
Star Fox Zero Review - IGN

Star Fox Zero’s fun stages and impressive boss fight give me lot of reasons to jump back in and play them over and over, and especially enjoyed them in co-op until I got a hang of juggling two screens myself. I’ve played 15 hours and I still haven’t found everything. Learning to use the unintuitive controls is a difficult barrier to entry, though it comes with a payoff if you can stick with it.

TwoForce2969d ago

Well, it's good score. But somethings tip me off a little bit.

Bimkoblerutso2969d ago

It's just weird because the rest of the game is obviously built VERY heavily around the driving force of nostalgia. Why go to such great lengths to include tacky motion controls if this is a game that is clearly meant to be a throw back to SF64?

Ah well. I think the most generous consensus to be made is that the controls are generally inoffensive MOST of the time.

pcz2969d ago

it should have been a warning sign that the reviews are this late. i mean, the game was already sent to customers before 1 review came out.

obviously nintendo werent so confident with the game.

oh well, yet again nintendo falling short this generation, another game that should have been a stone cold classic instead becomes one for the fans only

darthv722969d ago

I enjoyed SF Assault and this looks to be the evolution of that. Looks fun and I'm sure I will enjoy it.

garrettbobbyferguson2969d ago

Evolution of Assault? This is an evolution of Star Fox 64 and Star Fox 2. There is nothing reminiscent of Assault here. The Chicken/Raptor walker is directly from Star Fox 2 on the SNES. The rest of the game is a re-imaginging (ALA Rachet and Clank) of the N64 version.

darthv722969d ago

My apologies for not saying I haven't played SF2 or even SF64. I played the original, the DS and the GCN versions. I see some elements in this new game that remind me of Assault. not saying you are wrong but just saying how it looks to me.

_-EDMIX-_2969d ago

Agreed. If its like Assault, not sure I'm going to like it.

If its more like Star Fox 64, I'll likely play it. I have a friend thats getting it day 1 and I might watch and maybe start a game on it.

2969d ago Replies(6)
superchiller2969d ago (Edited 2969d ago )

Another Nintendo game ruined by gimmicks. The weird control scheme, where you have two different views on tablet and TV (and wrestle with silly motion controls on top of that), pretty much guaranteed that this game would be mediocre at best, and annoying to play. Miyamoto leaves his poor mark on yet another game, time to retire him for good.

What's even more amazing, the author of the article, Jose Otero, is a total diehard Nintendo fan. If someone like that rates the game like this, you know there are problems with the game.

garrettbobbyferguson2969d ago

Most people who actually play games like Splatoon would disagree very strongly with your "gimmick" shit.

LOL_WUT2969d ago

However, this isn't Splatoon... I knew this wouldn't get the a high score even its graphics alone was a sign of things to come. Honestly Nintendo should've just waited ;)

AKR2969d ago

When on earth did 7.5 become a bad score? You people are too much, honestly.

superchiller2969d ago

7.5 is a decent score, but imagine how much better this game would have been without the gimmicky, unnatural controls? Why does Nintendo feel the need to force poorly implemented gimmicks onto their gamers? All they accomplish by doing this, is to degrade the gaming experience.

And this is done so they can justify the existence of the gamepad, nothing more.

FlyingFoxy2969d ago (Edited 2969d ago )

Even if the game was good and didn't have forced motion controls I bet some would still call it a failure because of the 7.5 score. People just like to whine for the sake of it I guess.

I'm pretty sure i remember SF64 getting a 7 or 7.5 on one review all that time ago, and i still enjoyed it a lot.

AKR2969d ago

One of the biggest complaints that people have REPEATEDLY brought up about the Wii U is that not even Nintendo themselves have made major use of the Gamepad, aside from a few rare occassions. Now they go ahead and do it, and yet people STILL complain. "Damned if you do, damned if you don't."

The controls have a learning curve to them; you either get good at it, or don't. I also think they wanted to make it special considering the fact that it's been 10 years since the last original entry, and they wanted to make it feel like a true evolution.

Nevertheless, it's already scoring higher than Assault.

deafdani2969d ago

Hey... it's true! It's scoring higher than Assault, indeed. And despite everything, I loved Assault. If I can get used to the control scheme (which I suspect didn't really add anything meaningful to Star Fox Zero, reading various reviews), I think I will like this game as well.

Servbot412969d ago

They did it in the worst way, which is forcing it on the user. If it were an option, not to mention a GOOD option at that, people could choose to pick it over classic controls and reviews would be better.

deafdani2969d ago

For once... just this once... I can agree with the overall sentiment of your post, although I wouldn't go as far as saying that this game was "ruined". It still got a good score after all.

But after reading many reviews, my impression is that this game is still good despite its motion controls, not because of them. So, yeah, I have the suspicion that this game would've been better received if it didn't force you to switch your attention between two screens.

Anyway, I'll be getting it tomorrow (bif Star Fox fan here), so I'll make up my own mind.

Protagonist2969d ago (Edited 2969d ago )

Makes me think that, games that heavily depends on the tablet controller ,won´t be able to be played on the NX , unless it has a similar controller!

The NX probably won´t get backwards compatibility.

Sirk7x2969d ago

I think Nintendo actually tasked Miyomoto with designing a game using the gamepad, if I remember correctly.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2969d ago
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Star Fox Zero, Was it Really That Bad?

Has time been kind to Star Fox Zero? Does the game have any redeeming qualities that are worthy of revisiting? Should it be considered for a port to the Switch? Was it really that bad?

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Snookies12950d ago

Haven't played it since it came out, but I really enjoyed it. Can't tell if that's just nostalgia-tinted glasses, or if I actually consider it a good game though lol.

Vits950d ago

It's a mediocre game that reuses ideas, scenarios, characters and moments from previous ones. Paired with one of the worst control methods that I had the displeasure of using.

CptDville949d ago

Those controls. Boring and frustrating at the same time. Only with co-op they were bearable, but co-op was restricted to finished levels.

SeTTriP949d ago

Yes couldn't finish it it was so boring.

MissAubrey949d ago

controls made me stop playing also what good is a 65inch tv when you have to look at a tiny Wiiu tablet.. same with kirby & the rainbow curse..

Einhander1971949d ago

No it was great, just the control scheme spoilt things really. The wii u screen was not needed for it really

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Platinum wants to bring Star Fox Zero to Switch

But any potential design changes would be up to Nintendo if it happens.

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FallenAngel1984999d ago

I’d rather Star Fox Assault be brought to Switch with online multiplayer instead

Teflon02999d ago

Finally, someone who knows about Assault. Best Star Fox Multi-player imo.

Neonridr999d ago

or a Star Fox 64 remaster instead.

deadfrag999d ago

Platinum Games wants to many things but sadly it does not show nothing new for years!They try to jump on all offers but end finishing none!

whitbyfox999d ago

1: Get rid of the motion controls.

2: Bring us Okami 3.

Good-Smurf999d ago (Edited 999d ago )

I rather have them show more of Bayonetta 3 first before they talking about any new project.
This reeks Inafune's funding for Red Ash and Mighty No.9 animated series, both never materialized.


Starfox Games, Ranked

WGTC: "Nintendo hasn’t always given Starfox the most love among its tentpole franchises, but the series has still cultivated a loyal cult fanbase over its almost 30-year history. Here are all of the games in the mainline series ranked from worst to best."

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DarkZane1045d ago

Well, they listed Star Fox Zero as the worst one, so that list is at least believable.

septemberindecember1043d ago

I feel like if you're judging the original Star Fox by it's era then I feel you should do the same with Star Fox 2 IMO. Since they are both effectively SNEA games

Sgt_Slaughter1043d ago

It's hard to top the N64 version (well maybe the 3DS version, but that should have used uncompressed audio. Without that it's a step down from what it could have been IMO)