
The One Reason Too Human failed To Work

Too Human. You know how you feel about it by now. Even if you haven't played it, you probably have an opinion. And even those that had experienced the demo have come to the same realisation that the optimistic buyers have also come to: there is something wrong with the game. Strangely, it was while giving The Outfit the thirty seconds of gameplay it deserved that led to the answer as to just what it was that held Too Human back.

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HighDefinition5731d ago

Let me guess.....

Its NOT that good.

Presentist5731d ago Show
HipHopGamerShowFan5731d ago

Like HipHopGamer and I beleive, Heavy Rain looks like the best next gen looking title to date.

5731d ago
RememberThe3575731d ago

I hope you keep that out look the rest of you life...

Presentist5731d ago

Try not stalking people to other stories perhaps?

RememberThe3575731d ago

I believe called a coincidence, perhaps?

sumfood4u5731d ago

Maybe cause Videogame developers try to rush Awesome Graphics with Crappy Gameplay & Story! People would probably have better fun playing "Hungry Hungry Hippo & Connect~4!" 4~Thoes who disagree take on my challenge an play Too Human than play Hungry Hungry Hippo & Connect~4 you'll see the deference in why great games rule!

ZeroXMD5730d ago

they are bashing this game bc all of the sudden they are holding this and only this game to higher standards than anything else and since it wasnt OMFGTHISGAMEIZTEHUBERIST!!, people are bashing the crap out of it. If anyone reads my posts, they know I hate Microsoft. And for me to defend this game, it has to be decent at least and it is. It is a fun game that mixes Diablo and DMC elements and it works. Its not 10 or 9 but it isnt a 6 or 5. How many people are bashing the crap out of this game simply bc they have read reviews and bash this game without playing it? This is my first game for my recently acquired RRODbox 360 (simply bc i've had it a month and it's already RROD'd) and I enjoy the crap out of it. It has alot of flaws but overall is a really fun game.

One thing is for damn sure, this game is alot better than alot of other 360 games. people down the comment list were saying how this game is a victim of a 360 bad-game-witch-hunt. Trust me, there are A CRAP load of crappier games on 360. Madden isn't even out yet and I already know it sucks, just like the past 2 years worth of maddens have sucked. Halo's 2nd multiplayer expansion sucks alot worse than this game, and I'm not reffering to it's map pack, even tho it sucked as well (OMG you remade lockout already, WHY THE F*CK DID YOU REMAKE IT AGAIN?! I WANT MIDSHIP REDONE DAMMIT!!) Why a game you bought from Burger King is hailed as OMG-UBER I have no freaking clue and countless others.

If anyone is going to look at a game that should and could have been released 2-3 years before it's time bc it really isn't a this gen game, look at halo and its 2 multiplayer expansions. Halo was good for its time and then everyone that bought halo bought both of it's expansions. I call them expansions cause 10 hours of a non-existant story doesn't count as a full game. "Hey! there's some aliens. Shoot them. Cool, hey more aliens, but they look like ppl but also have little bubbles following them around. Forget what they are or why the aliens are here, lets just shoot them and if we want story, we'll read the books."

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5730d ago
marionz5731d ago

i think by now EVERYBODY knows too human just isnt fun, how many more of these articles do we need?

its getting really old people, just move on allready.

HighDefinition5731d ago

Kinda deserves all this though. IMO.

But I hear ya, should be over soon enough.

CrippleH5731d ago

It'll never be over.

People will always bag on Lair, Haze, and now Too Human is on that list to bag on.

Firstkn1ghT5731d ago (Edited 5731d ago )

Too Human is not in the same list as Haze or Lair. Too Human is getting an average of mostly 7's with a few 8's and 6's. Respected sites like IGN gave it a 7.8 and Gamepro gave it an 8.0. Haze and Lair averaged 5's. Not the same.

solidt125731d ago

Sorry dude, I owned Lair and HAZE and I enjoyed both of them slightly more than Too Human. But they all have short comings.

lowcarb5731d ago

I've clocked in 50 hours of Too Human and must say it's hella fun. One of the best experiences I've personally ever had in a game. This game easily gets a 9 in my book and will continue to be played. These reviews should never be taken serious and I wouldn't be surprised if the game sold really well. Such ashame this game was knocked down but oh well I guess.

marionz5731d ago

dennis does diserve this, but im still sick of seeing too human storys, just like im sick of the endless soul calibur reviews

deeznuts5731d ago

I've been a huge PS3 fan, but I ain't no fanboy. Had the PS3 since launch, and have played every big game. had my 360 a month or so and am working my way through its library slowly. I've played Haze and Lair, and they are much worse than Too Human. Seriously, Too Human is not that bad. And I don't buy my games (gamefly) so I have NO reason to defend a purchase. I've rented a game and if it sucks, it goes into the envelope right back to Gamefly, no remorse. I just returned Halo 3 and Crackdown ... I thought both were no good!

Too Human, was a tiny bit frustrating with the camera. But once I got the hang of everything, it's getting quite fun. Not perfect, not AAA, but jeez if I only played AAA games I'd never have a game to play.

Montrealien5731d ago (Edited 5731d ago )

Too Human stories are hot, why? Because some people hate it and are loving that the game is getting trashed, and also because some people love it and hate how it is being trashed. hence, most hater have turned it into one of the Hottest game son N4G, which is Ironic. It is not whether you talk about it in a good way, or in a bad way, as long as you talk about it.

I am enjoying it, was a good purchase for me and I don' t regret it. And I never expect the greatest game in the world for any game I want to play, I am just expecting a video game I can burn a few hour into, a lot of you have forgot why we play game I think. and I love people that defend Lair of Haze against people that thing the are bad game and blah blah blah. I love Lair, and I enjoyed Haze, despite all the crap most internet user created, this is all the Internets faults if you ask me. Outside, in the real world, people bought games like, Haze, Lair, Too Human...enjoyed them, and never game to a gaming web site.

Drekken5731d ago

Lowcarb, well I know whos opinion NOT to trust when it comes to games.

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Wildarmsjecht5731d ago (Edited 5731d ago )


Ok, I know this looks bad given the article and news about the game in general, but when I clicked the link to see waht the issue with Too Human was, I was greeted with this. See why I found it funny?

The internet. Serious Business.

Bah..image wont open correctly. sec.

Chris Hansen5731d ago

I'm getting bored of ripping on Too Human. Let's stop with these Too Human articles.

UNCyrus5731d ago

oh... stupid me... I thought it was because it was a MS exclusive...

HipHopGamerShowFan5731d ago

Lets see what HipHopGamer might say, if he reviews Too Human.

Montrealien5731d ago (Edited 5731d ago )

Diablo was a 7 hour action RPg clicking extravaganza, notsmartPS3troll power fails to understand where to fun can be in a game like Diablo and Too Human.

zapass5731d ago

but Diablo has this unique style and sense of humor while too human just has boring pompousness

not even the same league

TheXgamerLive5730d ago (Edited 5730d ago )

The game has not been in development on the Xbox 360 for 10 years. They've been wanting to make it for a long time, but it's only been in development for the Xbox 360 for about 3 yrs. at it's release. You can't actually develop a game when the console hasn't even been thought of yet.

Also, if anyone has actually played Too Human yet, they most likely love it as I and most others do. It's awesome detail and Huge Huge environments and the exploring and blasting your way through levels no matter what class you chose to do it with is HELLA fun. I'm a berserker btw:)

p.s. If you also take into consideration the problems w/SK and Epic and the UE and court and then there developing there very own proprietory engine, then dev. time has been slighty better than 2 yrs. so wannabe's relax. It's an awesome game and us Xbox fans love it.

edit: It's "Too" bad that so many wannabe sony fan girls constantly troll Xbox news. Your console sucks just like you lil b1tch girls do so move on get a life, and keep on waiting. ya know I hear another lame R&K will be released in 2010. there's your hope, keep waiting.
Oh, and at it's release KZ2 will be over 4 1/2 to 5 years in it's development time, and it's still a good game but it's not going to be the ps3 savior, obviously nor was the movie that it MGS4. I prefer to play games and the game play was good but it was almost non existant compared to all the video in game. That's what ruined it. keep waiting.
you losers are lucky your eventually getting Bioshock. That's the best game that the ps3 will ever see. Your so lucky.

Kleptic5730d ago (Edited 5730d ago )

first of all XGamer...most reviews have nothing to do with it being a 360 exclusive...however you want to spin it...the game has been 'in development' for nearly 10 years...not on one specific platform; you're right about that...but Dennis D. has been working more or less solely on the concepts and ideas that fell into place for the game for the last decade...

and that is where it easily tops the list of failing games...all that time was spent on what exactly?...a seriously intriguing story at first, that is executed as poorly as a movie made by Boll...the gameplay mechanics are different...but are flawed in numerous areas that leave most reviewers simply bored...

the game is below average...simple as that...and the fact that the idea has been floating around in that Canadians head for the past 10 years makes it even funnier...move on...the game sucked...

and the nice try with Killzone 2...not one preview of the multiplayer part of the game left any of them with anything less than amazement...the depth, the pacing, the visuals, and the entire concept is set to set several standards for console fps multiplaer...it really is in your best interest to simply let Killzone 2 slide from now on, your ignorance towards the title will only hurt you in the end...

and Bioshock as the best title the PS3 will ever see?...funny how MGS4 already is the best recieved exclusive title of this generation...getting perfect 10's from 3 major sites (among tons of others) that have yet to give ANY Xbox or Xbox 360 title that recognition, exclusive or not...

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Too Human Free for Xbox Gamers - Download It Here

The action-RPG by now-defunct Silicon Knights is now free for Xbox gamers! Check out the Too Human free direct download link with armor sets here.

RazzerRedux1411d ago

Fun fact: I'm one of five people to have completed Too Human and actually liked it. It should be noted that the other four ended up in mental institutions....sadly.

excaliburps1411d ago

I completed it and kinda liked it. Controls were iffy but overall, I dug it. Shame Dyack was crazy. xD

IanTH1411d ago

Glad to hear it! So, when did you get out of the institution?

Marquinho1410d ago

Too Human was "The Order: 1886" of the 360.

Nitrowolf21411d ago (Edited 1411d ago )

I have never played this, mostly because I didn't own an Xbox prior to a few months ago Def. will check this out

darthv721411d ago

It certainly has a cool story and its a good game. it was just marred by long development time and kind of egotistical creator.

Looper1411d ago

Hey!! I was told survivors had all signed an NDA! I'm telling!

Kribwalker1411d ago

i really liked this one too. Always wished for a sequel, but sadly i don’t see it in the cards

excaliburps1411d ago

Yeah, it had a solid story and game mechanics. I remember the controls weren't smartly implemented, and every time you respawned, the animation was so long.

Fantangoooo1411d ago

I can't count the number of times I finished this game gridding for gear. Weird control but I liked it

Neonridr1411d ago

sounds very Polybius to me..

Poopmist1411d ago

Me and my friend beat it so many times. I got the best armor mathematically possible in it. Great game imo but their needed to be more tutorials on how runes work. The one that spawns singularities upon hitting someone was cash.

DerfDerf1411d ago

I actually really enjoyed it.

RamRod881411d ago

I beat it too. The controls were weird, but once I got use to them it was okay. I found the story to be actually half decent. Too bad there wasn't a sequel because I really believe if they have fixed the issues the first game had(controls, camera, etc), it could have been a great series.

HyperMoused1411d ago

I though it was great too, yay us

Anomander1411d ago

Beat it as well. it had a good story line. Overall it was decent.

glennhkboy1411d ago

I remember that I played the 1st stage. The control was so bad that I couldn't force myself to continue.

morganfell1411d ago

Fun fact...you're actually one of six :) That game was the reason I kept an Xbox 360 running until they released the very last B/C titles and it was among them.

Chronicle7801410d ago

I thought the game was ok, clunky but ok. Every time I go back to play it though it takes 20 minutes for the controls to 'click' again. Pity most of the advanced combos and controls aren't listed anywhere in the game.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 1410d ago
omegaheat1411d ago

Wait, people actually liked this game???????

Profchaos1411d ago

Liked not loved. It's like a cheap dominos pizza it's not great but it's serviceable if your starving

BrainSyphoned1411d ago ShowReplies(5)
AK911411d ago

Wait wasn’t it always free?

Father Murder X1411d ago

This game had some potential. I actually liked it.

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Phoenix Down 87.0 – Too Human

Denis Dyack would disapprove.

darthv721659d ago

I liked this game. It has it's flaws but the story and mechanics are pretty good. It still holds up today.

Kribwalker1659d ago

i really enjoyed it when it came out.

It was free recently on xbox through BC. Id love to see this revived but sadly i think the legal issues would stop that


Metal Gear Solid and Eternal Darkness Composer Passed Away

He worked in the game industry since the early ‘90s

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THC CELL1761d ago

Sad days for developers this year 3 we know of now
Rip 😕

2pacalypsenow1761d ago

I was worried it was Harry Gregson Williams.

AK911761d ago

Oh sad to say not that familiar with this man's work but RIP to this individual, his music must have been amazing.

SinkingSage1761d ago

Very sad news, I really enjoy the Eternal Darkness and Blood Omen soundtracks, masterpieces.

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