
Nioh Could Be Team Ninja's Dark Souls Killer | VC

Now that gamers have sunk their teeth into Dark Souls III, here's a new IP to get excited about. After playing Nioh's alpha demo, it's clear that this game is going to be incredible. However, does it have what it takes to convert dedicated Souls fans?

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FITgamer2951d ago

Why does every new game similar to another have to be a "killer"? It's ridiculous.

Kenshin_BATT0USAI2951d ago

Beats me. Other than being hard, I don't see why these games are even considered similar. Love both, but ni Oh is a completely different beast

sdcard4gb2951d ago

The game seems more like a Onimusha or Ninja Gaiden then Dark Souls to me personally, although if they succeed in implementing a interesting multiplayer component then who knows ?

TheOneWhoIsTornApart2951d ago

Let's be honest here. The game does share quite a few mechanics with Dark Souls but it is also very different. It is a blending of the Souls games with Onimusha, Ninja Gaiden, and Tenchu which makes me extremely happy considering we haven't got a proper dark fantasy game set in feudal Japan in ages now. There is a rumour that Capcom is developing an Onimusha game now though not sure anyone on here is aware.

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Team Ninja: How Ninja Gaiden and Nioh connect to Rise of the Ronin

Many of you who have already played Rise of the Ronin may have noticed some elements of our previous works such as Ninja Gaiden and Nioh from Team Ninja. Today we’re excited to share some of the behind-the-scenes development stories for the first time. Plus we share details on an upcoming game update.

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purple10112d ago

not a good title FPS RUSSIA. should have gone with: "new content added'. ... or something like that

try : 'New and expanded content 5 new Ally Missions added. + Addition of dojo training partners"


Lol thats the title of the article by playstation blog what are you talking about ?


Read the article it has nothing to do with what you said

purple10112d ago

I literally copied and pasted that from the bottom of the article

DEEBO11d ago

The new update is so good...


The Nioh franchise has sold over 6 million copies worldwide

Team Ninja: "The Nioh franchise has sold over 6 million copies worldwide now!"

FallenAngel1984996d ago

At 6 million NiOh is on the cusp of nearly outselling Ninja Gaiden’s 6.8 million with just only 2 titles under its belt

This could mean Team Ninja may see no reason to return to producing new NG games

CaptainHenry916996d ago

But what if a new Ninja Gaiden sells well?

FallenAngel1984996d ago (Edited 996d ago )

The latest Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection had sold 240,000 units worldwide at last count

Unfortunately that may not be as high enough a number to convince Team Ninja to also commit to continuing Ninja Gaiden alongside Dead or Alive and NiOh.

And when they aren’t working on those they’re focused on licensed properties like Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order and Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin.

I wish I were wrong but that may be how Tecmo Koei sees it. Hopefully they prove me wrong and produce Ninja Gaiden 4 at some point

Yi-Long996d ago

To be fair, does anyone still trust Team Ninja with Ninja Gaiden*?

Let’s be honest here, it was Itagaki who created Ninja Gaiden greatness, with NG1, NG Black (improved version of NG1), and Ninja Gaiden 2.

The Sigma versions of 1 & 2, done without Itagaki, while decent/good, never lived up to the originals, and NG3 was a mess.

And they half-assed the collection, so many huge fans of the series never bothered picking that up.

I’d be excited if Itagaki would announce a return to the action ninja genre. If Team Ninja would announce a NG4, I’d be skeptical.

To be fair, Team Ninja DID show they’re still capable of releasing greatness with the Nioh games, but with Ninja Gaiden, without Itagaki, they have never been able to reach the quality of NG Black again.

(* … does anyone still trust them with the DOA games, for that matter … !? )

deadfrag996d ago (Edited 996d ago )

Things are not seen from that stand point.Ninja Gaiden Never had a game produced for PS4 or Xbox One from the ground up.Nioh sold 6 milion because exposure and Marketing are way bigger this days than they were on PS3 and Xbox 360 generation.The Ninja Gaiden collection was never going to sell much since theres nothing new on them,this collection is actually worse to what was already available on Xbox 360 and can be play by BC on any Xbox One console.Ninja Gaiden needs a new game that shows new stuff and that gets backed in the marketing like Nioh.This collection games have already been played by anyone that likes Ninja Gaiden years ago it didnt bring nothing new to the table it was obvious that it would not sell very well.

ocelot07996d ago

That's great and it's now free on the epic game store.

FinalFantasyFanatic996d ago

I just picked it up a couple of hours ago, it was a nice surprise to see it there.

jznrpg996d ago

Well made games glad they did well .

Brazz996d ago

they deserve this, Nioh is a amazing game. Hopefully they will expand and make a more ambitious game and have even more sales.


PlayStation Now games for May: Jump Force, Nioh and Streets of Rage 4

With PlayStation Now’s May lineup, you can try to survive unrelenting yokai in feudal Japan, rub shoulders with manga icons, and battle your way across an entire city. Starting tomorrow, May 4, Nioh, Jump Force and Streets of Rage 4 will be available to play on your PS5 or PS4 console.

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XboxCore1127d ago

Ohh I always wanted to try Jump Force. Can get back on my fantasy of being Goku :)

1127d ago
1127d ago
northpaws1127d ago

Talking about Goku, I used to like him a lot, but he just became a selfish jerk that only want to fight and left his family behind to rot lol, at least we see Vegeta spent some time with family here and there lol

Teflon021126d ago

Goku's far from selfish. He's just an idiot with an addition.
Also Dragon Ball Z starts with Piccolo basically being Gohan's dad. Not sure how these things became a realization in 2021 lmao

Germaximus1127d ago

PS Now additions have been rocking for quite awhile now.

iwin861127d ago

Street Of Rage 4 is awesome. Big recommendation.

RosweeSon1126d ago

Just bought physical 😏🤷🏻‍♂️ 🤣 does look great tho.

1126d ago
LucasRuinedChildhood1126d ago

Nioh was given out on PS Plus around a year ago (most people who have PS Now also have PS Plus) and Jump Force is not particularly good. There's a big gap in quality between PS Plus and PS Now.

Teflon021126d ago

Streets of Rage is a fantastic game. Didn't know about Nioh though. I don't think I have it. Though I'd rather play the ps5 version in the future

Petebloodyonion1126d ago

Streets of Rage 4 is a must-play title if you like beat em up.
Also, not everyone has PS+ so Nioh is still a good game.

1126d ago
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