
Gears of War 5 is happening - as long as Gears 4 doesn't go "horribly"

"Microsoft investment makes more Gears games likely."

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2949d ago Replies(6)
2949d ago Replies(2)
-Foxtrot2949d ago

Basically "Buy Gears 4...or else"

TheCommentator2949d ago (Edited 2949d ago )

Not really. I'm sure that the game will sell well enough that there will be a 5 and 6 so there's nothing to worry about. I may be misremembering, but I'm pretty sure they planned this as a trilogy just like the first set was.

Foxtrot makes it sound like a threat but the reality is it's just business. If for some reason Gears 4 sells horribly maybe MS will shelve it and let The Coalition make something else, like the game Black Tusk showed briefly at the XB1 reveal.

Thatguy-3102949d ago

I mean they bought the IP so I doubt they'll abandon it like nothing quick

Overload2949d ago (Edited 2949d ago )

Of course. But it doesn't have to be the Coalition making it and it doesn't have to be console game. IP's can be used for many things, look at Konami.

I'm not saying this will happen, but I'm just saying.

Microsoft owns many great IP's they do nothing with.

dcbronco2949d ago

Thatguy you haven't been watching Microsoft. They will spend billions and walk away months later. Look at the studio that they spent far more buying. Nokia. They spend billions each year trying stuff to walk away. Illumiroom. If it does poorly they just might clap their hands like a blackjack dealer and walk.

2949d ago Replies(9)
TwoForce2949d ago ShowReplies(1)
Gazondaily2949d ago

Buy Gears 4 or else what? We don't make Gears 5? Well duh...its common sense.

vickers5002949d ago

Wait, are you telling me that game developers need money for their work in order to make games? We aren't entitled to sequels whether they sell horribly or not?

They're totally threatening us! How despicable. They OWE us. They should be making high budget games for us WHETHER WE BUY THEM OR NOT, whether they make a profit or not.

I am entitled!!!

OC_MurphysLaw2949d ago

Buy xyz game or else. This can be said for any game and series. Hell if Uncharted suddenly went belly up and had a really horrible release I doubt you see them continue that franchise further. If Mario games stopped selling.... wait...who am I kidding... Nintendo will ride Mario to the grave.

Anyway, I think the overall sentiment here is one that is industry wide and understood.

otherZinc2949d ago

Lol! M$ pumped millions into buying Gears from Epic, Getting Rod Ferguson, & creating The Coalition Studio...just like 343 Industries.

There'll be plenty more Gears games afterGears 4.

sammarshall1022949d ago

Yup the heading makes it sound bad out of context but after reading the article it sounds like they're brimming with confidence about making more Gears games

rainslacker2949d ago (Edited 2949d ago )

Or else what? MS will create a new staple IP?

Gears 5 is definitely happening. MS spent too much money on the IP to just get one game and some merchandising/licensing rights. They'll use it for as long as it makes them money.

Halo, Gears, and Forza aren't going anywhere. MS proved that when they were willing to buy the Gears franchise, because they know how important it is to the Xbox brand. With Fable likely a no show anytime soon, becoming the console known for Halo and Forza just isn't going to cut it for them in the long term.

If it flops, all MS will do is likely close down the studio, or get their act together and produce a game that people actually want if they can figure out why it flopped.

That being said, I doubt the game is going to do poorly.

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FallenAngel19842949d ago

I really doubt that Microsoft would cancel the Gears of War franchise, or that Gears of War 4 will be so bad that Microsoft would want to cancel the franchise.

Overload2949d ago (Edited 2949d ago )

One of Gears pulls last gen in my opinion was being a very impressive visually, this definitely doesn't have that going for it. It will be interesting (TM) to see how it does in a very very crowded window this fall with all the regular heavy hitters launching and PlayStation VR.

2949d ago
2949d ago
Gazondaily2949d ago

This doesn't have impressive visuals going for it because of early alpha footage eh? Even when the dev states it you lot pretend not to hear it.

Well, one of the other things Gears had going for it was its MP. Running on dedicated servers. Shockingly some tps games this gen don't even have that. I'm more concerned with the gameplay as any level headed fan would be.

d_g2949d ago (Edited 2949d ago )

"One of Gears pulls last gen in my opinion was being a very impressive visually, this definitely doesn't have that going for it."

what are you talking about ? the campaign looks very impressive visually


game4funz2949d ago

I have to say your comment is very uneducated. What makes you think it's not gonna be graphically impressive?

Because it's definitely not what the developers have said.

Goldby2949d ago Show
Overload2949d ago


We have heard this before, Destiny and Halo 5 both come to mind. Both released "Alphas" and "Betas" that ended up looking very similar at release. I do think Gears will look better than it does, but I'm not expecting a miracle.

Everything from the animations to the environments look straight up bad, I don't expect all of that to change.

DanzoSAMA2949d ago Show
Outside_ofthe_Box2949d ago

If you're talking about the MP not being visually impressive then you need to realize graphics aren't hugely important for the multiplayer side of the things. As long as the graphics improve slightly come launch it'll be fine. Gameplay makes or breaks a multiplayer.

2949d ago
christocolus2949d ago


Don't worry Overload. I'm sure Gears loyal fanbase will support the highly anticipated 4th entry in the series. It's a mainline Gears game and continues where the story of Gears 3 left off. If you think it won't sell well then i dont know what else to say. Halo was the lowest rated Halo game and yet it sold really well and somehow you think Gears4 won't? ok

thisgamer5032949d ago

People, it's Overload. Let's not feed the troll.

sammarshall1022949d ago

Then you haven't seen the recent Game Informer screenshots

It's beautiful

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2949d ago
andresegr2949d ago ShowReplies(3)
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