
With No Momentum, Can Nintendo Make The NX Successful?

— Nintendo Enthusiast:

Nintendo’s situation is nothing short of uncomfortable; and it’s not just the emptiness of this year that made it so. This problem started long ago, but now it’s pretty much at a critical level. As Nintendo prepares its next system, pretty much the whole company’s future hangs in the balance.

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Herbalistic2928d ago (Edited 2928d ago )

Nintendo is really suck in a tough spot

they need to build a modern machine with a real online network/hope it attracts some of the hardcore guys/girls from PS/PC/ Xbox

build some type of relationship with the huge western 3rd party publishers/ensure them that NX is worth their support.

LOL_WUT2928d ago

Exactly and the only way to accomplish this is by offering a more than capable machine. No one likes it when they try to reinvent the wheel; the Wii U is proof of this, so just stick to something traditional. ;)

RosweeSon2928d ago

I do I loved it when they gave us shoulder buttons on the SNES controller. Or when they introduced the world to Analogue controls and made the best controlling game at the time or possibly ever in Mario 64 which still tops gaming greats lists. Sure not everything they do is a runaway success... Virtual boy, but when they get it right every other companies follows for years to come, Sony added analogue sticks to their dual shocks, rumbles as well, you think they would have included a touch pad even basic as it is on dual shock 4 without Nintendo doing what they do of course they wouldn't if it was just Microsoft/Sony we'd probably be using a dual shock 4 basically still number 1 like they did for 2-3, Nintendo never rest on their laurels sure they may use the same franchises but on a yearly churn? Nope and the quality of majority of their games is fantastic. I also thought whilst not my preferred method of play but when they introduced the Nintendo DS that that was also quite fantastic we wouldn't have iPhone games on touchscreens now if it wasn't for DS back in 2005 or whenever it launched and I know I'm not alone in thinking it was a great console as it sold Millions. The 2 Zelda DS games were awesome and the Kirby canvas curse magic paintbrush or whatever it was called in your country was absolutely amazing. Kirbys mass attack also and GTA Chinatown wars... I for one am more than happy when Nintendo make original systems especially when they go all out to make the most original games also. Sure the Wii U wasn't a blinding success by I'm sure to the majority who purchased it will agree it was a great 3/4 years. Nintendo have never stretched a console much more than 6 yesrs 5 normally or even 4 so I don't see why it's such a shock they are gonna try to introduce a new system after 4 years when the previous one wasn't that successful is that screwing all your fans over not really they did the same with the N64 releasing the GameCube 4 years later difference with Nintendo from everyone clearly is they focus on the games first and foremost and then how much power they can put behind it afterwards, as they normally go for a lower end console (not saying this is good or bad) but naturally if they go for a weaker console is gonna need updating more often than say ps2/3/4 or Xbox 360 who go for 10 year plans. Easy enough to do when you've got millions of people paying you just to be on your online service, coast along for 8-10 years at your expense. I will always welcome Nintendo original and inventive approach to the gaming industry it's why I love them not fanboy status I own all the good consoles and always do but Nintendo are just surrounded in doom and a lot is just from trolls who don't have any good games to play so they belittle people who do. Get a new console if yours is so dry.

Long live Nintendo nobody wants a 2 way gaming war with 2 systems pretty much offering very similar prospects generation after generation. Like Sega at least they always did what they wanted.. Obviously didn't work out for them but then Sega couldn't make sonic any good after sonic and knuckles and if you can't adapt in this market and start making 3D world like Nintendo did with super Mario 64 then your always gonna struggle hence why Nintendo will always be around if they choose to they make money year after year and despite the doom make fantastic products be it Consoles or the games that are played on them.

_-EDMIX-_2928d ago

@Ros- "Nintendo nobody wants a 2 way gaming war with 2 systems pretty much offering very similar prospects generation after generation"

Who is "nobody"? Clearly those thats didn't buy Wii U actually want that Leave creating content to developers. I'm not asking of Sony or MS to give developers a new method to FORCE into their games. I'm merely asking of both to have hardware powerful enough and easy enough for content to be made.

Leave the creating to the developers. What they want is what I'm hoping each will provided. I didn't see developers begging for motion options or touch pads bud. There is a reason why you don't see much developers using MS whole surface features or Sony's touch pad, its because they don't care.

Mind you, every PS4 has its little touch pad, how many developers do you see care? Difference is Sony didn't JUST do a touch pad and call it a day. The released a powerful console that met what developers needed to create games. Hardware, easy to develop for etc.

Just saying, Arkham Knight came to PC, PS4 and XONE it didn't come to Wii U. Yet...PS4 has a touch pad bud, how many games did you really see state they where only going to Wii U for the screen feature?

It wasn't wanted by EITHER SIDE and 40 million PS4's exist....still no HUGE title releasing using the touch pad. Why? Wasn't wanted, simple.

If Star Fox was a 3rd party game, 100% assure you it would not release on Wii U as I don't think that series went motion only because of design. Only publisher forcing MOTION happens to be the developer of the console that is desperately trying to make it look "innovative" and fun...

The majority say otherwise.

_-EDMIX-_2928d ago

@Ros- You say no one wants a 2 way war (not sure why are leaving out PC) but the majority are sorta indicating they are prepared for just 3 platforms evident by Wii U's sales.

Either Wii U failed and most people don't want to play a platform with nothing but Nintendo games using gimmicks, or Wii U did great by Nintendo and all that would have gotten a Wii U, got it...

That still means we don't have enough room for a 4th player and I've always felt that for a long, long time. Its just too much to ask for most consumers for very little content. That is sorta like Funimations app lol, its not bad, but why spend money for JUST Anime from Funimation, when Netflix, HULU and Amazon Prime cost just the same but with MORE content PLUS some Anime? That is sorta the situation Nintendo is in. Its pay equal to more, for basically less content when its competitors have similar titles and a ridiculous amount of more content.

What they need to do is get their junk together and make a platform that developers can work on, that is powerful enough to get current generation support and on a format cheap enough for 3rd party to make money from, mind you, this isn't even say don't come out with some wacky gimmick, merely don't be left with JUST THAT to sell you're damn platform, its beyond stupid and makes me question the companies competency. ie PS4 still has a touch pad. Is there a reason why Nintendo can't have their stupid gimmick but also still have powerful hardware as well as easy to develop for?

The also need to address this, like yesterday. Its not a good look and if those same continue to feel this way, R.I.P Nintendo.




MS went out of their way to get the father of Final Fantasy on XB, to get Final Fantasy on XB.

Sony when out of their way to please Value after their comments about PS3's design.

Nintendo knows what to do to get 3rd party support. I don't buy they are THAT DUMB, they very much know what it is that they need. As I feel this company for a long time , has been directly competing with 3rd party and has been purposely using dated hardware as to make it difficult for 3rd party to make money as to leave Nintendo as the platform's number 1 publisher. its why they don't address what 3rd party developers are saying, its why they are not even asking input during development.

The either don't want it, or are too stupid to develop what developers have basically been asking them for a decade to do. I don't think they are that dumb and it sounds like they are just being greedy to get more software sales by sabotaging their own hardware to avoid competition. Wii U has proved a Nintendo console with zero 3rd party will continue to fail.

XisThatKid2928d ago (Edited 2928d ago )

I'm sorry but did you know that the atari had analog sticks and other systems before and after that?
Nintendo said that the internet and gaming wouldn't mix well and it was a fad also they said Discs wouldn't be the future of gaming either.
Why leave out other innovations from the other systems and that Nintendo Followed. EVERY current major company and before made their staple in the industry and innovated. Nintendo gets all the credit for these things even like motion gaming was done in the 80s there is so much they get the credit for because they sell themselves as innovators so their whole M.O. is to make others think they created all this. Don't get me wrong they ushered in alot like others as well but do you see MS throwing around they ushered in the most used and game changing tool in the video industry and created an online infrastructure?
I'm just saying just because they did great in the past doesn't mean they get a free pass on FKN up. If they were even competing they'd still do what the other consoles can do PLUS their own "innovation". But the Big N decides to option select and say "we're not in competition" so if it fails they were never racing anyway and if they win they can retract and reap the cred for out pacing their "competition".
My past or nostalgia doesn't rule me good past memories alone won't make me buy a console. It just feels like Ninty needs to earn their fans back just like MS had to and Sony did too by giving their fans what they wanted and not what they think we think we want. Ninty releases whatever they want and the N'ombies eat it up no matter what.

pcz2928d ago

i agree. nintendo need to go back to basics. get the foundation right, instead of building in a swamp.

i think nintendo have made a very big mistake not unveiling the NX at e3 this year though. i mean, the whole industry will be watching, it will be the spot light of many many gamers from around the world, it would have been the perfect opportunity for nintendo to show everyone what is coming, and get some excitement generated.

instead they blew it. i dont think a nintendo direct, or any other self organized event will attract the same audience or attention as e3 to launch such a major product as a console. i dont see how the nx will be a success if nobody knows about it. heck, the wiiu was a failure even with the large scale of exposure it was given.

i fear by christmas, there will be an incredible amount of excitement surrounding the ps4k, xbox 1.5 and the vitual reality headsets. sony/micro know the importance and power of e3 and are going to create an unstoppable momentum. they probably couldnt believe their luck when nintendo announced they practically werent going to show up. that means less competition.

it seems nintendo have given themselves no choice but to build in a swamp. the outcome is inevitable

gamerb62928d ago

Nintendo created the wheel that Sony and Microsoft copy till this day so they can pretty much do what they want.

AJBACK2FRAG2928d ago (Edited 2928d ago )

No way guy Nintendo's is coming back with something new. Again.. Then Nintendo's going to set the video game quality standard for a generation. Just like they have every generation before. That's their golden armor Nintendo creates the best video game software in the work!d. Period. Do you think Sony or Microsoft could come close lol I laugh at that. Home video game console's are going to come and go but Nintendo is forever.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2928d ago
Picnic2928d ago (Edited 2928d ago )

Nintendo need their Pixar. They had it- they were called Rare. Whilst Retro Studios has given the great Metroid Prime and Donkey Kong Country Returns / Tropical Freeze, Nintendo need studios to make more epic 3D adventures for it. Not only did the WiiU not have enough of them but if Zelda WiiU had been ready a lot sooner (within 2 years of launch like in the past) then it would have spurred sales to approach 20 million. Even a Paper Mario game wasn't ready. Some of the WiiU's very best games, like Super Mario Maker were 2D (or 2.5 D - 2D with some 3D elements). That's great but you need more 3D games to appeal to a larger market. Nintendo could have done worse than trying to secure Yooka-Laylee as an exclusive, no matter how highly (deliberately) derivative it is of Banjo Kazooie and the like.

wonderfulmonkeyman2928d ago

Saying the entire future of the company hinges on the NX, is nothing short of melodramatic.

They won't die off if the NX somehow doesn't sell like the PS4 did, no matter what the doom and gloomers want you to think.XD

Having said that, the NX can be the creator of its own momentum, much like the PS4 was.
The time in which that momentum starts isn't a big issue, since it's pretty much a certainty that we'll be hearing news of it before year's end, which will give the hype waves from the announcement much less time to cool down than if it were announced earlier in the year and left for several months to cool down.

AKR2928d ago

The future of the company most certainly does fall on the NX's success rate. Nintendo has been pushed further and further out of the picture since the days of the N64. If the NX flops, I'm really not sure what they're going to do as it relates to console creation. They won't go bankrupt, but their reputation will take a serious nosedive.

wonderfulmonkeyman2928d ago

Reputations rise and fall like the waves of an ocean.
All it takes is the right idea, or a turn-around on one about to fail, to get people to come back.
That's how Microsoft got the XBone to sell, after all; Nintendo's no different.
Even if the NX flops, that doesn't mean they can't make a come-back with the right idea.

_-EDMIX-_2928d ago

Agreed. I don't think they can keep spending billions on failed platforms.

If the want to move software to make money, they have the option of going 3rd party and cutting their losses.

ChickeyCantor2928d ago

> If the NX flops, I'm really not sure what they're going to do as it relates to console creation.

Same was said about wii

Then it was said about wii u

Are we done?

KilKarazy2928d ago

They will certainly go third party if it fails. The investors will speak with their wallets.

wonderfulmonkeyman2928d ago

They will not go third party if it fails.
You can just drop that dream right now, because they've got too many other ventures funding them to EVER need to drop consoles.
There are always going to be other investors to take the place of the ones too short-sighted to stay in with them.
And keep in mind, many of these investors are of the same mind as that one investor who wanted Nintendo's opening move, in mobile games, to be putting the original NES Mario onto phones, then charging people a microtransaction to get Mario to jump a bit higher.
Small-minded investors like that are a dime a dozen, and easily replaced by people with less idiotic ideas.

_-EDMIX-_2928d ago (Edited 2928d ago )

@KilK- Agreed. They have the option and I see them going that route.

@Wonder- "They will not go third party if it fails" Why?

"they've got too many other ventures funding them to EVER need to drop consoles" The fund them because they make them money. They can't make those "ventures" money if the platform fails bud. I don't see Wii U games moving Wii software sales bud so not sure why they would continue moving LESS software and spending MORE MONEY on hardware development....why?

"There are always going to be other investors to take the place of the ones too short-sighted to stay in with them" Why is it that anyone who is against this company is um "short-sighted"? Don't you get that what they are doing is resulting in them making less money and moving less software and hardware?

If I"m investing in Nintendo and they go 3rd party, it means Nintendo AND I BOTH make MORE MONEY BY DEFAULT!

No more spending billions on marketing hardware, R&D, development, shipping out etc. More money spent on games that for a fact make more money then hardware, larger install base by DEFAULT OVER NIGHT.

Investors care about making more money. Thats it. Make no hardware and just making software by default saves them money and has them releasing content on the largest install base their company has EVER SEEN OVER NIGHT! Who doesn't want to make that money?

Sorry but I don't think their current situation of moving 12 million units and making less money is going to keep them going the same route. It makes zero business sense. You've yet to even logically explain why it would even benefit hem to keep producing hardware...

All I hear is wishful thinking and insults to investors lol. I mean...thats cute but you're post doesn't really explain why such a thing would not be favored i the future for them. Are they not already seeking to release games on mobile?

@Ros- " They've just started dipping into Mobile apps they won't be releasing on Microsoft Sony platforms anytime soon" Buddy, you don't know that though.

Also it cost them billions to launch consoles ,they can't afford to keep getting low sales every device they make. They still have operating cost and selling a at profit doesn't mean that they've made their money back invested.

ie marketing, R&D etc. You can still sell, lets say every game at a profit, and still actually lose money if you didn't cover you're marketing, development expenses etc.

" Good luck getting Mario on ps4/Xbox anytime soon they'll just go handheld exclusive but for the next 5 years" ??? LOL! Why would they ONLY go handheld? So they would choose to NOT make money on console? Sounds like you don't really know jack about business bud.

It again BEGS TO QUESTION....WHY? Why leave money on the table. Nintendo is a business, I don't see them just siting around losing potential sales just because.

Sega didn't......

RosweeSon2928d ago

Nintendo are years and years in the profit unless they just start doing a Microsoft and paying rockstar $40-50 million for dlc that'll just end up on the other systems a few months later anyway then I'd start worrying they've made consoles for over 30 years were they Ever sold at a loss... Ever? Nope. They make more money than we ever will in a lifetime unless they just start going GTA on and us and living it up in an crack den with hoes on Tap... Not quite Nintendos style they'll be around for a while to come yet. They've just started dipping into Mobile apps they won't be releasing on Microsoft Sony platforms anytime soon. They have handhelds if all else fails who is going to take them down on them sure iPhones and the such take up a share but for the 3ds to have the problems it had 3D being major one for a lot of people they've certainly shifted a lot of them handhelds... They not gonna do a 4d or a follow up... Of course they are they'll get this years Pokemon out NX out in March next year new handheld could be out by the end of 2017... They notoriously just drop them out of nowhere 3ds has been going a good 4 years easily got another year or so but you can bet your house they will make another handheld again all made and sold for a Profit... Good luck getting Mario on ps4/Xbox anytime soon they'll just go handheld exclusive but for the next 5 years at least what with NX out in March Mario/Zelda ain't going anywhere other than Nintendo Systems. They ain't gonna release an NX and then start poppin up Mario on ps4 next 2-3 years no chance.

Servbot412928d ago

The future of Nintendo home consoles hinges on the NX for sure, and I can't see anyone buying it when we're this deep into the PS4/Xbone generations with great first party and third party games releasing nearly weekly, along with how poorly they've treated Wii U owners.

RosweeSon2928d ago (Edited 2928d ago )

Day one. Unless it's controlled with your feet or something completely ridiculous. They're normally different sure but never utterly stupid. So unless they make an Xbox one type reveal ie no thanks then NX is day one for the originality alone. Ps4 is great and probably the best this gen it was a day one for me but doesn't mean I can't squeeze a Nintendo home console next to it for all the quirky stuff and Nintendo Exclusives not to be found anywhere else... Legally.

gleepot2928d ago

I'm a day one Wii U owner. I in no way feel as if I was treated poorly. The Wii U offered some amazing titles. The only disappointing thing is a shorter than expected life span.

paddy952928d ago

If it fails then it will just go 3rd party and mobile. The wii was a fluke so it most likely will fail. Can't wait for Mario 64 remaster on my ps5.

wonderfulmonkeyman2928d ago (Edited 2928d ago )

Keep dreaming; Nintendo's never going to put Mario on PS5, and you wouldn't buy it over call of duty anyways.
Oh, and if the Wii was a fluke, then so was the PS2, and so now is the PS4.

@ Ed

Yeah, they're a business.
And as a business, they know where their most profitable consumers are.
And they are NOT on other systems.
You cannot deny that without being a liar.
And yes, really, considering that same-said "lowest selling PS console" had to EXTEND ITS GEN to get anywhere.

"Nintendo doesn't not move" may want to spell check before you blabber on.
And here's the thing about Nintendo; with all the different areas they've got their IPs stuck into, they don't NEED to sell 100M with every home console.
Hell, their software profits alone have covered for the lack of bigger unit sales for their latest console, and that's not even including the sales for other games on 3DS and their Eshop sales.
And PS3 had to take nearly a decade to do what the Wii did in 5 or 6 years. Not impressive by any measure.

So no, based upon everything Nintendo can fall back on to make profits before hopping right back into console development, Nintendo is the LEAST likely of the big 3 to go third party.
Hell, Sony THEMSELVES said that if they hadn't done well with the PS4, it likely would have resulted in them stopping console development.
Sony's closer to a one-flop-stop than Nintendo could ever be, despite the PS4's sales.
Especially with the way they keep greasing third party palms left and right and spending cash on VR.

Nintendo can't make more money off of going solely software on unfamiliar hardware, because THERE'S NO FAN BASE ON OTHER CONSOLES FOR NINTENDO GAMES.
Ratchet and Clank is a great game, but compared to the scores of other more realistic games people flock to the system for, it's literally a drop in the bucket that is soon going to be overshadowed.
Just like Nintendo's games would.
Case in point: Star Fox Zero.
Even without motion controls, if it hit the PS4, everyone in that fan base would just look down upon it as a blocky unexciting retread of Star Fox 64, and then they would go back to raving about how amazing Uncharted and Battlefield are going to be.

To use your own words, "you've given no real reason why such a thing logically could happen".
All you've provided is wishes and dreams founded entirely upon your distaste for the fact that you HAVE to pay the price of a console just to play Nintendo's games.
You haven't, and never will, accept the OBJECTIVE FACT that even if you, personally, would pay for Nintendo games on PS4, you're a distinct minority, and most of the fan base looks down on Nintendo's games as kiddy trash so often that they'd have no chance of standing out amongst the monthly releases of more realistic-looking chav fodder.

Just sit down and stop trying to convince people that Nintendo's better off without consoles.
Only an idiot would actually believe that the same groups of people that make fun of Nintendo's games on every "top 10" article are somehow Nintendo's best hope for higher profits.

You just need to sit down and shut up.
I've already proven that I've played and enjoyed many shooters; your efforts to ignore it, and to ignore the fact that most PS4 and XBone gamers wouldn't touch games like Mario 3D World over the latest Far Cry, don't change the fact that you're wrong.

_-EDMIX-_2928d ago (Edited 2928d ago )

"Nintendo's never going to put Mario on PS5" if they keep moving small units and making less money they will. They are still a business.

"Wii was a fluke, then so was the PS2, and so now is the PS4" Not really, consider the lowest selling PS console is like 90 million.

Lets say PS2 was a fluke, sure....but clearly 90 million of those PS2 gamers got a PS3 (maybe lol). Even if we say its a fluke, we can't ignore that PS consoles sell around 90 to 100 million almost every generation.

Nintendo doesn't not move 100 million units of consoles EVERY GEN! They did for 1. PS3 is around 10 million or so away from Nintendo's BEST...

So Nintendo going 3rd party is way way more likely then any out of the 3 at this moment due to their consistency of selling lessor units and becoming less relevant in the console space. The goal is to sell software, software makes MORE money then hardware. I see no reason for them to not have this option on the table in the future if things continue this route.

You've given no real reason why such a thing logically couldn't happen other then wishful thinking and insults.

@LOL- Agreed. Even I will buy Animal Crossing, Paper Mario etc if they come to PS4. I got them on 3DS...

LOL_WUT2928d ago (Edited 2928d ago )

Once again just like your knowledge, or lack thereof, of the FPS genre, you show just how little you know. Many X1 and PS4 owners will greatly support Nintendo titles on those systems. ;)

_-EDMIX-_2928d ago

@Wonder- "Yeah, they're a business.
And as a business, they know where their most profitable consumers are.
And they are NOT on other systems"

Where are they then? They didn't buy Wii U bud. I don't think they just all died or something lol.

"@ LOL
You just need to sit down and shut up"

? Do you think insult folks is going to prove you're point, you've once again yet ot explain why they would not seek to make money as a 3rd party if they keep failing.

Software makes more money then hardware.

"All you've provided is wishes and dreams founded entirely upon your distaste for the fact that you HAVE to pay the price of a console just to play Nintendo's games" Nope.

Gave examples of cost of a console vs just going 3rd party. SEGA went 3rd party when their platform failed.

Nintendo for a fact is selling less hardware, less software and both Wii U and 3DS are selling lessor their their previous versions and they are losing money. Sounds about right for a company to consider going 3rd party.

Also 12 million stated they would pay the price to play Nintendo games. Dreamcast sold 8 million, about 4 million behind Wii U. It took just that to sink that company into going 3rd party. Nintendo isn't really that far behind bud. MILLIONS won't buy a Nintendo console to play their games, that is reason enough to go 3rd party.

12 vs a 80 to 90 million install base with PC, PS4 and XONE.

The console cost more, has less of an install base.

3rd party has no fees for hardware in regards to R&D, development or advertising, higher install base.

Soooo yea. I'd rather not spend billions on a lower install base and spend millions on a LARGER install base.

"you, personally, would pay for Nintendo games on PS4, you're a distinct minority, and most of the fan base looks down on Nintendo's games as kiddy trash" So why even waste time thinking this company won't go 3rd party when you're own comments sound like they are closer to going out of business?

If going 3rd party can't save them, they might want to consider leaving gaming them. Forget 3rd party lol

So where did those 90 million leave to buddy? Sorry but Nintendo is 100% better off without consoles.

its a 12 million install base that cost them BILLIONS vs 90 million install base that cost them zero dollars of hardware manufacturing.

ChickeyCantor2928d ago (Edited 2928d ago )

This website doesn't have many people that like Nintendo. Your efforts are pointless. Also LOL_WUT is a firestarter. Just make fun of him but don't argue, waste of time.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2928d ago
RosweeSon2928d ago

Wii was a fluke what about the NES/SNES, N64 and GameCube sure they'll didn't sell 100 million but pretty certain GameCube was neck and neck with Xbox original. Not much in it anyway so what's different apart from Xbox one sold around 5-6 million more consoles than Wii U currently who cares NX is launching next year and it'll probably be catching up with Xbox one within a couple of years if they get it right and go techy get the games ready and speed up the virtual console releases and polish up the Nintendo network a bit... Ok a lot of polish.
Seriously tho Mario 64 on your ps5. Well ps5 is bare minimum 3-4 years off 2020 earliest and Wii U took 4 years to fail.. NX doesn't launch until March Nintendo wouldn't even need to consider doing Sega for at least another 4/5 years... Enjoy the wait.

Stealth20k2928d ago

What is momentum? Did Nintendo have momentum for Wii and DS?

Did Sony have momentum for PS4 based on PS3? No.

Momentum is overrated.

wonderfulmonkeyman2928d ago

Thank you.
A good idea creates its own momentum; the NX won't need to ride of the waves of other things if it's a good system.

Servbot412928d ago

Actually Sony managed to pull momentum halfway through the PS3's life and end up pretty much on top (barely) for the generation. Sure, at first they were Titanic-tier dead in the water, but they definitely managed to pull it around in the end.

kneon2928d ago

Actually the PS3 had momentum from day 1, it outsold the 360 nearly every year. it was just that certain people chose to ignore that the 360 launched 1-2 years earlier and instead just focused on the lead that the 360 had, ignoring that it's lead was shrinking and eventually disappeared entirely.

Stealth20k2928d ago

PS3 was never on top.........PSP was never on top.........Sony first party software sales were pathetic compared to Nintendo.

Zeldafan642928d ago

I would be very surprised if Nintendo doesn't have an incredible software line-up the first year of the system. I think it'll have at bare minimum 6 huge exclusive games by the end of next year with a fair amount of multiplat support. My guess for huge exclusives by the end of next year is 8.

RosweeSon2928d ago

It's already got Zelda Mario's been on holiday and has hopefully found his next Solar system (Galaxy3 please) I heard Miyamoto saying that Pikmin 4 was done... Guess that'll be an NX title now. Thinking Mario kart 9 may be a handheld leaving 10 for massive blow out on NX loads of old course new ones of course online and battles modes and just make it the best of the best Mario karts although 8 was pretty spot on. F-Zero co developed by Sega again would be awesome. Sure a new Metroid must be in the pipeline. Splatoon 2. An updated version of Mario maker. Nintendo can bang games out. They'll have a few that's for sure. I really wanted the N64 Pilotwings island as DLC on 3ds version hopefully they'll make a new Pilotwings but again go all out and put all the old islands in as a bonus and to give us a few extra areas to fly around in... Who knows they may finally cave in and make a home console proper Pokemon game. Not like can't just trade the remaining few over GTS these days.

Zeldafan642928d ago

I still need to play Galaxy 2, and 100% Galaxy 1 and finally get around to playing my other remaining Wii games I've had forever but Hyrule Warriors is killing me. So much to do in that game.

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Magog353d ago

I never got the love for Nintendo games personally. The annoying vocalizations and ugly character designs do nothing for me.

Kosic351d ago

Don't forget the constant hand holding with tutorials. Learn this new ability by pressing Y, now prove that you can press Y 8 times before you can move on....

Tapani352d ago (Edited 352d ago )

Another very weird article.

Nintendo is a great company by almost all possible normal measures. The biggest one being: their own staff is happy, and they seem to be very happy, well compensated and retain rate is solid. They are also financially very stable, profitable, and cash rich, so shareholders love them.

Overall it is an extremely creative group of people, and their mission statement is fantastic as well "to put smiles on the faces of everyone we touch. We do so by creating new surprises for people across the world to enjoy together." The social impact is also massive, not to speak culturally. Additionally, they have a really strong core business, high customer retention rate and loyalty. Nintendo's reputation is extremely good, I think in the US alone they are 9th most reputable company, their customer service is better than the average company. Plus, the press gives them a pass, because they are Nintendo. But there's a reason why they do that, it's not "because they are Nintendo", there are more layers to the argument.

Then, then there's the random negative gamers online...and their "reputation" which is inside their heads. And their western ideas of how a Japanese company should behave or what they should do. But they have no right to ask a company to do anything for them, because they can vote with their wallets.

There's a small vocal community online who dislikes Nintendo for what they are, but then again, there's always a small vocal community that dislikes something.

Nintendo also disagrees with the Western world about IP, but most people call Westerners "hidoi!" when they emulate Tears of the Kingdom and do not experience it the way Nintendo wanted them (even if it is not the best visual way), because it is a matter of principle to them (Japanese are very much against anything close to plagiarism, and there are laws that are tight about creative works copying etc.)

The Western Braveheart "freedoom!" shouters need to understand that it is not an American company, nor they need to behave like one. They can have their own fights based on their principles (against emulation). And they very well may lose the battle with that and change, or find a new audience.

In the end, it is so very simple. Don't buy the products if you don't like a company, but there's no need to paint a picture that is unrealistic about Nintendo either.

MadLad352d ago

I hate virtually everything about their business practices, actually. Suing everybody for virtually anything, shooting down fan projects, games they never let devalue, their online infrastructure and how they handle BC.

They're lucky they make great games, because that's the only thing I feel they do right.

gold_drake352d ago

my issue with them, is the complete refusal to have decent tech for us.

and their odd censorship and lawsuits for modders.