
The Division Becomes Fastest Selling Title In Ubisoft’s History

Today, Ubisoft announced that Tom Clancy’s The Division has sold through more copies in its first 24 hours of availability than any previous title in the company’s history.

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DarkOcelet2997d ago

I really want to say 'Congrats Ubisoft, you earned it' but i feel like its another overhyped Ubisoft title.

2997d ago Replies(15)
hells_supernova2997d ago

Yes I completely agree.

It is fun do not get me wrong and I really enjoyed the beta on PC, but I just cannot justify the purchase.

Ricegum2997d ago

You can't justify the purchase? Why? You just said you really enjoyed the beta lol, isn't that justification?

hells_supernova2997d ago

Yes I enjoyed it but the cost of entry is too much for what seems like a game that will become a grind very quickly it was fun early on but as you progress like any mmo the progression become tedious.

Same issue with Destiny.

Shiken2997d ago

Thing is though, it is not the same as Destiny. They follow a similar concept, but the Division delivers on things Destiny should have from the start. If this kind of multiplayer action is something one is interested in, this game delivers.

And this is based on actual retail experience, not premature conclusions based off of a beta.

TFJWM2997d ago

Well it really depends on how long it takes till it gets tedious...How long does a game need to give you enjoyment till you can justify the purchase?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2997d ago
2997d ago
-Foxtrot2997d ago (Edited 2997d ago )

It is. Playing it and it's nothing special. Didn't buy it though thankfully just borrowing

Great now they are going to most likely invest more in online only titles

freshslicepizza2997d ago

from their point of view online only isn't a problem and guess what? it isn't going by the amount of systems out there connected.

does that mean i wouldn't want the ability to play offline? of course but i can see why the direction to stay connected is tempting for them.

Ricegum2997d ago

I find it funny that the people who are saying it isn't great are the people who don't have it, or are apparently "playing a friend's copy" or something.

LamerTamer2997d ago


They will lose some sales with the online requirement but they don't care. I won't buy it due to the requirement as I don't like MP and as such don't waste my money on a PSN+ subscription.

I don't see why there is not an OPTION to still play offline in SP mode. It makes no sense other than to have control of the expiration date when they eventually shut down the servers for the game. Without the online requirement you could play the SP mode forever, they don't want you doing that obviously.

Ravenor2997d ago (Edited 2997d ago )

You're borrowing a game that JUST got released, does your friend also suffer ADD?


WoW will shut down one day and I guarantee I and others have sunk more time and money into that than any other game out there. That's the nature of online titles. So why don't you pull up your big boy pants, and make an adult decision. Yours was to not play MP, or Purchase The Division. That's great, I on the other hand do play MP games, I did purchase The Division and I've enjoyed it thus far.

When the servers shut down (undoubtedly long after I've lost interest), it will make no difference. The game is about playing cooperatively, it's about the connected experience. People wanting an offline experience are asking for an option to have a cut down stripped out time with something. Not all products will be meant for you, that's life get a helmet.

-Foxtrot2997d ago


No his mother has cancer and she lives in London. He got the game and let me borrow it while he goes see her after she was taken to hospital for suffering with pains one night

Want me to go on?

Jeez people

Notellin2997d ago Show
-Foxtrot2997d ago Show
Utalkin2me2997d ago Show
freshslicepizza2997d ago


i don't have the game so i can't really say why it requires online. my guess is it's a liveable world where they can add and fix things on the fly? or maybe they have a drop in and drop out feature for online or co-op?

in reality it likely has to do with this,


-Foxtrot2997d ago

Take it or leave it. I'm not going to take another one saying "Foxtrot" on it. Even if I did you'd probably still say "proves nothing".

It was from my instagram account but i'm not linking N4G to it.

Anyway continue having a fit over someone's opinion and if they have a game or not. How sad.

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Perjoss2997d ago

Its a pretty cool game, not amazing but good fun and they created a really impressive city environment.

TwoForce2997d ago

Hey there, i'm just enjoy the game in my opinion. Well, the Division story is nothing new, but it's still enjoyable. More importantly, this one is much better than Destiny.

2997d ago
zidane13412997d ago

to you. this game is soooo fun, havent had this much fun this gen before. you probably havent even tried it. the graphics and gameplay are wonderful.

Last_Boss2997d ago

I would kill for a new Socom, with this engine.

Muzikguy2997d ago

I agree. They said this same thing for Watch Dogs and it's regarded as the fail of the generation. I want to see single player games succeed over these kinds. Yeah I thought the beta was all right, but I can see where it will get boring (fast) and I can see where they're trying to make more by selling expansions, skins, guns, customizations, and all the other stuff. Doesn't seem worth it to me.

jamstorr862997d ago

I think the game is great. Most of my friends pre ordered the game after the BETA. the suggests it wasn't hype that sold the game to them, but because they enjoyed playing a portion of the game and thought it worth investing in the rest. Obviously you don't like the game, never played it, or just have some sort of hate for ubisoft.

showtimefolks2997d ago

can get to max level in 12-15 hours so great job UBI. you set out to create the next destiny and you have kind of succeeded

you guys who keep buying these are the same one complaining about yearly COD games

the division is an always online so basically DRM yet nothing but if another game tries to do it than double standards come to play

hiredhelp2997d ago (Edited 2997d ago )

Instead talking negative how about some positives..
For me im a brit ive always wanted to visit New York not your useral tourist attraction but the real NY if you get me.
What I loved about this game is way everything was scaled to feel like actual size You felt soo small in this big open city.
I do love the physix I thought siege was impressive this was better sure may not had certain things from the early build but hey every game gets optimised im sure if everything looked like 2012 could consoles run at 30fps could my R9 290X get between 45-60fps (AVG 55-60) NO..
I still love the game its fun lots to do differnt options thats without the hidden easter eggs and gun skills perks customisation.
The games good plus no ground breaking bugs for me.. Maybe odd server issues but to be expected as big hit MMO.

Last_Boss2997d ago (Edited 2997d ago )

You know what makes this game instanly better than Destiny? The fact that they have NPC's and they are in the world you run around in, to interact with. There is a huge sense of atmosphere to play off of. Customizing your PC, has a lot of depth. I just don't like the fact, that you can stand in front of others and block progress.

WellyUK2997d ago

blame yourselves for over hyping games as it's no one else's fault that you put high expectations on a game.

Neonridr2997d ago

meh, I'm enjoying it so far. Not extremely far in, so I can't give a full analysis. But I am having fun. I will be interested to see what happens when you reach the level cap and how much content there is to keep you interested.

Utalkin2me2997d ago


How many hours do you have invested into it?

DarkOcelet2997d ago


I didnt buy it. That is why i said, i feel its overhyped. Remind me of Destiny, people rushing to buy the game and turns out to be a disappointment later on.

InTheZoneAC2997d ago

who exactly is overhyping it? I remember destiny getting hyped up by all media and bungie, but where's this so called hype coming from for The Division?

DarkOcelet2997d ago

The Division has been overhyped since the day of its inception my friend.

InTheZoneAC2997d ago (Edited 2997d ago )

my friend,

I heard about the division years ago, but wasn't interested at all because I really had no idea what it was about and ubisoft was behind it. I tend to ignore any hype for their games, although I do enjoy several of them.

When I started watching beta videos and got involved in the beta myself I felt like it could be a good game with the possibility of getting old after a year, but if it has a strong content filled year then that's fine by me.

I'm enjoying it, probably have around 6-7 hours of playtime. Initially I was worried about map size and content, but it seems like the game is PLENTY BIG.

People may have been watching this game for years, but I don't see hype articles anywhere like I did destiny. I remember bungie/activision touting so many things you can do in game and their plans for the game when it did release, and so many things were lies. I don't see blanket statements or lies by ubisoft or trying to hype the game up anything more than what I've seen and played.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 2996d ago
derkasan2997d ago

I have a feeling it'll be the next Destiny.

dead_pixels2997d ago

I like the premise, but I wouldn't be surprised if that turns out to be the case.

EvilAsh2997d ago

Destiny now or back when it was first released?

derkasan2997d ago

Now. It's got the potential to attract a ton of people and get ton of support.

OutcastMosquito2997d ago

Now for sure. The game just needs more content like the taken King and it can easily be better.... Just don't hold your breath..

CorndogBurglar2997d ago

So it'll be a game that literally millions of people are still playing a year from now and who have put in hundreds, if not 1,000 hours of time into?

Sounds good to me.

starchild2997d ago

Yeah, that would be a huge success to be like Destiny.

BuffaloDill2997d ago

Yup, Ubisoft definitely earned it! Now let's hope the game lives up to expectations!

Playable_Gamez2997d ago

Since when has Ubisoft earned anything? They have lied and deceived throughout this generation and they somehow deserve a successful launch with The Division? That's pretty sad if you ask me.

Goldby2997d ago

Frist off Playable_Gamez Ubisoft Massive has only worked on 3 games. Assassin's Creed Revelations, Far cry 3 and Just Dance. before Developing Division.

This is ubisoft showing that they are starting to listen to the gamers. first Division, im guessing Assassins creed next year will be another hit, not so much wild land (too many tom Clancy games in one year)

Just becuase a game is part of the Ubisoft Family doesn't mean that all past hiccups and F**kups are on every company that Ubisoft owns.

Killer instinct was horrible at launch, so does that justify saying every Microsoft studio game is shit? i guess that means Quantum wont do very well.

To base everything off of history instead of what is in front of you wont help you in anything. yes you can relate to history, but dont base everything off of it.

kraenk122997d ago (Edited 2997d ago )

All you Ubihaters are so annoying. They still deliver some of the most diverse and creative titles on the market and The Division is pretty damn close to what was promised.

Kribwalker2997d ago

I agreed with you until you said killer instinct was horrible at launch. Killer instinct was fantastic at launch with near perfect netcode and enough content for a free game with a $20 option to buy everything

JMPetrequin2997d ago

Nice sales for servers that don't work.

n4rc2997d ago

Seem fine last night.. Streamers I was watching right after midnight all had disconnects but roommate played all night and never got dropped.

Myze2997d ago (Edited 2997d ago )

The servers were down for about 45 minutes right after the official launch. Before then, and since then, they have been working fine, at least for me and most others. That's pretty darn good for a new game. Destiny didn't have any issues, but that's not the norm for big online games.

The only real issue people have been having is that thing with the computer near the beginning, where some people aren't able to access it and some are lining up, etc. I didn't have the problem when I went through, but I could see it being aggravating. Other than that, the game seems to be really well done in terms of polish/bugs. Some people may be dropped from the servers every now and then, but that's true for almost any online game, and I don't see it being too bad with Division (even if it is, the game has only officially been out for about two days now).

Anyway, as for the topic, congrats to Massive. Not a big Ubi fan myself, but Ubisoft is just a publisher, I'm giving the props to the people that developed it. A lot of fun so far (and had a lot of fun in beta, too).

kraenk122997d ago

The game seems totally fine since ages.

Playable_Gamez2997d ago (Edited 2997d ago )

Ubisoft is the pro of marketing. They have yet to deliver this gen, but some how they know how to sale millions of games.

starchild2997d ago

Or maybe not everyone agrees with you...

I've enjoyed quite a few Ubisoft games these past few years.

Ricegum2997d ago

Maybe the Ubisoft haters are just a vocal minority, and perhaps a lot of people actually like some of the stuff they develop?

Legion212997d ago

They reveal their games with unrealistic vertical slices that look amazing which generates hype. I wouldn't say they haven't delivered with a good game but rather they haven't delivered on the trailers they sell people with. I usually like Ubisoft, but you can't say their marketing isn't a bit deceptive whether it's intentional or not.

Ravenor2997d ago

It's absolutely intentional, but the OP's point of having yet to deliver? Maybe a bit extreme, Far Cry 4 wasn't quite FC3 but it was still a lot of fun.

InTheZoneAC2997d ago


-watchdogs was fun, not sure what the hate was
-the crew wild run is a very fun game, still have to tighten up the sloppy default controls

waiting for splinter cell ps4 to come out, last one on ps3 was great

waiting for a ghost recon as well, as all were fun on ps3

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Exclusive Q&A: “Tom Clancy’s: The Division: Hunted” Author Thomas Parrott

from paulsemel.com: In this exclusive Q&A, the author of the new technothriller based on "Tom Clancy's: The Division" discusses how it ties to the games while also bringing its own story to a close.

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rpad105d ago

did you edit out the parts where the author repeated everything you asked?


Ubisoft's The Division series just had 80% slashed off its price on Steam

If you're looking to try out an exciting, team-based shoot 'em up, The Division is currently on sale on Steam!

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Stop Forcing Multiplayer Into Single Player Games

TIM WHITE WRITES: "Multiplayer or single player? Developers, you can do both, just not willy-nilly."

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Flawlessmic412d ago

I am in absolute agreement with the OP 👌

shinoff2183412d ago

I hate when I see single player games and see people begging for multi-player. Jeez guys it don't need to be on every game. Latest one I seen was atomic heart.

-Foxtrot411d ago

Multiplayer or even co-op

If it was always a single player game then that's how it is

Inverno411d ago

It's a trend that never really went away. For me multiplayer in a primarily SP focused game was an excuse for DLC. Then there's the mentality gamers had that adding multiplayer makes a game worth the price, otherwise it should be half price for half a game. A way of thinking devs reassured when they started adding multiplayer to their sequels. We see the same with multiplayer focused games getting SP in their sequels.

Flawlessmic411d ago

Tbh multilayer now is a way to add live service and mtx elements, very rarely does it come of well.

What single players game used to be in a lot of cases now require 3 other people for keeping to really enjoy it and I hate having to rely on others to get the maximum from a game.

Sp should be sp, if devs want to add a separate multi mode then that's fine with me, the legends addition to ghost of tshushima was fricking sick but totally separate to the main game. Sick of co op too.

Hofstaderman411d ago

I remember when certain single player games had them as included optional modes that was played on the couch. Had brilliant times with Syphon Filter and Golden Eye. Me and my bro used to used to fight over who would play as Gabe even though it was technically just a skin. Good times.

Dagexon411d ago

I didn't notice your comment before I added mine.
But good times indeed

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