
Microsoft shouldn't follow Sony's lead by releasing an upgraded Xbox One

"After several leaks surfaced on the internet, the gaming community is buzzing about the alleged Playstation 4 Neo - the mid-life console upgrade to the Playstation 4 console. While Sony hasn't officially confirmed the existence of the console, it seems likely that the upgraded PS4 is destined to launch as soon as this year. Now, many are speculating over whether Microsoft is going to follow suit with an upgraded Xbox One console. While the company certainly has the ability to follow Sony's lead, and very well may, that doesn't mean it should."

Team_Litt2964d ago

I really hope they don't. Sony loyalists may be the Apple fans of the console industry but some of us are not into agreeing with everything console makers push on to us. I was ready to buy a PS4 back when MS wanted the One to be always online and hinder game sharing/selling but I'm beginning to doubt that the lesser evil won out in the end.
I do not want the future of gaming to be new consoles every 3 years, that's just ridiculous. Great for those who love being taken advantage of and guising it as "more options" but the rest of us like consoles how they are.

If you want to fleece your fans then go into PC component making Sony and leave the console structure as is!

nowitzki20042963d ago

"Sony loyalists may be the Apple fans of the console industry"

Apple sells underpowered hardware for more money... Like MS did this gen.

Remember when consoles were breaking last gen and people had to buy the saame console less than every 3 years?

And I am pretty sure I heard of MS upgrading the X1 into a PC type console before I heard about PS4.5

Ck1x2963d ago

I actually hope that Microsoft doesn't do anything upgrade and just waits to provide a true next-gen Xbox. Even if they make a more PC like Xbox Next, that would mean parts of the device will be upgradeable from the beginning instead of buying a whole new box that has similar parts to the previous.

naruga2962d ago (Edited 2962d ago )

Xone is just slowly dying ...MS prepares an Xbox Two and it probably will be announced in E3 ..that s the reason why Sony chose to just upgrade a bit PS4 and keep their install base intact rather than release a PS5 in 3 years (also MS has the budget to do it,in contrast with Sony which are litteraly hanging from PS branch success)

Yetter2962d ago (Edited 2962d ago )

I remember when my console broke last generation and MS replaced it free of charge. I remember when that one broke and MS replaced it, free of charge and its still running today

Seriously when I see comments like this I just assume these people were total morons who didn't bother to call MS repair department and just ran off to walmart to buy another one

Liqu1d2962d ago

@Yetter I remember when my X360 broke and they repaired it for free, then it broke again and the third time the tried to charge me. That was in addition to it occasionly scratching my discs, I switched to PS3 because the 360 was so unreliable.

iTechHeads2962d ago

Apple products blow away the competition in real-world benchmarks and performance. They are in no way underpowered.

As for price, Apple products are the same price as Samsung Galaxy phones......

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2962d ago
lelo2play2962d ago (Edited 2962d ago )

Microsoft has no choice, they have to release a new console. With Sony and Nintendo releasing new consoles, Microsoft will stay behind if they don't release a new console.

They are already behind with the X1... it will only get worse if they don't release a new console.
Who will buy a "old" X1 with new more powerful consoles getting released? ... unless Microsoft have a crap load of exclusives we don't know about.

2962d ago
kenwonobi2962d ago

This is the one of the most sensible post I've seen so far. Microsoft is simply reacting to Sony lately. Not much can be done. There is a ton of things PS4 has going for it.

Obscure_Observer2962d ago

Microsoft is confortable where they are. Sony is doing incredible. Microsoft is doing great. Xbox One is selling more and faster than 360 did. They are second in the console market.

We don´t know nothing about the NX yet. Only "Power" will not solve Nintendo´s problems with third party publishers and skeptic gamers alike. Nintendo must go through 3 fases if they want to be in Microsoft´s position. Revise their politics and vision for the console market, launch the console AND suprass the X1´s numbers.

Then, and only then, MS should worry about launch a new console.

S2Killinit2962d ago (Edited 2962d ago )

MS was first to mention they were doing upgrades remember?

Loktai2962d ago

Shhh, don't remind people of true shit, they all want to witch hunt Sony for something MS have actually themselves talked about doing, vs Sony who has made no official statement yet at all.

Yetter2962d ago

Yeah but then Phil said like 2 weeks later he doesn't like the sound of an XB1.5. So where does that leave us? A module upgrade? XB2 released in 2017? Its pretty hard to read, but E3 is gonna be really interesting this year

S2Killinit2962d ago

Yeah, he said he does't like "increments". If you ask me it could mean one of two things:
1) xbox two or some other variation (as in "Neo") OR
2) xbox two
what's more important though is whether the name has anything to do with what the system really is; is it:
1) a "new" console (like any other new console) --> meaning xbox one will be treated like a last gen console. OR
2) its really an upgrade like Neo --> meaning xobxone purchasers will still have their system supported.

Timing is everything. If what MS mean by not liking increments is that they want to abandon xobxone in favor of a whole new console, then the question is: "HOW SOON?" If xboxnext is coming anytime close to PS4 Neo, then I hope they are doing what Sony is doing, otherwise, THAT would be a real let down to people who bought the xobxone.

Obscure_Observer2962d ago (Edited 2962d ago )


"Upgrade" yes. Like a memory expansion device like Sega and Nintendo did in the past, and NOT another 0.5 new console. Sony had been smart enought to not jump in MS´s fail boat with all the "always online" crap.

If MS learned something from their past mistakes, they will let Sony do their thing alone.

Zeref2962d ago (Edited 2962d ago )

No they didn't. They talked about an UPGRADEABLE console. Not a console upgrade. And he clearly said that he doesn't want to do an Xbox One.5

Ju2962d ago (Edited 2962d ago )

True. I guess MS does what they do best. PC business. And with that they will turn the next XBox into a "SteamBox" like console based on the XBoxOne OS with even more UWP integration. I'm am not sure if I'll like that.

At the end of the day a machine without connectors and a certain lifetime will always be cheaper to build than a modular machine. But MS could transform the console market...by defacto destroying it.

Might still work out fine. It works on the PC. This will simply be a pure gaming optimized PC. Without access to the OS, though.

I also agree, that MS is under pressure. They must release something new ASAP with both Nintendo and Neo passing the XO power wise.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2962d ago
Chevalier2962d ago

The original 360 had no built in wifi, RROD and no hdmi input, maybe they shouldn't have upgraded mid cycle last time right?

Team_Litt2962d ago

The mid cycle 360 didn't get better fps and resolution though

Yetter2962d ago

and the CPU/GPU stayed the same, like it always does with any console lifecycle....until now

Aloy-Boyfriend2962d ago

I don't know why xbox fanboys have a problem with others being loyal to Sony. Aren't you a loyal as well that has been buying Xbox consoles and will probably buy an upgraded xbox as well?

Also you are forgetting that MS started this thing with rumors

You are also forgetting that Xbox 360 lacked wifi, HDMI, ans other things PS3 had, and MS later upgraded it including all of it and charging you again for it.


Yetter2962d ago

Thats a nice straw man argument

Hold_It2962d ago (Edited 2962d ago )

You mean like how the Fat PS2 didn't have an Ethernet port, decent fans, or a reliable laser lens, and then they turned around made a new model with all of those features and then charged you for it. Just like when the fat ps2's had ejection issues with the disc and if you sent them back to Sony to get fixed, they would throw your disc out even if it worked.

kraenk122962d ago

Pretty ignorant to the fact that Sony isn't abandoning PS4 but will continue to sell it, just with the opportunity of an upgrade for those who want it (which are quite a few).

Yetter2962d ago

and what happens when developers start to target the neo for their lead platform and they leave the base model version of games running at 15 fps

kraenk122962d ago


Why should they abandon 40+ (it's gonna be more like 60+ by the time Neo releases) potential users of their games?!

Ju2962d ago (Edited 2962d ago )

Scaling down will always work. The gameplay will not change significantly between the two. The raw non-gpu specs are too close to change this dramatically. And what's wrong with current PS4 games? UC4 will once again blow everything else out of the water.

I would expect more games drop the strict 1080p resolution for hitting 60fps, though. Being the 1080p+/60fps reserved for Neo. Technically there will be pretty much no difference in texture resolution on current and next gen machines. But filtering and possible shadow resolution due to the higher bandwidth will increase

Scaling polygons and textures is a no brainer, for new effects you need another shader programmer. But that's about it.

2962d ago Replies(1)
Budrazor2962d ago

The console makers don't push nothing on you. You either buy their product or not.

PSN_ZeroOnyx2962d ago

S2Killinit is correct

The very first rumors of a mid-gen upgraded console pointed to the Xbox 1.5

notachance2962d ago

it's not even a rumour since MS officially talked about it

deathtok2962d ago

Think platform not console. It seems like by modeling after SmartPhone/PC that Sony may be looking to extend the life for many years to come.

As a fan, I like that it solves backward compatibility problems and naturally allows innovation in shorter spans of time.

Fin_The_Human2962d ago

No thank you.

Sony can keep its PS4.5 and PS4.5S...just keep supporting one console MS.

_-EDMIX-_2962d ago

Oh yes the smartest thing for Microsoft to do is to not have any other option to have a better platform and remain having the least powerful platform by an even greater margin.......

Basically Microsoft not having an upgraded option would be as stupid as Apple never releasing a new phone and essentially waiting years while Samsung is upgrading their phones every year and getting massive sales every year.

Exactly what would they even be trying to achieve? The only real legitimate concern would be towards stabilizing the install base but because there will be no exclusive games on 4.5 the market will remain the same and the install base will remain the same.

I'm sorry but it's an absolute stupid decision and sabotage to not have an upgraded option because what you're basically saying is you want to remain the weakest and you have no intentions of giving your consumers a better option despite your competition having both.

In business you must diversify or die, you could not ignore what your competitor is doing that is outselling you and giving consumers more value and options there is no damn benefit a pleasing cry babies who want to inflate their egos and emotionally justify their purchase, exactly what is this company even getting financially by appeasing idiots like this? Are you buying two Xbox Ones because they never upgraded? Lol what would a consumer honestly realistically do for a company because they decided to not go this route? Unless you could really show that they would be increased sales by such a move I just don't really believe it makes sense. it makes more sense to give the option than to remain with none, because I do not believe people reward you for simply not having better options as if you own the system so someone else doesn't have better....

People buy things MOSTLY because they want them not JUST because they assume somebody else will not have better. That seems to be an extremely strange reason for someone to purchase anything technologically based as by default it is already dated in something else will always be better on the horizon I don't even see the damn benefit to someone crying over such a thing.

You could either be the Microsoft that pleased its fanboys and inflated their egos by not making an option that would be offering value to an upgrade or you could be the Microsoft that gave the option and got money because of it.

What benefit is it really to an install base to know someone else isn't getting anything? Are you giving the company more money because they decided to not upgrade to help other people?

KwietStorm_BLM2962d ago

Can't take you seriously after the first sentence.

kenwonobi2962d ago

It doesn't matter if Microsoft does. Nobody is really paying much attention to what they do if you look at the sales.

sk8ofmnd2962d ago

No one is forcing you to buy anything. Thats what the author needs to understand. More choice is always a good thing in my opinion unless it screws over the lowest denominator...

Obscure_Observer2962d ago


PERFECT! That´s exactly how i feel about this nonsense!

aftershock2962d ago

Team_Litt what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

MagicBeanz2962d ago

Wow your propaganda speech was so poignant it nearly made me want to sell my PS4 and run right out and get an xbone, that was the point right?

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 2962d ago
Sonyslave32964d ago

Wasn't Ms the first one that though flirt with the ideal of a upgradeable console before sony like months ago.

Lennoxb632964d ago

Someone asked Phil Spencer and he gave his suggestions. Then someone turned it into something else trying to get clicks.

TwoForce2963d ago

Oh really ? MS did said that they would like to upgrade console.

S2Killinit2962d ago (Edited 2962d ago )

The old "someone asked phil" defense lol anytime they bring up statements made by MS's head, in essence the defense is: it dont count because "someone asked him" and he had to give an opinion, therefore its not MS's position. Can someone tell me why phil is asked so much controvercial stuff? Do they corner him or something, and interrogate him?

FITgamer2962d ago

Point is he brought it up first, then he backpedaled and said they weren't interested in incremental upgrades, and now they'll release and Xbox One.5 equivalent of Sony's new PS4. We should all know by now how Microsoft works by now. If they say something can't or isn't going to happen, then it's going to happen.

TwoForce2963d ago

Yes ! It was. But nonetheless, i don't like the idea of upgrade console.

iTechHeads2962d ago

Then don't buy them. No one is forcing you to.

iTechHeads2962d ago

Actually Shuhei mentioned it a couple years ago in an interview as well. These things don't get made overnight, they've been in development stages for years.

We can safely say that the first to release was the first to think of the idea. It seems the PS4 NEO might come out this holiday. We haven't heard anything about the new Xbox so that might be really far off.

Mrveryodd2963d ago

If the cloud is a thing then they will not need to bring out a new Xbox as it was supposed to give Xbox a lot more power .

nowitzki20042963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

That and DX12 = 4k gaming

Sony just trying to keep up so they are releasing PS4.5


S2Killinit2962d ago

Whatever happened to all those promises by the way?

Chug2962d ago

They sure have been quiet haven't they? Did they think people would just forget these bogus pipedreams?

kraenk122962d ago

They were all just marketing.

stuna12962d ago

They floated away on the "Clouds"! The thing about both console camps is, it's never about what the particular brand you support, but more about the one you don't support. That's why it's easier to notice what the competitor is doing.

It will always be a situation of one brand trying to outdo the other, it's business whether we understand it or not. Truthfully both fanbases need to be thankful that the console makers haven't become stagnant and are trying to stay competitive not only with one another, but with the industry as a whole. Technology is moving forward at a greater pace than ever before, and these companies have to adapt or get left behind! It's not just about the gamers themselves, it's the natural order of things considering the leaps that technology is taking today as opposed to the leaps it was taking 10 years ago. Technology is becoming obsolete a lot quicker than it was just 10 years ago.

_-EDMIX-_2962d ago

Lol I see many are not letting Microsoft Live up that comment on Cloud.

iTechHeads2962d ago

Are you actually being serious?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2962d ago
alb18992963d ago (Edited 2962d ago )

But, but a saw MS first talking about upgradable Xbox and compatibility between them.......so I don't know who follows who.

Ju2962d ago (Edited 2962d ago )

I don't think a fully customizable upgradeable machine will work in the console business. I can see that their business model will be making money with upgrades. But the, consoles have a very tight coupling between memory and CPU/GPU. Those upgrades will always require to upgrade all three. Unlike PCs I do not think these consoles will do away the unified memory. To increase CPU/GPU performance, the bandwidth to the memory will need to increase. Not a problem on the PC. Because CPU and GPU are separe and each have their own memory. And CPUs can upgrade by keeping the bandwidth, but GPUs can't. Graphics cards always come with their own memory. You can't upgrade a GPU alone.

So, now taking all this into consideration, this business model is just not feasible for consoles. You basically need to replace a new APU/memory all together which is basically 90% of a console. All what really stays is the case and drive.

Entry price will be higher, components will be more expensive because they will come through one vendor only. You might as well get a new machine and sell the old one.

Selling just for example memory upgrades will be night!are unless itllbe restricted. Imagine all of a sudden having machines with 8, 12, 16 or just 4 GB .... MS doesn't understand the console business get again. They'll get burned again if theyll do it that way. It will lead to even more fragmentation.

Sony's approach will fragment also. There is a risk with these things. But I feel it is better thought out than a fully customizable machine.

alb18992961d ago

My point is that MS stared the talk about new console. Spencer just made clear that he is not fan of the .5, he will prefer a new complete powerful console and since XONE is way behind is ps4 and the VR tech is here to stay they ar the beneficiaries of the cut of this generation.......don't forget ether that Nintendo will launch a new console soon.
Just imagine a new Xbox that support oculus rift, htc vive and all windows 10 friendly VR.......it will be a kille machine!

Ju2961d ago

Spencer's "no 0.5 increment" refers to the architecture, not so much pure power. Make no mistake, Neo is at least twice as fast as the PS4 currently (x2.25 or something). This alone would warrant it to call PS5. But why it isn't, is because it does not break the basic architecture. PS4 becomes a platform - this consist the established OS and online infrastructure.

Xbox wants to move the "architecture" forward. A side effect jwill be a more powerful machine, inevitability. MS has a software architecture which is scalable and includes the XB one. But they are taking a bigger risk introducing more HW inconsistencies. Hower, if you take the latest success they have with 360 games on the One, their Software layer works. I give them that.

If console would be more open, I would appreciate MSs approach. But this ain't a PC. Sony knows the business better. The Neo is better suited for a console business model. At least for the next 3 years.

MS s model will lead to crazy fragmentation and turn the console market into yet another PC market. Of course this is the environment where MS can thrive. And knows best. Of course that's where they want to be.

alb18992963d ago

MS must make a powerful machine that is compatible with every VR that support Window 10. This will be a winner.

alb18992962d ago

The xone already is but has not the power. Windows 10 is the key word not PC.

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A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.