
File-sharing fines: are you next?

If you get your games from P2P, you could be in for a nasty surprise. An in-depth look at the effects of filesharing on PC gaming, after the Dream Pinball 3D legal case. Includes interview with technology lawyer Struan Robertson.

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Silogon5737d ago

Good, I hope the eradicate all you cheap ass bathturds. As I made a post the other day saying the same thing "Gamers are cheap" They are the cheapest people on the planet and if they're not stealing something, they're getting it used or at discounted cost.

The reason why games are now 60 bucks is because of cheap ass gamers buying their games from used game stores and off e-bay and Amazon from individual sellers. Don't fool yourselves about this disc costing more crap! It cost more cause you all stole more.

I hate cheap people and even more when I see cheap people stealing movies, music and games. this isn't like stealing food to survive. This is stealing non necessities and trying to justify it. Gamers squeeze their quarter so tight the eagle screams. All I can say.

rroded5737d ago (Edited 5737d ago )

naw the reason games are 60 bucks is cause they can.

as for gamers being cheap lol your nutz hardcore gamers spend tons on gaming (like in its a multi bilion dollar industry and growing) then they get hit with invasive drm and broken games. And you blame the pirates eh. Let me guess a your another blind patriot happy to tow the cooperate line. Buying into the bs that pirating is hurting anything sigh facts are a little different tho. Like it or not piracy isnt hurting the gamemarket anymore than the movie or music industries. A good game makes good money crappy ones dont and sometimes even good games get passed by thats life in a free market m8.

edit ya like buying used games is bad sheesh but i dont think there's anything wrong with game makers selling on steam and the likes if people want to buy it knowing what it is its their right.

Proxy5737d ago

It's quite legal to buy used games. In fact, systems that deny your from reselling your game are borderline illegal. Systems like Steam or Live or PSN where you buy direct and cannot resell your purchase deny the free market from doing what it does best; that is, giving great products at low prices.

With nearly everything, like a car, you have the legal right to resell what you have purchased when you want at a price you want.

Silogon5737d ago (Edited 5737d ago )

Oh, so you only disagree with me on half of what I'm saying, right? Pleas, being cheap is being cheap. Regulations need to be in order here. A game should be out on the market 5 years before it is allowed to be sold in a used shop. If sold, the store gets a fine.

Music, movies and game downloads over peer to peer or file share should be banned and anyone caught doing so should be held accountable for their actions.

Stealing is stealing and used game shops are basically screwing you anyways. You say "great product at a low price" You're out of you mind. Gamestop has some really great deals, huh? You cannot justify the argument of stealing games. you can't. Movies, games andmusic are made at a price and they should be sold at one. Try and back your claims up for used games all you want, if you want to be cheap and buy used games and hurt the industry who makes them and doesn't see a dime for those used sales, go ahead. buy away cheap ass, but don't expect me to banner flag along with you and don't expect me to buckle on stealing games.

It's wrong and needs to be stopped.

Diamondwolf5737d ago (Edited 5737d ago )

Silogon, please do the world a favor and stay out of the government at all costs. You are one of those Fahrenheit 451 types who want to abolish all free speech and thinking. What's next? instead of burning books you are going to burn all used games. People have the right to buy at the cheapest price if they want and the fact that your opinion on the subject directs otherwise speaks a lot about your character. If the gaming market chose to charge $100 dollars per game effectively doubling their salary and cutting yours dramatically, you would do it hook, line and sinker wouldn't you.

Your elitist comment made me sick to my stomach. Yes it's a crime for piracy and those that practice should be punished but the fact that you so strongly haze people for saving their money is borderline communist.

Proxy5737d ago

"Music, movies and game downloads over peer to peer or file share should be banned and anyone caught doing so should be held accountable for their actions."

They are banned. Well, as banned as possible, they are illegal, and anyone who wants to put up the time and money can enforce that law. It takes time to have a trial, so they can't get everyone obviously. The alternative is they could bust into your house one day and haul you off to jail for 20 years, end of story. We can't have that.

I must admit though, it is tempting to hop on a P2P program and download a PS4 game that wont be on the shelfs for 5 more years. LOL, in fact, it wont even be in development for another 3, but that just goes to show how CRAZY these P2P programs are. (This is sarcasm based off the statement that games can be obtained illegally 5 YEARS before they're released.)

theKiller5737d ago

this is how i think of it, they(game developers) steal a lot of money from a lot of people, so me being a clever i play their games free, because if i pay for game then i got caught like many naive people!!
DEVS rips people wallets i rip their work!! thats life!! however i do buy high quality games, and as i remember all high quality games have very good sales!!

this is just my thought

why so serious siligon???

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5737d ago
Andras845737d ago

I only have Gears of War and Crysis for PC now.
PC gaming is not even interesting to me...I don't like mous+keyboard anyway.

fermcr5737d ago (Edited 5737d ago )

Mouse+keyboard for FPS and RTS are the best choice... don't even try to compare it with a controler, because there is no comparison. In platform and Sport (Fifa, PES, etc) games the controler is better.

Diamondwolf5737d ago

I prefer the controller over mouse and keyboard

Andras845737d ago

I really don't care if most of you think that a mouse+keyboard is supperior in an FPS and RTS. I really don't!! I enjoy playing an FPS game with a controller more. I just like it more. You guys can dissagree all you want this is just my personal preference.
I'm not comparing the two by the way so don't get the wrong idea.

Prototype5737d ago

Oh look, another wanna-be Napster case. I get so sick of companies blaming P2P when they don't make millions. Everyone knows its companies that spend a whole $15 to make a garbage game, and complain because no one cares for it. First it was the music industry, now its gaming, whats next, porno industry?

Stories like this make me glad I'm a console gamer where I can choose to buy/trade games as I want, not keep an expensive drink coaster if I don't like the game.

Cuthroat5737d ago (Edited 5737d ago )

That much government control reeks of communism and takes out capitalism and a free market society. The reason games are $60 is because that is what the market can bear - and that is with people buying used games. If the rules were the way you want them to be then games would be well over a $100. That is what is great about a free market society is that we can buy used games, and we can determine what or what not the market will bear. There is a big difference between being "cheap" and financially responsible.

As far as people getting games for free on the internet then I agree - it is stealing and wrong. It is destroying PC gaming and Console gaming suffers as well with chips and what not. Competition between all platforms is best for all.

Bullseye5737d ago (Edited 5737d ago )

Firstly, the assumption that cracking down on software piracy will somehow increase software sales significantly is erroneous.The majority of people who are pirating software will NOT go out and buy it, and never will.There are many reasons for this, far too many to discuss in a few lines.
Okay the important stuff,then.A question to all you budding lawyers out there. Who owns your transmitted data while it crosses boundaries on it's way to it's destination? What legal right does any government have to 'own 'parts of the internet or view it's traffic,whatever the pretence for doing so? Why do ISP's not provide encryption for all internet traffic - yours and mine,by default? I would be very interested in your comments.There are surely issues here, that go far beyond an individuals uploading of software! Why is it that recent legislation allows RECORD COMPANIES to monitor internet traffic for 'illegal' music downloads? Why should record companies that have failed to secure their material effectively be allowed to compensate, by arbitrarily monitoring internet traffic in the hope of finding copyright infringers? Personally, given a choice, i will be boycotting all ISP's that sign up to this absolute invasion of my privacy,full stop. Including,Virgin media,BT and others.

Proxy5737d ago

Most people don't care because it's being done on the mythical internet.

However, if similar policies were adopted in the real world ever couple of months the feds would bust in with flash bangs and assault riffles and then search your house just to see if anything illegal might have been going on. Would people look away then?

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18 classic PC games you still can't get digitally

PCGamer : One of the great strengths of PC gaming is a back catalogue that spans decades. Companies like Nintendo emulate older games on their modern consoles, but that can't compare to the thousands and thousands of games you can track down from the history of the PC. But not every banger that's ever dropped on DOS or Windows is so easy to find. Some of the all-time greats still aren't available digitally even now, and your only legal way to play them is to hunt for a boxed copy on Ebay and hope it plays well with modern Windows.

Ryushaa872d ago

Like the article said, No One Lives Forever has no known owner. This mean you can't buy it, but you can (for now) download it for free without repercussions. Just go to nolfrevival(dot)tk to get the whole series for free. Lol

FreeckyCake871d ago

I would add Prey (2006). Can't get it for PC to this day.

lonewolf10871d ago

Rumor on the street is it's coming to the Epic store, maybe the free mystery game today (which will be revealed in little over an hour)?

lonewolf10871d ago

@Raiden ooo not sure I may be getting confused on the versions, sorry.

Eamon871d ago

Underrated game. Level Design was groundbreaking.

871d ago
Fntastic871d ago

Black & White was decent, back then my most played would be Worms 2 for the online multiplayer tho.

NOLF i didn't really get into.. I was busy enjoying Soldier of Fortune 2 online multiplayer in 2002 until the next big thing came in 2004: Half Life 2 and then the free online DM mode which came slightly after.

frostypants870d ago (Edited 870d ago )

I have a copy of Black & White lying around somewhere. Haven't played it in 15 years. Wonder if it's worth anything. Interesting game...like Populous or something, but I could terrorize the people with my 300ft demon cow. It never quite got the balance between people management and creature training right though. Always felt disjointed.

maelstromb870d ago (Edited 870d ago )

You missed out if you never played the NOLF games... they were fantastic and hilarious, and still to this day, not a game has come close to replicating the magic of those games. I've read many articles over the years about how Night Dive Studios has tried desperately to corral the rights on multiple occasions, but alas... the source code is seemingly missing/gone and no one truly knows who owns it. Unbelievable, really... So, if we ever hope to see the NOLF games live on, someone would have to build it from scratch. :/

I did love me some Soldier of Fortune 1 & 2, as well... they were janky at times, but so much fun.

mastershredder871d ago

Takes a bunch of random games that were not available digitally and complains or makes a obvious point? that you cant get them anymore. Yeah, the gen x game list probably will do that.

And then there us the matter most of these can still be obtained (digitally) even some legally for free. Was this just a random thought? Oh gee I miss these games (or maybe I heard of), let me me pull something out of my butt for an article.

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Ranking All The Battlefield Games

From Xfire: "With the next game being a return to the classic XX42 formula, now is as good a time as any to make an utterly definitive and in no possible way controversial ranking of the Battlefield games we've enjoyed over the years, with which undoubtedly nobody will take issue in the comment section. Right? Okay then - here we go, from least good to best."

OMNlPOTENT1040d ago

Battlefield 1 above 4 and Bad Company 2? Not a chance.

Ruegrong1040d ago

battlefield 4 was broken as shit on launch same as battlefield 3

isarai1040d ago

Bad company 2 was still my favorite, sure it was a bit gimped compared to the rest if the series but more fun and far more satisfying weapon unlocks.

XxINFERNUSxX1040d ago (Edited 1040d ago )

Battlefield 1942 + both expansions are my all time favorite, it can still be played online to this day. Vietnam would be my 2nd, 3rd Battlefield 2, last BF2142 the rest I didn't care for. They really need to remake from the ground up in the new engine BF1942. Next year it will be 20 yrs since it was released. If they don't at least to me would be a disservice. ☹

CoNn3rB1039d ago

"erasing that simply reinforces toxic male privilege." I see the writer is one of those types of people...


Battlefield ? - The Curious Case for Sustained Seasonal Battlefield and an All-New Bad Company

AusGamers was curious at the lack of a new Battlefield or even Bad Company at this year's E3 and posited questions around the series' future through one of their expert Battlefield players. The end result is a deep-dive on how EA and DICE should look at the modern landscape in games and potentially reposition their development and support priorities.

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PhoenixUp1764d ago

I’ve given up hope waiting on a new Bad Company game.

Kornholic1764d ago (Edited 1764d ago )

Yeah and even if they did make a new Bad Company, I'm not so sure they could make a good Bad Company. The last good BF game came out in 2013. After that it has got progressively worse. BF1 and BFV are just bad, I can't stand the gameplay.

CBaoth1764d ago (Edited 1764d ago )

The rumors of Bad Company 3 launching alongside PS5 n Nxtbox in 2020 need to be true. EA could use some good PR. A highly requested game minus loot boxes minus interviews from dumbass Dice employees might do the trick. Well at least 2 outta 3 aint bad. Probably a better chance seeing pigs fly than an EA game w/o loot boxes

TargusX1764d ago

I wish they'd added a full-featured offline bots mode to BC2 & DLC - I'd still be playing it!

DaniMacYo1764d ago (Edited 1764d ago )

I’ve always wanted Battlefield to have bots like cod black ops giving the player a lot of creative options.

CorndogBurglar1764d ago

The funny thing is Battlefield games did used to have an offline bots mode. In Battlefield 2 you could play single player and it was just like playing a normal MP match except the enemies were AI.

Inzo1764d ago

They are too busy slapping out fires and there Battle Royal is DOA.

Father__Merrin1764d ago

Great game series just bought bf1/titanfall 2 double pack on origin the player count is awful I know there a couple of years old but it's not worth it. This is one reason your better sticking to consoles

CorndogBurglar1764d ago (Edited 1764d ago )

Titanfa 2's player count has been pretty bad for a long time, even on consoles. That game deserved so much more because it's great. But EA screwed them over by having it release between Battlefield and COD's releases that year. They also had next to no advertising for it. Not to mention it was the first time TF was going to be on anything other than Xbox, so it could have really used a better release with some actual advertising.

As for BF1? It's just not a very good game. If it was then player could would not he a problem at all on PC. When Battlefield was still good the player count was never a problem whatsoever on PC. Even years later. Hell, people still play Battlefield 2 on PC...

The real problem with Battlefield isn't the platform it's being played on. It's that the franchise has been dumbed down so much. BF1 was the beginning of that. It was the first truly disappointing BF game. If it had been good there would still be countless people paying for servers and running their BF games for years to come just like all the previous BF releases.

Father__Merrin1764d ago

Well titanfall 2 Multiplayer all I can ever find is attrition but only after waiting a long time its massively underrated. But I'm slowly playing single player instead it's a top tier AAA game imo

CorndogBurglar1764d ago

For sure! Titanfall 2 is fantastic game with a really great single player campaign, even if it is a bit short. It hit me in the feels, for sure.

But again, TF2 was the first time TF was multiplatform, so a lot of people had no experience with it outside of Xbox One users. And on top of that they released it in between the releases of Battlefield 1 and CoD with no advertising, which is just suicide for a FPS franchise that is trying to make name for itself.

It's a shame because TF2 was better than both BF1 and COD that year.

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