
Hitman: Complete disk version of episodic game to be released in January 2017

Square Enix has confirmed that a physical version of the complete first season of its new Hitman game will be released in January 2017. The date was revealed in the reviewer's guide for Hitman, which launches tomorrow (11 March) with its first of seven episodes.

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Relientk773006d ago

This I might buy, not buying the episodes individually though

ravens523006d ago

I like what I saw in the beta. Even though I like it like I do I'm waiting for the physical copy. Smdh.

Forn3006d ago

Guess I'll be waiting until January 2017 to see if I'm still interested in this game or not.

Pastorfuzz3006d ago

Same here. Have to see the user reviews first to make my decision.

-Foxtrot3006d ago

Who knows maybe a new stealth game will come out then or maybe announced.

esmittystud1013006d ago

The funny part is, players are getting upset about the whole "episodes" ordeal, but what is the difference between "episodes" and "map packs"?

The whole Hitman setup is the same thing as what CoD does, EA/Dice with Battlefront, ect.........there is no difference.

How bout Hitman just turn around and say "map packs" instead of "episodes". Will that please the masses?

Developers do this to keep us interested in the game all year long. Instead of us doing everything the game has to offer in a months time.

If it wasn't for "map packs", I would be putting CoD down in January ever year because I would have played everything by then and nothing new down the pipe incoming. But now, take for instance the first DLC drop on CoD. Cod was collecting dust until the DLC dropped, now I have been playing it alot, but will put it down eventually, but then DLC 2 will drop later and low and behold, I'm playing the game again.

Developers want us playing all year long, not just the first month the game comes out and then who knows, we may never pick the game up again. DLC, map packs, episodes is good for me. It keeps me interested in the game longer and I play them longer because of it.

Omnisonne3006d ago

The difference is that CoD is a full $60 game with everything there when you initially buy it. As opposed to an episodic game where that whole $60 package is spread out over a year.

It's a fair point that the devs want to keep people interested long term but, some people like myself prefer something to sink their teeth in, instead of waiting for the next bit releasing a couple of months later.

Matter of preference and all


Hitman celebrates 25 years with new content, events, and more in October

The month of October is going to be filled with excitement as the Hitman franchise is commemorating its 25 years of being in the business.

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-Foxtrot242d ago

It’s the 25th anniversary this year?

I’d have assumed it would have gotten something like a remastered trilogy of the original games or a remake of the first game. Something for a 25th celebration.

Super lacklustre


Ranking the Hitman Games From Worst To Best

Cultured Vultures: With the World of Assassination Trilogy wrapped up, here's our thoughts on the best and the worst in the series.

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A Deep Dive On all Things Hitman With The Voices Behind Agent 47 And Diana Burnwood

From PSU: "Ten years ago, the Hitman franchise was in a transitory state. Blood Money had become something of a classic and with Hitman Absolution there was a clear decision to push IO Interactive’s assassination sim series to a whole new level. That experimental, often divisive, entry turned out to be pivotal in what would follow.

Elements of Absolution, such as its accessibility and player-created content, would be mixed with the more traditional Hitman games’ sense of murderous creativity to birth the Hitman Trilogy 0f 2016-2021. A series that would take its creators on a turbulent journey of publisher changes, independence, and the eventual triumph of being handed the tantalizing 007 license."