
After Amazing 2015 Reveal, What’s With The Silence About Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands?

ThisGenGaming says "One of Ubisoft’s surprises at E3 2015 was the announcement of the new Ghost Recon: Wildlands coming to PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Fans had been missing the Ghost Recon franchise and were wondering when we would get another one. Ubisoft has said that they plan to launch Ghost Recon: Wildlands something during 2016 but the question is, will it make it out this year?"

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starchild2974d ago

Probably just hard at work on it. I remember a lot of games going through quiet periods.

mikeslemonade2974d ago

Meh we don't want a shooter in the fields and forest. That's just an excuse for lazy development.

MurDocINC2974d ago

Hard at work, removing graphics.

Ricegum2974d ago

Probably because they didn't want to take the spotlight from Tom Clancy's The Division. No doubt we'll see some stuff at e3 in June.

Jmanzare2974d ago

I've been saying this. Once they are done supporting the division with updates they will start talking about ghost recon.

Saijahn2974d ago

I think there's room for both. But yeah the push for UBI right now is The Division. Hopefully GR Wildlands releases this year though, I've been wanting another GR game since Future Soldier.

OAN,people have had hands-on time with this. I remember when they had an invitational for Rainbow Six Siege, some others got to play Wildlands.

Christopher2974d ago

Ubisoft wants focus on The Division. Advertising other games doesn't really help.

madworld2974d ago Show
shutUpAndTakeMyMoney2974d ago

they spending night and day downgrading.

CitizenFour2973d ago (Edited 2973d ago )

You can pre-order the game already. Amazon has the release slated for December 30th 2016. Although I don't believe Ubisoft has said anything in regard to a release date so It's most likely not an official release.


+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2973d ago
WrestlingNewsFan2974d ago

This game impressed me so much last year, but it totally went off my radar. Not for anything bad, it's just been so long since we heard any real news or releases from Ubisoft. Totally different from when other Ubi games were revealed at E3 like Watch Dogs which they couldn't stop talking about.

wsoutlaw872974d ago

The division when through some very long periods with out any info

bixxel2974d ago

That's Ubisoft, my friends. I now can aboslutely imply that none will recognize the game after watching the second trailer or gameplay. Reason: DOWNGRADE. Not just visuals, but all gameplay mechanics.

-Foxtrot2974d ago

Watchdogs, Assassins Creed, Division, Rainbow Six...not really an exaggeration at this point, more like a realist.

Kalebninja2974d ago

@-Foxtrot he said all gameplay mechanics and that it would be unrecognizable, yeah a lot of their games have been downgraded, some more than others but what he said was an exaggeration. Look at me trying to convince an anti-Ubisoft activist.

starchild2974d ago

I don't care about downgrades. I'd rather a developer aim high and fall somewhat short than aim low and succeed.

Ubisoft makes some of the best looking 3rd party games around. The Division, Assassin's Creed Unity and Assassin's Creed Syndicate are some of the best looking multiplats I've played.

Ghost Recon Wildlands may not look exactly like the first trailer when it comes out, but I'll bet money it's still one of the best looking multiplats of the year.

-Foxtrot2974d ago

"Look at me trying to convince an anti-Ubisoft activist"

Oh look calling me something as silly as that instead of just admitting the company has let gamers down a lot

You know that kind of shit is why gamers in general get trampled on today and why it's become rare for us to get our moneys worth of what we pay.

Seriously if you like disappointments, letdowns, overpriced season passes with the rest of the games content which should have been in the main game to start with fair enough...it's sad but it's up to you HOWEVER don't bring us down to your level and come up with silly names when we look at these issues in the real world, not the fantasy one you've made up in your head as you bury your head in the sand.

Kalebninja2974d ago

Dont bring us down to your level? lol because i like Ubisofts games? okay bud.

Lord_Sloth2974d ago (Edited 2974d ago )

Oh please, Foxtrot isn't an anti-Ubisoft activist. He's like that about everything.

Seriously though, saying the game will be unrecognizable IS an exaggeration.

AnubisG2974d ago

Yeah he is exaggerating a bit but he is right. It is expected at this point that whatever Ubisoft is showing us is not what we are going to get. We will get something like it. They lie constantly with their CGI videos claming them to be gameplay.

Let's wait and see what they show but it's a 100% certainty that the game will be downgraded and will be full of HUD and info until your eyes bleed. For example, there is so much unnecessary crap that's on the screen at once in the Division that I turned everything off I could just to be able to see the game from the HUD and all the info.

_-EDMIX-_2974d ago

@Fox- "Seriously if you like disappointments, letdowns, overpriced season passes"

...subjective bud, you can feel "disappointments, letdowns" with all titles if you want.

Mind you, you can feel any game's post launch content is um "overpriced" too.

Subjective, sorry but that doesn't really apply to all gamers.

Fox be like "wasn't 1000 hours long, didn't have 500 maps and 700 weapons.....letdown". You seem to be waiting for a game that legit may never exist lolz.

Also the latest AC looks like how it looked like when it was first revealed...


Even AC Unity didn't look different from when it was revealed to release.


So can't really say that little claim about all their titles bud, only Watchdogs and The Division and the studio explained why that actually was, just like CDPR explained why Witcher 3 was downgraded.

It wasn't some trick or done to mislead. You saw just what you would get before the game released, its not as if they showed the first trailers JUST before releasing the game bud. Sorry but we knew of the "downgrade" before those games released which actually contradicts you're notion of making it seem as if it was done purposely. Why allow betas before release? Why allow alphas? I mean...why even publicly admit it?

Maybe its not what you think bud.


"rest of the games content which should have been in the main game to start with"

You don't own the company, IP, copyright etc to actually know or even state that sooooo irrelevant.

They have no ode to work on a game for 3 MORE years to give you content at no additional price as if they should go bankrupt to make you're mega game. Not how business is done bud and I think you seriously need to read how its really conducted.

How can you state what "should" be in a game you don't own or never worked on? Are you buying what it is, or what you "think" it should be? Suddenly to you a large pizza isn't that because they also serve burgers? OH they "should" have given those Burgers part of the Pizza meal at no additional cost because they are currently making it? Yup...that logic. Never mind you don't own the business, never mind they cost extra to produce..lets have Foxtrot decide what "should" be in a product vs the folks who own the actual product.

Um...sure. lol Go to any legitimate business owner and say that and see just how far you get before they laugh in you're face. Don't like it, don't buy it.

Mind you, you've yet to really show any real legal evidence on what grounds you have to even claim they um "should" or shouldn't do with their content.

Still waiting on that bud..=)

freshslicepizza2974d ago

foxtrot, name 5 games from 2015 to now that you would recommend without reservation. i think most people grow tired of your "i don't like anything' attitude. so how about you talk for once about games you do like in recent memory.

and yes, ubisoft can and still does make decent games. rainbow six siege is good, for honor looks good, this game ghost recon looks good, south park the fractured looks good and the last one was very good. the trials games are good.

sullynathan2974d ago

@foxtrot rainbow six? really?

dms52232974d ago


Great points! Agree completely. People have been so delusional lately with the amount of content.

trenso12974d ago

i usually don't agree with foxtrot but even though im enjoying the division a lot, they took a lot of things from the game comparing the first reveal.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2974d ago
jb2272974d ago


"I don't care about downgrades. I'd rather a developer aim high and fall somewhat short than aim low and succeed. "

So you are essentially of the mind that a target missed is better than a target hit? You wouldn't make a great archer....

All of that aside though, when you create something, be it a game or a film or a book or an album, you have to be fluid, but you also have to realize your limitations & find the best way to work within them...that's actually the toughest part about creation, but it is also the most vital...to paste your analogy on another medium, do you think it'd be worthwhile to have Bob Dylan try to create an album where he was shooting for Hendrix style guitar playing, or would you rather he create an album within his wheelhouse? It's not about "shooting for the stars", it's about aiming for the target best suited for you. At this point these devs must know that they aren't capable of their target renders, so why not scale them back & deepen gameplay mechanics from the initial showing?

The answer is simple; you are the fish & they are trying to set the hook, by any means necessary. That's no way to run an artistic medium IMO...just take a glance at every other artistic medium in existence, do any of those miss initial targets? The single you heard before the album released sounds exactly like what you heard initially on the final record, the effects & art design on a movie like BvS will look exactly like what was in the trailer (if not better)...all creative endeavors present challenge, but the mark of a truly talented group of creators is working within their limitations in order to create something that breaks those constraints.

starchild2974d ago

So you're really saying you would rather developers be unambitious and aim low from the beginning just to avoid having the game have any graphical elements downgraded throughout development?

I wouldn't. I only care about the end product. If it's something I want I get it, otherwise I don't.

I find it highly unlikely somebody is going to watch an announcement trailer and then watch nothing else before buying the game. In the extreme case someone did such a thing I doubt they would even remember with any accuracy how the game looked back then vs how it looks now.

I do agree with the idea that developers should be realistic about their limits, but you imply that devs aren't doing that. If you are trying to aim for cutting edge graphics there's always going to be the chance that some things won't quite make it. Personally, I think nearly every downgrade of a game in recent memory has been exaggerated. In most cases the games still look fantastic and not drastically different than the early trailers.

I'm a creator myself so I know well what you are talking about, but I also think videogame creation is a much more complex endeavor than those other mediums you mentioned.

A music single released before a full album release is a finished product within itself. Nothing like trying to release a trailer for a game that's years away from release. For one thing, a music single usually doesn't precede the album by nearly so much time. And in any case, it's very common that a single is considered to be much better than the rest of the songs on the album.

There's simply no doubt that there are things about game development that make it quite distinct from other artistic mediums. I think it's understandable that games go through changes throughout development, even negative changes. Especially games in development during the early days of a new console generation.

jb2272974d ago


I don't think realizing your limitations & working within them can be considered unambitious...to extend the music metaphor, a lot of artists got caught up in the concept album / rock opera / double album trend & while there were some great ones, many fell flat. If those bands had taken that same time to focus on a more realistic target, they could've made a truly impactful product instead of a bloated or forgettable one.

I do definitely see where you are coming from though. I guess to me I'd just like to see more game devs create realistic visions & only upgrade from there as opposed to having to scale back & release something that is wildly different from the initial targets.

_-EDMIX-_2974d ago

? Except Ubisoft already explained why their titles looked they way they did prior to and how they changed their policy regarding when a game is shown.

Mind you, CDPR stated the same thing. If Star Wars 1313 ever released, the team would likely have went through the same exact thing, Star Wars 1313 was made not on actual next gen hardware, merely target specs of what they believed next gen hardware would be like.

I'm sorry but you really can't fault CDPR, Ubisoft or any other team that was seeking to make an early title this gen without the hardware as they made it pretty clear when those games where shown they may not look that way upon release.

It happens, but Ubisoft made it pretty clear last E3 that none of their current titles faced the same situation.

I mean...did last year's AC title do the same? You can't just act as if something that happened at the very start of a gen, was this normal trait of Ubisoft. I'm sorry but Kale is correct, you're exaggerating this way, way ,waaaaay too much.



That is like assuming Cyberpunk2077 will have a 'downgrade' after its first shown and then when playable, yet disregard why that actually happened with Witcher 3 in the first place.

Flewid6382974d ago

What different will it make if everyone's going to buy it anyway?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2974d ago
NovusTerminus2974d ago

It's not ready, Ubisoft always showcase a teaser then you don't hear about it til a year or so later.

-Foxtrot2974d ago

I think after the recent Ubisoft titles we should just pull back from this one and not get sucked into the hype. Yes it looked great but this is not going to be the final game is it? We know this by now.

If it was the same old liberate outpost/zone, unlock region on map and the missions that come with it then it's goign to be like every other Ubisoft open world game

Really wish they'd just called this Wildlands. I'm not really getting a Ghost Recon vibe from it at all.

jb2272974d ago

Is this game meant to be an open world type title w/ campaign or an always online Division type game? If it was meant to be the former, after the success of The Division, chances are they are quiet because they are retooling it to be more like the latter.

...and I'm just over here wishing we could get a new Rayman game, because that's the only Ubisoft property that could get me going these days...

-Foxtrot2974d ago

Yeah we are long past a Rayman game

I mean a 3D Rayman game anyway, the 2.5d side scrolling genre has been over done in the past few years.

3D platforming needs to come back

jb2272974d ago

"3D platforming needs to come back"

Totally agree...I'm hoping R&C & Yooka-Laylee helps that to happen, and maybe Rayman can dip his toes in the water w/ a mixture of both...I'd hate to see them get rid of those fantastic music levels from Legends, but I'd also love to see them push forward & integrate the entire history of the character, 3-D & 2-D into a single title. More than anything I just want some more fun in my gaming...most everything these days is either fully narrative driven or fully competitive, or a subpar mixture of both...there's room for some good quality 3d platforming wacky fun to slip in there too.

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Deathdeliverer559d ago

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JBplusVB559d ago

Gamepass is just so amazing. Adding EA play to it brought the service to a whole nother level. Phil Spencer has the brightest mind in gaming. By far.....


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