
Hands On: Is Nioh on PS4 a Cut Above Its Competitors? | Pushsquare

Push Square: "A bizarre pre-release alpha demo for samurai Souls clone Nioh launched on the PlayStation 4 this week, and given that it's one of the rare releases that's piqued both Sammy and Ramsey's attention, we figured that we'd run a dual impressions article on the upcoming Koei Tecmo exclusive."

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Sharingan_no_Kakashi2958d ago

I think I would like it more than I like the souls games for a few reasons.

-It's more fast paced, which is great for me because I was always too impatient to finish any of the souls games due to the slow pacing.

-It's got samurai. I've been yearning for a good samurai/ninja game (or anime) and this demo came just in time.

-The weapon skills are cool.

-So far there aren't any monsters that shape like male and female genitals like in the souls games.

ZombieGamerMan2958d ago

How is penis & vagina shaped monsters a bad thing? Also if you want a fast paced Souls game just play Bloodborne, it's pretty much Dark Souls on adrenaline with more blood than that time of the month at a sorority house

ReesesPuffs2958d ago

I love Bloodborne but Nioh can be quite a bit faster depending on your play style. Plus Samurai. Samurai!

ZombieGamerMan2958d ago

@ ReesesPuffs ehh, it's not as fast as Bloodborne, the terrible stamina system brings the combat to a slow fight especially when enemies take too much hits to go down, it's just not that good, kind of wish they had just made a straight up Ninja Gaiden style hack & slasher rather than a Souls style game starring Geralt of Rivia

q8kik2958d ago (Edited 2958d ago )

This game is faster than Bloodborne.
If your stamina goes down to zero then you're not playing correctly. If you use the Ki pulse mechanic correctly that should never happen.

And fyi that's Sir William Adams, the first western Samurai.

ReesesPuffs2958d ago

Use an armor set below 30 percent weight and use the low to mid stances and then tell me it's not faster than Bloodborne.

starchild2958d ago

Ni-Oh is definitely somewhat faster than Bloodborne. The stamina system (Ki) does not slow things down if you're managing it correctly.

In other words.. git gud.

nitus102958d ago

It's pretty well fast paced like Bloodborne but it's not just the blood of which there are lots of, the game is very gory as well with legs arms and head flying every which way.

I had just finished a Bloodborne Chalice dungeon when I decoded to give the Nioh alpha a go and was quite surprised how enjoyable the game was although the controls are are different to Bloodborne's. I did find the lock-on was a bit odd in that you could run away with you back to the enemy while still locked on. Got slashed a few times for that.

One interesting aspect of the game was the ability of raising the dead as yokai which you can fight and gain some interesting items. You definitely want to check the yokai's level before you do this as they can be quite fast.

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monkeyDzoro2958d ago

I'm not even sure most people really understood Nioh's combat which is much more punishing than any "Souls" game. Every useless movement is punished and if you try to play this game like a "Souls" one you'll get your ass kicked. This game is more a mixture of Onimusha universe + Ninja Gaiden combat system + "Souls" levelling system.

And from what I've read, these guys played this game like DKS, and they cannot handle the difficulty. Managing your stamina through KI PULSING (to gain it back instantly) and adequate combo will make the game even more interesting. I've watched many videos/playthrough (to listen to others' opinion) and just two REALLY knew how to ki pulse and use combos.

Those editors at Pushsquare didn't even mention Onimusha/Ninja Gaiden references. Nioh is (IMO) 35% Onimusha + 45% Ninja Gaiden + 30% DKS. All they had in mind was DKS... Which is very very sad. It's like they started gaming last gen.

q8kik2958d ago

"All they had in mind was DKS... Which is very very sad. It's like they started gaming last gen."
Well said! That's also true for most other people too...Which is indeed very sad.

starchild2958d ago (Edited 2958d ago )

Well said. Honestly, I'm loving the combat in this Ni-oh demo a bit more than the combat in the SoulsBorne games. Which is crazy, because I love those games.

I do think Souls games (DaS3 and Bloodborne at least) have better graphics than Ni-oh, though.

Either way, this game has great potential. I'm really looking forward to the finished game.

TWB2958d ago

No way its faster than the Souls games. I came to a completely different conclusion. Sure the movement is faster but the combat is far more slower paced with quick hits.

You need to use guard alot when anticipating or waiting for the enemy to attack to counter them, but at the same time you need to look out for your stamina and your enemys stamina. You have to be careful who you agro, and you have to switch stance for more appropriate movesets or more optimal damage/stamina ratio for different situations.

I feel that the game is a bit more tactical than the souls games, which adds a different layer to differentiate it from the souls games (and Im glad it does).

nowitzki20042958d ago

"-So far there aren't any monsters that shape like male and female genitals like in the souls games."

Whats wrong with attacking weak spots?

Hit me in my head I might still be standing, punch me in the nuts and im down for the count.

hulk_bash19872958d ago

Took a while to get a hang of the combat but my God it is fun. The "fatigue" element makes every move much more thought out. Love it and will be pre ordering as soon as its available.

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2958d ago Replies(1)
JJShredder2958d ago

Game still needs a lot of work based on the recent Alpha IMO and I agree with pretty much everything these guys brought up.

-Frame rate is terrible regardless of settings
-camera is terrible
-lock on is not trustworthy
-all weapons feel klunky....was hoping for more Ninja Gaiden than Dynasty warriors
-stances were promising but weird to work with during actual combat
-animations could use work as well
-clunky controls
-All the dead peoples grave markers were annopying and just detracted from the game itself
-Difficult in a bad way

-Graphics are great other than frame rate
-Nice setting
-Skill tree and looting seems good
-combat has potential and but right now, its a pain

I am hoping this was a real Alpha and a lot of this gets cleaned up before release. High hopes for this game!

blackblades2958d ago

Been playing I don't remember bad frame rate or I just don't pay attention to like other games. It feels nothing like dynasty warriors I blast. The lock on mmm yeah can't trust that he!! can't trust that in most games.

nitus102958d ago (Edited 2958d ago )

I had just finished playing a Chalice dungeon in Bloodborne and decided to try this game before going to bed. Four hours later I crashed.

I mostly agree with what you said although I did not find the frame rate that bad. For one on one fights I did not have a camera issue but more than one enemy and the camera was all over the place.

I do agree that the lock on was a bit odd and I got stabbed many times in the back. I sort of got around that by using the lure taunt (sort of like the one in Bloodborne except you either come close then back away or whistle). I think that just having played Bloodborne did not help as the controls are different.

I tried raising the markers (sort of like the red markers in Bloodborne/ Souls) as yokai a few times and got hammered most of the times. I found out fairly quickly that you need to look at the yokai level before you try raising.

It is possible to to get weapons from higher level yokai. I got an Axe which allowed me to take out more powerful enemies with ease, you can even enhance your weapon with magic (mine became a flame axe for a short time) which when used properly can take out multiple enemies. Not exactly sure how I did that since I was getting fairly tired at the time.

Personally I would liken this game to Bloodborne than to a Souls game although they all have similarities. The game is allot more visceral in that head, arms and legs sometimes come flying off your enemies rather than just lots of blood. Now if you add the slow motion kills like you have in The Witcher 3 then you have one Adult only game which will sell very well to allot of teens. 😉

I definitely agree that if the game was a real Alpha then it has lots of potential.

q8kik2958d ago

I agree with almost everything you said except for the combat complaints. Because it sounds like you just need to work on your skills tbh. Saying "weird" and "clunky" doesn't actually explain anything.

Dir_en_grey2958d ago (Edited 2958d ago )

@JJShredder Change the mode from Cinematic to Action Mode to optimize framerate, it still look amazing. You control the damn camera so how can it be terrible unless you are... well from the rest of what you said I'm pretty sure you are the one terrible at action games.

Cleared both the Japanese and US version, this game is perfect control-wise and difficulty-wise. Don't change a thing KoeiTecmo this game is for Souls lovers who wants a even deeper combat system, a system that rewards players for being good like the stamina regain system, they even go deeper to give you more stamina back on stance switch at the right timing, so many customizable options that just keeps on rewarding you for being good, a celebration of player skills. On top of that they give you the option of customizing and growing your own character. A lot of management like a RPG. This game is so damn fun I really hope the stupid casuals don't ruin the direction of the game because they didn't bother to figure out the controls.

JJShredder2958d ago

Im actually a Soulsborne veteran and have beaten all the games Solo and have 30 years of gaming experience so you all can take the "Sounds like you suck at action games" comments and shove it.

The game doesn't hold a candle to the Soulsborne games right now.....sorry for bursting your bubble.

Dir_en_grey2958d ago (Edited 2958d ago )

@JJShredder Souls games are more for exploration and this game is focused more on combat, and yes I can tell you suck at it and too lazy or stupid to figure out the combat, hence your complaint. Guess your Souls tactic of level up and power through doesn't work if you can't even bother to figure out the controls. No the controls are not clunky and there is so much more depth and freedom there than Souls games. You seem to not even to be able to handle how to control the camera, it's the friggin exact same as in Souls games or any other action game for Christ sake, YOU control it and look anywhere you want at any time...
So lock on is not a 100% aim only when you don't align yourself up, it's so you can still fight other enemies and do other actions while looking at one direction. You face the lock on and it auto aims, it's not hard to figure out. When you end up fighting multiple enemies at once having player freedom is way more appreciated.

Souls games aren't even hard for people that play them, it's only to those casuals and boasting like this I guess you are just one of them after all. You are basically complaining about the extra freedom given to players because it doesn't hold your hands as much as Souls series. But for actual gamers more freedom to do your actions is way more fun.
Again, Souls is great for exploring and seeing what the world has to offer, even though I love it the combat is getting kinda stale. Anyway the focus of the games are on different parts and you are just complaining because it doesn't copy Souls to the exact.
There are plenty of other easy games out there for you, so go play those and don't try to ruin the chances of the amazing and perfect mechanics making it into the final game by your stupid complaints. Learn the mechanics game by game instead of complaining that not all the games have the same controls so you can just play them brain dead, old timer.

starchild2958d ago

I disagree with most of that.

-"Frame rate is terrible regardless of settings"

The framerate on "movie" mode is indeed terrible. On "action" mode it's still not solid, but it's workable. They're targeting 60fps and hitting it much of the time, so hopefully with some more optimizing they will be able to achieve a fairly solid 60fps. I think they should put in the option to lock at 30fps either way.

-"camera is terrible"

I had no issues with the camera. Except maybe when I was getting mobbed by several enemies and stuck in a corner or something. But the same issue exists in the SoulsBorne games and I'm not sure much can be done to rectify it.

-"lock on is not trustworthy"

Lock-on worked very well for me.

-"all weapons feel klunky....was hoping for more Ninja Gaiden than Dynasty warriors"

Huh? It's just the opposite. Weapons felt awesome and appropriate. Obviously heavier weapons are slower, but they do more damage and are not clunky in the slightest. The swords (Tachi, Uchigatana) feel swift and simply badass to weild.

-"stances were promising but weird to work with during actual combat"

It takes practice. They work well and add yet another layer of depth and strategy to the combat.

-"animations could use work as well"

Some of the animations could be better, but the same is true of the SoulsBorne series and that doesn't stop many of us from loving those games.

-"clunky controls"

Some people think that about the SoulsBorne games too. Visually they might appear kind of clunky. I find, though, that the mechanics and controls are deceptively refined. Same is true of Ni-Oh, you just need to spend some time with it before you realize it.

-"All the dead peoples grave markers were annopying and just detracted from the game itself"

Not very annoying. Maybe they could make the markers a bit less prominent. I absolutely loved fighting the revenant, though.

-"Difficult in a bad way"

No, for me it's difficult in a very good way. Punishing of mistakes, but very fair. This forces you to actually plumb the depths of the mechanics, which is extremely rewarding.

-"Graphics are great other than frame rate"

I love the atmosphere the game creates, but technically I wouldn't call the graphics great. To be honest, it looks like they built the game for PS3 and then later enhanced it with things like dynamic foliage and such.

-"Nice setting"

Yeah, I love the setting.

-"Skill tree and looting seems good"

Agreed. A lot of depth there.

-"combat has potential and but right now, its a pain"

I personally think it's a joy. It's some of the most addictive gameplay I've experienced in a game.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2958d ago
2958d ago Replies(4)
Sentient092958d ago

Ni Oh looks awesome, since Crapcom isn't doing jack with Onimusha this will be the next best thing

starchild2958d ago

Yeah, it's sad that Onimusha might never come back. I loved those games.

That said, while there are definitely similarities between Ni-oh and Onimusha, they have major differences as well. For one thing, Onimusha was more story-driven, while Ni-Oh is more about the combat. But Ni-Oh does scratch some of the itch left by Onimusha.

Ni-Oh is extremely promising. I am having so much fun with this demo.

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Team Ninja: How Ninja Gaiden and Nioh connect to Rise of the Ronin

Many of you who have already played Rise of the Ronin may have noticed some elements of our previous works such as Ninja Gaiden and Nioh from Team Ninja. Today we’re excited to share some of the behind-the-scenes development stories for the first time. Plus we share details on an upcoming game update.

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purple10112d ago

not a good title FPS RUSSIA. should have gone with: "new content added'. ... or something like that

try : 'New and expanded content 5 new Ally Missions added. + Addition of dojo training partners"


Lol thats the title of the article by playstation blog what are you talking about ?


Read the article it has nothing to do with what you said

purple10112d ago

I literally copied and pasted that from the bottom of the article

DEEBO12d ago

The new update is so good...


The Nioh franchise has sold over 6 million copies worldwide

Team Ninja: "The Nioh franchise has sold over 6 million copies worldwide now!"

FallenAngel1984997d ago

At 6 million NiOh is on the cusp of nearly outselling Ninja Gaiden’s 6.8 million with just only 2 titles under its belt

This could mean Team Ninja may see no reason to return to producing new NG games

CaptainHenry916997d ago

But what if a new Ninja Gaiden sells well?

FallenAngel1984996d ago (Edited 996d ago )

The latest Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection had sold 240,000 units worldwide at last count

Unfortunately that may not be as high enough a number to convince Team Ninja to also commit to continuing Ninja Gaiden alongside Dead or Alive and NiOh.

And when they aren’t working on those they’re focused on licensed properties like Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order and Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin.

I wish I were wrong but that may be how Tecmo Koei sees it. Hopefully they prove me wrong and produce Ninja Gaiden 4 at some point

Yi-Long996d ago

To be fair, does anyone still trust Team Ninja with Ninja Gaiden*?

Let’s be honest here, it was Itagaki who created Ninja Gaiden greatness, with NG1, NG Black (improved version of NG1), and Ninja Gaiden 2.

The Sigma versions of 1 & 2, done without Itagaki, while decent/good, never lived up to the originals, and NG3 was a mess.

And they half-assed the collection, so many huge fans of the series never bothered picking that up.

I’d be excited if Itagaki would announce a return to the action ninja genre. If Team Ninja would announce a NG4, I’d be skeptical.

To be fair, Team Ninja DID show they’re still capable of releasing greatness with the Nioh games, but with Ninja Gaiden, without Itagaki, they have never been able to reach the quality of NG Black again.

(* … does anyone still trust them with the DOA games, for that matter … !? )

deadfrag996d ago (Edited 996d ago )

Things are not seen from that stand point.Ninja Gaiden Never had a game produced for PS4 or Xbox One from the ground up.Nioh sold 6 milion because exposure and Marketing are way bigger this days than they were on PS3 and Xbox 360 generation.The Ninja Gaiden collection was never going to sell much since theres nothing new on them,this collection is actually worse to what was already available on Xbox 360 and can be play by BC on any Xbox One console.Ninja Gaiden needs a new game that shows new stuff and that gets backed in the marketing like Nioh.This collection games have already been played by anyone that likes Ninja Gaiden years ago it didnt bring nothing new to the table it was obvious that it would not sell very well.

ocelot07997d ago

That's great and it's now free on the epic game store.

FinalFantasyFanatic996d ago

I just picked it up a couple of hours ago, it was a nice surprise to see it there.

jznrpg997d ago

Well made games glad they did well .

Brazz997d ago

they deserve this, Nioh is a amazing game. Hopefully they will expand and make a more ambitious game and have even more sales.


PlayStation Now games for May: Jump Force, Nioh and Streets of Rage 4

With PlayStation Now’s May lineup, you can try to survive unrelenting yokai in feudal Japan, rub shoulders with manga icons, and battle your way across an entire city. Starting tomorrow, May 4, Nioh, Jump Force and Streets of Rage 4 will be available to play on your PS5 or PS4 console.

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XboxCore1127d ago

Ohh I always wanted to try Jump Force. Can get back on my fantasy of being Goku :)

1127d ago
1127d ago
northpaws1127d ago

Talking about Goku, I used to like him a lot, but he just became a selfish jerk that only want to fight and left his family behind to rot lol, at least we see Vegeta spent some time with family here and there lol

Teflon021127d ago

Goku's far from selfish. He's just an idiot with an addition.
Also Dragon Ball Z starts with Piccolo basically being Gohan's dad. Not sure how these things became a realization in 2021 lmao

Germaximus1127d ago

PS Now additions have been rocking for quite awhile now.

iwin861127d ago

Street Of Rage 4 is awesome. Big recommendation.

RosweeSon1126d ago

Just bought physical 😏🤷🏻‍♂️ 🤣 does look great tho.

1127d ago
LucasRuinedChildhood1127d ago

Nioh was given out on PS Plus around a year ago (most people who have PS Now also have PS Plus) and Jump Force is not particularly good. There's a big gap in quality between PS Plus and PS Now.

Teflon021127d ago

Streets of Rage is a fantastic game. Didn't know about Nioh though. I don't think I have it. Though I'd rather play the ps5 version in the future

Petebloodyonion1127d ago

Streets of Rage 4 is a must-play title if you like beat em up.
Also, not everyone has PS+ so Nioh is still a good game.

1127d ago
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