
Far Cry Primal Review - IMGMR

“Where must we go, we who wander this wasteland, in search of our better selves.” (- The First History Man)

Aziiizou3017d ago

Interesting, its a good review i cant wait to play it! <3

FunkyGoron3017d ago

I have never played a Far Cry game. Picked this up and am enjoying it a lot. I enjoy the spear throwing and bow and arrow tactics a lot more than I think I would the gun-play from other Far Cry games.

I was interested in the setting, very excited for Horizon, but I am shocked at how many people seem to be against Primal. "CTRL C + CTRL V" etc...

Definitely feels like it's own experience and the language used in the game is really neat. It's cool how you can see/feel the emotion when the characters talk, yet... it all sounds like gibberish to me while playing.

It's awesome to ride a bear, hop off and send him to kill an enemy. Call my owl to dive bomb some enemies, then chuck my maxed out spear at guys and throw it through their head.

I also love wandering around the world and I see animals fighting and birds picking up goats.

I will say... I was in the prison camp for the Udam leader guy and I was looking up at the "cave leader"... could've sworn he was having sex with someone at the top of the cave.

I shot him in the face with my long-bow and that was that.

Smitty20203017d ago

I am really enjoying the game tbh yea it has some farcry 4 elements involved but it doesn't bother me in the slightest. I would recommend the game to ppl I have an Sabertooth tiger as my companion now ;)

nassour3017d ago

Enjoyed the the first and the third, thinking of getting into this one


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VivaChe790d ago

These are ok and all, but the real jackpot is the AC Antiquity Pack - AC Origins + Odyssey for under $25.00. Now that's a deal.


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Chronological Order of All Far Cry Games

From Xfire: "The Far Cry franchise is one of the most well-known names when it comes to video games, thanks to its exotic settings and lunatic (yet lovable) villains. The chronology of the main series is pretty straight forward, they're set in the year they were released in. While there isn't a lot of confusion surrounding the timeline of Far Cry 1-6, the stand-alone expansions and spin-offs make the chronology iffy."

iplay1up21199d ago

Playing Far Cry 4 on my Series X. It was on my backlog of games played, but never beat. The gameplay is so much better at 60fps. I am liking the fact some games I own and like are getting a free boost. It gives me a reason to go back and play them more.

DaleCooper1198d ago

Trying this tonight. 60fps Far Cry sounds great! (I don't have a gaming PC, so this is the only way I'm going to get 60fps with this game.)