
Nintendo have shafted Wii U owners with their Zelda release plans

Well, we all suspected that it was coming. Now, Nintendo have officially confirmed that the next, eagerly-anticipated The Legend of Zelda entry will be releasing simultaneously on both the Wii U and Nintendo’s next console, codenamed NX. As a long-term The Legend of Zelda fan I am of course excited by any news on the forthcoming title, but I cannot help but feel that we Wii U adopters have been shafted by Nintendo here. Allow me to explain why.

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wonderfulmonkeyman2946d ago (Edited 2946d ago )

It's a bit disappointing, yeah, but they could have done worse.
They could have not made a Wii U version at all.

I'm a bit saddened over this, but I'll reserve judgement on which system to get it for, until AFTER E3, when we've had a look at the Wii U version and what it's all about.

A complete shafting would have been killing the Wii U version entirely.

Yukes2946d ago

In a way I agree with you, but I can't help but feel that this is little better in reality. After all, what Legend of Zelda fans will want to play a (presumably) inferior version of the long-awaited entry? It's a token gesture in my review, so that they can say "Look, we didn't cancel the Wii U version."

wonderfulmonkeyman2946d ago (Edited 2946d ago )

Well, that's just it; we don't know which version will be the inferior one.
For all we know, the Game Pad might not be a thing on NX.
If that's true, then the Wii U version might offer options on that screen that will make it a tempting buy.
Especially for those that can't immediately save up for the NX.

pcz2945d ago

the damage control by nintendo fans is hilarious. there is no dispute- it is a complete shafting.

nintendo made us wait the entire 5 year duration of the wiiu's life cycle, all the while promising a new zelda was on the way, in the meantime expecting us to re-buy hd updates of wind waker and twilight princess.. only in the end for the wiiu zelda not even to be released...

lets face it, its a NX launch title now. they are merely putting it on the wiiu for consolation to the idiots (myself included) who they strung along for years.

2016 is down the drain for nintendo.

i await the creative excuses nintendo fans have to pardon nintendo for a 2016 with no games.

conanlifts2945d ago

If they only show zelda wii u at e3 then i have serious concerns about the nx. To me it implies the new console might be under powered with zelda nx being nothing special to look at and maybe only on a par with the wii u. I then had a serious concern that what if the nx is literally a portable wii u type console. That would be horrible.
But nintendo not showing at least an nx game clip at e3 makes no sense. I seriously do not understand why they wouldn't show a clip. Unless maybe its so good looking on the nx they don't want to give sony and ms a heads up. Nintendo have baffled for the last 5 years and they keep doing it.

conanlifts2945d ago

Will they show the wii u version or the nx version at e3? I wonder what there focus will be.

Monster_Tard2945d ago (Edited 2945d ago )

Probably the Wii U version, it wouldn't make much sense to show the NX version without showing the console .

Yukes2945d ago

It was confirmed in Nintendo's release that they'll be at E3 showing off the Wii U version, but that the NX won't be the focus, which seems baffling to say the least. Surely that would be the time to give us details?

-Foxtrot2946d ago

No offence but a lot of people saw this coming, when we spoke about this die hard Nintendo fanboys were quick to say things like "it won't happen", "Nintendo wouldn't do that", "you're a troll" and so on but it was quite easy to spot the signs. Yeah it's their fault and I'm shifting the blame but if you still feel betrayed now despite the other handful of things Nintendo has done over the years then you've only got yourself to blame.

_-EDMIX-_2945d ago

Agreed I see no benefit to the company holding back the game simply to appease an install base.

What is so strange is the series has very little history of ever having titles stay on a platform for life with the exception of that god-awful Skyward Sword. (but even that remains to be seen as we don't know the future and it could very well be ported years later)

For someone to not know that they would do such a thing despite Twilight Princess is kind of strange. These companies have no ode to any consumers to prevent their future platform from succeeding by selfishly holding back content to make them feel good about themselves.

Like you said if they believed such a thing the fault is on their own.

Zeldafan642944d ago

If you think Skyward Sword is bad then you must have been playing it wrong because I think it's an absolute masterpiece.

_-EDMIX-_2944d ago


I mean....you're name is Zeldafan. Pretty sure you think all Zelda games are um "masterpieces". Skyword Sword might be one of the worst console Zelda's to ever release.

conanlifts2945d ago

It was pretty obvious. For me they seem to have given up on the wii u after mario kart and smash bros failed to ignite sales. Maybe even before then. The positive of this is they have had a lot of time to get games ready for the nx.

RosweeSon2945d ago

I'll be first to admit I thought they were gonna keep it to Wii U at least for now, however I'll be getting NX day one either way Wii U hasn't disappointed since day one still got it for Rainy days into between work life and ps4, however I'll also just wait until we know what's what I'll prob grab the Wii U version for the collection as the twilight princess GameCube version was very rare in the end. One for the collection.
I'll play the game on NX tho I would have thought unless it's clearly better on Wii U all depends on the control schemes for either console and what the differences are.

I know people want Zelda NX Day one but it's a shame Nintendo couldn't get Wii U Zelda out for Christmas 2016 at very least and then maybe get the NX Version out end of summer or Christmas 2017 looking all spruced up and fresh on a new console like rockstar did with GTA5. Rather than just a port.
Either way knew NX wouldn't be out this year glad as well gives me 6-9 months to enjoy my Wii U, get through the summer first ;)

gamer78042945d ago

nintendo just continues to disappoint... i've lost almost all excitement i once had for a successor with this twilight princess pull again and all their censorship of games.

Psytrix2945d ago

It's not just with Zelda either - check out some of their other top developers, haven't released squat since 2014. I'm expecting one hell of a line up next year - possibly Nintendo's best ever.

Sly-Lupin2945d ago

That would be a very smart move on their part.
Which is why it's the exact last thing I'd expect.

conanlifts2945d ago

Development had been stalled on the wii u for a long time. Even before smash bros their attitude to wii u was unusual. It was barely marketed and big releases were massively spaced out. I expect, as you said, a huge and strong line up. Maybe e3 will show snippets of the games to come.

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Zelda Could Introduce New Features By Bringing Back A Controversial Character

Screen Rant, "The return of one controversial character could have an incredible effect on The Legend of Zelda, prompting the introduction of new features."

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H9105d ago

Honestly I really changed my mind on Fi with the remaster because they didn't make her interrupt your gameplay every 5 seconds, that drastically changed my views on her

Inverno104d ago

Technically she's in ToTK but obviously can't take any other form than the sword she was made into. Also the companion feature has been done plenty of times in Zelda, I don't think it'll add anything new. If anything should be brought back it should be the Minish.


Directionless Modern Zelda Should Return to its 3D Roots

Matt from We Game Daily writes "The Legend of Zelda series has gone in a different direction. One which, try as I have, I just can’t get on board with. Here is why I think Zelda should return to its 3D roots."

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CrimsonIdol136d ago

Amen! A good, tight, Zelda game with a focus on dungeons and puzzles. Let people have the new style Zelda if you gotta, but let us have the OoT style games too. That's not without precedent either, the handheld 2D Zelda's in the style of A Link to the Past etc have coexisted alongside the 3D Zelda's before

FinalFantasyFanatic135d ago

As much as I like BoTW, TotK, I need my traditional Zelda games as well, I could not endlessly play the open world Zelda games, plus it's harder to keep those fresher than the traditional games.

Eidolon135d ago (Edited 135d ago )

BotW was just as fresh to the franchise as OoT was. TokT was great but the next LoZ would have to move from that formula to be fresh again. There's only so much they can do with the hardware. I think they focused too much on making the world big instead impactful. I felt the world was sort of empty and repetitive in TotK, sure there was a lot to do but no more difference a Ubisoft game..

anast135d ago

I wouldn't worry too much. Nintendo knows what they are doing.

Ristul135d ago

Wind Waker had a perfect balance of open world and a cool, well hand-crafted design. Maybe try to keep the open world but put in effort to make more memorable story driven quests and locations.

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Zelda Fan Brings Godzilla to Life in Tears of the Kingdom

A fan of The Legend of Zelda has recreated the iconic Japanese monster Godzilla in Tears of the Kingdom using the game's Zonai devices.

Knightofelemia173d ago

I like it would also be cool if some created Dragon Caesar in the game I would love to watch the two going at it.