
Forget Your Grand Theft Autos: This Is Why ‘Max Payne 3’ Is Rockstar’s Best-Ever Game

The small details in Rockstar's 2012 shooter add up to make it the studio's most impressively visceral title to date.

OhMyGandhi2977d ago

Max Payne 3 was a breath of fresh air.
And Rio? what an awesome locale for a videogame.

DoctorFry2977d ago

Man have you even played Max Payne 3? It takes place in Sáo Paulo, not Rio.

OhMyGandhi2977d ago

lol, I'm an idiot. Been a long time since I've played the game. Your right, it takes place in Sao Paulo.

PeaSFor2977d ago (Edited 2977d ago )

im probably the only one but found Max pain 3 to be boring, the plot AND the gameplay was meh, i completed it and traded it asap.

equal_youth2977d ago

Hopefully the Sales justify a forth entry in the series. I played about 5 times trough the campaign and enjoyed every enemy encounter. I would only wish for a little more noir story telling like in the originals.

Adexus2977d ago

I'd love another one set in NYC, Max returning there to face old demons would be so perfect.

-Foxtrot2977d ago

I wouldn't really want a 4th game from Rockstar, they clearly don't know how to make a "Max Payne" game

Nothing in Max Payne 3 reminding me of Max Payne except for the bullet time. Everything which made the past games what they are we excluded in this game.

I wish Remedy would have done the third one to be honest.

It's well crafted game in regards to the quality by that I mean graphics, animations, gun play etc but the key ingridants which made me fall in love with Max Payne was not there

It's honestly like they were doing a brand new game set in Brazil and then found out they could make a new Max Payne game so they just made their new IP into Max Payne 3, giving us some bullshit reason why Max is in Brazil

Seriously the flashback story about why he left about him killing a mob heads son and them going after him is a story it's self. That should have been the main game.

equal_youth2977d ago

Yeah but I think they know that and I hope they take it back to it's roots. I mostly trust Rockstar in tearms of Story telling.

DoctorFry2977d ago

Max Payne 3 was so underwhelming. You'd think Rockstar could pull off a far more ambitious linear game considering how epic their open worlds are.

sullynathan2977d ago

Foxtrot and his stupid reasons once again. I already debunked all this shit.

-Foxtrot2977d ago


No you thought you debunked it but you obviously never were a fan of the older games or like a lot of the shit you try to defend haven't actually played them.

Mr know it all.

sullynathan2977d ago

@Foxtrot I haven't played them nor am I fan? My steam account is linked on N4G, you can go and see that I own all max payne games and have played all of them you dingus.
Now, go on your crusade with disagreeing with all my comments.

-Foxtrot2977d ago


Whatever you say princess.

"Now, go on your crusade with disagreeing with all my comments"


I don't really use the agree/disagree thing.

Omeganex99992977d ago

You seriously believe Remedy would have done better? After Alan Wake (good, but the mechanics were kinda meh) and Quantum Break (same as above)?

The game might no be as iconic as the first two, but it was a hell of a game.

ShottyGibs2976d ago (Edited 2976d ago )

I agree. I'm a massive Max Payne fan. While I still enjoyed 3, I even played it through twice. The First I actually played though 8 times.
3 didn't have the grittiness and dark magic of the original. In fact it felt like they made the game first then shoe-horned in Max Payne as an after thought. It was a awesome game - just not an Max Payne experience. Far from it.

The flash back scenes in New York were awesome. I wish they did more of that.
I'd also like them to go back to using digitized graphics which was part of the earlier game's charm . They'd be able to do something truly special now days.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2976d ago
DoctorFry2977d ago

Rockstar totally wants to make another Max Payne when the last one barely sold 4 million /s. They made more money off shark cards than the entire Max Payne series ever did.

equal_youth2977d ago

Your absoultely right about shark cards but my hopes are not entirely Dead considering what Kind of Prestige IP Max Payne is.

jeenyus2977d ago

No need to forget GTA (obvious clickbait), Max Payne 3 was awesome.

Yui_Suzumiya2977d ago

I'd say Red Dead Redemption is there best :3

xrapperkdx2977d ago

Definitely. Would be awesome to play Red Dead Redemption 2 on ps4.

EazyC2977d ago

Yes, THE open world masterpiece.

Omeganex99992977d ago

And here I come agreeing! One of the best games of the previous generation and ever.

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Max Payne 3 gets an amazing Sam Lake Mod

Modder ‘alexsavvy’ has released a must-have mod for Max Payne 3 that is a love letter to all fans of the original game.

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Iceball2000318d ago

Holy cow that’s well done. Hoping for a Max Payne 1-3?remake/remaster.

RaidenBlack318d ago

Remedy is remaking Max Payne 1 & 2


10 Best Games to Complete 100%

GF365: "These are our picks for the ten best games to complete 100%. This list includes good games that don't feel like chores to complete."

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Knushwood Butt343d ago

I got 80% trophy completion on Ragnarok but left a few of the battles. Will come back to it one day.

Miraak82 343d ago

Dragon Quest 11 is my top pick

RpgSama343d ago

Dragon Quest XI was such an AMAZING game, I had a blast from the very beginning all the way to the very end, it actually got better the more you played, full of surprises as well.

Another game that I enjoyed from the very beginning all the way to the end of the 100% completion was Yakuza: Like a Dragon. Really, really, really fun game with a great heartfelt story.

badz149343d ago (Edited 343d ago )

Where is Horizon Zero Dawn?? where is Ghost of Tsushima?? I just got my Platinum on HZD and is now trying to finish the Frozen Wild expansion. so much care and love went into that game and it really shows. I especially adore the lore and have sunk many hours listening to the logs and reading journals. the back story is great and the gameplay is awesome. can't wait to replay on the hardest difficulty on NG+. next in my list would be to finish GoTsushima

Tacoboto343d ago

Ghost was fantastic especially after Iki Island and the PS5 upgrade. 100%'d that, Horizon Forbidden West (not ZD), GoW (not yet Ragnarok), Spider-Man, and R&C: Rift Apart.

Each one absolutely worth it.

Aloymetal343d ago (Edited 343d ago )

100% I would like to add to you list RDR2, amazing as well and the perks from getting the Legend Of The East outfit is awesome.
Sekiro as well, have to play twice to get it but it's worth it!

Demetrius343d ago

I agree I'm on my 2nd playthroughs of both horizon forbidden West(zero dawn I played also) ghost of Tsushima except I'm replaying it on PS5 this time, the iki island expansion is amazing

ClayRules2012343d ago

Yeah, GoT was already an AMAZING game on PS4, but playing it on PS5, along with that expansion, just even better.

Elda343d ago

I just started my copy of GOW:R, enjoying it so far.

DefenderOfDoom2343d ago (Edited 343d ago )

Okay the title of article should be top 10 , 3rd person games to complete 100 percent. Nine 3rd person games and 1 racing game on this list .

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HEALTH shares Max Payne 3 soundtrack vinyl update with Rockstar silent

If you've been waiting for Max Payne vibes to hit your turntable, you're in luck. Noise rock band HEALTH have a Max Payne 3 vinyl soundtrack update.

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FPS_D3TH471d ago

One of the best soundtracks in gaming. This band is incredible and I’ve seen them live twice now. Absolutely fantastic band