
Harmonix Start Crowdfunding Campaign To Bring Rock Band 4 To PC

Harmonix Music Systems, Inc. has today commenced a Fig crowdfunding campaign to bring Rock Band 4 to PC players. During the next 35 days, fans will get the chance to own a piece of Rock Band history by supporting the project and making their Rock Band dreams come true.

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crazychris41242990d ago (Edited 2990d ago )

This must be a joke but April fools day is a month away. Why does a publisher need crowd funding? Plus Mad Catz helped fund RB4 too. Harmonix and Mad Catz don't have investors and the funds to make a PC version? That isn't a good sign if they can't collect $2 million.

Can't wait for EA to launch a kickstarter for Battlefront 2.

Resis7ance2990d ago

I know right, sounds like madness.

Heyxyz2990d ago

You took the words right out of my mouth.

What kind of fool would support this? Anybody who knows anything about how publishers work would know that this is stupid.

This is going to sound mean, but I hope they fail. If they succeed it will allow other "AAA" devs to think that they can do this also.

2990d ago
krazeecain2990d ago

Screw that. They fart in our faces by ignoring our platform then beg us for money before making the port? You've got to be sh!tting me...

There's no valid reasoning for this. They want to gauge consumer interest? Try a survey campaign... They don't have enough money to make the port? Don't make me laugh.

"fans will get the chance to own a piece of Rock Band history by supporting the project and making their Rock Band dreams come true."

GAG. ...Are they pretending to be indie devs or something? This is so gross.

gif2990d ago (Edited 2990d ago )

BS..Please don't support this.

acetken2990d ago

... You guys are aware that Harmonix hasn't been owned by Vivendi for years now, right? They're not a publisher. They are independant. You are far too butthurt over them re-adding Rock Band Network and adding a PC version that will have a crap-ton of free songs, AND works with other instruments from other platforms. This opens up so many homebrew songs it's insane.
But go ahead and be mad because you got your facts wrong. That'll show them.

krazeecain2990d ago

The fact that they're adding steam workshop support for songs is pretty cool, but they should've released the game for PC at launch in the first place. I'm f#ckin' sick of publishers ignoring our platform (or delaying the PC release), then deciding to port their games when they decide they want more money, and want to artificially extend the games life cycle.

That last point is key here. The longer their game stays relevant, the more sales they get on ALL platforms.

crazychris41242990d ago

They were partnered with Mad Catz who helped publish the game. Unless Mad Catz dumped them idk why we should support this. It is possible since they had to cut 37% o their workforce to save $5 million a year. But they did report strong RB4 sales so why not take out a loan to make the PC version?? Im gonna try and contact Harmonix and Mad Catz to see what the hell is going on.

acetken2990d ago (Edited 2990d ago )

Because Mad Catz nearly went broke for mis-management reasons. They partnered because it made business sense; one software maker, one peripheral maker. Each requires the other. They're not taking out a loan because... well, they are. This shows interest which is a good way for investors to show that they will make money back. Nobody invests because they don't want money.

acetken2990d ago (Edited 2990d ago )

So, just so we understand each other, people are now mad because this wasn't made at the same time? People were mad when it was on console because it didn't have enough features. The game as it is now (When that patch releases this week) is how it should have launched, but it couldn't because they were and are nearly broke.
The fact that I spent $60 on a game I've spent this much time with and used at parties constantly nearly 6 months ago is okay to me. I'll re-spend to get it on my preferred platform WITH RBN. Now when I trade in my PS4, I can still play Rock Band on my PC with way more songs, better framerate, and a 4k display. I'll gladly pay $49 for that. I want more Rock Band games in the future, so hell yes I'll support a company that makes them and includes the ability to carry purchased songs forward.
Frankly, if this kind of game is your bag and you're mad because you had to wait a while, but are getting a far superior version... Well, that just seems insane.
And it was delayed due to licensing issues for the PC. They didn't have to do this at all. And of course they want more money, they want to keep Rock Band (And their company as a whole) going, and this is a good way to do so.

Razputin2990d ago

Well its mainly because people just aren't smart.

I have every Rock Band title and literally over 500 pieces of DLC for the game not including the few I can't redownload for RB4.

This game is the main reason my PS4 gets used.

I am going to happily help fund this and hope for the best.

Wonder what will happen with DLC, backlog songs, and instruments

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