
Fan Is Working on a Dragonball Game in UE4 - Looks Amazing & May Never See the Light of Day

YouTube’s member ’emudshit’ has been working for a year on a Dragonball game in Unreal Engine 4. While still in a WIP state, this project looks really, really, really cool.

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Snookies122991d ago

WHY!? Why can't we just get something looking like this for DBZ? It looks incredible, and just done by one guy...

Vhampir2991d ago

They want to pick something popular to just get attention. Besides these are models ripped from Xenoverse and UE4 examples.

filchron2991d ago

This demo is pretty amazing. much better than the U4 demos of Mario and Zelda, I feel like those would look better in a proprietary next-gen Nintendo engine.

MasterD9192991d ago

I would rather see these graphics than the standard cell-shaded 2D stuff we always see from DB games.

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Dragon Ball Z Gets the VR Treatment (sort of)

With the Dragon Ball Games Battle Hour event taking place in March, Dragon Ball Z gets the VR treatment, exclusive to attendees.

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Hyper Dragon Ball Z Indigo, best free Mugen DBZ game, available for download

Hyper Dragon Ball Z is a free MUGEN 2D DBZ fighting game that looks retro-fantastic, and a new version of it is available for download.

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First Dragon Ball Z mod released for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, allows you to play as Krillin

Modder 'huckleberrypie' has released the first Dragon Ball Z mod for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, allowing players to play as Krillin.

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CorndogBurglar1767d ago

Why on earth would they start with the worst DBZ character ever made?

Teflon021767d ago

Wow that's a pretty ridiculously inaccurate statement. Yamcha, Yajirobi, etc are way worse than krillin. Krillin is basically the strongest full human in Dragon Ball. He's good, just never strong enough

DarkHeroZX1767d ago

Uub lol. Krillin number 2

DerfDerf1767d ago

Never knock on Yajirobi's greatness.

ShadowWolf7121767d ago (Edited 1767d ago )

Krillin's not #2, been confirmed as the strongest many, many times. Uub merely has the POTENTIAL to be stronger, he's not there yet.

CorndogBurglar1767d ago (Edited 1767d ago )

Fair enough. Yamcha is pretty pathetic. But I have a real hard time believing that Krillin was stronger than Tien. In the beginning, yes he was. But Tien surpassed him by the Cell Saga.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1767d ago
DarkZane1767d ago

Because Krillin dies a lot ... just like most people playing this game.

Summons751767d ago

Krillian is way better than Tien or Yamcha

CorndogBurglar1767d ago

In the beginning Krillin may have been stronger than Tien. But Tien definitely surpassed Krillin. He was able to hold off Imperfect Cell. There's no way in hell Krillin could have done that.

ShadowWolf7121767d ago (Edited 1767d ago )

Why on Earth do you have such an objectively horrible opinion about the character who literally saved the series from cancelation? Someone who's faced odds he knows he can't overcome but still refuses to sit back and do nothing? Someone who fought to overcome years of abuse and PTSD to become the strongest human being the world had ever seen?

Not to mention an amazing family man to boot.

CorndogBurglar1767d ago

Tien surpassed Krillin. Yes, Krillin was known as the strongest human for a while. But Tien held off Imperfect Cell, something that Krillin never could have done.

ShadowWolf7121764d ago


Opposite actually. Tien started stronger (which makes sense, he's 5 years older than him and an adult when they met) but every time they'd come together again, the gap got smaller and by the end of Namek, he'd surpassed him.

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