
Videogamer: Velvet Assassin First Look Preview

Videogamer writes: "Violette Szabo was born in Paris in 1921. Her mother was French, her father was an English cab driver, and she spent much of her early life in London's Brixton. At the age of 19 she fell in love and married a legionnaire named Etienne. In 1942 her husband was killed whilst fighting the Axis in Africa; in grief, Violette signed up to join the British secret service. Most people spend their early twenties getting wasted and watching bad TV; Violette spent hers parachuting into France, sabotaging the Nazi war effort and helping the resistance. In 1944 she was captured by the Germans, tortured in a concentration camp, and finally executed. She was 23 years old when she died.

Velvet Assassin is a stealth-based action game that takes its inspiration from Violette's story. It's a design decision that has raised eyebrows in certain quarters; some might argue that a video game is not the best place to relate a tale that ends with the execution of a young woman. Let's be clear - this is not Violette Szabo: The Game, but rather an action game whose heroine is based upon a real-life person. Is that any more disrespectful than making [I]anything[I] that allows you to "play" bits of World War 2 - a conflict that ended the lives of over 50 million people?"

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Can Video Games Affect Children Negatively?

Games have changed dramatically from where they were more than two decades ago. What were once small, 8-bit characters on our SNES or Genesis have now become a façade of real flesh on our screens. It’s an incredible triumph for the industry, but with all this realism, how safe is it for children to play violent video games?

Is it credible to say that children may be slightly affected by what they see in video games? Could they be influenced by what they see in this media form to act violently upon others? Watch the video above and let me know!

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MrKennedy4110d ago

I do think they are affected. Affected as in the way they play with their mates when they're 7. (When I say play with their mates I mean toy guns etc)

Not growing up to be fuck-nuggets who blow shit up.

But movies done that for me when I was a boy, not really games.

But as you say, games are now more realistic so they'll probably substitute todays generations void of Arnold Schwarzenegger Aly Stallone films that we had.

Redgehammer4110d ago

Being a father of 4 sons, I know that anything can affect your children negatively, if allowed. I am very careful in what I let my kids watch and play. I have tried to make sure they are grounded in reality, but can have fun in a fantasy. In the same way premature exposure to pornography corrupted my young mind, I believe violence can do the same.

kreate4110d ago

Anything can negatively affect a person or child.

zerocrossing4110d ago (Edited 4110d ago )

Yeah, but so can movies, music, books, parents, adults and even other children.

So what's so special about games? other than the fact the word "game" implies they are for children, the simple fact being though that many are not.

Zodiac4110d ago

Yes. Most people don't know that negative affects don't only mean blowing stuff up or shooting a bunch of people.

JBSleek4110d ago

Sure. But please blame parenting, mental disorders, and upbringing before we scapegoat media all the time.

Why are we so afraid to blame humans for what humans do and simply say movies, video games, TV is the problem. Ever thought the people who did this are the problem.

I had to write a ten page paper on this. It's just so sad.

ElectroJade4109d ago

I agree wholeheartedly with your comment. I find it so silly that President Obama is funding more than ten million dollars in research to understand this. Video games may trigger some effect, but the real catalysts to youth violence are bad parenting and bad upbringing. You’re right, it’s definitely sad. I hope you did well on your paper though.

BanBrother4110d ago

Yes, they definitely can. Isn't that why we have ratings? I think even those little phone games can do good though, as they keep the mind active, and encourage problem solving. In saying that, I wouldn't let my angel watch a sex scene from The Witcher 2, or play The Darkness 2.

Games are good and bad, just like anything else in life. It is like banning cars because some people die from them. Humans have to adapt and deal with these things. Life has never been a case of one answer.

ElectroJade4109d ago

You're definitely one of the better parents out there. Great job in setting ground rules for your kid when it comes to gaming!

I’ve been talking to a few parents regarding the rating system in video games. As it turns out, a lot of them are unaware of what these ratings mean! There definitely needs to be more education on parental controls in gaming. A lot of parents may just be oblivious to this entire situation.

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The 8 Best Videogames Made By Closed Studios

Dorkly writes: Studios can close for all kinds of reasons – talent has moved away, bankruptcy, breaking off into smaller entities, EA – but when that happens, their deaths are often not noticed nor remembered by the gamers who played their products. Some properties are bought by larger distributors, and many more are simply forgotten forever. We wish to remember some fallen studios and their finest games. These are 8 of the best videogames made by closed studios.

zeal0us4322d ago

Some studios should have been sold instead of being closed down.

da_2pacalypse4321d ago

I came in expecting Mortal Kombat games.... I did not get that lol

itBourne4321d ago

How is Okami not on this list? = /

aPerson4321d ago

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning should be on that list...

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Best of the worst habits in gaming

Megabits of Gaming looks at five of its favourite gaming characters who have bad or slightly seedy habits

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BlackTar1874332d ago

i don't agree with Kratos replaced snake

WeskerChildReborned4332d ago

As much as i like Kratos, i still like Solid Snake better but that's just me.

AntoineDcoolette4332d ago

What? There are people who like Kratos? Guy is a bag of dicks. Liking Kratos is akin to admiring Joseph Stalin for his genocide of the Soviet people

WeskerChildReborned4332d ago (Edited 4332d ago )

It's not like Kratos is Hitler or anything. I just like him cause he is a true badass. It's not like Kratos is causing genocide.

HammadTheBeast4331d ago

Another news story with a... lets just say 'pleasing' image... with hardly any comments. Shocking.