
Was Oculus Rift's launch a disaster?

It's a funny sort of launch where someone can read a review of a product, decide that it is their jam and then be totally unable to get hold of one anytime soon. That's exactly the sort of launch that Oculus Rift has opted for.

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Garethvk2953d ago

I got into a debate with the P.R. rep for it. I said we are doing PS VR at launch due to price. He tried to tell me that the PSVR is priced more and so on. I said $399 for a stand alone vs $599 for his product plus if you have a 96 series of cards you need about 300 more with tax for a 97 series card so you have an outlay of 599 and a potential of 300 for a total of $899 vs $399-$499 He replied, that is a valid point.

Pandamobile2953d ago

That's like arguing the PSVR costs $800 because you have to factor in the cost of the PS4.

Garethvk2953d ago

I do not see it that way. You cannot use PSVR without a PS4 so you know that going in. But there are many PCs out there that are on a 96 card or lower who are told guess what, your card that can run all your games in Ultra or high is no longer enough so go lash out and get a card to use our VR. Nobody with a PS4 has to pay to upgrade their system to use PSVR which is not the same case for Oculus on PC.

Pandamobile2953d ago

Well that's entirely circumstantial. I don't have a PS4, so the cost of PSVR to me is going to be over $800.

Conversely my PC is already VR-ready, so do I factor in the cost of my whole computer into the cost of an Oculus Rift?

kenwonobi2953d ago

But you don't need a TV so it costs less by a huge amount regardless. PSVR is definitely cheapest by a mile.

Commando_Bro2953d ago

Oculus Rift is going to have multiple packaging.

It comes with an Xbox One controller, but the thing is people might already have an Xbox One Controller or would prefer to use a DualShock 4 or Xbox 360 controller.

@600$, it doesn't come with the motion sensor gloves for it, meaning it=f you want that it'll be extra.

frostypants2953d ago (Edited 2953d ago )

@Pandamobile: "That's like arguing the PSVR costs $800 because you have to factor in the cost of the PS4."

And THAT'S like saying OR costs more because you have to factor in the cost of the PC. Analogy fail.

Bottom line is the worst case payout for PSVR is less than the worst case payout for an OR-capable rig. At any point that you draw the line, the PSVR is cheaper.

Which is fine. The OR is a higher end product. Embrace that, rather than trying to downplay the cost.

traqueia2953d ago (Edited 2953d ago )

Wasn't there a rumour going on where the PS VR would be compatible with pc's too?

ZeroX98762953d ago (Edited 2953d ago )

for $1,000+$600=$1,600 dollars you can order a dell/Asus/Alienware rift ready PC with the rift bundled with it.


for $350+$400+$50=$800 you get PS4 ready bundle


Oculus touch and move are optional. So you get a VR experience for double the price on PC than PS4. Considering what you can do with a PC VS a PS4 (not just VR but overall features), the price sounds right to me for both systems.

Maddens Raiders2953d ago

What's Oculus Rift? I'm still playing BF4...


Yobhsima2953d ago

@zerox9876 the ps4 could be 350+500=850 cause the vr headset bundle comes with vr headset, camera and 2 move controllers for 500, that would be the best offer to include everything.

SonyWarrior2953d ago (Edited 2953d ago )

Oculus will be a fail, it doesnt even come with motion controllers. and who knows how much that will be or how good they even are... HTC VIVE will be king on PC

starchild2953d ago (Edited 2953d ago )

But, wait, I thought everyone already has gaming PCs? Isn't that what we keep hearing every time the subject of XB1 and PC sharing exclusives comes up? "Why get an XB1 when we can just play those exclusives on our gaming PCs?" Isn't that what we were told?

Now suddenly we have to include the price of a gaming PC when comparing the price of the Rift to PSVR? What a bunch of flip-flopping nonsense.

PSVR will cost me $460, whereas The Rift cost me $600. That's a $140 dollar difference. (And the Rift bundle comes with two games and a controller). Hardly what I would call costing "less by a huge amount". If anybody thinks $140 is a huge amount they probably shouldn't be buying VR in the first place, as they likely have more pressing concerns in their lives.

Magnes2953d ago

@starchild You need a pretty well equipped current gaming pc for Vive and OR. Let's be honest a 5 year old gaming pc can handle Xb1 games, just saying.

Unspoken2953d ago

I wish it wasn't sold out everywhere.

starchild2953d ago (Edited 2953d ago )

That's a gross exaggeration. Any PC that can play something like Quantum Break or Tomb Raider can surely run VR games.

Any PC that can run traditional games at a similar level to the consoles can also run VR games at a similar level to the PS4. The GTX 970 that Oculus recommends is NOT a minimum requirement as some of you seem to think, it's a recommended spec to enjoy all that VR offers at a high quality level. You can be sure that any VR game that would require a GTX 970 to run on PC wouldn't run on the PS4 anyway, so it's a moot point. PCs with lower specs will still be able to run the less demanding VR games (like the PS4).

SonyWarrior2953d ago (Edited 2953d ago )

@starchild he isnt lieing i have a gaming pc and max out all games i play above 50fps at 1080p including new ones my specs are i5 at 4.2ghz 32gb ddr3 ram gtx570hd. Even i need an upgrade because my graphics card isn't supported it has to be a new 9xx series. some people may have 1 thousand dollar cards and even those arn't supported like a gtx790,890. so if you just built your pc you are in luck. if you are like me and drop the big bucks up front so you can last several years before upgrade you are out of luck

starchild2953d ago

I'm sorry, SonyWarrior, but that isn't correct. Those graphics cards ARE supported. You guys mistake "recommended" for 'required'. It's not like if you plug the Rift into a PC with something other than a GTX 970 or GTX 980(ti) it's going to flash a message on screen saying "sorry this graphics card is not supported". That's not the case at all.

"We recommend this level of hardware to ensure good performance across the range of games and experiences." -Oculus website

The GTX 970 is simply recommended to ensure people get the kind of performance needed for VR even in the more demanding games. Oculus don't want people to have a subpar experience in those games and then go blaming it on VR.

I don't know how some of you think the PS4 can support VR games, but somehow a PC with equivalent performance can't. The truth is, similarly powerful PCs can support the same quality of VR as the PS4. (I'm not talking about theoretical performance, I'm talking about proven real-world performance). It's true those PCs won't handle the most demanding VR games at max settings. But, then again, neither will the PS4.

Glemt2952d ago


That's exactly the point that Pandamobile is making in his reply to Garethvk. Garethvk argued with additional components needed. To have a fair comparison that's what you need to do for both cases. Since you can't buy separate hardware for PS4, the only conclusion is that you should factor in the cost of buying a PS4, if you factor in the cost of buying a new GPU when buying an Oculus.

I think people should stop making these weird comparisons. There is an argument to be made for needing a PS camera which only a small segment of the market uses, and which isn't clearly advertised. However, on PC it is common knowledge that you need a certain level of GPU before you can use anything, let alone VR.

Oculus is a great deal, if you need what's in the package. PSVR seems a great deal, but if you need to buy the move controller and camera still, the price tag isn't significantly different from Oculus. Don't forget that the xbox-controller received with the Oculus has an easy resale value of $/€30,-

2952d ago
SonyWarrior2952d ago (Edited 2952d ago )

@starchild your facts are wrong https://forums.oculus.com/c... oculus staff comments that older cards wont work with oculus's new runtime, it just wont work period as the oculus staff stated. Just to put that last nail in the coffin for you http://www.octopusrift.com/... they clearly state that the consumer rift's bare minimum is the 970 period.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 2952d ago
Death2953d ago

If you don't know the requirements for VR, you probably can't afford or aren't that interested in VR to begin with. You are assuming no one knows what they are doing and simply impulse buying without knowing if they can actually use it. It's absolutely true PSVR is more idiot proof. With that said we will still see people buy PSVR for $399 when they see it on the shelf at Walmart and not be able to use it because they don't have the camera. PSVR is catering to a much different market. PC gamers are typically more informed since upgrading PC's is much more technical. If I want to upgrade my processor I need to know what socket I have on my MB. Can I use the new DDR4 or am I restricted to DDR3? How many modules can I use and do I need to buy more than 1? What size power supply do I have and can it power a 980ti or new Pascal based 1080ti when it comes out? Anytime I buy something for my PC I need to research first. I know what my PC is capable of before buying anything including software. Console gamers don't need to do this which is why we aren't going to see many core PSVR units to begin with. Other than early adopters, the need to keep a core SKU isn't very high. It's purpose was to make PSVR look cheaper more than anything. That's why we only seen one SKU announced at the price reveal.

Garethvk2953d ago

My system will more than run it. The issue is EVGA and others told consumers at PAX Prime that you do not need a 97 series card unless you were doing 4K gaming and that the 96 is the way to go for now. I know several people who purchased 96 cards and are now told sorry, it is a 97 or nothing. That is a 300 outlay for people who otherwise do not need that card for their gaming and desktop needs.

Death2953d ago

The 960 is a pretty mid grade GPU. You aren't doing much 4K gaming with a 970 either. The 960 isn't blocked from running Rift, it's simply not the recommended GPU for an optimal experience. I don't see anything in the near future taxing the GPU on Rift. I wouldn't feel uncomfortable using a 960 with it while waiting for the Pascal based cards to hit shelves. I'm not sure I would recommend upgrading just for VR though. If 4K gaming is something you are interested in, the next gen GPU's are much more powerful and would give you great performance for both VR and 4K gaming.

Fatal-Aim2953d ago (Edited 2953d ago )

@ death

BS! Unlike the Rift or Vive sensors, the PlayStation camera can be used for multiple other things such as voice chat, voice commands, Twitch & Ustream, and even select Move & DualShock 4 titles -- Until Dawn and Just Dance being a couple off the top if my head. Are we suppose to factor in VR if we happen to use the camera in this type of manner, too? While we're at it, we might as well say the Move controller really cost $80 or the DS4 $115 since they use the camera, too.

Its not our fault that Sony makes their devices multi functional and thus giving them the advantage to individually price their devices separately compared to their competition.

PSVR is $400. Deal with it.

GorillaSceptre2953d ago

You're wasting your time, especially on this site.. Most users here don't seem to be able to look further than their noses. If it's a question of which will "win" in short term sales then i think the answer is obvious, but long term? Sony don't stand a chance against the combined R&D of Nvidia, AMD, Intel, Samsung, Oculus, MS, Valve, HTC, etc, which is why even Sony are open to bringing their headset to PC.

They all think it's the Rift/Vive vs PSVR, when it's actually PSVR vs PC in it's entirety. Next year there will be headsets that can easily out-compete the Vive in specs for $399, we have AMD who have already announced a 4k headset, and ones like StarVR and others coming along quickly, that's why the Oculus store isn't limited to the Rift, and SteamVR isn't limited to the Vive, these first-gen headsets are going to age very quickly, especially the PSVR.

Right now the barrier to entry is expensive on PC, but this years low-end 16nm GPU's are going to be good enough for VR for $199, VR is big for GPU manufacturers too, they'll want as many consumers to jump in as possible, Nvidia say there will easily be over 100 Million VR ready PC's by 2020.

This happened when the PS4 first launched, it was more powerful than high-end PC's according to most around here, then once the hype dies down people realize what it actually is, the same will happen with PSVR, most think it's on par with the Rift and Vive, but they'll learn very quickly that you get what you pay for. All of them will be irrelevant in a year anyway, these first headsets are for enthusiasts, early adopters who don't mind paying a premium to get something that will soon be outdated.

Or do all the people disagreeing with you think Facebook bought Oculus for $2 Billion to just make one expensive headset? Lol people.. This is only the beginning, when the 4k headsets drop and we can actually use them as a monitor/TV replacement, then that's really when VR will take off. PSVR in "theater mode" will use less than 540p for the content lol, good luck with that. Not to mention it's tied to a single console, there's no way I'd drop $400 on a peripheral, at least even these early PC versions will be supported for as long as modders support them, PSVR is entirely dependent on Sony, no thanks.

Death2953d ago

If I buy a PS4 for $349 and a PSVR for $399, will PSVR work as intended? The answer is no. You can say it's $400 all you want, but that is just going to add to the confusion for those that believe you. The argument is pretty moot since I don't believe we will see many core SKU's available anyhow. Sony already has people claiming it's $400 so the marketing is done. The more profitable bundles will be what we see available for the holidays. The only ones that can take advantage of the $399 price are the X amount of people that have a PS4 camera anyhow. It's unlikely we will see the minority impact the majority in the long term.

Your non-sense about Move controllers and DS4 is just that. Can you use a Move controller without a camera? If you want to come out and say anyone can play a Move game with the camera alone for $25, you are just as wrong as you are about PSVR being $400. Do you really think PSVR's success really depends on misleading people about the $60 camera cost? I really don't see the advantage to separating the core components of PSVR. If you are one of the ones that already paid for the camera you can indeed get a PSVR for less if you can find one. If you are like the majority of PS4 owners you absolutely need to pay extra for the required camera. If you want to be honest about it, PSVR costs $400 or $460.

Fatal-Aim2953d ago (Edited 2953d ago )

@ death

Again...... if you have a PS4 and you wanted a mic to go online with, that is $45 BECAUSE you wanted to talk to other online users. You don't include no dang PSVR in this due to the camera already acting as a standalone device all on it's own. The same applies if you only wanted to put videos on YouTube from your PS4 or wanted to stream yourself on Twitch. You don't need a VR headset to do this. You just need the camera.

If you are using the Move controller, you don't say a Move controller cost $45+$30=$75 just because it uses a camera. The Move controller is $30. PERIOD. There is no "well, you need a camera" cost added regardless of the fact that it requires on. Its still $30. In order to use the DualShock 4's light bar in Playroom or video edit, we don't say the DS4 is really $60+$45=$115. The DS4 is still $60. PERIOD.

So again, PlayStation VR is not no dang $450. Its $400. Stop trying to place Oculus or Valve's disadvantage in Sony's shoes. Anyone can get the camera now and use it for something other than VR because it's a multi-purpose tool

Disagree all you want. This is a fact.

Death2953d ago (Edited 2953d ago )

PSVR is $400 if you already bought the $60 camera.

PSVR is $460 if you did not already buy the $60 camera.

PSVR is $499 if you buy the bundle.

Those are the actual prices.

Rift only has one SKU and it's a bundle with the camera, controller and two retail games. That price is $599.

Once again, these are factual prices. If you already bought the camera, Move and camera, Move bundle with camera, or any other combination, grab yourself a cookie and enjoy your $399 entry price of PSVR. If you did not buy the required camera already, you can still buy PSVR for $399. You just can't use it for VR unless you spend the extra and get the camera separately. As you eloquently stated, you can indeed use your camera for other things once you buy it. Same with Move controllers. What you can't do is use your PSVR unless you buy, bought, were gifted or found the camera in a box of Crackerjacks.

I'm not sure what you are still arguing. It's like saying you can go buy a car without wheels. While technically true, a car is kind of useless without them. You can still sit in it and make engine noises while listening to the radio, but if you want to drive it you need the wheels. I guess you can use your old wheels if you already bought some. It makes sense to have some sitting around since you can use them as a swing, line a race track or in some of the more prestigious parts of our country use them as planters or as a great way to prop up your house. Luckily most manufacturers bundle them with your car purchase. I'm starting to get a pretty good idea why you think the camera isn't part of PSVR though. I forget that some of us still prefer wheels on our houses. It's sometimes easy to assume everyone sticks their their house in the dirt and uses the wheels for planters.

ITPython2953d ago (Edited 2953d ago )

@GorillaSceptre - You talk about new headsets coming out somewhat soon that are going to be better than what is available now, but much much cheaper.

While that will eventually happen, I'm not sure it will be anytime soon. Because think about this for a second, the VR headset itself does have a few bells and whistles in regards to tracking and other motion related sensors built in, but without a doubt the biggest limiting factor of a VR headset is it's display and what the headset is connected to (PC/console).

Unlike a PC or game console that can quickly become obsolete due to new GPU or CPU's releasing, the VR headsets are essentially just HDTV's. And while the TV manufactures would like people to believe that every year the latest and greatest HDTV is the one to get and is the best-of-the-best, the reality is that very little changes/improves with the display itself.

In order for the current VR headsets to truly become obsolete there would need to be some drastic improvements to OLED/LCD displays AND they would need to be dirt cheap. I'm talking about 4" or less (best option would be one 4k screen per eye) and have a DPI in the thousands. And let me tell you, when they do manage to do this, it will NOT be cheap. Not to mention the insane raw GPU/CPU power you would need in order to run two 4K screens with a game.

Much cheaper headsets releasing soon would undoubtedly be greatly lacking in regards to the display. Kind of like how you can either buy that $8000 4K OLED screen, or instead go with the generic brand $600 4K LCD screen.

With that said, the displays that the PSVR, Rift and Vive are using now could be viewed as the "flagship displays" of VR right now. And will remain strongly relevant for at least a few years. Sure cheaper headsets will release, but they are going to have to cut costs somewhere to make them cheaper, and the biggest cost is in the screen. Plus since a lot of the experience is limited to what you are connected to (PC of console) all of these VR devices will be forwards compatible. Thus PSVR should have no issue working with PS5, Rift/Vive will have no issue working with whatever the heck comes out next on PC.

Fatal-Aim2953d ago

@ death

Are you listening to yourself? You can't use the Move without the camera neither, but that doesn't mean the Move cost $75. What part of that don't you understand? You say Sony listed the $400 price of VR to make it seem cheaper than it is, when actually it is that cheap as it is just another piece of the puzzle if you decide to upgrade from the camera. Its the same for the Move.

Because the camera is a multi-functional device, you don't NEED the camera for VR. It is why it exist right now to pick up. Anyone can pick it up right now or even after the headset launch and it will still server its purpose whether you have VR or not, and if they decide to add VR later on, the experience is seamless. Can you do this with the Rift or the Vive? No, despite which piece you get first. THAT is why those units only come at one price.

Realms2953d ago

@ Gorillaspecter

So your saying that Sony doesn't have an advantage over other companies when you compared them in terms of VR? Well they do when it comes to delivering games and entertainment 20 years of experience worth. PSVR won't be the most powerful the PS4 isn't the most powerful yet I believe it will have great impact in VR overall because it's the most accessible regardless of your opinion and wether you think it's the best that's not the point.

The point is how much market saturation will Sony influence with the PSVR and affect how VR is viewed not just for Sony and PSVR but for VR in general.

Scatpants2953d ago

You also need to take in to consideration that this isn't compatible with PSVR


Bathyj2953d ago

Wow Death, you are just too much. I didnt read everything in this thread so forgive me if I missed some crucial fact, but this is my summary of what I did.

"If you don't know the requirements for VR, you probably can't afford or aren't that interested in VR to begin with. You are assuming no one knows what they are doing and simply impulse buying without knowing if they can actually use it."

Thats so rich, coming from you. You complain for 2 weeks that PS4 owners will not know they need to purchase a camera for PSVR because we know how concerned you are for our well being and are just looking out for us so we dont get duped, then claim that PC gamers will know they need to upgrade their PCs to a certain level for Rift because they know how to do their research.

Dont get me wrong, I agree with everything you said. But I cant read it in a bubble and ignore all your PSVR related posts youve been so vehemently promoting. Its a shame you can give PC gamers credit for being informed consumers but cant extend that same courtesy to console gamers. Or should I say Sony console gamers.

Just for your future information, I dont spend $400 US without reading up on something. I spend three weeks reading up before I dropped $200 on a golf club so Im not about to spend $550 Australian (IN 8 MONTHS TIME) without doing a little research.

But thanks for caring. Yes even us console peasants can use google or god forbid, talk to a guy that works in a store whose job it is to sell.

Please dont respond with a wall of text, I wont read it.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2953d ago
Timesplitter142953d ago (Edited 2953d ago )

the price is different for everyone, depending on their situation and their needs.

For me, a gaming PC owner:
the PSVR costs about $900 (headset + PS4 + PSMoves)
the Oculus would be about $750 (headset + motion controllers)
the Vive would be $800 (it's all included)

For others, who have a PS4 and don't want motion controllers, the PSVR costs $400 and the Vive costs $2000


nowitzki20042953d ago

Im Rift ready and PSVR ready.

Majister-Ludi2953d ago

I guess I'm lucky since I'm rift, vive and psvr ready. I'm patient and in no rush though, I prefer the wait and see method. Unlike many I'm not brand blind. I'm interested in the best highest quality games whoever provides those gets my money.

DLConspiracy2953d ago (Edited 2953d ago )

I still don't understand why people only focus on price more than anything. For me if this isn't a fad (which it seeming not to be) then I'm investing in its future so i dont haver to keep buying headsets.

These headsets and devices look, feel and work differently. Some with completely different hardware. So the people who are just worried about price are of course gonna buy the PSVR because they just want in the cheapest way possible. Those who want the best possible experience have other options.

Here's a good video from a PS FAN who tried them all. It's a good video. She explains the visual quality of each and their ups and downs. Vive #1 OR #2 and PSVR #3 for quality scale.


bofuknjanglez2953d ago

yeah im running i7 4770/r9 290 so yeah oculus is only 750 too, But as others have said Sony is a hardware company 1st! and hasnt failed anyone in the last 20 years when it comes to game hardware. And then there is the who doesnt have an old move controller laying around from the days of PS3 argument, so PSVR @ $400 seems like a way better deal and im not the only one thinking that as most Sony fans are very happy with how they priced it $399 for core or $499 for bundle as alot of us will get to recycle the use of our old move controllers.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2953d ago
Scatpants2953d ago

You also need a house or apartment to play inside and those can cost more than $100000

Free_Fro2953d ago

you made me laugh lol!

thanks . .


Salooh2953d ago (Edited 2953d ago )

You also need to smuggle a nut from a squirrel to be able to appreciate the real VR experience. Sadly that could cost an eye in the process and that means if you don't own the house/apartment than you are squirreled , no way to hide! :<..

Man , too much risk here , i'm out..

Majister-Ludi2953d ago

You're forgetting the obvious one. That is buy a 500 dollar beater car park it in some elderly ladies back yard and Jack her Internet and power, see simple.

d4v03332953d ago

You win comment of the day sir! you had me laughing pretty hard :)

2953d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2953d ago
Zeref2953d ago

If I'm going to invest in VR. I'm going for the HTC Vive which is so far the best experience. I'd rather pay premium for a premium experience. Then pay less for a lesser experience. It's guaranteed your games are not going to look as good as Oculus or Vive games. So no thanks.

Ricegum2953d ago

That's your opinion. See to me that just sounds snobby. I'd rather go with the perfectly adequate PSVR, a few games for it and go on a nice holiday, instead of splashing out on OC or Hive, and upgrading my rig. But everyone is different.

Plus, I think the Hive looks a little ugly.

freshslicepizza2953d ago

"I got into a debate with the P.R. rep for it. I said we are doing PS VR at launch due to price. He tried to tell me that the PSVR is priced more and so on. I said $399 for a stand alone vs $599 for his product plus if you have a 96 series of cards you need about 300 more with tax for a 97 series card so you have an outlay of 599 and a potential of 300 for a total of $899 vs $399-$499 He replied, that is a valid point."

what a lopsided argument. it is $599 for the entry price for oculus and $399 for the entry price of psvr. why have subjects in place for one and not the other.? that is about as biased as you can get. if you need to get additional hardware to run the pc then you also need a ps4 to run psvr. you can't just assume everyone needs to upgrade and that everyone that is getting psvr has a ps4. that's not how fair debates occur.

it is likely going to cost at least $1400 to get oculus running decent and at least $800 to get psvr running. but you also have to remember that the pc is going to offer a lot more hardware than the ps4. not only technically what it is capable of but also what it can do.

Scatpants2953d ago

You also have to factor in to the price that the Oculus Rift will most likely be 30-70% better of a VR experience than the PSVR. That should be worth a dollar amount. You're not getting the exact same experience for a higher price. You're getting a better/ more diverse experience. Also porn.

Razuel2953d ago

PS4 qualified hardware for a VR experience = 100%
PC qualified hardware? 1-2%

Don't, just don't. There is no justification, it simply cost's a lot more on pc. But no worries PC MASTER race! Soon we will have that long awaited hardware generation update. #polaris #pascal

2953d ago
+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2952d ago
2953d ago
lelo2play2953d ago

Has Oculus Rift launched already?

Timesplitter142953d ago (Edited 2953d ago )

No, the Oculus Rift is just an elaborate hoax that Mark Zuckerberg made up using the might of his Facebook empire, and all those Rift reviews are part of it

frostypants2953d ago (Edited 2953d ago )

He's not saying he doesn't believe the product is real. He's saying he wasn't aware that it launched. Which isn't hard to believe. The launch has been rather...unconventional, I guess would be a fair word.

Cyb3r2953d ago

It launched in the US but no where else

Ricegum2953d ago

Yep. The Oculus Rift launch has been pretty silent, this isn't very promising.

Most people have no idea that it has launched. On the other hand PSVR is being advertised like crazy at all of my local GAME stores, with lots of people talking.

starchild2953d ago

Huh? Article after article on N4G about it, lots of discussion on youtube and game sites, lots of very positive reviews...how can that be considered "pretty silent"?

ShottyGibs2953d ago (Edited 2953d ago )

You're kidding right? Every man and his dog are putting out reviews on gaming sites and YouTube.
Also try buying one, they're sold out.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2953d ago
Mikeyy2953d ago

Yeah I need to build a new rig badly. So Ill be getting PSVR before then, but I agree everybody's situation is going to be different.

Show all comments (93)

SteelSeries Reveals Arctis Nova Pro White Edition

Looks like a great headset and it will be interesting to hear how they sound. From the makers of Arctis, the most awarded audio line in gaming, SteelSeries, the original esports brand that fuses gaming and culture, today introduces an all-new white version of the award-winning Arctis Nova Pro series headsets.


Microsoft Survey Asks About Handheld

A new survey from Microsoft has further hinted at the possibility of an Xbox handheld being in development.

Read Full Story >>
EasilyTheBest19h ago

This is definitely happening, I just hope they have 2 versions one with a much bigger screen.

GamerRN7h ago

I'll be happy with this, and a PC console hybrid that rivals anything we have power wise

Number1TailzFan4h ago

The problem with bigger devices is playing them on your side in bed, Vita and before that was fine. Since the Switch you gotta have a gooseneck holder & controllers detached so you can lie down holding them, or your arm will quickly get tired.

KicksnSnares18h ago

Day One buy for me if they'll make a dedicated handheld device.

darthv729h ago

i have that logitech g-cloud. Its a sweet little piece of kit. I like that it can also install games from the play store unlike the other android based handheld.

mudakoshaka7h ago

It sure is! Don't understand why you get the down-votes. Whoever does not like the G Cloud must have been dropped down a well, head first, when they were of a younger age.

PassNextquestion8h ago

I wonder if Microsoft will perform better in Japan if they do actually make a handheld since everyone says handheld and mobile are king over there.

TiredGamer8h ago

This looks like the future of the game industry... all three platforms with a handheld option.

I wonder if the Playstation Portal is a technology test-bed/prototype for a future Playstation handheld?

rlow16h ago(Edited 6h ago)

It’s a possibility but I can’t help but think would that be the best way to go about it? Though it would give you data on how much it is used and game type. It’s still not a true portable device and so people approach it differently. I think that data on phones, tablets, and of course the competition would give a better indication.

But I really think if Sony is considering a new PSP that could play ps5 games, now would be the time to dive in. Honestly, if they do this, it would be huge.

Traecy4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Doubt if Sony PS wants to support a new handheld with first party games. Something they lacked with the Vita. What they should do is have a handheld that is like the PS Portal which can play all games but play those games on the go as well as at home. Something like that is a better investment.

TiredGamer1h ago

Agreed that you will probably never see a separate line of games specifically for the handheld (a la PSP or PSVita). The modern economics and expectations of game development make that cost prohibitive. What makes more sense is if the full-fat game on PS5 or PS6 has a special "handheld" profile that is automatically optimized for the lower spec handheld. There would be some significant compromises compared to the bigger console variant, but it would be the same game overall and would only require a single purchase.... somewhat what the Switch does with a lower resolution when playing handheld versus docked.

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Square Enix Declares $140m Loss Amid Game Pipeline Shakeup

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth publisher Square Enix has declared a $140m loss based on a shakeup of its internal development pipeline.

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Furesis16h ago

What are they doing over there? Sounds like they canceled something big. I read a rumor a while back about ff9 remake . Here "Final Fantasy IX has gone through a very challenging development, the game is still in progress but may undergo changes drastic enough that we won't hear about it for a couple of years."
This could be one of the reasons if the rumor is true. That was Silknight i don't know how credible he is but it's something and it would make sense.

-Foxtrot15h ago

I hope IX is still on the cards

Just a straight up remake which they expand a little bit nothing over ambitious

If IX dosent happen then VI and VIII will never be thought of.

Kakashi Hatake4h ago

6 and 8 were way more p popular games despite today's cult following of 9.

TiredGamer13h ago

What are they doing? Sales are falling and the costs are out of control. Big releases need to be absolute sales home runs now, and Final Fantasy sales have stagnated.

Now we know why Square didn’t fall over themselves to remake the original FF7 all these years ago. It certainly wasn’t a license to print money, at least not with what the expectations were. Each of these full on remakes drains an enormous amount of company resources for a razor thin profit margin.

TwoPicklesGood13h ago

Breaking the game up into multiple parts was a mistake IMO.

blackblades12h ago

The loses came from cancelling games nothing else.

shadowT15h ago

Do not miss Final Fantasy 16. Great game!

raWfodog15h ago

I'm waiting for them to release the complete edition bundle, but it's definitely on my list.

PhillyDonJawn14h ago

Wth is going on with the gaming industry?

mandf13h ago

Corporate investors taking everything

TiredGamer13h ago

Not rocket science. Compare sales numbers, development cycles, and budgets to the previous gens. We are all collectively burning up the industry from the inside out. Expectations are ludicrously high now for every release and sales are dropping for even the most prestigious of series.

We used to be satisfied paying $50-60 for a game that took 1/100th the budget and staff to make. Now gamers feel cheated if they have to pay the same for a game that took 100x the budget. We may be reaching the end of the line for this model of gaming.

wiz71919h ago

@tiredgamer I think your point is one that ppl don’t understand and you hit it on the nose .. some gamers don’t want to take accountability but it’s some of the gamers fault the industry is where it’s at .. we as gamers set the standards for the industry not the shareholders , ppl forget that the shareholders and the industry want and need OUR Money. Both the Xbox and PlayStation are seeing a drop in hardware , the industry is very stagnant right now.

Tacoboto11h ago

Speaking to Square:

Turns out their mismanagement wasn't related to the western studios they dumped to Embracer, but their own fault.

With regards to Xbox - a good way to kill your brand is to pull support on high quality titles and only dump B and C-tier titles to it

With regards to PC - Epic Games Story exclusivity for any duration and piss-poor optimization will hurt you.

With regards to FF Pixel Remasters - y'all messed up by barely releasing them on physical, like wtf that was free money!

And lastly, you don't help a franchise by releasing a mainline title that undermines every title that came before it. FFXVI was a DMC-like with bottom-of-the-barrel side quests and I can't imagine that helping Rebirth at all considering its marketing is directly tied to how big that game is.

Tacoboto9h ago

Sony is getting their best titles and with the most polish, so what about it? Nintendo gets their top properties too, for titles that can run on Switch hardware.

It's the other fanbases that get the second- and third-class treatment from Square. If that's due to agreements with Sony, that's not a Sony issue but a Square one for accepting those terms. Sony is doing its best to look out for Sony.

TiredGamer14h ago

The industry implosion is continuing. Sky high budgets, prolonged development windows, stagnant sales numbers, and falling currency values (inflation) are wreaking havoc on the legacy industry. AAA games will slowly become the rarity.

CS714h ago

Sad. Rebirth was one of my favorite games in a long time. Should have sold more.

CrimsonWing6913h ago

Oh I’m with you. What’s worse is they can say, “Well we tried to make this amazing game and spend all this money on, but not enough people showed an interest. So no more of these since we can’t take a hit like that.”

The industry is going to take a dramatic shift. Mark my words on this.

rpvenom12h ago(Edited 12h ago)

I think there is quite a large portion of individuals like myself who held out on buying it on PS5 because I can get it on PC eventually. To be able to mod the game and also have custom graphical settings to my liking

gold_drake2h ago


but im not sure if it matters at all. im sure they made sony pay a hefty sum for the 3parter to come on ps5 exclusively. so watever they made in sales, might have come bk in profits for square, but i dont know
and we dont know what "underperformed" even means for square.

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