
Giant Bomb Review: 1942: Joint Strike

GB reports:

''Is it just me, or did someone at Capcom wake up earlier this year ago and say "hey, wait, don't we own the rights to a bunch of great arcade games? Let's start remaking them!" In my mind, that's the only possible explanation for the attention Capcom's been paying to its back catalog lately. 1942: Joint Strike is an all-new vertically scrolling shooter that operates in much the same fashion as the previous games in the 1942 line.

The big difference in Joint Strike is that you're not playing this on some vertically oriented arcade monitor. You're (ideally) playing it on a widescreen TV. Rather than stick to the classic presentation, Joint Strike fills the width of the screen. It's a little weird at first blush, as you don't really see as far in front of your plane as you might have in the previous games. But since this game was built this way from the ground up, it isn't really a problem.

The game has you moving through five different levels of World War II-tinged shooter action, each ending with a boss fight against some hideously oversized mechanical monstrosity, like a giant tank with a ton of turrets, or a giant boat with a ton of turrets, or maybe a giant plane with a ton of turrets. In addition to your base weapon, you can also drop a limited number of bombs and fire a limited number of missiles. You can also switch out your weak starting weapon by collecting power-ups that can give you a spread shot, a laser that blasts through multiple targets, and so on.''

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beavis4play5742d ago

i didn't like this game. i only played the demo but that was enough. i liked the old style 1942. this ones movement seems too restrictive.


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Capcom Europe has today announced a brand new price promotion for five of its most popular downloadable titles. European PlayStation Network members will be able to get hold of Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD, Marvel VS Capcom 2, Super Puzzle Fighter, Age of Booty and 1942 for a reduced price over a set period in the coming months.

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VGC Review: 1942: Joint Strike

VGC writes: "Classic top-down shooters have always been a blast to play. Having to face off against wave after wave of multiple types of enemies at once has been the pinnacle of this genre. There have been many games, like Ikaruga, that have tried to change up gameplay mechanics, but most of the time the games always fall back onto the genre's core style. This isn't a bad thing though. It allows the player to reminisce about all the games of this genre that have came before it."

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