
Phil Spencer responds to Lionhead closure, promises Xbox isn't going anywhere

Xbox chief Phil Spencer has moved to reassure fans concerned about the future of Xbox following yesterday's announcement that Lionhead Studios and Press Play Studios are to close.

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Fin_The_Human3009d ago

I think the only people that are worried are the Sony fans.

Company restructuring happens all the time, its part of running a business.

Sony did the something similar last year where they had to let go a lot of employees and also close some Sony stores, does that mean that they are doom...no just means that they will cut off any part that is not making a profit and bleeding money.

3009d ago
2pacalypsenow3009d ago

Difference is Sony didn't dump all their games on the Vita just to sell more vitas and games, they stuck with their console and have offered support for all 3 of their consoles like no one else.

migh_and_highty3009d ago

Sony fans only are worried about a ms studio(s) closure...?

Everyone should be worried, and there's nothing wrong with that. That's a very nasty way to fanboy up a topic that realisticly affects everyone, moreso real peoples livelihoods.

Xbox doesn't have a great presence in Europe as it is, so it's naturally worrying that yet another european studio has closed down.
Studio Liverpool, big big, these two of MS' yesterday, and that's just UK. For those living in the UK hoping to join a veteran studio in the UK to develop games, it's not looking as good as it was 10 years ago.

Your choice may be either go indie and risk your life savings (not everyone can kickstarter what they need) or go contractual and risk potentially weeks without work, it is worrying

aconnellan3009d ago

I'd say this is really the only answer to listen to at the moment.

It really sucks for those involved, but restructuring is a thing that all businesses in all industries go through.

Microsoft was pumping money into those 8 studios and saw that they were getting absolutely no return (2 of them made F2P games, others were small Kinect-based devs), so of course they're going to consider shutting off the money tap.

Funding isn't infinite, as any developer or publisher will tell you

_-EDMIX-_3009d ago

"I think the only people that are worried are the Sony fans"


I know right, if your an XB fan, you just welcome Lionhead closing huh bud? /s

I'm sure more folks who own an XB will be upset over this news then some fanboys that had no effect over this.

-Foxtrot3009d ago

The studios Sony closed weren't working on something as big as Fable Legends and for so long.

They trimmed some fat sure but they didn't take off such a huge chunk like Microsoft have just done. It wasn't just Lionhead aswell other smaller studios fell.

Mr Pumblechook3009d ago

When Phil Spencer says that Xbox 'isn't going anywhere' notice he is talking about the software development division and not the hardware platform!

G20WLY3009d ago (Edited 3009d ago )

^Agreed Pumblechook. Phil says, "Xbox isn't going anywhere"...Yes, Phil, that could very well be the problem you're faced with if you keep on giving up exclusives, cancelling games and closing down development studios.

This is what worries me; People WANT xbox to go somewhere and want to know where it's bloody going. Right now it doesn't even seem like you know - how are the fans supposed to trust that there is a future for the platform outside of PC?

Erik73573009d ago

Restructuring....closing many studios in xbox division and making First party IPs slowly multi-plat. That's downsizing not restructuring

vallencer3009d ago


So you're telling me that because of one group of people, not all the fans mind you obviously, that you want to be exactly like those people? Why not be better then them? Be bigger than them!

Hueynewton20123009d ago

Bad comparison, eliminating popular studios that drive software sales of your hardware is not the same as closing Sony tech retail stores. These eliminations are Xbox only, not office, or their mobile phone division. It seems they're slowly but surely moving away from Xbox exclusives forever, simply because they can't compete in that category with Sony or Nintendo for that matter in the CONSOLE market.

Move Microsoft-owned software to PC, now there are two areas to profit from instead of one. Why are people making this seem more difficult than what it is?

AngelicIceDiamond3009d ago

@Prince so this link Im about to provide isn't the same as getting shut down but you get the jist of it and will have the same reaction.


Tell me where Xbox fans FLOCKED made hateful comments doom and gloom where's that majority here doing that?

ONESHOTV23009d ago

2pacalypsenow.... and you think that was a good move.

gangsta_red3009d ago

Sony also sold off or broke ties with SOE which were making them a a bunch of games also.

Sony trims the fat, MS trims the fat. That's what happens when these billion dollar companies get fat and have summer around the corner.

nX3009d ago (Edited 3009d ago )

The thing I'm having a problem with is that besides the fact that Microsoft must've greenlit every project Lionhead started they also are one of the most resourceful companies in the world.

Is it really too much to ask MS to build a network of proper game development studios? All they work on is Halo, Gears and Forza which are far from exiting at this point.

frostypants3009d ago

Know a good way to not make money? Cancel a game just weeks before putting it on the market.

The_Eternal_one3008d ago

That's weird because most of the videos I seen on YouTube were from fans of the series.

GameNameFame3008d ago

Difference was it followed studio expansion. And it was nowhere this level in terms of series of bad news.

I think what you are doing is just damage control.

Saranya3008d ago

Very true!!! i never know that Sony fans love Fable.

Godmars2903008d ago

How are comparing what Sony did regarding divisions of the company to what MS is doing within a division? Things which directly effect the production of product which is suppose to make that division appealing.

Selling off laptops, PCs, cell phones and even buildings has nothing to do with Playstation. MS started this gen saying was going to have content, that they were going to make that content directly, reaffirmed that commitment after the DRM shakeup if not doubled down on it, yet now they're closing studios and canceling games.

Saranya3008d ago

Agree!! Sony fans are worried because they afraid that Spencer can make it better.

freshslicepizza3008d ago

"Difference is Sony didn't dump all their games on the Vita just to sell more vitas and games, they stuck with their console and have offered support for all 3 of their consoles like no one else."

really? so where is this love from sony for vita software?

ask yourself this, who is trying to make this a huge deal. those who never really had much support for the xbox brand or everyone else?

phil and the ceo of microsoft have both shown commitment o the xbox brand. e3 of this year will show whether or not they are in it for the long haul. fable legends never really did look like a aaa game.

Bdub20003008d ago (Edited 3008d ago )

To all fanboys:

I just turned on my X1, it is still running great.

I am still able to play all my fantastic games.

My game library is filled with titles I can only enjoy on a Windows platform.

There are upcoming releases that can only be enjoyed on a Windows platform.

My X1 is still awesome.

That is all. thanks for your "concern"

UltraNova3008d ago

Personally I don't care what each corporation does with their various assets as long as they are straight with us and not lie to us if they are in the process of exiting a market where the only thing keeping it together and is somewhat pro-gamer(yeah this is debatable)inevitably destroying competition and making console gaming for us non-viable.

This is not the time to pick sides and take jabs at each other. We, as in all gamers, need MS and Sony to keep competing with each other. If one exits then our favorite pass time is doomed.


Good for you man I'm happy for you. One piece of advice though, do your self a favor and don't do any future planing by yourself.

TheSaint3008d ago

I'm more Sony than MS and I don't want them to stop. No competition isn't a good thing.

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 3008d ago
tuglu_pati3009d ago

"Phil Spencer responds to Lionhead closure, promises Xbox isn't going anywhere"


nX3009d ago (Edited 3009d ago )

Pretty much, they started doing the necessary steps for this to happen so I wouldn'T be surprised by anything at this point.
In 2 years Xbox could be built into every device that runs Windows 10, would that still mean that "Xbox isn't going anywhere"?

S2Killinit3009d ago (Edited 3009d ago )

Exactly. It Isnt going anywhere but its becoming a steam machine (aka a pc)

BG115793008d ago

It could actually not be like the PC, but more like tablet or smart-phones.
A new version of the console each year. Each version has a fixed hardware. Each device can use cloud gaming and computing.

S2Killinit3008d ago

True. I just dont think i like that idea. Basically it means no more consoles if this strategy pays off. Im mainly a console gamer. Always been. I love consoles. They are great value. But what im seeing is that MS will abolish console gaming when they take half the console gamers unto their steam-like/PC "console". This is what Spencer said earlier.

"described by Phil himself, of a future where the Xbox might end up as a service rather than a hardware line. He also spoke of a future where the Xbox hardware could be upgraded, similar to a PC."

I dont know but I dont like where this is heading guys...

WelkinCole3008d ago

What would help his case if MS buys a dev and make games for the x1 only.

Words are just words.

n4rc3008d ago

Why is it required that they own a studio? Wouldn't it be better for the developer to keep their freedom an simply work with ms on a game by game basis?

It certainly doesnt matter to a Xbox gamer who remedy is owned by, for example. they just want qb.

WelkinCole3008d ago


Because that's how you stay in the console race. Look at Nin for example.

If you recall what happened with Mass Effect, BioShock and then Gears.

Luckily MS bough Gears IP this gen

Look at how low the impact of both Titanfall and TR 1 year exclusive sofar.

The key to staying in the game is to have your own inhouse talent that will produce the content for your platform to make it relevant for people to support it.

In the future Remedy might not be there anymore like how EPIC didn't do anymore Gears.

Like MS are finding out the hard way this gen. You can't completely rely on 2nd and 3rd party always.

n4rc3008d ago

But the content is always there.. And games come and go..

Titanfalls impact would have been exactly the same if they were first party.. The only impact there is Sony gamers will get to play their next game as well as Xbox gamers.. That's a win for everyone involved as I see it.

Having content is important, how you get it isn't. There are pros and cons for the platform holder, but really irrelevant to the gamer.

We can agree to disagree but Ive always said 1sr or 2nd party makes no difference at all to the consumer.

Golden_Mud3008d ago

This guy is not James Allard, he doesn't even wish to be like him.

Allard is the one who believed he can actually make a difference with Xbox ,and make it the next big thing.

Pogmathoin3008d ago

Regardless of what happens in the end, Xbox dying would be bad for all gamers. Sony is only were it is because it had continue to innovate because market share seriously dipped. If they have no competition, it gets stale. They will not spend R&D bucks when there is no need to compete, they will, again tell you what you need.....PC gaming, steam boxes will benefit, and it will become a full shift away from hardware, and more about streaming, delivery of content devices..... Be careful what you wish for....

CaptainObvious8783008d ago

Yeah, Phil, you can be totally trusted. MS totally hasn't mislead it's customers time after time.

Maybe I'll finally get my wish and see MS get out of the console space.

Pogmathoin3007d ago

True, not like others have ever mislead a consumer when letting credit card details walk freely into the hands of not so nice people.......

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3007d ago
3009d ago Replies(4)
chrisx3009d ago ShowReplies(2)
Free_Fro3009d ago ShowReplies(7)
cfc833009d ago

People shouldn't hate on xb1. If ps4 didn't have competition, Sony would take even more advantage of its user base.

Fin_The_Human3009d ago (Edited 3009d ago )

Funny how people forget how ignorant Sony was with the PS3, I mean they actually told us to get two jobs to buy a PS3.

The PS4 is what it is because of the XBox and if you can't see that then you're a blind fan.

Edit: PS2 had no competition because Sony killed the Dream Cast with money by making the most popular games exclusive.

LP-Eleven3009d ago

Have you forgotten the statements Don Mattrick made at the launch of the X1? Yeah, execs make silly comments - it happens.

BlackTar1873009d ago (Edited 3009d ago )

They didn't tell you to get 2 jobs. They said they want you to feel like you'd get 2 jobs to get it.

and like stated above me it's funny to harp on a MIS Quote and yet stick up for the company who said quotes you can't take out of context because no matter what way you read them or hear them they are negative.

It's hard to take anything you say seriously when you repeat a quote incorrectly and completely out of context. If you're going to quote something at least do the research to use it correctly.

For the most part the best console of all time is the pS2 it's up for debate obviously but that happen when PS basically held the entire market itself.

remixx1163009d ago (Edited 3009d ago )

Hell the ps4 practically has the entire market, and look at the lineup we have this year....it's friggin nuts from 1st part exclusives to 2nd and 3rd party exclusives......

I say let them dominate. Just avoid the BS emulated game prices.

It's looking like the ps2 all over again.

Well......I don't think @fro is enjoying it....



2pacalypsenow3009d ago

PS2 had no competition and Sony didn't take advantage of anyone. Now Nintendo on the other hand that's another story.

Last_Boss3008d ago


The price point has nothing to with the incredible software the PS3 has. Sony has been around for one more generation than MS, and their first was during the last great mascot era.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3008d ago
Ricegum3009d ago

Yes because Sony is taking advantage of us so much lol. I'd be happy if Xbox packed up and went away from the console market, no more silly timed deals on games and DLC.

Zeref3009d ago

sony doesn't do timed deals and dlc?

MrEnglish3009d ago

Then you are not a gamer and a mindless fanboy, competition is key to any device in any eco system, this will make the company selling that product push to make it as good as possible to be the best for the consumer.

Personal dislike is one thing but to remove them from the market would be stupid and you would not benefit in any way whatsoever.

And your deals and DLC remark.... Hypocrisy at It's finest

Yetter3009d ago

Thats been Sonys MO this generation, i.e. Destiny, CoD

Aenea3009d ago

You really will not want that, honestly, now Sony sometimes feels pressure because customers want features the other one has, the have to set a price point for their hardware that can compete with the other one, if there is no on to compete with they can do what they want.

I really would not want that and you shouldn't either.

3009d ago
lelo2play3008d ago


Congrats for the most ignorant comment of the day.

Be careful... don't let hatred consume you.

Petebloodyonion3008d ago

Gotta love this one!
DLC! while forgetting that Sony was the 1st company to introduce paid DLC on console with Wipeout pure on PSP in 2005.

But Hey if it help you feel Better... Microsoft is evilllllll!!!!

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3008d ago
Ricegum3009d ago


To compete with Microsoft, yes they do. But securing exclusive & timed content is something Microsoft had made popular starting with the 360.

Yetter3009d ago

and has since moved away from. The Division will be the last time you see this happen in a very long time on the XB side of things, and thats cause the deal was cut 2 years ago

Kribwalker3008d ago


Tomb raider 2 was a paid exclusive by Sony to keep it off of the sega Saturn after tomb raider one was on both. Gta San Andreas was paid exclusivity for 1 year on PlayStation 2 to keep it off of Xbox. There were plenty of games Sony paid for timed exclusive or full exclusive before MS even entered the console market, do a little research before you blindly post

lelo2play3008d ago

Actually... Sony started this trend with PS1 and PS2 3rd party exclusive games.

If you want to blame somebody, blame Sony.

Last_Boss3008d ago

Nintendo did it to SEGA, years before. Lol

Playable_Gamez3008d ago

I hate how people blame other people for things people now.

So you are blaming MS for everything anti-consumer Sony is doing just because they did it first?

So it's okay for Sony to make timed-exclusivity deals because MS did first?

I don't understand how people like you have 10 bubbles.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3008d ago
Ricegum3009d ago


I suggest you have a good look at the PS2, very little competition there and it was some of the best years for gaming.

And look at my other comment relation to DLC and timed deals. That is not something that Sony started. Stop being quick to call someone a fan boy, usually people who do that are fan boys themselves.

MrEnglish3009d ago

Buddy I'm 40 years old, ive been through all console generations since the Atari 2600.

Your comment history shows you want Xbox out of the console market and left to just Sony, this is pure stupidness, I've been in business long enough and been around tech long enough to know competition is key.

In your opinion gaming when the PS2 was around was some of the best, myself I find that gaming was at It's best just before the PS1 came around. With Sony came a lot of hate from people protecting the purchase mommy and Daddy bought them.

Also I'm a gamer.... I own all consoles, not just one so I dont need to feel that my console has to be king.

I suggest you ask someone who was around before the PS2 era, Those are the times that made it possible for Sony to be popular...


Imalwaysright3008d ago

And after the PS2 we got the PS3. €600 at launch, barely any worthwile games until MGS4, extremely difficult to develop for and being outperformed in its initial years by a console that cost €200 less than it. PS3 initial years were the result of them resting on their laurels from the PS2 days.

All in one console, HDD, achievements/trophies, unified online service were all things brought by MS to console gaming.

Oh and Uncharted which is only Sony's 2nd biggest IP after GT is what it is today because Sony saw how successful shooters were doing on the 360.


I'm not going to sit here and say that MS only did good things for gaming but they, without any doubt shaped many of the things that we came to expect from our consoles.

TripleCs3009d ago

Not saying I want Sony to have a monopoly again but when Sony had a monopoly during the PS1 and PS2 era those were arguably some of the best years in gaming.. Just saying lol

Aenea3009d ago

Yup, if MS stops making consoles all gamers who prefer consoles over PC gaming will be negatively affected. Sony without Xbox competition would be really bad too.

I really do hope the NX is going to be as good hardware wise as the current gen systems and 3rd party developers are going to release all the multiplat AAA games on it as well.

Heck even if Xbox is not going anywhere that would rather be awesome anyways :)

q8kik3008d ago

You guys say that competition is good which is true but not always.
Don't forget that competition has also affected us in a bad way. Having to pay for multiplayer is the thing I despise the most about the PS4 right now....all thanks to your glorified competition.

uth113008d ago

As a Sony fan, that's exactly what worries me. Nintendo doesn't put up much of a fight, the recent moves by MS make it feel like they've given up trying to compete with Sony and are more interested in stopping SteamOS from getting a foothold in the PC space.

Without real competition, Sony will likely rest on their laurels more.

cfc833008d ago

No chance of xbox division dissapearing. They will continue to make investments in big titles. I think they are though eventually going to have a windows box in the gen after this. XB1 has sold alot of units, but yes the focus will shift more towards windows gaming on both pc and console.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3008d ago
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Xbox No Longer Has Its Head In The Game

Microsoft & Xbox have shut down Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks to lay off more workers, insinuating that they're not in the game anymore.

XiNatsuDragnel23d ago

They're headless for a long time because closing tango isn't exactly a good move

PapaBop22d ago

Ever since that cringe Kinect reveal they've never been the same. They used to make some amazing games and do great deals with third parties Early on in the 360 era they had games like Chromehounds and Shadowrun, both well ahead of their time. Now instead of nurturing their studios, they'd rather gaslight gamers and throw billions on pre existing studios. Not sure how Spencer is still in a job, I wouldn't trust him to organise a piss-up in a brewery.

Father__Merrin22d ago

We've said all along Spencer needs to go. I wish xbox went back to xbox only with new gears fable forza halo releases lots of third party releases

Those early rainbow 6 Vegas days and phantasy star universe are gone forever

S2Killinit22d ago

MS has its head in the game but the game they are playing is something different from what console gamers expect from a platform. MS’s end game has always been to use the xbox as a trojan horse.

XiNatsuDragnel22d ago

Lol that's funny well this plan they have isn't working homie

343_Guilty_Spark23d ago

Acquisitions always come with cuts

1Victor23d ago

“Acquisitions always come with cuts”

343 trillion points shield activated
343 trillion percent damage negate activated
All damage reduced to 1 for 343 trillion turns.

Tacoboto23d ago

Especially for Microsoft, when Booty pretty much said they didn't know how to handle that many studios.

Why even make the acquisition then.

-Foxtrot23d ago

Didn’t they make the swipe for Bethesda when Sony wanted like 6 months exclusiveness for Starfield

It’s like…chill, you got Rise of the Tomb Raider for a year.

romulus2323d ago

Do they always come with senseless cuts becasue that's exactly what cutting Tango was, senseless.

H923d ago

Everyone's acting now that game companies care about games and Xbox is committing the Ultimate betrayal, they are all like this and you have just been quiet about it for far too long

Nuclearmoon23d ago

I wonder if Microsoft do pull out of the console market that it might open the door for valve to relaunch the Steambox. Competition is good for the industry but Microsoft don't even seem to be trying anymore.

UltimateOwnage22d ago

Steam / Valve are one of the few truly pro-consumer bright spots in gaming right now. Thankfully.

Jingsing21d ago

From all the money Valve make from Steam they reinvest almost 0 into creating new AAA titles for the PC platform, Absolutely no giving nothing back in that regard. Wake up.

jwillj2k423d ago (Edited 23d ago )

“Your game has won some pretty significant awards and is a show piece for where we want to go in the future.”

1 hour later.

“We’re gonna have to let you go. You can’t cover our 100 billion dollar acquisition. Oh and take your awards too 👍🏾”

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Fallout 76 Players Have Nuked Phil Spencer in Response to Studio Closures

Fallout 76 players have dropped the big one on Phil Spencer in response to Xbox's closures of Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks this week.


Meet The Guy Who Just Nuked Xbox Boss Phil Spencer In Fallout 76

He said he treated the Xbox executive like the RPG's final boss

Jingsing24d ago

Somewhat fitting, Considering buying Bethesda was a complete selfish purchasing decision by himself just because he is a big Fallout fan he wanted to own the toy. Well quite frankly Microsoft should look at that and say you put your personal tastes in front of the business and it has backfired.

anast24d ago

Todd Howard out hustled Phil. Howard is definitely in the top 3 all time hustlers in video game history.

OtterX24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

Phil's game character properly looks like a villain too.


Miacosa23d ago

Would be funny is P3 nuked his account temporality as a joke.