
Watch Doom Running with the Vulkan API in New Fantastic 1080p/60 FPS Direct Feed Footage

During an event last week, Bethesda and Nvidia showcased Doom running at pretty insane frame rates on a Nvidia GTX 1080 using the Vulkan API.

This time around, the house of Geforce released a direct feed video.

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crazychris41242949d ago

Game looks a lot better when someone with skill is playing that doesn't have to slow down to talk about the game. It's $15 off on greenmangaming with doom25 code

Activemessiah2949d ago

Looks pretty fast to me... which tells me previous videos were being played by people who were a bit.... slow in the head.

Kleptic2949d ago

The pacing 'feel' changes a lot with higher FoV's...and the consoles can actually change that with this game...

but the biggest difference comes from the weapon switching...PC lacking that wheel makes a massive difference in how enemies can be engaged...not to mention the turning precision that comes with a mouse...

shows how surprising its been that nearly all footage so far has been from console...and then crowds kind of unanimously claim "it doesn't look right"...because...it never will without the freedom of m/k.

Perjoss2949d ago

This is being played on PC with a higher FOV than the console versions. Higher FOV always makes the movement look faster.

Fishy Fingers2949d ago

True. But I think the overriding reason is he's an experienced player using a mouse.

battleFROnt2949d ago

The visuals, frame rates and movements is only possible on PC using a Keyboard and Mouse.
This is clearly an experienced player...

What exactly does Vulkan/DX12 do in terms of performance?

Kleptic2949d ago

Vulkan and DX12 are 'low level' API's that better utilize specific hardware configurations...think of them more like how the consoles 'get more out of less' from their hardware...the API's have far less overhead than typical DX11 and previous, which would eat up consider resources just hovering in between the game engine and the hardware...

so the good news is that they remove the barriers associated with PC hardware, in which more of the processing power is used for the actual game, instead of random windows BS...but, it is trickier to optimize for all cards, and impossible in some cases...so the supporting hardware is reduced...nearly anything modern can technically use both DX12 and Vulkan (with the right drivers, anyway)...but only the newest hardware can get the most out of it...

Also, Vulkan is not DX12 by the way...they are different APi's with the same goals...Mantle is what started a lot of this back in 2013, but was only available on a very limited batch of hardware...DX12 has the biggest amount of driver support for different GPU's right now, but is locked to win 10 PC wise... depending on the type of renderer, its said that Vulkan's open nature has more potential, also...

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phoenixwing122d ago

You forgot one and it's a doozy. The weapon is kindness in undertale. :) defeats countless enemies.