
The impossible has happened: Testing Radeon and GeForce together in DirectX 12

PCWorld: The weather forecast for hell is snow. And, yes, those are pigs taking flight. Indeed, one of the most unthinkable events in PC gaming is underway thanks to DirectX 12: GeForce and Radeon cards can run side-by-side in a single PC.

The long-touted, but not quite public feature in DX12 that makes this possible is Explicit Multi-GPU. It lets games parcel out graphics chores to any GPU that supports a multi-GPU mode.

Eonjay2999d ago

Its unbelievable really. AMD has played this perfectly.

darthv722998d ago

And here I thought my old days of running a TNT2 as a primary D3D, 2 voodoo2 (in SLI) for Glide and a PowerVR card for odds and ends was a big deal.

This is much bigger as DX12 lets the current cards work together unlike when (in my situation) I had to specify which API to use for a game and it activated that particular GPU.

donthate2998d ago

AMD played this perfectly, or MS just gave AMD a freaken gift?

AndrewLB2998d ago

AMD had nothing to do with it. This was Microsoft adding a feature that made AMD relevant again. I had read in the past this will also allow the use of pairing your dGPU (graphics card) with the iGPU (integrated Intel GPU which is on most Intel CPUs) so it's not just sitting idle like it is in most of our computers. Even if its just a tiny boost, its welcome.

Bdub20002998d ago

Thats what she said...

This feature does sound awesome.

DarkOcelet2998d ago

A 980Ti with a Fury X.

It would be sick! Hopefully all developers support this feature in their games.

hiredhelp2998d ago

WHATTT You mean the war is over RED and GREEN shake hands..?
The war has been raging longer than well xbox ps2 days thats a long time.
That said this means physics is back on table for AMD users and Nvidia can grab that extra boost for less money. VR Can now be possible!!

AndrewLB2998d ago

Yea. I bought the original Geforce 256 back in 1999. Talk about a game changer! The first 3d graphics card with full hardware transform and lighting, which was first shown off in a groundbreaking game, Giants: Citizen Kabuto (if you haven't played it, you weren't a gamer back then).

Just a peak of a hilarious scene from the game: https://youtu.be/4Sh_VuxYqB...

"Tiiiiimmmmmmmaaaayyyy!& quot;

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2998d ago
Eonjay2999d ago

Oh my goodness. Look at these results. There is no incentive to purchase nVidia at the moment, even if you have an nVidia card as the AMD card and the nVidia card without SLI outpreforms two nVidia cards with SLI.

What in the hell has nVidia done? AMD is destroying them with the new Apis. Why didn't nVidia not prepare?

Pandamobile2999d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

Nvidia was busy fine-tuning the Kepler architecture, while AMD, desperate to regain marketshare, built Mantle.

Mantle subsequently became the blueprint for DX12.

Eonjay2999d ago

Correct. its also the core of Vulkan. A flawless victory for sure.

2998d ago
Eonjay2998d ago



joeorc2998d ago

Eonjay + 16h ago
"Correct. its also the core of Vulkan. A flawless victory for sure"

Exactly..example is they all were root centric for the same thing.


The Vulkan SDK includes an installable client driver-type mechanism that will allow your code to access multiple GPUs on a system. Even if those GPUs are from different vendors. So if you have an Intel CPU with an embedded GPU as well as a discrete AMD GPU, you can access them individually as separate devices or with the update as a single GPU.

donthate2998d ago

Actually MS started on this prior to Mantle and was kind of annoyed when ATi/AMD announced theirs.

That said, nvidia will catch up when they need to. The industry was going one way, and nvidia followed, whereas AMD thought it would go differently, and it didn't so they changed the rules.

AndrewLB2998d ago

Where did you get this nonsense? Mantle is a software abstraction layer designed to work in conjunction with a high level api like OpenGL (later vulcan). If AMD was so instrumental in the creation of DX12, how come nVidia had DX12 cards AND drivers out well before AMD did?

AMD even admits DirectX 12 was Microsofts own creation.

"Robert Hallock: DirectX 12 is Microsoft’s own creation, though they have welcomed input on its development from many different technology partners including AMD (and nVidia)."


Now that i think about it, you seem to be parroting the lie that was spread via Semiaccurate.com's resident Intel/nVidia hater Charlie Dmerjian who loves to make up stuff like this. He still is butt-hurt from losing a bet with Intel executives and was forced to wear a pink bunny suit to the same event the following year.

Back then he worked for theinquirer.net


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Xb1ps42999d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

And just as I think I'm starting to learn enough about pc since I'm in the very earl stage of building one you guys start talking like this and now I'm completely lost on wtf you're talking about..😥😤

This is what has kept me away from pc gaming....

escott0132998d ago

It should draw you in, not keep you away, my friend. This is a beautiful breakthrough in PC gaming. Absolutely beautiful.

ABizzel12998d ago

There are 2 primary GPU manufacturers.

NVIDIA (currently has the most marketshare, and generally have slightly better cards, significantly lower TDP, but higher price).


AMD (the same company powering all 3 consoles right now, and generally have cards that are about as good as the NVIDIA offerings, although much higher TDP, but generally lower pricing).

AMD = Almost as good as NVIDIA, but much more consumer friendly pricing

SLI / Crossfire:
PC's are capable of SLI (NVIDIA) and Crossfire (AMD). These techniques are basically adding another card to get more power. Simple math 1 GPU + 1 GPU = 2x the single GPU power (although it was usually more around 1.5x).

Why Multi-GPU is important:
There use to be a time, where you could only SLI NVIDIA cards with other NVIDIA cards generally of the same kind (could be a different manufacturer though), and the same with AMD to AMD cards.

Well thanks to DX12 we will now be able to mix NVIDIA cards with AMD cards, so you can buy a high-end NVIDIA GPU as your primary and enjoy the benefits of their great standalone performance, as well as their low TDP. And now you can buy a second GPU that's made by AMD for less, that has just as good performance as the NVIDIA card, and get that same SLI/Crossfire boost. It's like when the good guy and his rival join forces to take down an evil boss. AMD and NVIDIA can now work together to make PC more powerful in graphics processing.

Also Multi-GPU shows that cross brand GPU AMD+NVIDIA offers the same tradition 50% boost in performance we've come to expect from tradition SLI/Xfire, but when the same GPU brands are used it scales up by an extra 20% (more performance is alway great).

Why this is huge for AMD:
AMD is far behind NVIDIA in GPU market share, and what has helped them the most is their lower prices. Last checked it was pretty much 75% NVIDIA vs 25% AMD in marketshare. This could bring it to a much more reasonable 65% NVIDIA vs 35% AMD in the span of a couple of years.

Also AMD has been preparing for this switch for the last 3 years, while NVIDIA has been focusing on optimizing their current GPU architecture until the next fabrication node was ready (pretty much everyone was waiting for GPU cores to get smaller so they can add more cores on the die...that's not 100% right, but it's the easiest way to explain it that makes sense). So when the next line-up of GPUs launches sometime later in 2016, AMD might have the advantage for once in a LOOOOONG time against NVIDIA.

*Multi-GPU = big win for PC gamers
*Multi-GPU = big potential win for AMD
*Multi-GPU = a POTENTIAL shift in a more balance market share = more competitive prices for GPUs = a HUGE win for PC gamer

XbladeTeddy2998d ago

"This is what has kept me away from pc gaming!"

Why, are you incapable of learning?

RegorL2998d ago

@ABizzel1 do not forget the biggest (in number of GPUs installed) manufacturer - Intel.

In every recent Intel CPU there is a Vulkan capable GPU sitting idle... (those running serious 3D apps have a plugin GPU, those who don't probably only use 2D)

With DX12(?) and Vulkan(!) you can harvest this unused performance.

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TacticAce2999d ago

I think we can count on one hand how many DX12 games are out there...

Errorist762998d ago

Are there any at all, yet?!

cmgs2998d ago

Except 980 and fury x are not the same class of cards. There is also 980 ti.

FlyingFoxy2998d ago

Well they don't have a 980Ti in the benchmarks so it's kinda unfair to pit the Fury x against a regular 980. They could have at least compared with a Ti.

Errorist762998d ago

Still I would never buy an AMD card atm. Got burned in the he past, constant driver struggles and problems with new games. Had a trouble free life with my NVidia cards since then.

Let's see if AMD puts some effort into their games support.

RegorL2998d ago

That is also the reason for DX12 / Vulkan

MUCH simpler drivers, just exposing the hardware.
Application(Game) is responsible for optimizations...

There will be no need to find the fastest compatible interpretation of every DX11 major game...

Driver teams will still work on optimizing DX11/OpenGL for year to come...

kfk2998d ago (Edited 2998d ago )

AMD's new Crimson drivers are a lot better than Catalyst was.

kevnb2998d ago

almost every game is still dx11 or less, let's see what happens.

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crazychris41242999d ago

Hopefully devs support this. No longer have worry about games and features that are favored towards one brand. Now you can run it all.

Pandamobile2999d ago

I may be wrong on this, but I think cross-vendor GPU support is a native feature of multi-GPU enabled DX12 games.

Eonjay2999d ago

You are correct. I would challenge the definition of native. But you are correct.

Kenshin_BATT0USAI2999d ago

Wasn't this already a thing. A recall for a long time now people had nividia cards specifically for physics while using an Amd card as their main.

OMGitzThatGuy2999d ago

I use to do that but required work arounds and old drivers to work so newer games would suffer and it could only be used for PHYSX.

meche3342998d ago

Now you can use both cards like SLI and not just one for physx

jonivtec2999d ago

I wonder if its gonna be possible to pair the intel integrated gpu with a discrete one???

2998d ago Replies(1)
kstuffs2998d ago

It's possible although you may be thermally limited on a laptop that has this combination.

2998d ago
joeorc2998d ago

Yes, Vulkan already does that & since DirectX12 & Mantle & Vulkan are all pretty much the same thing..the answer is Yes.

jonivtec2997d ago

Cool...now the question is when lolol

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Skuletor5h ago

I remember the same thing in Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Ubisoft sure love to copy paste stuff in their games.

Skuletor3h ago

I just figured out where they got the extra A to make AAAA games, they copy and pasted an extra A 😂

anast3h ago

The complete game will be about $140.

Friendlygamer2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

The mc looks so bland, she needs a cooler outfit and hair or maybe allow people to play as the awesome robot with the duster coat