
5 “Classic” Video Games That Just Don’t Hold Up

ThisGenGaming says "One of my favorite past times growing up, as I’m sure is the same with many of you, was video games. Sure they were a way for us to immerse ourselves completely in another world, but it was much easier back then. We were younger and had more vividly playful imaginations. We could get lost in our own world for hours on end and never even realize where the time went. So, it’s no wonder we loved some of the games we loved. They took us to those magical worlds. Our places to get away. Most have even held up over time, some even getting rereleases (Ducktales is a great example). However, how many of these “gems” from our childhood are just outright “FAIL” material now? Let’s take a look at 5."

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Looking Back to 1985 and Duck Hunt

Dave writes: "Culturally, a characterful dog hasn’t been enough to put Duck Hunt in the same league as the big boys, like Zelda, Mario and Mega Man (although it does feature in the mighty Boyz in the Hood, so who am I to say?). Indeed, Super Mario Bros. would go on to ensure that the NES was seen as a timeless console and a success. But it was Duck Hunt - and the NES Zapper - that was really the starting pistol for everything that would follow afterwards."

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SullysCigar1323d ago

I was playing this in VR on Dreams the other night - they'd done a great job of it and all the sounds effects were spot on!


5 Sega Genesis Games That Need the Streets of Rage 4 Treatment

GameCrate: "The Sega Genesis catalogue features a long list of classics that would be great to see revived on modern platforms. Here are five Sega Genesis games that deserve the Streets of Rage 4 treatment."

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ApocalypseShadow1450d ago

Throw in Guardian Heroes. The magic and mayhem would be crazy. With Undead Hero leading the charge.

FreeckyCake1449d ago (Edited 1449d ago )

Altered Beast with cel-shaded graphics is going to be lit!
Although I think the blood would look like tomato?

Kados1449d ago

Beyond Oasis
Crusader of Centy
Pier Solar
Phantasy Star IV


Altered Beast Fan Game Roars To Life

This Altered Beast fan game adds a bunch of fresh and remixed ideas to an old classic and is available for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android.

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Fist4achin1557d ago

I would love to see this game rebooted with today's engines.

dead_pixels1557d ago

You and me both. Same goes with a proper Shinobi, Shining Force, or Golden Axe release (sorry, Beast Rider). So many amazing Sega IP to choose from.

hiawa231557d ago

This game was the reason I bought the Genesis back at launch

j15reed1557d ago

I would like to see a modern gen Bloody Roar