Abash3007d ago (Edited 3007d ago )

Wow was not expecting this. Both Lionhead and Press Play facing closures? Best of luck to the developers at both studios.

MightyNoX3007d ago

I did, seeing how Phil cancelled Shangheist and cancelled Phantom Dust.

Rare will be next.

Mikefizzled3007d ago

Phil put Phantom Dust into motion. They cancelled the Darkside Games version of it because it wasn't up to quality.
I don't know how much I believe it but it's becoming less plausible that quality was his reason.

KaZeDaRKWIND3007d ago

I wouldn't mind. Maybe the Rare employees who are left could actually make decent games again.

breakpad3007d ago

it was damn obvious ..the game itself was frivolous at least

UltraNova3007d ago

WOW that was abrupt! What the hell is happening down at Redmond?

Best of luck to the affected...

dirkdady3007d ago (Edited 3007d ago )

The way MS went about on the phantom dust "cancellation" was shady at best. Darkside found out the project was shelved rather publically along with everyone else.

I know ms technically extended the name and says it's not cancelled but back in October Greenberg reconfirmed that there is no new dev attached to this project (I.e. Shelved or cancelled - take ur pick).

uptownsoul3007d ago

I hope all the paid staff find somewhere to work (and hopefully with similar pay)...

dirkdady3007d ago

Makes you kinda think about msft's long term strategy.
The main reason any first party manufacturer runs studios is to beef up its library to set its console apart from others. I think we've seen from playstation that while they've had their share of closures they've been also willing to run studios with razor thin margins and take greater risks with niche titles as long as it contributed to the ecosystem.

Just what is msft thinking to make them make such moves.

morganfell3007d ago

"Makes you kinda think about msft's long term strategy."

Use funds garnered from studio closures to purchase timed exclusive launches on the Windows 10 store.

4Sh0w3007d ago (Edited 3007d ago )

It's business so this happens sometimes but I really wasn't expecting Lionhead to close and it's strange that a game which is basically almost complete with positive feedback from the beta is being cancelled. I wonder what really happened internally with Lionhead to cause this???

Best of luck to the devs and staff at Lionhead, hope they get a new position with Microsoft or elsewhere if possible.

Fable Legends played well and it was a pretty different game than the all too familiar cookie cutter stuff, plus its done so no reason not to at least release the game.

Gazondaily3007d ago

Got a source to say Phantom Dust is cancelled? Spencer is the one who made a push for Dust to be made in the first place, although its future seems sketchy.

jmac533007d ago

@Morganfell what money? They just cancelled a game that was almost fully developed. The only way to really recoup that investment is to sell the game. I would say MS is at a loss doing this.

Kingthrash3603007d ago

Yeah, keep ignoring it. But they are on the way out of console gaming. This is huge news...I thought the game was almost done. People were saying the alpha was great....wow. I'm stunned by this news.

Mr Pumblechook3007d ago

What an absolute cluster truck.

Just two days ago I received an email from Lionhead that said "Fable Legends - A new reason to play every day." Now the game is being cancelled and the studio is likely for the chop. The development of this game has been an utter mess. Switching it to 'free' with microtransactions and always online didn't help. But what baffles me is how did development get so far, just weeks before final release, only for it to be cancelled?

BitbyDeath3007d ago

Fable was one of MS's biggest IPS, if they're only keeping ones above it then that only leaves


Ninty should buy RARE back before they get shutdown.

morganfell3007d ago (Edited 3007d ago )


You do not know the real status of the development. You can assume but you should be well aware of that which assumption is the mother.

Time does not equal percentage of completion.

Now you can say that Phil remarked on it being in Beta. Are you really buying into that? He knew last week the status of what was happening and what did he say?

There is still an ad budget, distribution, bonuses, and other matters to which one must attend. As well there is the projected operating costs for said studios which are forecast one if not more years in advance. Then there are the funds to be gained from selling off assets from the company which is going to happen. Lack of useful engagement means people are leaving and assets will be sold

Rayven3007d ago

The article's title is a clickbait. I read the article and Fable's cancellation was not mentioned. It probably will be cancelled, but one should not add things to the title that was not mentioned. The original title in the website does not mention anything about a cancellation either.

Whoever posted this article here jumped the gun when they said Fable Legends is cancelled. We don't know yet for sure.

rainslacker3007d ago (Edited 3007d ago )


Second paragraph right after the one sentence paragraph which starts the announcement

"After much consideration we have decided to CEASE DEVELOPMENT on Fable Legends, and are in discussions with employees about the proposed closure of Lionhead Studios in the UK. Additionally, we will close Press Play Studios in Denmark, and sunset development on Project Knoxville."

While it's possible it could come back later, as of right now, it is effectively cancelled, and rarely do projects get restarted at another studio....although it is known to happen.

This is directly from MS, using their own blog. If they had intentions to continue it elsewhere, they likely would have said they are looking for a new dev and more info would come soon.

IamTylerDurden13006d ago

Yet, microsoft fans STILL claim Phantom Dust isn't cancelled. It's honestly sad to see ms run Fable and Lionhead into the ground.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 3006d ago
-Foxtrot3007d ago (Edited 3007d ago )

I didn't like the look of Fable Legends but I was hoping it would be the Fable franchises multiplayer line of games while the main games took on a more single player approach.

Such a shame

Perjoss3007d ago ShowReplies(3)
javauns3007d ago

This make no sense, I literally played this game a few days ago. They should have released it and patched their way through. Then put the rest of the team on a single player fable. But the other studios closing too is crazy. I guess the board members are really pressuring the xbox gaming division so they have to trim some fat. No wonder the other studios are stuck in the sequel position and don't take chances on new IPs.

Kavorklestein3006d ago (Edited 3006d ago )

It could be to trim some fat, but it might not just be simply "money"... it also could be because
Lionhead was asking for too much and taking too long for MS to feel comfortable with letting them continue development at their expense.
Especially considering this was for a free to play game, a game that even LIONHEAD must have had no faith in to go the free to play route...

And, to be honest, the game had nothing new to present, like I literally didn't see any progress or anything that excited me at all in what was shown in recent months, in fact, the recent footage sometimes looked downgraded from the initial reveal.
And this is after announcing it almost 3 years ago.

Lionhead only has themselves to blame.
You can't tell me that a freaking MOBA takes 3 years to develop.
Was one lone programmer doing all the work?
I mean for f***'s sake, that is REALLY pathetic.

A person could probably go to school for game design, work at an Indie studio and have a moba, an rts, and a platformer mostly completed in 3 damn years if they really wanted to.

The people affected have my sympathy of course, but when it comes to games, you gotta stay relevant.
Especially when Lionhead did make some great games in the past.
I mean,
They can't just keep making games with the same cheesy art style over and over, games with less and less features, and depth, and expect to stick around when it's clear as day that they showed that they were losing finesse, going stagnant and sitting around with no new or captivating ideas.

In the end, nobody truly knows all the details, but if ya ask me,
Lionhead has been around long enough to be better than they have become.
I personally feel like they got lazy, and deserve this outcome.

Overload3007d ago (Edited 3007d ago )

Yeah, I didn't expect this.

This doesn't seem "more committed" than they've ever been though.

Gazondaily3007d ago

Well it depends on how the game was turning out. If it was looking to be a money sink and there were quality concerns then it might have been best to flush it down the toilet. I never played the beta so I'm not sure.

Kingthrash3603007d ago

Fable was a known franchise of ms. I've heard many people say it was good...for a beta. It was almost done, why not just delay it....wait it didn't even have a release date. This had been a rough 2 weeks for Xbox only gamers.

Kryptix3007d ago (Edited 3007d ago )

The game was gonna come out in 2016. They straight up didn't give Lionhead Studios a chance to see how well it would do. That's pretty low on Microsoft's part to destroy a developer's dream when it was close to being finished.

A part of me wants to believe that the project will be sourced to another studio, since it was more than halfway done, but I highly doubt it. Nobody knows how to expand and design Fable more than Lionhead Studios. The only Fable I played and finished was 2, but it was a good game, yo so I did have some respect for the developers that were there.

rainslacker3007d ago

I wouldn't commit to saying it's totally canned at the moment. They may have intention to carry on the project elsewhere, but as of right now, don't have a plan of action on that aspect.

It does seem rather odd, given that it's so close to release, to close up shop at the dev instead of just releasing it unless the game was an utter mess.

The typical reason a successful studio gets shut down is because it's more cost effective to not have it running, in which case they could have at least rode it out for the release of the game(which was very soon as I recall), and moved long term support for the title onto another studio which was cheaper to operate.

Even closing up shop costs substantial amounts of money, so makes more sense to just let them operate for a few months...although I've long since tried to understand why big corporations do some of the seemingly stupid things they do, because spreadsheets tend to beat common sense.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3007d ago
Sevir3007d ago

It's tough in the game industry, you're not truly safe as first party or 3rd party, and it's difficult being indie!

It's sad these creative studios are facing closures, I sure hope these developers find new homes and new endeavors to put food on the table for their families.

3007d ago
showtimefolks3007d ago

Fable legends looked bad/uninteresting

RiseofScorpio3007d ago

Still really dumb to dump 3 years of work.

mafia_pc3007d ago

i played it and it's not that bad and it's supposed to be free

XanderZane3007d ago

The game was actually very good and looked incredible in action. You must not have played it.

rainslacker3007d ago (Edited 3007d ago )


Maybe not dumb. Not up to date on FL, but if the game was not very good, then pulling the plug may just save them more time and money in the long run. Being a game that required constant server access to use, as well as continuous content updates, it's not just a release and be done with it kind of situation.

If MS truly feels that the game will be a money sink due to it's quality or appeal(again, have no clue on it's quality, just discussing hypotheticals), then there is no sense in continuing it's development. Even though they're losing a lot by not following through, they're just cutting their losses, instead of incurring more.

If this was a SP game, and of reasonably good quality, it would probably not be canned, and the studio would probably remain open until the project was finished.

CitizenFour3006d ago

I played the beta, and I was pretty disappointed. If they would have made a classic Fable game.. like Fable 4 maybe? I think things may have been different.
Fable 1, 2 and 3 were all pretty classic Fable games. Why they decided to change a working formula is unclear. Would have loved a new "classic" Fable RPG. Really hoping they don't kill of Fable completely.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3006d ago
AngelicIceDiamond3007d ago

Horrible wtf happen MS see now this is negative news not X1 games goin to PC. Fable Legends was looking up to par then it ever did.

MS trying to stay relevant in the game industry but yet pull off this crap...


lxeasy3007d ago

Such a shame I was looking forward to Fable Legends...smh I can't two very talented studios are closing.

ChuckTheIceMan3007d ago

How is this any different than Sony and Ready at dawn?

Rimgal3007d ago

Sony does not own and never owned Ready at dawn. They are an independent studio that worked on some Sony IPs. Just like Insomniac, From Software and many more.

And the studio is not closed.

notachance3007d ago

where did you pull that phrase from lol

rainslacker3007d ago (Edited 3007d ago )

Ready at Dawn was closed? In june they just appointed a new CEO...and as far as I know, are working on their engine for commercial release.

In any case, Sony does not have the ability to close down R@D, because they do not own it.

Other Sony studios were closed due to either being redundant, or not profitable enough to maintain their existence. Some were absorbed into other studios....which makes operating costs lower.

Otherwise, it's not much different. However, given that a rather high profile title, from an established IP that was releasing this year and is looking to be nearing the end of initial development was also stopped, the news is different, because I'm not aware of Sony ever just canning a project, then shutting down a studio like that...although it's possible, and likely that has happened and we just didn't know about the projects.

MRMagoo1233006d ago

I'm not sure but this MAY be the most stupid comment I have ever seen not just because of the obvious xbone fanboy damage control but the fact it's completely not real

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3006d ago
Nintentional3007d ago

If only this happened to Metroid Prime: Federation Force instead 😕

XanderZane3007d ago

I wasn't either, especially since Fable Legends was almost done. I've been playing it for the past few months and the game was great. Only reason I see them cancelling it was because it was going to be a FREE game and they would only get money from in game transactions. After the excellent Max and the Curse of Brotherhood, I don't know what they were working on. This really sucks.

3007d ago
mEATgrinder3006d ago

Better start looking for work because you failed to deliver

IamTylerDurden13006d ago

I was, every time i saw Fable Legends or heard about the ridiculous whoring of the Fable brand i cringed. I fully expected Lionhead to dissipate into dust and the Fable brand to erode into nothingness.

It's a joke what ms did to Fable. A horrid Kinect game and a cancelled free to play, what did u expect?

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3006d ago
Genuine-User3007d ago (Edited 3007d ago )

"we have decided to cease development on Fable Legends, and are in discussions with employees about the proposed closure of Lionhead Studios in the UK"

Damn man!

I wish everyone affected the best of luck.

DragonDDark3007d ago

The f*** just happened..?

*jaw drops*

MatrixxGT3007d ago

This is what MS meant by " not all Xbox games will come to PC".

IamTylerDurden13006d ago

It didn't just happen, after Peter left ms raped the brand. Yet, ppl still tried to act optimistic about Fable Legends. I'm as big a Fable fan as there is, and Fable Legends and the Kinect game sickened me.

Funny how much venom Peter gets. Meanwhile, ms dismantled the the entire Fable brand and Lionhead itself.

TwoForce3007d ago

Jesus Christ ! That's very bad to be honest. I didn't expect this.

ThePope3007d ago

Ive heard nothing but great things about Fable Legends. Weird.

MasterCornholio3007d ago

This is so sudden........

I really wasn't expecting this.

Goldby3007d ago (Edited 3007d ago )

Well slap me Silly, and call me Petunia."

No jokes though, i hope even more success for the guys from Lionhead in the future.

AngelicIceDiamond3007d ago

Clearly I don't work for MS but MS has all this money so what the hell happen? Upset right now MS E3 is very questionable now I dunno how good its going to be this year tbh.

iceman063007d ago

This seems to provide more evidence to the fact that, although MS has huge amounts of cash and could theoretically spend for years, there are some restrictions as to how much they can or will spend. (much like every other company in the industry) No knock on MS, just maybe adding common sense to the ubiquitous notion that MS has virtually unlimited resources to apply to gaming.

rainslacker3007d ago

Closing a studio isn't inherently bad, but it depends on what they are doing with the people from those studios, and where the work those studios are doing is going to....if it's going anywhere.

Closing a studio and consolidating it into other studios by making those studios into a team within another studio, can be cost effective, and deliver the same results in terms of games. The one studio who made Wipeout for Sony was consolidated into one of their bigger studios as I recall(details are fuzzy, they had a few studio closures at that time).

The cancellation though was kind of a shock, although there's a chance that they plan to move development elsewhere....but the closing at the same time seems odd since LH could have at least finished it for the initial release.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3006d ago
Rimgal3007d ago (Edited 3007d ago )

That's weird. Wasn't Fable Legends supposed to come this spring?

But regardless best of luck for those who lost their job.

SpaceRanger3007d ago (Edited 3007d ago )

Yeah they kept touting it in their "best line up" ads and pushed it right before the suspected fall launch in 2015. They even showed it in those monthly Major Nelson videos saying how great it runs, which to me made me think it was just about ready. It's not the first time unfortunately that this has happened to a game though, and it won't be the last.

I likewise wish those at this studio the best of luck! I'm sure their top talent will be picked up by supporting studios in the UK.

Kribwalker3007d ago

I was in the closed beta. It played fantastic and the graphics were great. Don't understand why they'd cancel it...

Rimgal3007d ago

Yeah but how do you go from Closed Beta to Closed Down the whole studio just like that? Just seems weird to me.

Something must have happened for MS to do this.

javauns3007d ago

The ms stock value dropped lol. Man I love my xbox but moves like this confuse me.

UnHoly_One3007d ago

Yeah I don't get this at all.

Having played in the beta, the game looked like it could have been released months ago.

It was going to be Free to Play anyway, why wouldn't they just release it as-is?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3007d ago
Manic20143007d ago

Damn, was not expecting that. Best of luck to those talented people!

G20WLY3007d ago

Totally. It's a pretty day for those guys. Another once-great studio ruined. It's bad news for the fans too, but to a less serious degree of course.

dumahim3007d ago

I don't think they would consider it a pretty day.

PancakeLova3007d ago

So is my character from beta not going to be carrying over?

Xavior_Reigns3007d ago

@ Foxtrot

LOL geez man too harsh.

nix3007d ago

I guess it's time to light few candles and say a little prayer to those characters.


notachance3007d ago

the cloud will carry them to heaven or something now

dumahim3007d ago

Maybe the power of the cloud will finish development.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3007d ago
MrSwankSinatra3007d ago

carrying over to what? they just said they're canceling fable legends all together.

DonkeyWalrus3007d ago

Well no sh*t he was making a joke

SpaceRanger3007d ago (Edited 3007d ago )

"So is my character from beta not going to be carrying over?"

+bubble up for making a funny!

But to reiterate what everyone above me said, it sounds like there won't be anything to carry over to.

Goldby3007d ago

I wonder if WoW would make a stature somwehere for them in their game lol

wenaldy3007d ago

It's over man. Game over!!!

christocolus3007d ago

This news is really sad but your comment made me LOL. That was funny.

I wish the teams at both studios all the best in their future endeavours.

RiseofScorpio3007d ago

I wanted to play as the guy with the Crossbow in the final release :(

Khaotic3007d ago (Edited 3007d ago )

You just have to find a way to let go. It's hard but your toon is in a better place now.

jb2273007d ago

Screw your character progress, what will happen to my preorder?

XanderZane3007d ago

If the game is cancelled, there's nothing to carry it over to. I had just updated the game last week.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3007d ago
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10 Biggest Xbox Mistakes of All Time (So Far)

The Xbox brand has done a lot of good over the years, but their various blunders are pretty wild to look back on in their magnitude.

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piroh7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

Ironically number 9 can save them at this point (releasing games on multiple platforms)

ChasterMies6d ago

By “save them” you mean make more profit for Microsoft. Xbox will still be a dying hardware platform.

OtterX6d ago

You could add the naming scheme for the consoles, it just confuses customers. I know they wanted to avoid traditional numbering bc it would always be lower than their competitor, but this whole 360 then One then Series thing is confusing af. Imagine a Soccer Mom trying to figure this stuff out. I still mistakenly call the Series X the One from time to time on accident.

RNTody6d ago

Don't forget about the Xbox One, Xbox One X and Xbox Series X! Good luck to Soccer moms around the world.

S2Killinit6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

They did that on purpose to confuse and direct attention away from the generational numbering.

MS doesn’t like reminding people that they joined the industry after others had already been involved in gaming.

For instance, they called the xbox “360” to combat PlayStation “3” because they wanted to seem like “more” than “3”, so instead of xbox 2, they opted for xbox 360. Also this had the additional benefit of selling consoles to uninformed parents who might purchase a “360” instead of a “3” by mistake, or because they thought 360 was more than 3. Kind of a disingenuous move.

They have been continuing with their confusing naming patterns for pretty much the same reasons. Frankly, it fits with who and what they are as a brand.

FinalFantasyFanatic5d ago

I can understand their reasoning, but whoever came up with that naming scheme should be fired, bad naming schemes have killed consoles (I'm pretty sure it was the major reason for the downfall of the WiiU). They should have had unqiue names like Nintendo and Sega have had for their consoles, far less confusing for the consumer.

rob-GP2d ago

@FinalFantasyFanatic "They should have had unqiue names like Nintendo..."

lol, you mean:

GameBoy, GameBoy Advanced, GameBoy Colour, GameBoy SP
3DS, 3DS XL, New 3DS, New 3DS XL
Wii, Wii U
Switch, Switch OLED

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2d ago
Cacabunga6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Phil Spencer is the worst that has happened to Xbox.
They built a respectable brand up to Xbox one. Then this guy took over and things became a joke

Reaper22_6d ago

He still has his job. Something you can't say about Jim Ryan.

Cacabunga6d ago

Both bad execs. One is on job and one thankfully retired.

FinalFantasyFanatic5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

I didn't like either person, both people damaged their respective brands and produced worse outcomes, but Phil did save the Xbox brand from being retired by Microsoft. Although in hindsight, he should have just let it die, rather than languish in limbo like it is now.

Rainbowcookie5d ago

Yeah but the one that was "bad" didn't even affect sales.

bunt-custardly6d ago

Phil Spencer was also on the team back when 360 was around, alongside Shane Kim, Peter Moore etc. I think the damage that did the most harm was the Don Mattrick "Always Online" console (ahead of its time basically). They handed Sony and Nintendo a free-pass when that was revealed. It went downhill from there. Then the corporate machine went into full swing to try and recover. They have to a degree as a games company for the masses, and less so for the core gamer. Outside USA, the Xbox brand does not sell as well as Japanese based consoles (citation needed).

Cacabunga6d ago

Want a decision maker. The always online and TV plans was a disaster yes, but they caught up by announcing 1st party games that gamers actually kept the hype going.. until this moron took over and introduced the PC day one release.. e all know where that ended..

S2Killinit6d ago

I dont think they were ever a respectable brand, not since the beginning, when their goal was never to be involved and share in the gaming space. I think the OG xbox was an exception because MS as a brand was still getting its foot in and so the people behind that were people of the gaming industry.

FinalFantasyFanatic5d ago

The 360 was the brand in its prime though, everything went downhill towards the end of that generation. Its staple games like Halo, Forza and Gears are what kept the console relevant and afloat for so long.

MaximusPrime_6d ago

Really good video.

I remember the days with RRoD was big news on here, N4G.

Microsoft had it turbulence number of years.

Looking at the success of Sea of Thieves despite being 6 years old, time to release Halo, Forza horizon 4 & 5 on PS5. It'll help their revenue

shinoff21836d ago (Edited 6d ago )

2 of the 4 games they did already sold really well. So it's definitely going down. Idk about halo or forza but I feel those studios they've bought in the last 5 years, their coming

ChasterMies6d ago

I found this video painful to watch. Can someone list them out?

Top 10 for me from are:
1. 2013 reveal presentation
2. Bundling Kinect 2 with Xbox One
3. RRoD or why rushing to market with hardware is always a bad idea.
4. Buying studios only to close them.
5. Ads on the Home Screen
6. Letting Halo die.
7. Letting Geard of War die.
8. Every console name
9. Charging for Xbox Live on Xbox 360 when Sony let PS3 players play online for free.
10. Cancelling release of OG Xbox games after the Xbox 360 launched.

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Microsoft to Add Copilot AI to Video Games

Microsoft recently revealed its plans to incorporate Copilot directly into video games, with Minecraft being the first showcased example.

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Fishy Fingers11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

F*** AI

"Hey Copilot, what's a good meme to prove I dislike AI".... https://giphy.com/clips/sou...

Einhander197211d ago

Two trillion dollar company that just can't wait to put as many people possible out of work as fast as possible.

It feels like every single thing they do is making gaming worse and destroying the industry.

11d ago
11d ago
11d ago
darthv7210d ago

....you know it takes people to program the AI.... right? It isnt like it is sentient. We haven't reach skynet level of situation or anywhere close to the matrix just yet.

That's next Thursday.

Einhander197210d ago (Edited 10d ago )

It takes a people to program the AI then that AI is used for who knows how many games eliminating countless jobs which only grows as AI is used for more and more game creation functions.

What you're saying is so ridiculously short sighted and truly larking any kind of understanding and foresight.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 10d ago
CaptainFaisal10d ago

Why all the hate? Im actually excited about this! Always wanted this kind of immersion, and an AI companion with me all the time helping me out knowing the status of my skills/inventory/progress and giving me tips on the best approach or how to craft something specific is game changing for the industry.

Hate all you want about AI, but this is just the start and I can see the potential already. You wont be complaining in the next 5-10 years about this, but rather complain if a game hasn’t implemented it.

MrDead10d ago

Yes we can't wait for the work of others to be used without the need to pay them so that MS can profit even more from the people they fire.

I_am_Batman10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

There is no chance I'd ever use something like this, especially if it's not part of the core game design, but a layer on top of it. It's way too much handholding. Many games already feel like busy work, because they don't let the player figure things out on their own. Having a real-time interactive guide defeats the purpose of playing the game in the first place in my opinion.

If this were to become the standard like you predict, we'll see more and more video games get away with bad design, because people will just be used to ask for help from the AI companion anyway.

Number1TailzFan10d ago

Well Nintendo don't need this with some of their games these days, with invincible characters, items, easy bosses etc.. they do the hand holding built in

helicoptergirl10d ago

Takes "hand holding" in games to a whole new level.

BlackDoomAx9d ago

Because human nature xD Almost every new technology had these kind of comments.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 9d ago
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Activision team is opening a new game studio in Poland 'Elsewhere Entertainment' to build new AAA IP

Microsoft's Activision subsidiary announced today that it is opening a new game development studio to take advantage of the huge talent pool growing in Poland. It'll be the second Activision studio based in the region, joining Infinity Ward Krakow, although this studio is, in fact, not working on Call of Duty.

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Psychonaut8514d ago

They’re not working on Call of Duty? Give it time.