
Mad about Neo? Here are some benefits that might change your mind

Gameondaily look at some of the positives around the Neo/PS4K

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Gazondaily2941d ago (Edited 2941d ago )

I don't get the hate. Times are changing. Embrace it!

I still think this was done with PSVR in mind.

Volkama2941d ago (Edited 2941d ago )

PSVR was definitely in mind (would be a monumental problem at Sony HQ if the team designing the console didn't know about PSVR lol), but I think they'd have done new console cycle with or without it.

In a way PSVR and Neo will be fighting for the same consumer dollars, so Neo poses a significant threat to PSVR. The fact both are coming so close together shows just how important both projects are to Sony imo, as they don't feel they can put either one back.

naruga2941d ago (Edited 2941d ago )

"The base Playstation 4 will last longer" that s exactly what i was thinging ...PS4NEo will elongate the lifetime of PS4 after all and that s a super positive for current or Neo owners

Kleptic2941d ago

^completely agree...

I'm just kind of reassured in my own mindset that what i have found personally the most underwhelming era in gaming...in possibly forever (on every platform, mind you)...catalyzed by the 'safest' pair of consoles ever released...has a REAL mid-gen upgrade coming for the first time in history...

With VR, a freaking PS4 with twice the gpu power...that is still a PS4...announced less than 3 years later...I thought this generation was predictable as ever...and its turning out to be 100% completely crazy haha.

freshslicepizza2941d ago

the hate seems to highlight a bigger issue with todays culture where people don't really appreciate what they have.

Ju2941d ago (Edited 2941d ago )

I am not so sure if PSVR is a thread to Neo. You need a PS4 to use it. You shell out $400 for something new, or another $400 just play the same games...hmmm...I think Neo will first cater to the hard core PS4 users and new customers - at least initially. In that way, it isn't really a thread to PSVR (let call it Morpheus again, that goes so well together with Neo).

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2941d ago
Kurisu2941d ago

Personally I don't see myself "upgrading". I can see why they're doing it, but I've recently got my PS4 repaired so I'm not shelling out even more on top of that for something that's "the same but better". I'd rather put my money towards PSVR.

Volkama2941d ago

I'm the opposite. Assuming speculation is accurate on the specs and policies, I'll pick up a PS4k ASAP. I did have PSVR on the shopping list, but the new console and VR together is a bit steep so I'll probably give VR a bit more time to mature. In the short term, that's one would-be PSVR sale Sony have lost out to themselves.

2941d ago
Letthewookiewin2941d ago (Edited 2941d ago )

Well the beauty of this whole Neo situation is, you don't have to upgrade to it. Period. Let the haters talk all the nonsense they want. It won't change a dam thing. Can't wait to pick mine up. Suck it.

OB1Biker2941d ago (Edited 2941d ago )

Same for me. I'm more interested in buying a device because of the games I couldn't play otherwise. That is: PSVR
Upgrade to play the same games but 'better' is not a priority IMO

THEDON82z12941d ago

What everybody needs to realize is this is just the console revision that happens every gen (similar to ps2/ps3 slim). The only difference is they increased the specs to give a boost to 4k (upscaling games,movies)/ VR. I can tell you like this eventually they will stop making the original and the NEO will become the de-facto standard. I plan to upgrade (maybe not immediately) but the original will still run all the games/accessories. So the way I see it no one is being pressured to upgrade.When you are ready to upgrade to the latest model fine; until then just keep gaming. As far as any new features that come with new games I believe they will just be extra things but nothing to split up the user base. I have my PSVR preordered and it will look nice next to my galaxy gear (for my S7)!

dumahim2941d ago

I'm the opposite as well. The normal games will have a Neo mode and there will be games I will buy. PSVR though, I haven't seen anything yet I'm interesting in playing. VR without enough interesting games to support it isn't worth it, for me.

Pongwater2941d ago

A significant upgrade will keep me from buying PSVR. I really hope consoles don't go down this road.

Kleptic2941d ago (Edited 2941d ago )


If the 'neo' really has the rumored 280x based gpu that GiantBomb's leak suggests...no...this is so far from 'what normally happens' each generation that it is not even worth discussing...a gpu jump by that much is far more than just a little extra resources to upscale to 4k...that is literally double the gpu currently in the PS4...

The 7970 was a full generational jump in PC hardware...PC gens don't last as long...but this is nothing like some optimizing and slightly more efficient hardware being plopped in a slimmer and cheaper console...A ps4, with that gpu, could run any PS4 title released at 1080/60fps without breaking a sweat.

again, though, depends on which rumors end up being true...I guess the sadder part of the whole thing is that the 7970 released in...2011...

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2941d ago
Tsunade2941d ago

Wait for MS to announce theirs. Then you will see the haters suddenly loving the idea.

2941d ago
Volkama2941d ago

@Cobra but if someone only got a PS4 this past christmas then they simply aren't the kind of enthusiast that rushes out to buy tech when it launches. Why would they suddenly need to buy a Neo as soon as it comes out?

UltimateOne882941d ago


"I think the people who invested into a PS4, especially recently, are the ones who should be pissed. They were sold a console that was supposed to be good for, what, 10 years?"

Who said it was supposed to last 10 years? Is it in Sony's TOS? Oh and by the way the existence of the NEO does not automatically render the OG PS4 useless. I don't get this all-or-nothing attitude. The PS4 will continue to work just fine and get all the games the NEO does for many years to come. The NEO will just run them better and is an OPTION for those who want the extra luxury.

My phone, car, and home theater electronics get newer and better versions every year - am I supposed to be pissed that they exist? Of course not! This is no different. The console cycle has not changed in 30 years - now that it is people get their panties in a wad when it is just mirroring every other product in existence.

roland822941d ago

Kinda like when there were rumors of a upgradeable xbox one everyone hated that idea but now since it looks like Sonys the one going to be doing the upgrade everyone is excited

MachuchalBrotha3162941d ago

Actually thinking about it, MS was the ones who let the cat out the bag about the upgradable consoles first. And they got some hate for it. Sony just seems to be ahead of them tho in terms of having Neo.

I was wondering to if, MS got whiff of Sonys Neo and then they mentioned it first so not to get lost in all the attention. But considering how much shit Sonys getting for these rumors. Its best MS keep mum til E3. Just my take of course...

Software_Lover2941d ago

Wait a minute wait a minute. You mean to tell me that when the rumor was out Microsoft was contemplating an Xbox 1.5 the Sony faithful was full of joy? No. Most were hating the idea and calling it desperation. You have to open your eyes and pay attention.

Most of the people that like the Xbox 1.5 idea are liking the Neo idea. Some of the people hating the Xbox 1.5 idea are liking the Neo idea. Some people hating the Neo idea are liking the Xbox 1.5 idea. It's that simple.

rainslacker2941d ago (Edited 2941d ago )

I've seen quite a few Xbox people enamored with the idea. Early on, they were the most vocal on how awesome it would be, while everyone else was mostly saying it wasn't a thing, or it was a bad idea.

Pretty amazing how opinion has shifted in the month since these rumors started. Started with almost everyone being against the idea, or thinking it wasn't what people were saying. Now some people are cool with it, others hate it, and others are just waiting to see what it's all about.

Personally, it just feels like a massive troll to me. Not sure who's instigating it, but so many things don't add up, and even some of the more veracious rumors leave things in doubt.

It really does seem people are trying to make it out like all Sony fans are onboard with this idea. While there are quite a few people for this thing, there seems to be just as many that aren't. Sony got it's criticism over the idea just like MS did when all this started, so it's rather useless to say that one group is one way, and now they're another. I haven't seen a lot of hypocrisy surrounding this, and that's kind of hard to call out given that this rumor changes almost daily, so views on it are going to change because of that, or people just change their minds. The early reactions to both companies was typically one of criticism.

ABizzel12941d ago


If someone waited this long to get a PS4 (2 1/2 years). Then they aren't the target market at all for PS4 Neo / PS4k.

These gamers are the ones looking for entry level pricing into mainstream gaming, and for them the current PS4 will likely drop down to $199 - $249 in preparation for the PS4k.

And if someone just dropped $400 on a PS4 last holiday (although most bundles were $299), then they can simply sell their current PS4 for $200 or more, and even GameStop is offering $200 for a trade-in. So that's $200 off a 2x more powerful PS4.

The PS4k is for enthusiast, such as the same people who upgrade their PC's to the higher end graphics cards. Games are still going to be designed for the base model and up-spec'ed to the PS4k for those who have it. And for those who want entry level prices the original PS4 will still be available and have over 40m units sold.

Pongwater2941d ago

I couldn't care less what MS does. I don't like this idea.

maniacmayhem2941d ago

Phil already talked about an upgradeable X1 before the Neo was even thought of. Guess which fanbase was against it and now all of a sudden thinking it's not a bad idea.

starchild2941d ago

I'm in favor of upgraded consoles. It just means I'll be able to enjoy my PS4 games at a higher level of quality, and I like that idea.

I do think that they should have done it right off the bat, though. They should have announced from the beginning that there will be two versions of the PS4. I think it would have been more friendly to gamers and been more well-received.

I'm surprised how much people have flip-flopped on this idea. When Microsoft first talked about this concept of upgraded consoles it was met by mostly negativity from many here on N4G, but once it seemed likely Sony would be doing it there was a huge shift in the general attitude towards it. There is far more positivity and open-mindedness towards it now. Obviously there are a variety of different opionions still, but there was definitely a big shift.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2941d ago
2941d ago Replies(2)
Godmars2902941d ago

Really hoping this has more to do with 4k than PSVR because that would mean that the standard PS4 can't support VR properly. That launch titles and certainly later titles are going to have issues forcing people to buy the new system.

s45gr322941d ago

My question is if PlayStation Now is the PS5, would you embrace cloud gaming?

Would you embrace able to play any PlayStation game on any platform either via the ☁ or digital distribution?

maniacmayhem2941d ago

Where was this statement when MS first announced their Xbox One with all that DRM?

Muzikguy2941d ago

I'd embrace it if this were a good thing. Since it isn't, I understand the hate and am against the PS4K as well

Aceman182940d ago

Hmm why would I be mad about neo? I'm good with my PS4 and I'm still gonna get the great games I want to play on it. Things too be really mad about that people should be they aren't but an upgraded electronic box they are smh lol.

Nightmar3Demom2940d ago

So I should just go along with change? Why should I be a follower?

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2940d ago
2941d ago Replies(1)
Unite_Gaming2941d ago

Best option is sell your current PS4 and with the money you can make you probably can get the PS4 Neo with just a bit more on top. That is of course if it is the same or similar price even.....

2941d ago Replies(2)
nitus102941d ago (Edited 2941d ago )

Oh yes I defiantly want to buy the so called PS4K so I can display games in 4K resolution on a 1080p HDTV. I am quite sure that 100's of millions of people are going to throw-out their working HDTV's because they are told that 4K displays are now the in thing.

I think I will wait for 8K (they actually are out now) since I don't really want a low resolution 4K display. 😉

2941d ago
rainslacker2941d ago

I wouldn't sell anything until it's announced. The OGPS4 isn't likely to devalue itself to nothing overnight, and places like GameStop are likely to have good trade in deals like they always do. Even if the OGPS4 gets a price cut to sell through remaining stock, you may lose $50 by waiting. Otherwise, you'll likely be able to get $150-200 for your current PS4 later, and $200-250 now depending on how you sell it.

In any case, since there is no actual word on if this is actually a thing, or if it's something that you'd want to upgrade to, you may just be stuck with having to rebuy the OGPS4 and just be out of some money.


Keeping the base and buying thr VR and ps4.5.........but that's just how I roll tho.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2941d ago
Letthewookiewin2941d ago (Edited 2941d ago )

Funny thing is, people are complaining about how the PS4 will be inferior to the PS4neo, yet the X1 is inferior to the PS4. Sad little Xboys left behind.

UncertainCategory2941d ago

Lot's of rumors are pointing toward Xbox doing the same thing, releasing another more powerful system.

It'll be interesting to see the spec comparison between PS4neo and Xbox 1.5 (or whatever they call it.)

DeadlyFire2941d ago

Microsoft might just announce a next gen console instead and mock Sony. The way Sony jumped away from DRM talk Either way I expect something at E3 from all three now. This upgrade path could offset Microsoft and Sony's new generations further from Nintendo.

maniacmayhem2941d ago

Funny thing is the people who said X1 is inferior will now own an inferior machine,


GrubsterBeater2941d ago

Not really... because XBox will just be inferior to two PlayStation consoles instead of one..

feraldrgn2941d ago (Edited 2941d ago )

"Grr, I'm so mad about that rumour"
Still waiting for actual confirmation from Sony.

nitus102941d ago (Edited 2941d ago )

I am not sure what the writer of the article is really trying to say. Appears to be more along the line of wishful thinking.

I do agree that putting in a 3 layer BluRay player and a 2.0 or 2.1 HDMI connector would be a viable and relatively cheap option which would cater for people with a 4K display and want to play the new 4K 3 layer BluRay disks. By doing this you would not split the PS4 community.

There may be a possibility of a 4K up-scaler but why when all 4K displays already do that and not only that all current PS4's can actually display 4K content although they can't play 4K games and 3 layer 4K movies.

As for 4K or near to 4K games, has any one priced a graphics card that can do this? If this was done then you will need a complete redesign of the PS4 internals which would include a higher rating power supply and of course a cooling system. Somehow I very much doubt that the PS4K would be US$400 if this was done and not only that it would split the community.

At the moment all this is hear-say and rumour until Sony officially denies or confirms (I expect E3) and provides the specs of the supposed PS4K.

Fin_The_Human2940d ago

Where were you guys when the upgradable XB was rumoured?

I saw thousands of articles and people on here slamming MS.

Muzikguy2941d ago (Edited 2941d ago )

I know right! All these articles are claiming that it's real when it isn't. I don't think Sony would risk throwing in the towel before the next generation even arrives. I say that because people won't buy the PS5 when they could wait for the 5.5. I also don't believe this article when talking about the "massive upgrade in the graphics department". Even IF they say it's "twice the PS4", it still won't be enough. We have such a huge multiple from the PS3 to the PS4 and we still can't get steady FPS @1080P on every game. Then they show Minecraft when talking about 4K. Lmao!

This minor upgrade won't be worth it and I'm still hoping it doesn't happen

destroyer116872940d ago (Edited 2940d ago )

Yea, I really love (and by love, I mean I think it's really silly) how much of a stink everyone is putting up about a rumor. I swear, every journalist is acting like it's not a rumor and it has been officially announced by Sony.

I'm perfectly happy playing and enjoying my ps4, and if Sony announces something at some point, then I'll think about what to do then. The amount of pure speculation and hate over something that is literally, as real as a ghost right now, is all just a bit absurd to me.

I say, enjoy what you have and if something changes, make up your mind about how you feel about it then. Why worry so much over something that you literally have no solid evidence about? I feel like the online gaming community has grown a reputation where all we do is complain and whine about things we either know very little about, or have very little experience in.

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