review pretty vehemently. I'm having the time of my life playing Uncharted 4. I love it and if I wrote the review you bet it'd be way different, and I would talk about the expanded gameplay elements (open-ended level design, encouraged stealth, etc), praise the level of detail as well as the well-acted, well-paced story.

That said, you have to do better than just come here and accuse him of being an Xbox fanboy. Life is a lot more complicated than a simple conspiracy theory dredged up from nowhere. Is console war fandom even a thing anymore?

Also, the "other" review you guys keep bringing up is NOT from us. It's from the Associated Press. If I have to explain what the AP is, we'd be here all day. But simply put: It's a news service in which MANY news organizations use to publish various stories, including videogame reviews.

Lastly, Comic Riffs is a blog about geek life. That does not imply that this is a humor or satirical column.

Anyway I'm off to hopefully beat Uncharted 4 today."

callahan092919d ago

@hulk_bash1987: That's BS. The Washington Post published a real review in their technology section, which reviews videogames from a legitimate perspective all the time, and THAT reviewer gave the game a *GLOWING* review. Yet THAT review is not counted on Metacritic, and the one that was posted in the comedy section is the one that Metacritic posts as the Washington Post review? That's ridiculous. Come on!

hulk_bash19872919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )


Did you not read this part of the Washington Post staff member's comment?
"Also, the "other" review you guys keep bringing up is NOT from us. It's from the Associated Press. If I have to explain what the AP is, we'd be here all day. But simply put: It's a news service in which MANY news organizations use to publish various stories, including videogame reviews.

Lastly, Comic Riffs is a blog about geek life. That does not imply that this is a humor or satirical column."

mkis0072919d ago

I was curious where the score came from myself so I emailed the metacritic editor and he said that they were sent the score separately from the article.

Bimkoblerutso2919d ago

I don't think "unprofessional" is the word for it. This is a very tricky situation.

Just to be clear, I can't even begin to express how ridiculous I find the actual review, but you have to understand the precedent that would be set by taking down a review that people simply disagree with. It is completely impossible to prove that the intent of the author was anything other than authentic, despite how outlandishly critical the review turned out. Reviews are, at the end of the day, completely subjective material, so getting the score taken down on the grounds that we all don't like it would be somewhat unethical.

Still...another part of me feels like the author was enough of a douchebag that ethics can eat a dick this time...

PistolsAtDawn2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

Plenty of things make them look unprofessional, but none more so than the fact that like 33% of the reviews for the game have something "Sony" or "playstation" related in the name of the site....are we pretending that is unbiased?

That'd be like if 33% of the top reviews for QB were from websites called "Microsoft" or "XBOX"

trouble_bubble2919d ago

@pistols at dawn
33% of metacritics uncharted reviews are from sites with Sony or PlayStation in the title?! Umm, theres actually only FOUR. Four out of s whopping Ninety One!

4 out of 91 isn't a conspiracy, let alone 33%. Never go full, man. Never go full.

SolidStoner2919d ago

No need to let go.. destroy those childish reviews.. and teach them a lesson, they need to learn how to play/finish a game.. I wish one day real gamers would make reviews..

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 2918d ago
emad-E-three2919d ago

IMO not taking actions against it by MC is a credibility at stake!

ArchangelMike2919d ago

I'm hoping their credibility comes crasing down. For far too long Metacritic score have been some kind of holy grail, even to the detrement of developers. I hope the gaming community are able to highlight just how ridiculous their whole setup is. I will be happy to see the end of Metacritic tbh, especially if this is how low they set the bar.

rainslacker2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

Unfortunately, I doubt this one instance is going to cause them to crumble. Not that I want them to go by the wayside, as the principle of the service isn't really bad, but the way they put things together is just wrong IMO.

I don't like some sites being weighted heavier, and with this particular review, the idea that more trusted sites have more weight just shows that some sites are weighted too highly, because there's no way one 40 would bring the score down a whole point unless it carried more weight. So a non-gaming site which uses random AP reviewers is weighted heavier than a dedicated gaming site.

There are other alternatives out there, but no one really pays attention to them, and I doubt this will do much to get people to move on. We gamers have a habit of sticking with what we know, and MC is kind of the go-to fanboy rating site, which pretty much guarantees their survival.

game4funz2919d ago

I wish MC would disappear.

pcz2919d ago

IMO taking action against MC brings the credibility of the entire gaming community into question.

i mean, a review is someones OPINION. it shouldnt be something that can be petitioned against and removed simply because the masses dont like it, or doesnt fit their agenda.

its corruption.

it means that metacritic can be influenced by the majority to manipulate review scores. as long as the majority make a petition they can warp the score of a game to whatever they want, regardless of the reviews.

i dont care if 1million people think the review is unfair, the principle that everyone has a right to review and score a game whatever they please, remains the same.

it just goes to show how pathetic the gaming community has become

BlackTar1872918d ago

whether you like it or not MC is already being swayed by big companies. bringing the users into it doesn't relaly make any difference it just continues it's reign on shady practice.

You guys need to stop visiting the site and tell people not to go there. Nothing will change otherwise. Let's be real MC got more publicity because of this so they are still winning. All this would go away though if we could somehow stop being mean about games.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2918d ago
Aloy-Boyfriend2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

I am really confused about this comic riff and WP shit. The thing is that review didn't have any numerical score attached to it, and Metacritic pulled that 4/10 out of nowhere. Yet, the WP review, which was 4/4, was not added.

So the Metacritic system here is at stake. Just like Metacritic doesn't include all those no name sites that has given U4 a 10 or a 9, they shouldn't have included this one especially when it didn't have any score. That's the real issue here

Letthewookiewin2919d ago

This whole thing reminds me of the Anime, Psyco-Pass. The Sybill system is flawed.

wonderfulmonkeyman2919d ago

Wait, so the review didn't have a numerical score, but Metacritic just arbitrarily decided to slap a 4 onto it?

I thought this was just a bunch of fans up in arms about a super low score to their favorite game, but if Meta is really attaching fake numbers to reviews that don't give a score in the first place, then that's an issue.

OB1Biker2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

Yea the moment it didn't have any score to start with it raises the issue of scoring games itself. Why did they need to add a score afterwards? Even if it was added later on from the same source that just shows its a way to make it count in Meta and not to stand as a review the way it was originally intended.

GamingIVfun2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

If the review (this is not a review, it's a fanboy comment) did not give a number value, then Metacritic should not assign one and shouldn't include it's numeric scoring. Metacritic is about numeric scoring.

I've seen this before with other reviews that Metacritic has done the same thing with and thought the exact same thing. If the reviewer see's fit to not assign a numeric score (pretty sure they doing it on purpose), then why should Metacritic assign one. Often they assign a score that doesn't even match what was said in the review.

A lot of sites have been baiting the Playstation community lately.

rainslacker2919d ago

MC does provide links to non scored reviews for sites they track. Which is good, because it allows people more access to reviews. If MC wanted to go with this review, they should have put it in that section, as there is no justifiable reason why MC should be assigning review scores to a written review. Some gaming site(can't remember which one) had a group of editors that assigned their own score to a reviewers review, and people all around disliked the practice. This is really no different, other than MC is taking it solely upon themselves to assign the score with no real input from the reviewer.

hulk_bash19872919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

It is pretty shady of metacritic to do what they did.

Ezz20132919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )


MC just collect reviews from every site like they do for every game...that make them baised to Sony how ?!

add to that the fact that they took this satire review and put a score themself even though they have a section for reviews with no score ....which is pretty strange
Prove you wrong greatly

The shit i keep read on this site is too much.

lelo2play2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

This is just plain stupid. If Metacritic give in, fanboys are going to start demanding that Metacritic remove every low score from games they like, that way every game out there will have an average of 10.

Will people also demand that Metacritic removes lower scores from user reviews?

Well, IGN gave in with their Uncharted score...

remixx1162919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

Well you are right but very wrong...

Obviously you didn't read into the situation at all.

Washington post didn't score uncharted 4.

Metacritic decided to take the review, add a score to it and add it it's list. Instead of putting it in its proper section of unscored reviews

It is all wrong and should be corrected.

Bathyj2919d ago

Metacritic is just a collection of the scores reviewers give to games. If the reviewer doesnt want to give a score, then they shouldnt be on Metacritic Period, or at least their review can be posted, but the made up score shouldnt contribute to the average.

Who are Metacritic to assign a score they think the reviewer intended? If the reviewer had wanted a score assigned to their review they would have done it themselves.

I'm not even addressing what an obviously troll review it was. Positive or Negative it shouldnt happen. Im talking about the act of Metacritic making scores up, they should be impartial.

Pogmathoin2919d ago

I am sure you would all feel the same way if this was an MS game.... But for the review, complete bullshlt..... Bitterness....

Erik73572919d ago

They are very protective and careful...they are probably investigating it just to make sure and wait weeks.

It would be great if we just got rid of review scores in general, metacritic would get fucked if that happens.

2919d ago
KentBenMei2919d ago

Did you read the petition? At one point the author accuses the reviewer of writing like a 12 year old, but he himself writes like he's 8 lol. He threw a fit because his favorite series isn't impeccable to everyone.

gangsta_red2918d ago

I'm going to start a petition to remove the bad scores for Atari Jaguar's Cybermorph. Because that was a good game.

Seriously, a petition to remove one score? That is really overboard.

Does anyone even believe that score for UC4? So why does it even matter, it takes nothing away from the actual game and your enjoyment.

This is just as silly and as blown out as wanting to eliminate numbered scores a while back.

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2919d ago Replies(10)
2919d ago Replies(10)
Picnic2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

N4G claimed that it was a 'satire' (USA code for 'spoof' rather than satire in its ancient sense). It wasn't - there are zero signposts of intending the opposite meaning. It was either a sincerely held opinion or maliciously posing as one. Malice cannot be assumed without knowing past form of the writer. If their opinion is sincerely held then I daresay they are using some very niche yardstick of what they think UC4 should have been. If they resented a 4th game being made at all then their judgement may be coloured, some would say clouded, by that. It is unfair for such a review, in which the reviewer reveals no patience for there being a 4th game at all, to have weight upon the Metacritic Critics score. Whatever they wanted would surely not have been Uncharted.

Abriael2919d ago

Yeah, that's a misconception. Some think that the Comic Riff's reviews are satire because it's called "comic riff," but that's not the case.

Most of the Washington Post's game reviews come from the Comic Riff, which is simply the site's section for comics, games, TV series and such. They're all "serious" reviews, and if you read most of the production of this specific writer, you'll notice that, unfortunately, he's actually serious. He just loves to nitpick and bash stuff for inane reasons.

Whether it's his actual opinion or just a grab for hits, I can't say, but the article isn't satire.

jb2272919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

I don't doubt that the article is satire, but there was no actual score on it was there? I thought the main legitimate issue was that there was no score on the review but it somehow ended up translating into a 4?

Either way, I don't necessarily think this should or shouldn't be changed, but it should push MC to look into what reviewers they weight on their system. There are literally hundreds of decent smaller level games journalists whose opinion should hold more water than someone who is this out of touch. If what you are saying is true & most of his reviews are like this & he isn't just a huge Uncharted detractor, the dude doesn't really deserve to be held up.

Reviews & tastes are always subjective, but I don't subscribe to the idea that a review should be solely based off of someone's own personal opinion. If I can't stand RPG's but can respect the work put into a game like The Witcher, general quality & mechanic feel should make up a large portion of how my review reads & what my score looks like.

Kaneki-Ken2919d ago

Troy Baker is supporting this, so he agree that this review is too skeptical. We know is a review but a known reviewer must act professional since they getting paid to do so.

InTheLab2918d ago

In the comments section of the review, a staff member says it's a legit review. The only issue is the assigned score from MC.

Speaking of, it's embarrassing how people are freaking out over 1 point. What's the difference between 94 and 93 when it comes to Naughty Dog's legacy or how amazing the game is.

rainslacker2919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

Don't care really. They spent one paragraph actually "reviewing" the UC4 game itself. What was said was neither objective or did anything to actually tell the reader about the game. The criticisms of the actual game never explained why it made it a bad game.

If it was a review, it was a terrible one by all review standards regardless of what his opinion was. If it was satire, it was poorly done, and showed no real talent for the craft. Satire is typically obvious, that's what makes an impact. This review seemed more spiteful, and used as a way to cast doubt on the game itself using frivolous reasoning.

Beyond that, I don't really care about the guys opinion, or that he's a crappy game reviewer. What I care more about is MC assigning a score they had no justification in assigning...particularly since they have ways to include non scored reviews set up on their website. That is not something that should be accepted regardless of console preference.


Apparently WP uses AP reviews, which can come from anyone. This means that editorial standard could be all over the place when it comes to their reviews. However, in this case, it would appear that TWP is weighted fairly heavily as a trusted site in the MC system. Otherwise, that one 40 wouldn't have brought down the score.

jb2272919d ago (Edited 2919d ago )

I had heard that they used AP for the first UC4 review that gave it a perfect score, and that this one was from an actual WP staffer. Not sure if that's true or if I heard wrong there but I'm wondering since the AP is a wire site, is WP the only outlet that uses them for games? Otherwise I would think that the AP score would be directly applied already? If a half dozen different MC weighted sites used the same AP review, would it essentially mean that the score gets reflected a half dozen times? I was never really clear on that. Also, is the WP weighted based off of their AP used content or their own? Just a lotta questions about this.

Honestly the game is so well crafted I can understand if it's not someone's cup of tea, but there is no real honest way a respectable outlet could give this game a 4. It just doesn't track. It would essentially mean that there is no such thing as even a 9 or higher in gaming. If this game was a 4, what game in existence could essentially be twice as good in every aspect? That's why the score is broken. I think on storytelling, gameplay mechanics & technical competence alone, there is no way UC4 merits anything under a 7 at the rock bottom. Personal tastes can't account for that kind of discrepancy & if this reviewer is just Mr. Video Game Hipster, then why do we care about his personal gaming tastes? I could understand if it was coming from well respected video game journalists, but there is absolutely nothing special about this writer, his views or his perspective. It's not unique or interesting, it's pedantic & juvenile.

But you are right, the main issue here is the idea that a score got magically assigned to his review. What is MC's method for assigning a numerical value for a complete stranger's opinion?

It really makes me wish that all of the MC weighted video game journalists took a month off from posting any kind of scores, just write & review and see what kind of random scores MC has to come up with....that'd be a pretty funny experiment.

2919d ago Replies(4)
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RaidenBlack74d ago

to reiterate, this is just a hobby project by a single developer

isarai74d ago

As a one man project this is awesome as hell!

74d ago
lellkay74d ago

Impressive considering its a one man effort!

Nacho_Z74d ago

Nate looks like he's been charting the lost city of Marijuana.

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Crows90176d ago (Edited 176d ago )

The best games of their generation too. Its incredible how great most if not all of playstations games are. Whether you like the stories or not you cant deny the quality of each title.

Hated tlou part 2. But im going to buy it when it is cheap enough because i want to play the remastered content for $10 extra dollars. Theyre adding a roguelike mode...thats going to be fun!

176d ago