PhoenixUp3016d ago

Fix the title of your article.

Also this sounds like a sad day for PSP gamers

albertperk3016d ago

Thank You, bad typo on my phone when submitting should have checked first.

Yes, a sad day indeed. Hopefully the same isn't to come soon for Vita as well.

3016d ago
UltraNova3015d ago

Sad day but insignificant as well since you can always use your ps3 or online store to browse games.

As for Vita and its store it wont be going anywhere anytime soon. Sony supports their platforms for at least 10 years, something they proved time and time again.

It was about time they cut the PSP cord.


3-4-53016d ago

I'm still having a ton of fun on my psp. Any game I want to download though can be played on my Vita so it will just carry over to there.

rainslacker3016d ago (Edited 3016d ago )

It's an inconvenient day at least. Store isn't required to get games on the PSP, but it's handy....although I don't care for it much, and just prefer to download the games to the PS3 and transfer them over. this does mean I can't flip through the games in the store on my PSP anymore, but I've found it's easier to search on the web store from my PC, or use the Vita store.

_-EDMIX-_3016d ago

Agreed, but PSP had a very some strong long term support, 10 plus years of it.

As long as you can still buy titles off of PSN and just transfer, no biggie. I rarely actually used the store for buying games on the PSP as much as I would buy on PS3 when I saw sales and just transfer later.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3015d ago
2pacalypsenow3016d ago

You can still access your content through the online store

travestyj3016d ago

And purchase new games through the PlayStation store website

AizenSosuke3016d ago

Sad day for my PSP since 2009 I've enjoyed it, you shall be missed!

2pacalypsenow3016d ago (Edited 3016d ago )

Still remember buying it in 2005 with Tony Hawk underground 2

Deeeeznuuuts3016d ago

Same here man, good days, I remember been that excited that o didn't know how to put the UMD into the PSP XD ended up taking the plastic casing off the disk and trying to put it in XD lol I was young and foolish hahahaha

DragonDDark3016d ago (Edited 3016d ago )

Loved using my PSP but it is old now and Sony has the ps vita to focus on.
end of an era.

3016d ago Replies(2)
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A Look Back at The Best PSP Racing Games

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darthv72170d ago

I had to buy the import as it was not released in NA. Much better than the first, which was great as well.

Terry_B170d ago

Aye. Still playing it from time to time via the emulator. Would buy a PS5 port on day one.

Freecs170d ago

A little bit off topic, but i just got Ridge Racer 7, and it's kicking my butt XD very challenging game but still ahead of its time

darthv72170d ago

I still love to play outrun, sega rally and burnout while just kicking back in bed.

piroh170d ago

So many great memories, so many great games

purple101169d ago


How they got that running on a psp il never know

psplova169d ago

There were so many great racing games on the PSP. I always remember The Race Driver game being one that surprised me..

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You Can Now Create Personalized PS Store Gift Cards

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