
Diversity in eSports: The Ongoing Struggle

CGM Writes: Let’s face it: eSports is scorching up the scene. ESPN ran a story last year examining eSports’ massive appeal; based on findings from market research firm Newzoo, 205 million played or watched eSports games in America in 2014. Moreover, eSports is not only huge in Asia (especially Korea), but also in North America and Europe. Tournaments such as League of Legends and DOTA 2 The International are watched by millions.

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WeAreLegion2998d ago

Good idea. Let's make sure we have enough of all types of people to feel good about ourselves, instead of just letting the people who want to play games play games.

xHeavYx2998d ago

I know right? Sometimes this diversity thing gets way too stupid.

annoyedgamer2998d ago

Its 2016, rewards based on work and merit is so last century. We must seize the means of production and redistribute it to the people!

madjedi2998d ago (Edited 2998d ago )

Why the obsession with diversity and inclusion, who cares if lgbt or people of color and any other minority are into e sports.

If they are interested in getting into e sport they will, if not they wont. We don't need quota systems so each and every group is represented in every single aspect of society.

No one but you progressive/social justice crusaders actually care what race, gender or orientation people in the industry are.

Most people do not give a shit what a person's sexual interests or race is, most people deal with the individual as a person not as solely based on their race, sex or if they like men or women.

Any time I see articles or people clamoring for diversity, I walk away because they almost always want to strip people of individuality.

And put them into a predetermined categories with pre approved ideas and a set script that they must never deviate from.

I am so sorry you were born 20-30 years too late to make some great social changes in the west. Might want to look at the middle east for cultures that need reforming still.

I thought we were supposed to judge another person based on who they are as a person morals/merits, not their skin color or other criteria.

Why does it seem the left/progressives want to do the exact opposite.

opinionated2998d ago

If you're not any good then why would anyone want to watch or sponsor you? Because you're [insert diversity quota here]? That's just stupid. It's a competition not a popularity contest, the best will prevail no matter the race, gender or anything else. The phony participation trophies need to stop. It's not doing anyone any favors.

ShaunCameron2998d ago

Not only that, but it also devalues the efforts and accomplishments of those who made the effort to get in on their own merits.

annoyedgamer2998d ago

Thats not an accident. Why work for anything? Lets hand it out. Socialism anyone?

rainslacker2998d ago (Edited 2998d ago )

I'm giving your comment a ribbon.:)

That being said, I kind of agree. Outside of one instance reported on last year, I can't think of any actual discrimination from the entities which run these events which would keep things less diverse. Seems anyone can enter, regardless of skill, and the good one's make it to the top. For the less represented groups, are they actually denied sponsorship or access due to their differences, or are they just not as good or try to make their differences too much of what they are instead of focusing the attention on their skill.

When it comes to sponsorship, many companies shy away from PC type stuff, because they don't want to deal with it, so if people that go against the norm are being flashy or flamboyant, or making socio-political statements about it,then many companies are going to look the other way just so they don't have to deal with it from one side or the other. People that want sponsorship need to be able to express themselves in a way that is in line with more sponsors, and with a fledgling "sport", the chance for standouts to go against the grain are going to be less than in other places.

The people that get sponsors are the good players, typically who have some personality, or extreme skill in playing their games.

annoyedgamer2998d ago

The NBA is racist. It lacks diversity. It needs more white people.

Oh it doesnt work that way..I forgot.

ShaunCameron2998d ago

All the White people are in management and head coaching positions, though.

annoyedgamer2998d ago

Not necessarily. Look at Doc Rivers, used to coach the Boston Celtics. I think he's coaching the Lakers now. Dont forget the coach of the Miami Heat he is hispanic.

And since we are on the lack of diversity on the field, why are all the football players black? We outta get some white guys out there.

Cy2998d ago

Here's a radical thought; maybe skill at video games isn't handed out equally along racial and gender lines? In fact, maybe it's not handed out at all, and instead it's earned by hours and hours of practice and work, like almost any other skill. Although, if that were true, that would mean the lack of diversity is solely the fault of the "diverse" people who don't want to put in the time and effort to be good at games, and not the fault of the Evil White Patriarchy. But that's just racist, isn't it?

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