
Bravely Second: End Layer Review for 3DS | Nintendo Enthusiast

Nintendo Enthusiast: As someone who never played the original Bravely Default, I was a bit worried going into Bravely Second: End Layer. Would I be totally lost in the story? Would the gameplay build in complex ways upon the original? I had no idea what to expect. Fortunately, my fears were quickly put to rest, and Bravely Second: End Layer soon revealed itself as an absolute joy of a JRPG, one that meshed classical gameplay with modern sensibilities to make something beautiful, fun, and exciting – though certainly not perfect.

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Pookandpie2979d ago

I'm very excited for this game. I'm going to have to wait for some time, though- my wife just finished Bravely Default earlier this week, and she's called dibs, so I have to wait until she beats Bravely Second, lol.

DivineAssault 2979d ago

Just got my copy in the mail yesterday.. Not playing it until i finish DS3 though.. Glad it scored well.. Still need to get Ratchet n Clank as well..


5 Square Enix Games To Play Before Bravely Default 2

KeenGamer: "To prepare for the challenge of the upcoming JRPG, players might wish to practice with games similarly developed by Square Enix before Bravely Default 2. From game mechanics, story and overall tone, here is a list of 5 games that will prepare players for what awaits them."

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B68W1202d ago

I mean, those are games you should play period.


The Art of Bravely Second: End Layer gets release date and other details

The release date and other details have been revealed for The Art of Bravely Second: End Layer.

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Bravely Series Twitter Account Teases New Title

The official Twitter account for the Bravely series is teasing a new title announcement.