
Initial Impressions Of Doom’s Campaign – Fast & Brutally Brilliant

Pixelgate writes:

''With Doom review copies being tricky to get a hold of, there’s not much to draw opinions from. The Beta put off a fair amount of people, including myself, making Doom a curiosity more than an anticipated release. The following is initial impression based purely on four hours with the single player.''

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Garethvk2949d ago

I have been loving it. Fast, brutal, and so much fun.

PixelGateUk2949d ago

i love the level design, so classic but still modern

Phil322949d ago

Ooh! A mix of classic and modern sensibilities in the level design, then? That sounds awesome!

Muadiib2948d ago

I'm so glad they brought back the exploration. The game oozes confidence.

Miguelitons2949d ago

Looks like I have to get this one, sounds like fun!

conanlifts2948d ago

It is worthy of the name. I have read some negative reviews from users on metacritic. You can tell they have never played the game from their comments.

Inzo2948d ago

Some of them are justified, for me it just does not feel like the Doom, none of those spine chilling moments.

crazychris41242949d ago

Also like how they push you to check every nook and cranny for secrets and mods. Love finding weapons earlier than if i just sped through the levels.

PixelGateUk2949d ago

The suit upgrades pop up in some random places but it does add rewards to just looking around. Most of the time i find them trying to pull of jump executions

conanlifts2948d ago

Those little pop figures too, not to mention the levers that unlock the original doom levels. This is one of the most intense games i have played in a while. Kill or be killed...so simple and so much fun.

Garethvk2948d ago

What I have loved as well as the detail level is how you feel like a badass when you go on a blast fest. That is until something comes along to humble you. There is a sense of immersion as unlike most one man army games, you see a purpose behind what you are doing.


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purple10138d ago (Edited 38d ago )

Twitter is blowing up right now

All games coming to PlayStation
Next Xbox will have steam
Next Xbox niche and only for “gamers who want it” (it’s a really powerful pc or a steam deck type portable, or both)

38d ago

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shinoff2183115d ago

I've looked and wished we never did get here.


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phoenixwing123d ago

You forgot one and it's a doozy. The weapon is kindness in undertale. :) defeats countless enemies.