
Leaked NX controller confirmed as a total fake, used 3D Rendering to appear legit

The creator of the recent infamous "stewie-head" NX controller has come out on Reddit to completely debunk and expose his work on creating a 3D rendered NX controller.

Captain_Wormy2973d ago

Thank the stars.😥 I still have hope for the NX.

Rayven2972d ago

Looks like everybody's relieved. Although there's still the fact that Nintendo patented this exact game pad design. Hopefully Nintendo realized that new fangled gimmicks ain't worth sh*t when you're not going to get proper 3rd party support, which that game pad definitely guarantees.

The 10th Rider2972d ago


Crazy products that never see the light of day are patented by all sorts of companies all the time. I wouldn't think too much of Nintendo's patent.

mikeslemonade2972d ago

It will have similair features to the mocks.

bunt-custardly2973d ago

You can check my comment history in the other news post where I surmised this was an elaborate April Fools joke and it appears I was right even if a few days off. In fact I knew it wasn't real and so did the rest of you, but c'mon hype man.

2973d ago
stiggs2972d ago


“I'm a misunderstood genius."
"What's misunderstood?"
"Nobody thinks I'm a genius.”

― Bill Watterson

Neonridr2972d ago

I was blasted for calling this thing a fake on the other articles.

rainslacker2972d ago (Edited 2972d ago )

I've decided personally not to take a stand on anything nowadays until I see an announcement on implementation. Just too much annoyance trying to seem legit. I don't typically go around saying, "See, I was right. Told ya" though. That just comes off as narcissistic(which I admittedly probably seem to many around here) and no one really cares if I was right about something in the past anyhow. Usually when I am right about something, the fan boys will use my arguments(albeit from different sourcing) as if they thought it all along anyways, so it works out for me.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2972d ago
xfiles20992972d ago

I have high Hopes for the NX as well but if they do not get third party support and stop catering to family and kids it will fail. I told you guys it was fake LOL Nintendo loves buttons they are not going to release a controller without them.

wonderfulmonkeyman2972d ago

Third parties need to pull their heads out of their butts first, before their support of the NX can have a chance of meaning anything.

No one's gonna get an NX to play Call of Duty or other multiplats that already have their fanbases solidified elsewhere.

Third parties need to lead off with mature exclusives.

If they can't, then Nintendo's better off just hiring people like Bandai-Namco to keep doing cross-over games and special projects for them.

rainslacker2972d ago

Maybe they should release a console with a controller with one button. Then people would have something to bang their heads on when Nintendo does their announcements.

3-4-52972d ago

I was hoping it wasn't real because I'm really excited for the NX reveal.

So many trolls and Nintendo haters were out claiming "Nintendo is done" though.

Even more than the mad Nintendo fans, the haters showed their true colors.

Bahamut2972d ago

Oh dear lord, thank the baby Jesus. Hallelujah

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2972d ago
wonderfulmonkeyman2973d ago

It's amazing how many websites have reported on this thing as if it was the real deal.
This guy's just launched himself above and beyond the Rayman-in-Smash-4 leaker...

Philface2973d ago (Edited 2973d ago )

As far as I know it's the same guy. At least his avatar on youtube is the same one.

Segata2973d ago

Like I kept saying. I am sure this will be largely ignored by the trolls

jcnba282972d ago

Exactly! As you can see none of the haters are here commenting lol

Vegamyster2973d ago

No doubt, so many people were freaking out about it and getting mad at Nintendo lol.

rainslacker2972d ago

Sadly, we live in a day where unnamed sources, and unverified "leaks" are the norm for our source of news. Nothing wrong with reporting it as a potential leak or whatever, but the amount of followup editorial was really silly, and those articles ignored all aspects of this leak being something newsworthy.

In a sad way, it actually makes me miss the days when the gaming press just relayed press releases...because then at least one knew they could trust the source and journalist.

Metallox2972d ago (Edited 2972d ago )

@rainslacker Read somewhere that DualPixels presented the image as theirs and that they got it from one of their "annonymous sources".

This issue is persistent for a good reason though, because many people will take false information as real or at least will elaborate speculative discussions around it, which in my opinion is a bit pointless.

There are some exceptions however, like those NeoGAF users that talked about tactic feedback technology, VR, etcetera; although the majority just talked about how such a controller would kill Nintendo.

rainslacker2972d ago

Yeah, it really is kind of scary how quickly people will latch onto unnamed sources in the gaming community. Typically, in "regular journalism" the unnamed source is still verified, or at least the information itself is verified or investigated upon rather than taking the primary word of the source. Most editors would not even take an unnamed source without such verification. But gaming journalist will just run with things, say it's true because it's an unnamed source which they supposedly trust, all on the assumption that we can trust the journalist to believe it to be true.

And that's where gaming journalism fails more often than not. If something like this were true, or false, it should be verifiable through other means. It may not be easy, and the journalist may not get definite approval, but it exists somewhere. What's worse though is that they put out the information in an authoritative way, instead of just saying that something like this exists with no way to verify it.

Take the above and couple it with a knee-jerk reactionary and rather malicious group of online gamers, and you get a recipe for hit mongering and flame wars which is never ending.

I know the exceptions exist, and at times good stuff can be gleaned from such things getting blown out of proportion(like the tactile feedback stuff which I didn't know Nintendo had something about). Sometimes those rather informative things never get any notice until someone who pays more attention starts to speak up more. However, for the most part, I do feel that it causes more problems than it solves, and ends up being a waste of time for many as they read numerous articles and spend copious amounts of time commenting on the subject.

Rebel_Scum2971d ago

I think its worse that people on this site and others believe everything they read and overreact on this sort of stuff.

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OtterX3h ago

Yeaaa... no. It's cool to say that you got it running as a bragging right, but this is completely unusable. I like how he hits the screen while trying to type! X'D