
Original Snake Voice David Hayter Has No Love For Hideo Kojima

“I was kinda hoping that Konami would take me back now that he was gone.” In a special edition of the Game Informer podcast, actor and screenwriter David Hayter talked about his “humiliating” replacement as Metal Gear’s leading man and how he really feels about the series creator who wanted him gone.

BigBosss2965d ago ShowReplies(6)
Kalebninja2965d ago

Dude is the definition of butthurt.

letsgopal2965d ago (Edited 2965d ago )

It's just the way Kotaku written this article. He's not butthurt towards kojima whatsoever

Deadpooled2964d ago

Story quality - WTF

Like this website - NO

No idea how or why the rating of kotaku on N4G is n/a. They are the gaming equivalent of the Sun... Um actually I'll give that to Rashid Sayed's Gamingbolt. Kotaku are the gaming equivalent of the Daily Star.

UltraNova2964d ago

He shouldn't be Snake and Big Boss are two different people, its only natural Big Boss was voiced by someone else. He's upset because it was a much higher caliber actor that he'll ever be who got the job.

David did his part and when it was time to move on from MGS he simply refused to accept it.

TheFirstClassic2965d ago (Edited 2965d ago )

To be fair, if you worked with someone for nearly 20 years, doing some of the most highly praised voice work in your field, and then got layed off and replaced with someone else with no warning and no aknowledgement that you ever held that role, wouldn't you be butthurt too?

DDMNeo2964d ago

Voice acting is a pretty harsh line of work, as is show business in general. There's also two points you need to understand. First is Hayter was not his first choice. I'm pretty sure from the get go he wan't Kurt Russell. Second is that Big Boss totally should have had a different voice than Solid Snake. I think casting Kiefer Sutherland was his last shot to get a real action star in the series that's based on so many classic action films. I also remember hearing that Hayter wasn't super excited about doing Peace Walker after nearly killing his voice in MGS4. I also think it also kinda helped with MGSV's twist.

I do think Hayter has a right to feel personally upset, but he seems like a real professional. Which is why he never really said anything bad about anyone. I don't know what the whole situation was all these years, so I won't judge too much. I still like Kojima, but I understand he's not perfect. Hell the whole "you will feel ashamed of your words and deeds" hing was pretty dumb, especially since Quiet totally was just fan service. Something I'd be more ok with if it wasn't a few gross things done with her. Though I think questioning and understanding something you love gives you a better understanding, and gets you a better product than just praising something for what it is. That being said I'm excited to see what Kojima has coming next, and I hope Hayter's career continues to be good for him.

Imalwaysright2964d ago (Edited 2964d ago )

He got paid for his voice acting and was credited for his work in the end credits. He isn't owned anything else after that. Why should he be warned that someone else was hired to voice Snake in MGS5? Why should Kojima or Konami have to report to him?

2964d ago
_-EDMIX-_2964d ago

I don't understand...

He worked for Kojima not the other way around, it's Kojimas game he is free to add on and take off whomever he pleases it's his work.

Solid Snake is not big boss it should have never been voiced by the same person in the first place Kojima made that mistake with Metal Gear Solid 3 even letting him stay on.

I prefer Metal Gear Solid 4 and 5 having big boss voiced by a different person because big boss is a different person than Solid Snake.

Are we all up in arms that liquid is invoice by him to? Are we all upset that Solidous isn't voiced by him to?

I mean at some point that dude really needs to let it go and stop answering questions regarding this game because at this point his feelings being hurt over being passed over for mgs5 are just making him look and sound like an idiot, move on and continue with your damn life you honestly can't tell me this is destroying you...

I would say over the past two years or so since he's been talking about this I've lost more and more respect for him.

He does not own the IP, he doesn't own the company, he did not create metal gear solid as to why he feels he was owed something is beyond me.

the director direct, the actor acts.

GhostTurtle2964d ago


It's called respect...

rainslacker2964d ago

He wasn't layer off. Actors are contract employees and unless their contract stipulates it, he had no reason to expect to be able to work with them again.

He was paid and credited for his work, and nowhere was it denied he did the work. Kojima wanted to go a different route, and since its his game and not Hayter's he did.

I can't really recall many respectable actors ever obsessing over being replaced, nor making comments about unprofessional attitudes of the content creators over not being asked back to reprise a role

TheTwelve2964d ago

It's business, but I definitely feel for him.

Greyfoxdbz2964d ago

Not to mention that he got layed off for an actor who barely says anything throughout the game. He really didn't need to change the voice actor at all really

DangerousDAN2964d ago

Not only that, but he was replaced by someone that barely had any lines in the game and surely got paid way more for it. I loved how Sutherland sounded as Snake, but he barely spoke. This all just seemed like a slap in the face to Hayter.

IceKoldKilla2964d ago

Read the article. Kotaku. Enough said.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2964d ago
N4GGuy242964d ago (Edited 2964d ago )

Wow look at these despicable hypocrites. All these years praising David Hayter and just for one thing turn against him and throw insults. Such basement dwellers. Stop making Hideo Kojima as some saint. David Hayter not even being considered is a stab in the back even to the fans. The replacement was medicore and not memorable anyways.

These hate comments are not mgs fans just 12yr olds.

DDMNeo2964d ago (Edited 2964d ago )

I was more ok with it, but I agree. Kojima is no saint, but he's human. Never let your fandom blind you, but understand it's ok not to put something/someone on a petiole.

Seraphim2964d ago

I'm no MGS guru but it seems to me Hayter has no case. *Spoiler* There is a replacement Snake in MGSV. The real Snake only makes a brief appearance. Considering how the game plays out it makes perfect sense to me why Hayter was not voicing Snake in MGSV

Dee_912964d ago

yea, im not sure you know what that word hypocrite means.. Unless you're able to go through their history and show where they praised David, you're full of crap.
I'm also not sure if you actually read or skimmed the comments that you are replying to. Because they seem to be pretty indecisive in general to me..

i'm sorry i know you're just talking out the side of your neck and it felt right to make that comment, I do it sometimes too, but your comment is really baseless friend..

2964d ago
2964d ago
2964d ago
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sanosukegtr1232964d ago

If making a metal gear solid game with snake. Should keep the same voice actor. Like mario u cant change his voice.

DDMNeo2964d ago

Well technically the two main Snakes are different people, so I think it would have been more reasonable to have them have different voice actors. If Big Boss had someone else voicing him in MGS3 we wouldn't be having this conversation.

kraenk122964d ago

I agree. Especially if it's someone with such a characteristic voice. Just imagine if Geralt's voice would change all of a sudden!

_-EDMIX-_2964d ago

The character they're referring to is not snake.....

DOWNeo- 100% correct I'm sorry but even as a massive Metal Gear Solid fan he should have never been voicing big boss in that game in the first place.

Big Boss is not Solid Snake

divinealpha2964d ago

Every time you write you just talk out your ass and by the disagrees people are noticing it.

Kalebninja2964d ago (Edited 2964d ago )

How am I talking out of my ass dipshit? Hayter can't get over that he was recast for a single game and now he's glad Kojima's gone because of that? GTFO, he was replaced with a VA with much more talent than himself and now he's upset at the guy who gave him that big role in the first place. And he's clearly lucky he got to play the role as long as he did since Kojima clearly wanted to replace him before.

_-EDMIX-_2964d ago

I gotta agree with kale on this one Sutherland is a stronger actor.

I actually would have preferred if from Metal Gear Solid 3 forward big boss was merely voiced by someone else.

I actually never wanted David Hayter voicing big boss in the first place.

Big Boss is not Solid Snake people

-Foxtrot2964d ago

The guy has been Solid Snake for a long time, well over 15 years and yet despite the love for him and the character he plays Kojima wanted to be a douche and try to find a connection to Hollywood, something he's so desperate to have.

Not even a phone call to say "Yeah we don't want you back we're going with someone else", maybe a gift basket or card to say thanks for the hard work. I don't know something show that he gave a crap and thanked him for helping bring Solid Snake to life.

Kojima is not Mr Perfect people think he is, he's a good developer but the way he's went on here he comes off like an ass. Someone who would throw his friend away if it means climbing the social/career ladder.

2cents2964d ago

I agree,
Too much blind admiration for this developer IMO.

2964d ago
2964d ago
-Foxtrot2964d ago

I do know, I never said I did

It's not the point, even the Medic (real Snake) was still voiced by Sutherland

The Japanese voice actor who has been Solid Snake and Big Boss since the very first game also voiced these characters in MGSV

Jesus Christ man...

Get your facts right before you call other people and blindly defend our "holy saint" Kojima

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2964d ago
Dark_king2964d ago

Kind of glad Kojima didn't bring him back it was killing Hayter to get the voice he used.Was smoking tons of cigs a day to get his voice like that(he said this himself).If you got to kill yourself for a voice you probably shouldn't be doing it.An as an employer I wouldn't hire a guy thats killing himself for a voice legal issue would come up at some point.

medman2964d ago

With all due respect to David Hayter, neither the company nor Kojima owed him the role. If they chose to go in another direction, that is their right to do so. I don't think most fans particularly cared for the decision, but it's a business, and stuff like this happens in every industry.

_-EDMIX-_2964d ago

Agreed I'm glad I'm not the only person that sees this.

I'm not sure why people believe this man is owed anything to a game he did not create and doesn't own.

IamTylerDurden12964d ago

Yet, Kojima is the reason anyone knows who he is. Hayter should kiss Kojima's bootstraps for making his career, for making MGS.

IamTylerDurden12964d ago

David Hayter is honestly not a great VA, he became synonymous with Snake and gained notoriety. In reality, he's rather cheesy. Enough David Hayter already.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2964d ago
Psychonaut2965d ago

David is a dink that he didn't see where Kojima was heading. He replaced the voice of Big Boss with Keifer because he wanted to end it come full circle with Solid Snake who David would of voiced, and Big Boss who Sutherland was going to voice, and they were going to have a battle. But Konami went and messed that all up. I will never wrap my mind around that fact, that David could not put those two and two together. -Dink-

TheFirstClassic2965d ago

There is no real proof that david was ever going to return as solid snake, and if he was david would probably have been informed of that, instead of being silently layed off from a role he held for almost 20 years.

_-EDMIX-_2964d ago

He wasn't laid off he never worked for the company he was contracted by the company they merely didn't renew a contract for another game that's it. do you think when a movie goes with another actor they laid off the previous role? Lol

The studio doesn't own those people they merely contract them, they still have to audition, they still have to be picked for the part. I'm sorry but unless there's a contract out there that states the part is guaranteed and already written and signed no work is guaranteed for anyone in a contracted business.

I think many on this site legit need to learn how gaming in business in general is conducted as many have this strange idea that these companies just have tons of people working for them for life....

MOST of gaming is contracted even the most veteran well-known voice actors are contracted per game they're not guaranteed work. They do not only work for one company, look up any voice actor and you'll realize just how many other companies they've worked for in their lives.

TheFirstClassic2964d ago

I'm not knocking kojima for switching voice actors, its well within his right to do that. But I think when you hold a role for two decades, you can expect some sort of notification that they won't need you for the role anymore, as a gesture of respect. At the very least, thats mostly what Hayter complained about when it happened. Admittedly I don't know much about the VA industry but that's just what I would have expected. I can accept I might be wrong though.

The only real thing that irks me about casting Sutherland is that after all this talk about having a big name actor, he barely had any lines compared to past snakes.

Psychonaut2964d ago

Hideo said he wanted Metal Gear/Metal Gear Solid to come full circle. Which would be Solid Snakes first mission where he confronts big boss. (the would be last game in the series would be a remake of his first game.) of course hayder would be back to voice snake. But there also needed to difference in voice actors. unless boys wanted hayter to seriously plays Solid Snake AND Big Boss. seriously, that's pure stupidity.

-Foxtrot2964d ago

If that's the case why is it the Japanese voice actor for Big Boss/Snake are still the same in MGSV


Imalwaysright2964d ago

Maybe because the japanese voice actor is the real voice of Snake for Kojima, him being japanese and all. Sounds stupid but that's what I read countless times here about Hayter: "he is the real Snake"

kraenk122964d ago

They didn't even inform Hayter.

Also would HAVE damnit!

_-EDMIX-_2964d ago

Metal Gear Solid 5 is easily over 60 hours long I'm sorry but there is no evidence that mgs5 was ever going to end with big boss facing Solid Snake.

You're basically assuming Metal Gear Solid 5 was supposed to be two games because he faces big boss at the end of metal gear.

Sooooo how long really where you expecting this entire game to really really be? Lol

Psychonaut2964d ago

No, that's what the creator of series said. He wanted Metal Gear to end after GOTP. but Konami said no. So Kojima was going to write the story to a close ending hich would be solid snakes first mission. his own words

TheFirstClassic2963d ago

It seems pretty obvious to me that there would have been a new VA for solid. He would not have the jap VA do both roles either.

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Deathdeliverer2965d ago

Who would have thought that all this time Hayter was a crybaby? The voice of one of gaming a badasses is a whiner. I hope T.C Carson isn't crying a river somewhere. It would be too much to handle.

Kaneki-Ken2964d ago

Who would have thought that all this time Deathdeliver was a Hater? The voice of a gamer who is not even a badass is hating. I hope you don't piss off T.C Carson because he destroy all Greek Gods, along with the earth when they were hating on him so hard.

Horofil2965d ago

So now we should hate David because he wants to work with Konami in order to voice character?

freshslicepizza2964d ago

seems to be the pattern. people can't let go of loyalty and that loyalty resides in kojima. i can see konami getting this guy back and making a new mgs game. now watch as so many will be resistant to even being open minded about the game and will downplay it if it gets announced.

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Agent7550d ago

I’d have taken a few of those out. Prefer Sonic over Sonic 2. Outrun should be in there. Maybe even Pong as millions of people had fun with that even if it was repetitive. Final Fight pipped any Streets of Rage game, although Streets of Rage had the better soundtrack. Too many to list l guess. To me, retro gaming is the 1980s, maybe going into early 1990s.

Popsicle50d ago

Agree that the generational gap is too broad to really make a strong list. Need to tighten the years a bit. Hard to compare Pac Man with N64 games.


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