
TRUMP'S WALL - Build it Huuuge Review l Pocket Gamer

One can say a lot about Donald Trump's absurd rise to as Republican presidential candidate, but they can't deny that the epically combover-ed demagogue courts controversy with the best of them.

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yarbie10002922d ago

You discredit yourself & expose your bias in your summary paragraph. I won't be clicking on the article

subtenko2922d ago

Bunch of bandwagoners. Not heading over there myself either

FreeSpeech692921d ago

Whaaa whaaa racist politician want to build a wall ;( vote for the woman who called Black People, Super Predators :D #Hillary2016

ccgr2921d ago

Looks funny, but I'll pass

wakeNbake2921d ago

Mexico has a massive wall on the southern border with Guatemala, and they guard that border quite diligently. Hmmmm the irony.

starchild2921d ago

Japan, too, has strict immigration policies. Most countries, in fact, have some kind of limit on immigration. Somehow, though, the United States is evil if they have an immigration policy and attempt to enforce it.

That said, I'm opposed to the building of a wall. It has disastrous ecological consequences and is wholly unnecessary. The country can enforce an immigration policy without building a wall.