
ActionTrip's Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Review

Another great adventure, another great journey, more hidden treasures and more shooting behind cover... Sometimes we don't have to see how good games can be.

Sometimes it feels awesome to see how good they still are.

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ZiggyStarnuts2946d ago

Great review! Love this game.

UreVader2946d ago

It's another fine addition to the series, and there's a lot of wheel carts!! :)

shabz6662946d ago

Just finished it a few hours ago. Still just amazed at how good this was. Can't believe naughty dog consistently deliver such quality games. How has no one else reached this bar of quality character development and presentation yet is baffling

jb2272946d ago

I'm as baffled as you are. It seems like last gen there were more devs at least trying to follow in ND's footsteps, but they typically came up short because they weren't able to create something even greater than the sum of its parts like ND does. It has something to do with how they tie everything together, from different gameplay mechanics to characterization & narrative...it's just amazing what they are capable of.

I'm only just getting to Chapter 12 because I'm trying to really take my time & savor this game, but it has simply gotten better & better from an already amazing beginning. I think the biggest improvement that really elevates this game in a narrative pacing sense is the real time cutscenes. It feels like one long continuous epic journey like no other game has really felt. The rope feels fantastic when you get the hang of it, traversal is smoother than ever, the vehicles handle like their own unique character & the story is just phenomenal.

I can respect people's opinions, but for me this game is a masterpiece so far...they'd have to drop the ball mega hard for the next 10 chapters for me to consider it anything less than a perfect ten. Just some of the most instantly memorable gaming I've ever had.

shabz6662946d ago

absolutely, take your time with it. the moment you start rushing it, turn it off and come back to it later. you'll be doing a disservice to yourself if you rush through it. there are poignant moments of silence and exploration that don't involve any shooting or jumping around. these moments are so reminiscent of last of us and they are incredible.

BenRC012946d ago

Never before jumped in to comment on a score but its blatantly obvious to anyone who has played this game its a high 9. Probably the only game this gen bar TLOU id give that score to.

spicelicka2946d ago

I think Witcher 3 is at least a 9.5, also an amazing game.

spicelicka2946d ago

Uh oh, last time an 8.8 point didn't go over so well...

(I wanna play this game)

jb2272946d ago

8.8 is still a great score & it's all subjective really...for me IGN's score itself wasn't as much of a problem as the text of the actual review...the text read like a 7 but the score was nearly a 9. It just felt like she wasn't a fan of the series & was very begrudging with any praise she gave. Playing the game it's quality is undeniable. The only reason anyone could dislike the game would be if they straight up didn't like the genre, it really is the pinnacle of narrative driven TPS adventure games & the quality of the craft is pretty undeniable.

I can absolutely recommend this game if you have any interest in the TPS genre or if you like a well told story. It was basically the sole reason I went PS4 this gen and it lived up to my lofty expectations & then some. Not sure if you have a ps4 or not, but if you do you need to run out & play this game...if not you need to find somewhere to borrow one ASAP haha

slappy5082946d ago

8.8? A sh!tstorm brewed the last time that was given!

In all seriousness I'm happy to have finally got the game after a frustrating wait. Got a little bit past the long introduction, while the action was slow the story is simply incredible and didn't mind the slow start at all!


Uncharted Unreal Engine 5 Imagining From MachineGames-Indiana Jones Designer is a Sight to Behold

A stunning Uncharted Unreal Engine 5 imagining has been released, featuring cutscenes, platforming, combat, stealth, and vehicles.

Created by Daniel Arriaga, a level designer at MachineGames on the upcoming Indiana Jones game, this fan concept is a solo developer project.

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RaidenBlack98d ago

to reiterate, this is just a hobby project by a single developer

isarai98d ago

As a one man project this is awesome as hell!

97d ago
lellkay97d ago

Impressive considering its a one man effort!

Nacho_Z97d ago

Nate looks like he's been charting the lost city of Marijuana.

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Crows90199d ago (Edited 199d ago )

The best games of their generation too. Its incredible how great most if not all of playstations games are. Whether you like the stories or not you cant deny the quality of each title.

Hated tlou part 2. But im going to buy it when it is cheap enough because i want to play the remastered content for $10 extra dollars. Theyre adding a roguelike mode...thats going to be fun!

200d ago