
Blizzard To Remove Tracer Pose From Overwatch Due To "Sex Symbol" Complaints

Blizzard is removing a character pose from Overwatch due to a complaint about how it sexualizes the character, Tracer.

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DragonbornZ2972d ago

Lol ffs. Dude needed to calm down. That pose is fine.

zeal0us2971d ago

No you need to calm down. That pose was gamebreaking and leads men down the sinful path that oversexualize us women. /sarcasm

PeaSFor2971d ago (Edited 2971d ago )

the Origin Edition will probably end up including burka skins..

Lord_Sloth2971d ago

I can't scrub it away! My hands are bleeding but the stains of my sinful lust are still there! Help!!!

TheCommentator2971d ago

PeaSFor, Bubs up for funny! Sad thing is though, I could see it happening with the way people are complaining all the time. It's not like her pose was spread eagle or anything...

Griever2971d ago (Edited 2971d ago )

Very soon all girls in gaming will appear in a black Hijab and still kick everyone's ass including the protagonist and the antagonist. Lol! It seems that is what SJWs and feminists want.

Fully covered, masculine, tough talking and ass-kicking women. Oh and dont forget the weak, immature, muscle-headed, bumbling clownish male characters that frequently need to be rescued or knocked some sense into by women. Tales from the borderlands anyone?

Man what are these people turning gaming into... Cant they find any real feminine issues like sexual harassment on jobs, wage gap, education gap, forced prostituion, human traficking etc. to fight instead of being after gaming all the time? Man developers need to grow a spine and stick to their original visions instead of being intimidated by these people.

vickers5002971d ago (Edited 2971d ago )

People please, stop getting mad at the poster. There have always been and will always be crybabies like this in existence.

The real problem here and the real ones that you should be directing your anger and outrage to are blizzard themselves.

They're the ones cowering to this MINISCULE social pressure. I mean it's one freaking forum post, it's not even a feminist call to arms like most other instances. I just personally let these cowards know (via Twitter, because for some stupid reason, game devs in general seem to respond more to its fans there, I hate twitter) that they have offended me by bending to social pressure, and that they have lost a customer.

Boycott overwatch/blizzard, let them know via email/forum/twitter or whatever dumb form of social media you prefer, that you wont be buying or playing their game because of this ridiculously oversensitive nonsense.

Please fellow gamers, help put a stop to the next game industry ruining trend before it gains any more traction. We couldn't stop microtransactions, but maybe we can stop creative stifling due to oversensitive crybabies. Voice your disgust, or this will continue, and will start happening in games you care more about.

FarEastOrient2971d ago

Some one should complain that artist like Lady Gaga is making too many sexy positions on stage and music videos. /s

How many people were actually complaining, the vocal minority again!?!

rainslacker2971d ago (Edited 2971d ago )

Funny thing is, if they remove the pose, why not remove the outfit she's wearing also? I mean, other people will see her in the game, and obviously people are going to follow her around and stare at that a**.

Maybe she can get the new Lara to take her shopping for tips on how not to be sexy. Heck, maybe Blizzard should just turn over all female character design to Crystal Dynamics now and get it all out of the way for the next beta.

I have also come to the conclusion that they are obviously only beta testing this game to those who prescribe to sharia law.

I dunno. Maybe blizzard is doing all this to make a point of how stupid it all is. Maybe if they do enough of it(this and the masturbation allusions) then people will finally realize just how stupid it is, and will speak up more...because apparently, we aren't speaking up enough already.

Which makes me wonder why our voices aren't being heard as well...given that there are more of us, and we've been saying how stupid it all is from the beginning.

DLConspiracy2971d ago

That made me laugh out loud. haha

n4g00062971d ago (Edited 2971d ago )

some religion hate "Sex Symbol"

hay2971d ago

I'm a woman? No way, where are my tits then!

naruga2971d ago

it wasnt in my plans but i will buy DOA3 Xtreme just to counterblast these decisions and support the people who make games expressing themselves without giving a f#$%k

AngryTypingGuy2971d ago

Companies and sponsors need to learn to ignore sissy do-gooders and not care if they get offended. I love it when people become offended, it puts a warm feeling in my tummy.

People actually worry about those that are offended over everything, yet complain when our entertainment is watered down.

lociefer2971d ago

a guy complains about showing some butt in a ''killing'' game, totally understandable /s

why not cancel the game all together because of the inclusion of the idea of killing, you know what ? let's just cancel every form of media that isn't sesame street.
first street fighter then this, and i'm sure i'v missed some couple of games too that were touched by these cancerous too goodie self righteous ppl.

Yi-Long2970d ago (Edited 2970d ago )

Game looked interesting, but I won't support self-censorship like this from developers.

Disappointing to hear they are caving in to completely ridiculous complaints like this, from a trolling segment of the Gaming Victim Industry.

There is/was absolutely NOTHING sexual about that pose, but hey, at least the character can now be all about shooting up other people, which is a far lesser crime than 'supposedly' posing sexy.

Shooting people; good. Standing with your back to the camera; very bad.


PeaSFor2970d ago

i went from "hyped for it" to "thx but no thx, totally skipping it" attitude toward the game simply due to how blizzard is handling the situation, at first i was pretty irked by the removal of the "masturbation gag", now they completely burned the bridge with their risible attention to over-sensitive minority.

from Blizzard or not, you aint getting my money anymore.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 2970d ago
Spyroo2971d ago

It wasn't just a dude but feminists backing him

2971d ago
-Foxtrot2971d ago Show
memots2971d ago

They should also remove that Banana from the monkey cause that's clearly racist towards all monkeys and stereotyping them.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2971d ago
Christopher2971d ago

One person complains about something optional, everyone else loses.

TFJWM2971d ago

Complains about something his young daughter is going to see in a teen rated game...

BattleAxe2971d ago

Blizzard should grow a pair, and tell these people to take a hike! The greater public doesn't care about this kind of stuff.

garrettbobbyferguson2971d ago


If he doesn't feel that his daughter should see it, then don't buy it for her. Simple. Slipper slope; I feel that texas chainsaw massacre should be appropriate for my six year old, guess they need to cater to me now and make it Texas Chainsaw Carving show?

TFJWM2971d ago

@garrettbobbyferguson Ya that is what I was going for, Reading my post I guess it seems that I was on the other side of the fence thou

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2971d ago
ZaWarudo2971d ago

I know, i was going to use that pose :(

FPS_D3TH2971d ago ShowReplies(1)
joab7772971d ago

We as a society have issues. This PC shit has got to stop.

It's funny to me that we live in a time in which political correctness is rampant, acceptance of everything and everyone, and exclusion of anyone who holds true to a particular belief. But at the same time, pornography is rampant. We have crazy people running ramshod over the western world murdering people by the thousands.

And it's like La di da, skipping along on the yellow brick road. Make sure you have a football at airports, and unisex bathrooms, and get rid of this horrible over sexualized pose, but porn is fine, and welcoming 100k refugees as next door neighbors is a great idea. Who cares if the last 3 attacks were done by refugees.

The priorities are so backwards, almost as if we are being entertained by a vegas show, while someone in the back is robbing the casino.

Rachel_Alucard2971d ago (Edited 2971d ago )

"My young daughter shouldn't be subjected to this sex pose! She should be subjected to tracer being a violent killing machine instead! That'll grow well on her upbringing!"

Quatron2971d ago

To be honest, it's pretty common for Blizzard to relent to the complaints of SJWs.

BEASELY2971d ago

It's sinply a behind-the-back view of the character...

The back half of all females = oversexualization... Ok.

Antnee5342971d ago (Edited 2971d ago )

It's a fake character in a fake world and it's teen rated meaning suggestive themes(I think teen rated it could very well be m idk) so why care

Docknoss2971d ago

This PC world I'm living in, is getting old real fast.

Drithe2971d ago

Screw Blizzard. They became pussies when they sold out and put "Kung fu pandas" in World of Warcraft. In my opinion Blizzard did this to start hype about the game.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2970d ago
DiscoKid2972d ago

It does seem off-putting for Tracer.

cleft52971d ago ShowReplies(4)
Bimkoblerutso2971d ago (Edited 2971d ago )

I don't disagree that it's kind of a stupid little bit of fanservice, but for the love of god, it's not destroying the very fabric of society. It is ridiculous the amount of power that SJW's have over the industry right now.

TorpeAlex2971d ago

Who said anything about it destroying the very fabric of society? It sounds like you've got a heck of a misconception built up in your head. Headline reads: 'Blizzard To Remove Tracer Pose From Overwatch Due To "Sex Symbol" Complaints'. If that's the very fabric of society to you then go see a therapist.

I'm sick of people making drastic exaggerations about others expressing their opinions instead of offering a counterpoint to create an actual dialogue. Yours in this case was, bizarrely, agreeing with the latter but then proceeding to complain about it.

donthate2971d ago

To me it is amazing that the industry don't recognize this issue more. I don't see Hanzo or the Gorilla showing their ass more? :D

My point is, if you have a counter opinion state it so the powers may be have your say in it. Otherwise, please GTFO.

Feralkitsune2971d ago


Hanzo is basically a extremely attractive shirtless man running around. How is that not sexualized?

Bimkoblerutso2971d ago


"I'm sick of people making drastic exaggerations about others expressing their opinions"

Oh the sweet irony of it all.

Why would anyone be complaining if the assumption wasn't that this was somehow damaging to the image of women in the media? Why would this not just go unnoticed as what it is: a bit of off-color fanservice in a game that NO ONE is going to mistake for representing how women should be perceived in the real world?

Like I said, I agree that it's just stupid, unnecessary fanservice, but unless you think it's somehow hurting someone or something, then why the hell would the goal be to get something removed from a game just because it doesn't appeal to you?

rainslacker2971d ago (Edited 2971d ago )


I'm pretty sure most of us have been expressing our opinion on this subject for years now. However, it doesn't seem to make much difference.

It is rather ironic that the primary consumer of these games have less say on what goes into them than those random people in forums who happen to bring up a complaint, or the rampant extremist who have no intention to buy the game, because even if something is changes, they've already made up their mind that it's sexist and demeaning.

Funny huh?

I mean, if I go onto the forums and say I was looking forward to this game because I liked the sexy pose of tracer, would they put it back in? If I started a petition asking them to put it back in, and got 10K signatures from people who intend to buy the game, would they put it back in?

The answer is no, because things like this have happened, and it doesn't change anything, because companies are more concerned with not getting negative PR to hopefully sell it to someone who might buy it as well if they don't offend them, and those that would buy it anyways are not even worth bothering trying to appease.

jaymacx2971d ago

Big companies have to cave in to sjw agenda... Have you guys seen the news lately? They are talking about not having a superbowl in atlanta due to a law being passed about who can use what bathroom. I agree what others have said above me that if they trully wanted women's rights they'd attack the things that are really damaging people. But this isnt about equality its about control

donthate2970d ago


The thing is that YOUR opinion has been the only opinion for years, and that is what has shaped the industry. Now that we an somebody with an different opinion influencing the industry, YOU are no longer happy. You perceive it as your opinion has no effect, but reality is that your opinion is already what the industry is by standard. That said, if there is enough of you complaining the opposite, and the developers believe your plight has cause (which it does not in this case) then they are likely to oblige.

I do not consider myself a rampant extremist, but I do buy these games. I know many people that do, and clearly the person complaining is trying out the beta and care about the game and Blizzard. So I think it is disingenous to call it "non-customers". On top of this, there are a lot of female gamers, but the industry is extremely hostile towards women i.e. they really aren't tolerant of women.

So more aptly said, they are potential customers....

I think it is time the gaming community grows up from being an immature male dominated culture.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2970d ago
2pacalypsenow2971d ago

Anyone watch the Movie Equilibrium? well that movie shows were we are headed as a society smh..

Deadpooled2971d ago

I haven't seen it but thanks for the recommendation

TorpeAlex2971d ago

It's a bad film with okay fight scenes. Also features the quickest on-screen Sean Bean death in his career.

Fez2971d ago (Edited 2971d ago )

haha poor Sean Bean :(

Typecast as a dead man.

Pookandpie2971d ago

Is that the movie with Christian Bale and the close range gunfighting?

Jesus, I loved that movie but only watched it once years ago. brb, going to go watch it again (or be really disappointed if I'm thinking of the wrong movie).

Pookandpie2971d ago

Ah, just rewatched it. So freaking good. Thank you 10x over for reminding me about this movie!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2971d ago
Christopher2971d ago

Gun-katas?!? Yes! I can't wait to don my robes and dodge some bullets!

2971d ago
TheCommentator2971d ago

So does Idiocracy! Social media is dumbing people down to the point they're killing themselves with it. A few months ago a man who was texting while hiking walked off a cliff in spite of onlookers yelling at the man to stop. A few years ago a couple killed themselves taking a selfie, in front of their child, because they got too close to a cliff and fell off. If there is a world outside of social media and the internet, it appears to be getting ignored more and more as time passes.

rainslacker2971d ago

It's funny, because idiocracy came out before social media was a big thing, and news media wasn't quite so tabloidesque. It was actually parodying a concept of what would happen if people don't think for themselves, and wasn't meant to be allegorical. But here we are, 10 years later, and you'd think you were watching a documentary of modern times.

The movie rated pretty low with the critics(it actually wasn't that great), but it actually has more meaning on the current state of things, and likely what they'll end up as, than it did 10 years ago. Almost brilliantly so in fact.

Yokan2971d ago

The man walking off a cliff while using a cell phone? Was that in regards to the guy who passed away at the Sunset Cliffs? In San Diego?

TheCommentator2971d ago (Edited 2971d ago )

Yes it was, Yokan. I couldn't remember the specifics about the incident so thank you! I also read recently that New Jersey may make it illegal to text and walk by placing a $50 fine on anyone who does.

SaveMeJebus2971d ago

As long as I can learn Guncata i'm in.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2971d ago
Pandamobile2971d ago (Edited 2971d ago )

It does look pretty amateurish. It also doesn't really add anything to the character of Tracer beyond "look at my ass".

spicelicka2971d ago

lol that's literally what it is. Why do people care if they're changing it? They chose to change, it's not an infringement of their artistic freedom.

memots2971d ago

actually it is.

They did the animation and wanted it there. Its their work. They shouldn't be told by someone to remove it because of their daughter.

brave27heart2971d ago

@ memots

Go transfer all of your money into my bank account now.

What? You're not going to do it? How dare you not do something you've been asked to do by a complete stranger!

We all have a choice in everything, and Blizzard could have chosen not to change the animation. They didn't, which suggests to me they had a meeting, looked at what their motive was for Tracer striking that pose and came up with the answer "because it's sexy" and then debated whether that was a good enough reason for having it in. They obviously decided that wasn't what they were aiming for and removed it. Out of choice.

I highly doubt one vocal complaint made them change their mind. There will be people complaining about lots of different things and they won't all get listened to and changed. Blizzard have a choice. They chose to remove it.

spicelicka2971d ago (Edited 2971d ago )


No it is not. They weren't "told" to do anything. Someone just filed a complaint, it happens every day for every thing. If I didn't like your comment, I can report it to N4G, but it's up to N4G to do something about it. I'm not telling them and I sure can't force them.

"They did the animation and wanted it there."

That doesn't mean one can't criticize it, specially when the game is made for the consumer. It's not the animator's private art. We didn't hold back on criticizing Dante from Devil May Cry, when they changed his design to a Gothic looking character. We do this on just about any character whenever we feel like it. I don't see how this is any different as long as someone is only voicing their dislike.

I'm not saying there's a deeper bigger issue here. As far as feminism goes, I have nothing to say about that.

Big_Game_Hunters2971d ago

Every character has that pose. It's a petty complaint.

BEASELY2971d ago

People have asses, they exist.

Kalebninja2971d ago ShowReplies(4)
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10 Overwatch Heroes You Would Want To Hang Out With

The world could always use a few more heroes, or in this case friends. Here are some Overwatch Heroes you would want to hang out with.

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I Miss the Original Overwatch

Blizzard's blending of the FPS and MOBA was a masterpiece of design that met its end too soon.

Tedakin355d ago

I miss 6v6, lootboxes and an actual player level. I used to look forward to Junkenstein's Revenge at Halloween and the Christmas event cause of all the cool cosmetics you could earn. I'd play it every day. Now you play it for an hour, earn some stupid charm, and you're done. No reason to play anymore.

ActualWhiteMan355d ago

RIP OW2 is trash. My friends stopped playing it like we used to the first one every Friday night.

smoothdude355d ago

this. loved overwatch 1. 2 is no fun. there is lots to play… find something you like.

Gardenia355d ago

I'd never thought I would say this but the loot boxes in Overwatch wasn't so bad compared to what it is now.

GoodGuy09355d ago

I remember those epic dreamworks-like CGIs. I wasn't a fan at all but man, I knew it was a rediculously huge game. OW2 I've seen...nothing, died maybe after a week.

moomoo319355d ago

OW2 is a disaster. All these years to make the game 5v5….? And they scrapped PvE? The game just sucks man zero fun.

86d ago

Activision Shows Concerns Over The Call Of Duty And Overwatch League's Longevity

Activision has admitted that its Call of Duty and Overwatch eSport Leagues are facing challenges that the company might fail to address.

just_looken375d ago

Ha ha these have been in trouble fort awhile so now we talk about it/address it?

How about you explain why you make billions but always have layoff's.

S2Killinit374d ago

Woe is me

These guys come off so disingenuous.

ModsDoBetter374d ago

The timing is strange but COD has been on a nosedive for several years & then followed by the backlash of Overwatch 2.

sadraiden374d ago

COD has literally never been more popular. Every single year it sells more and more copies than the previous year. Don't know what you mean by nosedive.

ModsDoBetter374d ago (Edited 374d ago )


It has taken a nosedive in quality.
However, as you based your argument on sales numbers, let's take a dive, shall we?

"COD has literally never been more popular"
COD has literally been more popular.

See: MW2 sales numbers estimate to be at 8million copies sold at the end of 2022 (no official numbers released) yet Black Ops (2010) sits at a staggering 31million copies sold.

"Every single year it sells more and more copies than the previous year"
Again, not true.

(In release order)
Black Ops - 31 million copies
Modern Warfare 3 - 30 million copies
Black Ops 2 - 29 million copies
Ghosts - 28 million copies
Advanced Warfare - 21 million copies
Black Ops 3 - 26 million copies
Infinite Warfare - 13 million copies
WWII - 19 million copies
Black Ops 4 - 14 million copies
MW2019 - 30 million copies
Cold War - 30 million copies
Vanguard - Unreleased sales numbers
MW2022 - No solid numbers yet, though as above - 8 million estimated as of end of 2022

As you can see "every single year it sells more and more copies than the previous year" is an inaccurate statement with the sales numbers fluctuating, though I do feel MW2022 would sell well over the course of the year.

luckytrouble374d ago

This timing isn't that weird. eSports are notorious money sinks, and organizations have been failing one after another the past few months as funds dry up and popularity wavers. Critical who is one of the runners of his own eSports organization has been extremely candid about the fact that there's really no money to be made, and a lot of suits that had their companies throw money at the concept are just starting to give up and move on.

Profchaos374d ago

Just to coincide with the CMA appeal woe is us

smolinsk374d ago

Wow and they have totally done it to them Self with zero innovation.

shinoff2183374d ago

Exactly. Biggest game in gaming and they crying. Stfu acti

ModsDoBetter374d ago

They really dropped the ball with COD ever since WW2 I’d say.

Year after year it’s just disappointment after disappointment and it only got worse with Warzone and MW2019 - seasonal progression, battle pass, goofy skins, not listening to player feedback, you name it.

merlox374d ago

Call of duty was only good when they were WWII. Activision should go back to how they started. Also, they can make the single player stories longer. Not everyone plays the multiplayer.

porkChop374d ago

A lot of people here couldn't even read the headline. This isn't about the games themselves, it's about the esports leagues.

shinoff2183374d ago

Put the money into it. You have the biggest game in gaming.

porkChop374d ago

Agreed. They can obviously afford it.

ChasterMies374d ago

If people don’t like playing the games as much, then why would they want to watch other people play it?

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