
Holodrive Impressions | NextPowerUp

Holodrive is a F2P platform shooter from Bitcake Studios, offering an almost familiar gameplay style to Awesomenauts but with a much simpler core. The game offers a pretty even battleground for all players, and allows you to unlock both cosmetic and non-cosmetic items with in-game currency. The initial Early Access support pack will set you back a small fee, but you can head to their main site to apply for a free Early Access pass, or find one of numerous sites offering the EA keys for free. Once it's made it through EA, it should be 100% F2P.

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Explosive multiplayer game “Holodrive” launches free-to-play

Indie game publisher Versus Evil and Brazilian game studio BitCake, today announced that their fast paced multiplayer shooter Holodrive, currently in Early Access, is officially launching today on STEAM as a free to play game.