
The PUGcast Podcast: No Man's Sky Has Eighteen Quintillion Planets

No Man’s Sky finally has a release date, and we discuss our impressions of the game at length. We then move on to Square Enix’s predictions for Final Fantasy XV, and how game director Hajime Tabata thinks it might be as good as Final Fantasy VII. We also chat about the games we are currently playing, including The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD, Unravel, The Division, and Life is Strange.

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SeanScythe2985d ago

Is it possible for that many planets and not to have Duplicates? How do I hook up with friends? Sorry but something that vast seems like it will become lonesome with no friends. I'm the guy that mutes strangers in most games because I don't want to hear crying babies or someone speaking a language I don't understand in my ears.

raWfodog2984d ago (Edited 2984d ago )

I think that there will be many factors involved when it comes to declaring a planet 'different'. First and foremost will obviously be its logical location in the 'galaxy'. With that in mind, then a planet can surely have similar traits as another planet such as flora, fauna, size, and atmosphere but still be considered a different planet.

Tsuru2984d ago

The game is procedurally generated as its explored. Thus the chances of a planet being EXACTLY the same is infinitesimally small.

The game isnt meant to be a multiplayer game. Even though it is multiplayer the chances of you running into someone on the map is pretty small, though it will happen, and yet even if you land on the same planet, the chances of you running into them on that planet are just as small.. The game is so huge, that if you wanted to play with your friends its will take you a LOOOOOONG time to fly to them across the size of the map. Its a game of exploration, discovery and of course being the first to name things.

garrettbobbyferguson2984d ago

"even though it's multiplayer"

We don't even know if it is multiplayer any longer. The only player interaction so far that we know for sure is that you can see a player's planet named "Dickbutt"

Tsuru2978d ago

"“[Your friends] will be a long way away. People keep asking us about multiplayer and I think when people see this they are going to fully realize what it means to be that far away from somebody else who’s playing…

“People keep saying to us, ‘Yeah, but what if I knew where they were? Would I go there?’ And it’s like, yeah, but they are going to have to stay there for quite a while while you get over there. And then once you get over there you might land on the same planet and then you will say, ‘I’m on a planet the size of Earth and I am on a mountain. Where are you?'”
Murray describes the multiplayer of No Man’s Sky as having all of the online players “flying around with an open lobby,” but since the game world is so huge those players will almost never run into one another. The game is equipped to handle another player or two flying past, but there’s no need to make it capable of handling thousands or even dozens of players on screen at the same time."

3-4-52984d ago

Some may be similar, but might have different animals or different Monoliths or be guarded by different races.

uth112984d ago

That's only 600,000,000,000,000,000 per dollar?!? Not enough content! /s

raWfodog2984d ago

On another site, I found:

"No Man’s Sky players start on an unexplored planet, with a relatively simple and thin mandate: Head to the center of the universe. On the starting planet, the short-term goal is to survive and explore, and to gather the resources needed to build stuff that will take you further."


So from this I take it to mean that everyone will have the first oppurtunity at discovering and naming new stuff on their own starting world. This logically seems to be the best way to spread out the discoveries rather than having everyone start from the same exact point.

iceman062984d ago

With 18 quintillion planets, I don't think unique starting points will be a problem. lol Seems everyone will be spread out all over the place. Same universe, different galaxies, different planets.

esmittystud1012984d ago (Edited 2984d ago )

Okay, so I have seen over ten videos on this game. It looks really good, its probably worth $60. But all the videos I have seen are the same. You get to a planet, you look at the wildlife, then you leave.

What else is there? Combat? RPG elements? Which, not all, but pretty much every game is RPG is some way I guess. So scratch that question. Also, what are our chances of running into anyone else playing since there is so many planets that basically build themselves?

I'm a whole lot of confussed if you couldn't tell.

EDIT: raWfodog answered alot of these. He just types faster then me. :)

G20WLY2984d ago

In addition to all the stuff raWfodog shared, there is ground combat and space combat and you can mine minerals on planets, or steal loot from aircraft in space, in order to enhance your ships attributes and research new materials to upgrade handheld weapons (and, I'm guessing here, other abilities, since they've shown jetpacks in use and some planets are irradiated). You can trade at trading posts which are found on some planets and in space and you can interact with NPCs via dialogue trees, as you try to learn alien languages via exploration. You can build allegiances and that may result in certain others becoming hostile. The goal is to reach the centre of the universe, but even if you do that (some won't) the game never ends.

Sorry for the text wall, writing this on the fly ;^)

esmittystud1012984d ago (Edited 2984d ago )

Very helpful. Sounds good. Thank You.


No Man's Sky Is Easily One Of Gaming's Greatest Comeback Stories

Despite No Man Sky's rocky launch, Hello Games managed to turn it into one of the best space exploration RPGs out there.

darksky11d ago

HG could have stopped after making 3-4 updates and the debt would have been paid to those why are crying about paying full price. However, they have continously provided free updates for the last 6-7 years. No other developer in hostory has ever done this and probably never will.
There are many AAA games that disappointed but the devs normally move on or close the studio rather than fix the game.

-Foxtrot11d ago

I hate the whole concept of "comeback story" because at the end of the day it doesn't remove the core issue we had in the first place, that we were lied to, it was disappointing and it launched with bare content to what was promised for years.

Any bad game can have a comeback story if it's supported enough after launch but for me if you launch in a terrible state then you had your chance. I can applaud you for what you've done after but at the end of the day there's not much of a choice since most gamers would blank your next product if you ditched your last game so fast, it's not about repairing the game but spending your time repairing gamers trust before you launch your next product otherwise it would be dead on arrival.

With these stories and the games being updated, the only way is up most of the time so of course it's going to improve the game and feel better over all, getting better and better as time passes. No Mans Sky, Sea of Thieves, Fallout 76 etc but then you have games like Anthem, Suicide Squad, Redfall and The Avengers where the devs just clearly moved on, now if they have another product people won't be as exited for it, I mean hell Guardians of the Galaxy was a great game but because of the Avengers it didn't help its sales since people were obviously still sour at that point.

I still think despite the improvements to games like No Mans Sky and Cyberpunk along with being better now overall the games are still not up there to what was promised and hyped as for years.

If we keep celebrating these “comeback stories” then unfortunately it only strongly supports the concept that these studios / publishers can continue to push half arsed broken products out for the sake of quick sales instead of waiting until they are fully finished. We need to condemn this awful behaviour or sadly we lose all voice and power as consumers.

Sonic188111d ago (Edited 11d ago )

I feel the same way about Cyberpunk 2077. I'm glad you mentioned that. I'm not a fan of comeback stories as well. But No man sky developer was a small indie team compared to CDPR. It's worse when it's coming from a AAA developer

Nacho_Z11d ago

"Any bad game can have a comeback story if it's supported enough after launch"

You make it sound so simple and easy. It's not. After release Hello Games poured countless hours into getting their game closer to what they originally wanted, without charging a penny to anyone. That's not normal.

The reason NMS and HG are held in such high esteem and calling them liars is a weak stance is the amount of work they've put into it, for free. They're not chasing a quick buck, they've dedicated their lives over the last few years to giving their fans the game everyone wanted.

-Foxtrot11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

They are liars though...

We are not revising history here, I'm sorry but we're not

They built this game up for years and they launched it knowing full well it wasn't up to scratch to what they originally showed off or hyped it up to be.

"They're not chasing a quick buck, they've dedicated their lives over the last few years to giving their fans the game everyone wanted"

And like I said above most of that comes from the fact that if they had just moved on straight away nobody would have supported their next game. They've washed most of that sour taste away after supporting No Mans Sky so now they are doing a new game which more people feel like they can support and get excited for.

Anyway how can you say "You make it sound so simple and easy. It's not" and then make the point that "Hello Games poured countless hours into getting their game closer to what they originally wanted, without charging a penny to anyone"

This means that if a small team like this can turn a game around then big AAA games like Suicide Squad, Redfall, Anthem and the like should have been able to do it no problem, oh but that's right they didn't want to put the time or effort into it. They can do it but some people just decide not to.

Blad3runner0011d ago (Edited 11d ago )

"You make it sound so simple and easy. It's not. After release Hello Games poured countless hours into getting their game closer to what they originally wanted, without charging a penny to anyone. That's not normal."

People paid for the game at launch and got lied to. Now the game is what it SHOULD have been from the start (what people paid for) and we should be happy they aren't charging EXTRA? Its free because people ALREADY paid for the game at launch.

People PAID for what the game is in its current state (what it should have been at launch), not what it was when it released. Charging people AGAIN would result in even more backlash.

anast11d ago

"You make it sound so simple and easy. It's not. After release Hello Games poured countless hours into getting their game closer to what they originally wanted, without charging a penny to anyone. That's not normal."

They already charged for the full price game. All of that work is owed because it was already paid for.

JackBNimble11d ago

Fox ... sure HG made a huge mistake, but they have also done more then any development team that I have seen to fix the problem and go way beyond in supporting the game. And every update has been free, so I don't really get why you are holding on to this grudge.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 11d ago
milohighclub11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

Whatever happened at launch is in the past. By your logic they could have supported it for a year got it to the project they promised then stopped but they didn't. They're still supporting it to this they, they've released more content post than pretty much any game I can think off. More than most MMOs. They didn't have to go this far but they have and don't have any plans of stopping. All for free too.
Yeah they had a shit launch and they've apologised, learned and more than made up for it. I was pissed off at them at launch, but not petty enough to keep slandering them 7 years later.
You have much bigger studios releasing half assed games and fixing it later or even worse not even bothering.

anast11d ago

The DLC costs money. But yeah, people are hanging on to this one longer because of their previous reputation.

TheCaptainKuchiki11d ago

And it doesn't change the fact that the game is a boring procedurally generated environment in which your repeat the same actions over and over again with no real purpose. I hate when they say that the game became good.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 11d ago
thorstein11d ago

I really enjoyed it at launch and had every trophy by August 2016.

The experience I had is no longer in the game: It was just me and my ship. It was a survival game and the feeling of loneliness in the universe was pervasive. There was no way to ruin too far from your ship and, in an emergency, you grenaded a hole in the ground to survive.

I miss that aspect, but since then, I love what they've done.

Hugodastrevas11d ago

I'd say it's THE definitive comeback story

TheGamingHounds11d ago

Final Fantasy 14 takes that one imho

CrimsonWing6911d ago (Edited 11d ago )

Yep and the way they actually did it where Bahamut destroyed the original FF14 and the realm was “reborn” seals it as the best way to do something like this, lol.

jwillj2k411d ago

Oh great another story about the cleanest shirt in a bin of dirty laundry.

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Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Understands That A Tonberry Is The Scariest Thing In The World

The tiny green slasher villain returns in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and is as frightening as ever.

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MeteorPanda11d ago

The way it was handled was so dumb. One shots in melee...your teammates are to ostupid to get away from its attack. So you most often end up alone in a certain fight.

Hofstaderman11d ago

Two words, one accessory....Safety Bit

MeteorPanda11d ago

Needing an accessory to keep a.i from dying and only one of them isnt great.


Here Are The Games Leaving PS Plus Extra & Premium In May 2024

Here are the games that will be leaving the Extra and Premium tiers of the PS Plus subscription service in the month of May, 2024.

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gold_drake31d ago

crazy, glad i own the ones i wanted to revisit and play

ChasterMies30d ago

Absolver Downfall
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII Remastered
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X | X-2
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition
How To Survive 2
I Am Dead
Last Stop
Moster Jam Steel Titans 2
My Friend Pedro
Sundered Eldritch Edition
The Artful Escape
The Messenger
This Is The Police
This Is The Police 2
World of Final Fantasy

Asterphoenix30d ago

Glad that I absolutely can't stand subscription services.

Petebloodyonion30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

I don't recall Sony forcing you to subscribe like nobody forced you to go to Blockbuster to rent games instead of buying them.

SonyStyled30d ago

Pay-per-view was almost cheaper than the cost of gas and rental fee from Blockbuster. Blockbuster doesn’t exist today. Are you being sarcastic?